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good morning yoogals

i tried to post a long reply but soompi is having IPS syndrome again and wipe out all the replies i made..

too bad i didnt save it to my notepad, 1 good lesson! always open your note pad and keep a copy of your

reply speacially if its a very long one like A to Z

queen: yoo is so sexy in that PS-ed pic...

why theres so many PS pic of YOO???

anythingasian: thanks for teh artwork! love it! my fav vidal sasson & cp pics!

medyoo: your not so bc lastnight no? lots of post how's our other house?

time to vote for the 4th round? i didnt visit there yet.. maybe later

yen,mendyoo,kai, i cannot order calendar. my hubbys friend is in china now untill nov10,

then from china he comes to manila till early dec.

so really no chance to go to lawson to order for our cal...

our only chance is thru cdjapn.amazon, hmv & yesasia..

lets wait till they announce that they have YOO's cal..

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It's 11 pm here, so good evening all YOOGALS.

I only have time in the evening for back reading and reply. In the day I've just dropped by several times. Yoo all surprised me, how can many of yoo manage your time for work and for YooHouse? :D

We loved Tae-In to death...even though at first he is kindda spoil brat but deep inside he is such a sweet fella.NaBOri was lucky to have a student like him although in real world teacher-student relationship is a big TABOO.

Han Kyol in cp is the grown-up version of Tae-In.

so all in all we can sum it up mathematically as:

Tae-In = Choi han Kyul ... Tae-In + Choi Han kyol = GONG YOO.

GONG YOO + YOOGALS= YOOHOUSE bwahahaha...omo this analysis is not included im just messing up with you hehehe.

now after BTSC...try to watch S-diary and she's on duty you will find BABY YOO equally amazing in those movies also... though his role is not that big.

My dear Queeninmycastle (oops, lovely name :)), ha ha, can we identify that stament a Yootical Axiom? :lol:

I did watch She's on Duty, our BABY YOO is definitely amazing there, cute face, hot action, hot kiss :sweatingbullets:

Queeni, you really have a taste with your funny PS, hi hi, love them.

Yeah, I excited that GY is also a 70's kid too. Since we born in the same decade, we surely can talks about the same thing happen during our era...Thundercats, Jem and the holly gram, Chief....Sheriff Lobo...Oshin..still remember those?? And still remember what we can get with 5 cents???

haha.. those were the days... :)

Ah, ah, Aalhl, yes, Me too, happy that he is a 70's kid, cause I'm 79 :phew: And yes, did yoo also watch Oshin that time? Interesting :)

from MissMellis

Because I'm a dedicated YOOgal who is totally head over heels in love with GY, I decided to watch She's on duty and S Diary. That's the reason to why I haven't been here.. just lurking and not posting any replies ehehe

She's on duty: The plot was okay, KSA and GY's acting was great.

I enjoyed the movie and not only because it had GY in it hehehe.

I la la lurved GY's look in the movie kekeke

S Diary: Ooh manh, I haven't laughed so hard for quite a while now.

The second relationship KSA had, the one with the soon-to-be married man… it was so hilarious!!

I fell in love with GY all over again in the movie! I think I fainted like a gazillion times everytime

I looked at him xD And the relationship he had with his mom and his dog.. ROFLMAO!! It cracked me up

so hard that my sister came in my room asking if I was crazy laughing 5 in the morning!!

Gah. I just wanted to jump into my screen and hug GY really really right and squeeze his cheeks

for being so darn cute and smexy at the same time that it made me go all ga ga.

*again, dodges all the LB's coming my way*

MissMellis, I have not watched S-Diary. Anybody like me? I'm afraid of the time I finish all of his dramas and movies, I will miss him like crazy for all those characters. Hic, that's why I still hesitate to watch it now. But I already finished One Fine Day over the weekend, ha ha, cannot resist Tae-In and want to see more of him. ;)

Must say I've enjoyed OFD only because of GY. I don't like the plot, and Sung Yuri in HaNeul made me missing Go EunChan so much. If it was YEH who played HaNeul :rolleyes: . I'm sorry to say that SungYuri could not express her character as good as YEH. Oh, but I love the soundtrack.

Ha ha MMellis, can't help but smile when reading your sententce, you said for me also, wanna jump into screen and hug GY and squeeze him :))

And it seems like some of the YOOgals have hidden PS talents. Keep the artwork coming girls..

I love the way you're all spoiling us with pwetty artwork <3

But I'm a little jealous though cuz I can't make anything myself ;____;

Hic, I'm sorry, I'm not good at PS, all I know just Crop and Brightness/constrast, that's all. That's why must appreaciate YOO GALS for all of your art works.

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Oh my gosh Queeninmycastle that is so funny.

Don't make me laugh too much or people at my work place will think

I am going crazy?

Nice work though :D

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Actually Angel I'm also confused about that scene esp when harim told that his zipper was open :w00t: .Do we have same thinking Kai?!? :vicx:

Ha ha, what do you think here? Really, you really make me laugh at midnight.

Hi, movall! You too cant resist Tae-in? Glad to hear from you, and hope youll be posting away soon. And Yoo is always good in his acting, thats why the roles he is doing really gets into you.

Yes Tangtang, who can escape from his sight?

Good afternoon my dear YooGals... :)

movall... all of us cannot live without baby Yoo anymore.. see that we have to come visit the house every day, every hour, every minute, every second.. hehe.. I guess whoever watch CP first, will love him more after BTSC, and those who watched BTSC will love him more in CP... It must be the similarities between those 2 characters and GY himself which makes us love him more.

Exactly, aalhl, I watched CP first, and I love him, but after BTSC, just like when No Jem Ma ask Tae-In How much does he like Biscuit Teacher, "I just crazy about her", yes, crazyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

You are right! We can't find another actor who can express wide range of emotions - funny, cute, brave, comical, dramatic, etc all at the same time other than GY. I was indeed struggling with BTSC ending too movall. I thought that the Bori will never end up with Tae In anymore, especially moment he left Korea. I think she realise that she loved Tae In when he fell sick and didn't go to school the day after he picked her up from the mountain. Then she went over to his place and saw Jem Ma taking care of him.. I sense some jealousy at that moment... And when the art teacher proposed to her, she gave a feeling that she didn't want to get married anymore and she got herself drunk. And after Tae In left Korea, I though that Bori did marry the art teacher after all.. and I was thrilled that she didn't.. I love the scenes they get the couple together again.. how Bori tell her students the story of "star candy" and Tae In was stunned hearing that but didn't know how to react... and finally they reunite at school.. that was really sweet.. :rolleyes: ahhh.. I feel like watching the drama again...

Cannot agree more, BoRi did feel jealous at that scence Jem Ma taking care of Tae In. Later on when the two young students played around, she became uneasy.

The "Star Candy" story was really sweet. I love that too. There are so many heartrobe scenes, just as CP :)

movall, no matter how old we are, married or single, when it comes to GY, we are all teenager at our hearts.. :) there is no stop for us admiring and drooling over GY's charm here in yoohouse... and we are happy to know you too.... love, hugs and kisses back to you too.. :wub:

Hugs and kisses back to all, he he.

So far it seems like he or maybe his agency had been postponing his duty.. Next year or not, we do not know but I sure want him to fulfill his duty asap too so that he can return soon. as for his work mentioning about MS, you forgot S-Diary.. ;)

Oh, I have not done S-Diary, .... So it also has MS term there? Funny. Wish our BABY YOO will follow all his characters and return soon :P

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hi movall...now you know hahahayep... he's very adorable in BTSC... and you'll really symphatize with him. the many emotions that he shows will carry you and put tears in your eyes as well.

Dear Mendyoo, as I agree with all Yoo Gals, his very talent shows various side of him, his emotions make us know he's the real person that we love.

QUOTE(movall)Where can we find another actor can express both such a cute kid and a brave man, both comic and dramatic at once as good as GY?only YOO (am i that bias... ;) ) but seriously... there's lots of good Kactors but there's one who will stand out given time.

No, you are not bias at all. Before I'd got to know him, I thought I will not like any K-actors besides BYJ. Of course now I love them both, but I must admit that we may have a cold Frank Shin (BYJ cast in Hotelier) as tough as Seo Gun but cannot find a lively, naughty, cutie image of BYJ as HanKyul and Tae-In. Or am I also too bias? :) Do YooGals have any other K-actors in your list?

we're in the same boat my dear... i think i bite my nails just thinking that Na Bori will not end up with Tae In hahaha it surely put me literally at the edge of my seat... will they or will they not??? i dare not jump to the last epi to find out...i patiently wait wait and wait... and it paid off... YIPEEEE! they end up together... and it was such a sweet ending...

Yup, I was surprised myself really patient till the end. Do yoo remember the 15th episode, when he ran to BoRi house whispering Saranghe, it echoed in my mind till today. I found Cantata's voice there, how similar.

i think most if not all YOOGALS are in their prime here... so we're in the age were in you can say "WE KNOW WHAT WE WANT" stage... happy to know you too...

Oh, happy and big hugs to all YOOgals.

Hello Anythingasian, wellcome to YooHouse, really apreciate you beautiful art. I love that expression from CP so much. Thank you.

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Guest eganlyen

waaahhh....i felt dizzy doin' the backreading with all the goodies and post you have plus the server always busy and when its not i lost my internet connection. :crazy:

While others are trying "neng post" i ll try queeny style of posting"(another goodluck to me)

Angel-Hello! yes ive done my backread as far as 200+ to find where our baby YOO will be assigned on his MS i found the article(not yet translated)on p.227-228 when xena ask for it mangoicy(sori if i mispell)post that link.About the fundraising ill send you another PM regarding this...gee IOU alot :sweatingbullets: .Thanks for all the goodies you shared still the reigning Queen of the house.***clap**clap**clap**But like the others i really like and noticed lots of "white polo w/buttons down pics lately"**faints**did he realize he also stand out in white.Labs yah!

Beth-Bethcha by gooly wow!!My partners in crime as Neng refers to us :lol: 30 pages of backreading?!?**faints**prepare your YOOpsirin for the headache as what you haved siaid in the other side.this thread is "jumping like a frog"so you need to hurry to catch up! :lol: ..GOODluck!

Faye-me too i love cooking..i more on italian dishes.I also love chocolates and other sweet stuffs.Baby Yoo and Yoogals will not be hungry since alot of us can cook.Should we start w/ our YOOCAFE?!?by the way who will be our baristas?

Kai-how's ur vocation? I didnt went to cementery last week,instead i let them visits us. :lol: I love to help you w/the decor but i dont think my upcoming sked will do.Labs yah!

Lyn-rain is all over in burgos :phew: Did you tried to look for cantata in duty free malls.Maybe youre right it is a new product or like the Ohui it is not yet available here.But the calendar..so sad but we still have Neng shes goin to give us the tumblers for free. :lol::lol:

Neng-labs yah! Cant wait to see you & other yoopinays it would be hilarious :lol: thanks for all your goodies here & there.My others partner in crime.Should we start calling part?you didnt answered my question on the other side regarding 3pics.again thanks for advance x'mas gift... :lol::lol:

Queeny-Did you suddenly miss the Phils?You can feel and smell the expenses here..geee i mean the x'mas here.Dont worry we will keep you warm during holidays.And you can start decorating the yoohouse,clubhouse and yoomansion for x'mas.Did you see the updates on yoomansion?

Waves to all my lovely gals here Angel,Beth,Faye,kai,Lyn,Neng,Queeny,OC,Pach,CalyEuchan,movall,...who else?!? everyone i missed everybody!

continued w/backreading :sweatingbullets:

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we're in the same boat my dear... i think i bite my nails just thinking that Na Bori will not end up with Tae In hahaha it surely put me literally at the edge of my seat... will they or will they not??? i dare not jump to the last epi to find out...i patiently wait wait and wait... and it paid off... YIPEEEE! they end up together... and it was such a sweet ending...
haha.. well at least you can have the option to jump episode, neng. I was watching it on TV, and I can't jump eppi.. Have to wait until the next day... but the moment Tae In left, it was already weekend.. so I had to wait till monday to follow up... so I was biting my nails for 2 long days.. haha

Queenie, check this out personalised stamps. What you think? I always imagined GY picture on it.... :P
can we do that Lily unnie? Looks tempting.. haha

LOL!! IC...my kids graduation day will be at the end of this month. Now, she busy practicing Ulik Mayang dance... :lol:
he.he.. my kids are supposed to be in groups singing and dancing.. but the teacher shy they are too shy and doesn't want to follow along, so they do fashion show instead! ha.ha.. But at home! wah! they sing and dance non-stop!! *pengsan (faint)*

What happen to soompi nowdays?
it's because of the new soompi I think.. taking too much resources.. but I heard that they are upgrading the servers.. so I guess we have to patiently wait for it to get over the IPS and busy messages.

Angelie, at that time I was soo crazy about him. Cannot tahan when saw him in white or black shirt **drooling** I never miss LifeTV and Galaxy mag even though I am not understand a word in it. It was my very precious collection but when I moved to my recent house, my husband make me donated all the magazines to paper lama ajusshi...
yeah. yeah.. I was so crazy about LL in the 90's too for like 10 years or so. now not that crazy but still like him.. I still digg out his cds when I feel like listening to his voice. He was the "prince charming" among the 4 Heavenly Kings during that time because he was really tall, just like baby Yoo. :rolleyes: You know what? when I see baby YOO perform during the Hanryu Fest, that voice and appearance reminds me of LL immediately.. I was thinking like if baby YOO could have his own concert with that huge swarm of fans cheering below, that would be sooooo nice... :rolleyes: Anyhow, most of my LifeTV and Galaxy mag have been donated to the "old newspaper" ajusshi, but there are still some left because I haven't cut out the articles yet.. :P I'm not going to give those away until I keep all the things I want. .haha...

After CP, I lost passion to watch other K-Drama. I try to watch others but end up watch CP back to back. The fever still strong and not subsided :wub: ...Our local TV now airing a few K-Drama series. Beside Hwang Jini in NTV7, there are Snow Queen in 8TV and also Spring Waltz in TV2...but still fail to distract me from CP :D
yeah.. I couldn't bring myself to watch other K-Drama too after CP.. although I'm still watching HJN, but the feeling isn't the same...so Snow Queen is airing on 8TV huh? too bad I can't get the reception here unless I have Astro. I only watched 4 eppies of Snow Queen last year.. Didn't manage to finish it.. probably because no GY inside.. haha.. I guess my love for SYR is not enough to pull me thru the whole drama... I think no one can besides baby YOO. I can't watch Spring Waltz because the time is not right.. I'm picking up my hubby during that time.. I wish they move back to the 8.30 or 9pm slot. And why can't they air k-dramas in original Korean dub?! :angry: Luckily Park Tae In still makes me drool eventhough I was not able to listen to his voice back then. Imagine if it was his voice then, I would have fall for him in the first eppi, and probably fainted a hundred more times!! lol!!

Angelie, I thought about it too. But is this copyright still imply if we make it only for Yoo fan keeping and we not commercialize it? Furthermore, I am using ps-ed picture...Can anybody gave any opinion??
well, the moment we sell it, it's consider commercialize isn't it? well, that's what I thought la.. anyway, using a ps-ed pic might be another way to go around it.. yeah.. any opinions YooGals?

wah! you hubby went to accompany you thinking you are doing your work, instead you are drooling over GY!! Wait till he finds out! haha

Lily unnie.. are you trying to make me drool again with your nasi lemak description? anyway, I agree that YooGals should try the dish if you can.. find a Malaysian restaurant and try it out. .he.he.. nowdays, they not only serve nasi lemak with anchovies sambal, but also with curry with hard boiled or fried egg!

awww... *big hug back to you too unnie* :)

anythingasian. Hello there my friend.. and welcome to Yoohouse... Congratulations for making your first post here.. :) Thank you for bringing your YOOshops here... They are all very pretty.. :) And I'm sure YooGals will be expecting more YOOshops from you after this.. Do bring them in anytime you fell like it. :D Well, enjoy your stay in the house anythingasian, and looking forward to hear from you again. :)

hello to you too my fellow ajumma euchan.. lol!! I hope you will get your own net connection soon.. I think your neighbours are getting tired of you "borrowing" their connection.. hehe... :P

and queenie.. you are making YooGals laugh again posting that girly baby YOO pic in YEH! lol! I'm seeing GY all pretty now.. haha

movall.. so you are same age as baby Yoo.. how nice... :) Don't hesitate to watch his work.. if you miss his characters, just re-watch them like we do. .he.he.. :rolleyes: and talking about OFD, I loveeeee the OST too... It makes me feel relaxed and most of the songs are very soothing to the ears.. arghh... I must get my CD back from my friend.. :mellow:

Hic, I'm sorry, I'm not good at PS, all I know just Crop and Brightness/constrast, that's all. That's why must appreaciate YOO GALS for all of your art works.
haha... same here.. <_<

Exactly, aalhl, I watched CP first, and I love him, but after BTSC, just like when No Jem Ma ask Tae-In How much does he like Biscuit Teacher, "I just crazy about her", yes, crazyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
yay!! crazily loving Gong Yoo, Tae In and Han Kyul! haha!!

yeah.. BTSC is very much like CP too... many sweet and touching moments. It used to be a drama with most kisses but now got beaten by CP.. he.he.. but still both are Gong Yoo's work.. isn't that great?! and I love the scene in BTSC where Tae In built a rose arch outside Bori's house.. that was really sweet of him.. :wub: :wub:

Oh, I have not done S-Diary, .... So it also has MS term there? Funny. Wish our BABY YOO will follow all his characters and return soon :P
yep... there's a MS term in S-diary as well.. :D
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No, you are not bias at all. Before I'd got to know him, I thought I will not like any K-actors besides BYJ. Of course now I love them both, but I must admit that we may have a cold Frank Shin (BYJ cast in Hotelier) as tough as Seo Gun but cannot find a lively, naughty, cutie image of BYJ as HanKyul and Tae-In. Or am I also too bias? :) Do YooGals have any other K-actors in your list?
I don't think you are bias too movall.. I really can't see BYJ with the lively, naughty and cutie image of Han Kyul and Tae In.. not his type... :P I don't really have much K-actor in my list.. GY seems to be my first, one and only K-actor for now.. although there is this guy in Love In Heaven that impressed me with his acting..hmm.. what's his name already... ahh yes.. Lee Tae Gon.. He's now in Winter Bird...

Yup, I was surprised myself really patient till the end. Do yoo remember the 15th episode, when he ran to BoRi house whispering Saranghe, it echoed in my mind till today. I found Cantata's voice there, how similar.
oh my.. that smexy voice.. how can one forget!

Angel-Hello! yes ive done my backread as far as 200+ to find where our baby YOO will be assigned on his MS i found the article(not yet translated)on p.227-228 when xena ask for it mangoicy(sori if i mispell)post that link.About the fundraising ill send you another PM regarding this...gee IOU alot :sweatingbullets: .Thanks for all the goodies you shared still the reigning Queen of the house.***clap**clap**clap**But like the others i really like and noticed lots of "white polo w/buttons down pics lately"**faints**did he realize he also stand out in white.Labs yah!
wow!!! that's a lot of backreading you did there, Anne! No problem with sharing gooeis with YooGals.. that's my passion.. he.he..

Faye-me too i love cooking..i more on italian dishes.I also love chocolates and other sweet stuffs.Baby Yoo and Yoogals will not be hungry since alot of us can cook.Should we start w/ our YOOCAFE?!?by the way who will be our baristas?
who make good coffee? he.he.. hmm.. maybe we could consider selling cookies too for our fundraising since many of us love baking as well! YOOCookies anyone? :P

Queeny-Did you suddenly miss the Phils?You can feel and smell the expenses here..geee i mean the x'mas here.Dont worry we will keep you warm during holidays.And you can start decorating the yoohouse,clubhouse and yoomansion for x'mas.Did you see the updates on yoomansion?
there wasn't much updates on yoomansion my dear.. I got carried away in yoohouse here an haven't had my hands on yoomansion yet.. he.he... see? I had to backreading and reply the whole morning now.. and now that I'm nearly done, it's time for me to off... :mellow: I feel so bad.... :(

okie.. some goodies before I log off for the morning...

pcpdownloadphpfhandlenmsn9.th.jpg pcpdownloadmg4.th.jpg

*** Credit daum GY ***

And last night a few of us were mentioning about Arena photoshoot.. Here's the clip of last year's photoshoot for the magazine.

Oct 2006 Arena Photoshoot (SidusHQ)

Download: http://www.badongo.com/vid/518100/1

*** Credit: SidusHQ ***

I found another fan made Cantata MV.. just finished converting it.. Will post it when I come back later.

Alright.. that's it.. time to pick up my kids from school.. see YooGals in the afternoon! cheers!

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Guest vicente

hello there vicente...waz up waz up... haven't seen you in a while...

Hi...Neng...I to know from friends here, this web site has problem.

I can not entrance here. But I miss Baby Yoo and all friends all times hahaha. :P

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good evening YooGals...... wow it's nice to be home! where's everybody? hmmmmmmmmmm.... still struggling with soompi probably..... ok let me do my lovenotes first!

(aalhl aka my angel)l

my faye, if you have time, try back reading YEH's thread, then you will roughly know roughly about the "shipping" controversy... I didn't back read the thread but there are a few YEH warrior who inform me about it and highlight to me some of the issues that had happen and still happening.. so I kinda aware of them the moment it was announce that GY is gonna work with YEH.

thanks my angel- I already did. I didn’t have to do a lot of backreading coz everything I want to know is on page one. And I was able to see nice stuff too- about what yeh thinks of yoo and vice versa. When I said I didn’t understand why yeh said that – I wasn’t pertaining to shipping per se coz more or less I know what it means- what I didn’t understand was why Yeh should evade the question – and when she responded it didn’t make sense. Something’s wrong somewhere but I am going to stop here. Doesn’t really matter … que sera sera…

haha.. now you know that you should not jinx it! lol!!

Yup--- my lips are sealed now……

my faye.. at least you and jinkzz are from the same state.. myself and Lily unnie are from different states, but since same countries, so yeah.. we are considered neighbours..

And we’re from the same city. Yeah, why not!

okie my faye.. roger that and taking over.. plus still replying.. Goodnight to you my faye.. See ya around again..

++Edit: oh great! thanks soompi for the triple post!!

okie.. I'll put something here...

++ Edit: what should I fill these 2 posts with?

Yoo did the right thing my angel….. posted all those goodies….


you can do your ranting in here anytime you want.

YOOGALS will just be right here to tolerate it bwahahaha.

I know- that’s why I never venture outside the house….. I might not enjoy that privilege elsewhere ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

jinkzz might be coming home anytime soon.

Yes she is...

faye, angel...who else is online?

time for me to sleep now its morning already...need my beauty rest since im working last nyt until this afternoon...be back later

OH to all who are just reading...enjoy camping in here and HOPE to see MORE YOOBies coming out from lurk mode.JUST POST POST AND POST...

before i go...i'll leave you all with this one...

thanks again queenie! I’m responding late so I just hope you had a good night sleep!


Hi... FAYE .....Yeah ....it is important problem now, From Just finish posted one

It kick of me already.

Patience my dear! You have no idea what I have to go through sometimes just to log on but then I still manage and there’s no reason why you can’t… take a deep breath……

to be continued..................

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Guest tangtang


:lol: tangtang- that's fine with me as long as it's fine with them!

have fun!

thanks, faye! I will!

scared you? haha.. why are you the only one getting scared while the rest are laughing away.. :P well, if he were to see those PS-ed pic, he would have done so at his DC site.. that is where those pics originated from.. for all you know, someone may have posted it in his cyworld and he had a good laugh at it like he did to the "wanted" gifs. lol!!! If he does see those pics, he must be wondering "why do my fans wants me to look like a girl?!" LOL!!!

Hehehe. Angel, weird Yoo Pics, always scares me! he maybe wondering, his fans are weird! :lol:

you like to tease my LB huh? beware!! too much teasing will also result in a strike! :D So you like the idea of him touching your hair like he did to EC too eh?

Teasing too? Ok.. i will behave then.. but only when you are looking! Hahahaha. Yoo touching my hair would be heaven!

hmm.. I was just thinking that Harim was trying to startle HK with his remark... haha... looks like you and tangtang are in for naughty thoughts eh? BUZZZZZZZ!!! :lol: Who else has naughty thoughts with that scene?

OMO, got buzz buzz again! :lol:Anne, is trying to push me into having naughty thoughts! LOL! Angel, did the LB hit me this time?

Ahhhh geesshhhh I forgot!! Sorry Tika.. <_< She asked me to say hi to yoo all. She say she's too busy finishing her work so can't drop by to post.. but she's reading.. :)

Hi, Tika! Those LBs are really awesome... love teasing them! :lol:

thank you tangtang.. so now we have neng kinda post huh? sigh.. I'm sitting here for so long already, and I still can't seem to finish my reply YET!!

Love calling those post, Neng kinda of post! :D Yoogals are always complaining about soompi's error, backpages... but on the contrary we do love doing replies and leaving each other lovenotes. :P

++ Edit: what should I fill these 2 posts with?

And here with these.. :P

Congratulations, Angel for that triple post! :P

Soompi :angry: :angry:

i dont want double post !! cant you understand ?? :angry:

Twinnie, need some water? :lol:

hi yen...enjoy your backpaging... catch you later... it's still a gift ??? :rolleyes::lol: :lol: love you too...what? Max's?... when i saw it... Max's came into my mind hahaha but i love it... coz it definitely is... "THE HOUSE THAT LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP BUILT".

neng, i was really thinking how come Max's came into your mind about Faye's replies... So thats it!! LOL! *boink*

Yes my dear Tangtang, you can call me that and all YooGals too..

I can see that... :lol: Nasi lemak is one of the Malaysian favourite food. Originally Malays make it for breakfast but now all the races - Chinese, Indian and even tourist enjoyed eating it. The rice was cooked with coconut milk and pandan leaf and eat together with anchovies sambal (hot chili gravy)...It is very nice. You should try it!

I 'll direct him to another room... :P

Wide open my arms...hugging all YooGals Dongseng**hugging**mwahahaha


Lily, nasi lemak sounds good! i havent tried any malaysian resto, because i dont know what to order . But hearing your description about nasi lemak... will eat at nasi lemak resto the soonest i can :lol: Me love eating, and we always try new restos. Dont know how to cook, that is why im forced to eat out. Tsk. Tsk. Goodnight unniest! :lol: *hugs more*

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Guest tangtang


this is my first post in this thread...i'm a certified lurker in here and will continue to do so...a few days back i told aalhl that i will post and share some of my YOOshops in here and i hope you guys dont mind...

i am a GY fan myself so...




to everyone thanks for all the YOOlove you have been spreading...

Hi, anythingasian! Welcome to YOOhouse! Post more soon! ;)

here's another version of BABY YOO as a girl...GYEH all-in-one :lol::lol: pretty ain't it?


i'll do my greetings later tonight...gotta run for work...see you all laterz

YOOGALS take care.

Woot! woot! :D

yen,mendyoo,kai, i cannot order calendar. my hubbys friend is in china now untill nov10,

then from china he comes to manila till early dec.

so really no chance to go to lawson to order for our cal...

our only chance is thru cdjapn.amazon, hmv & yesasia..

lets wait till they announce that they have YOO's cal..

Its oki, nana! We can still have the PB. And as sugegsted by Anne, lets try duty free shops for the Cantata. Do you have an exclusive pass for the fiesta mall in pque?

waaahhh....i felt dizzy doin' the backreading with all the goodies and post you have plus the server always busy and when its not i lost my internet connection. :crazy:

While others are trying "neng post" i ll try queeny style of posting"(another goodluck to me)

Will try that quennie kind of post sometime.. :D

Faye-me too i love cooking..i more on italian dishes.I also love chocolates and other sweet stuffs.Baby Yoo and Yoogals will not be hungry since alot of us can cook.Should we start w/ our YOOCAFE?!?by the way who will be our baristas?

Anne, another cook at the Yoohouse. me love pasta too... ;) Why not invite the 3 princes to be our barista? :D

Kai-how's ur vocation? I didnt went to cementery last week,instead i let them visits us. :lol: I love to help you w/the decor but i dont think my upcoming sked will do.Labs yah!

Been bumming for that vacation. Went to visit out loved ones for only 2 hours, bec i arrived at our province late. Hated Manila traffic during holidays! :angry: So did they visit you for treat or tricks? LOL! <3 you too!

Oki.. Be back much later.. Need to finish some work.. Work really hinders my YOO duties. :lol:

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Good afternoon YooGals....


*** Credit as printed @ dcGY ***

hello vicente.. Good to see you made it here again despite the errors... Like what my faye say, patience is the virtue.. take a deep breathe and press the reload button again after 1 or 2 minutes.. you will get through it.. ;)

Me here my faye.. I just came home.. he.he. :D

hello there tangtang.. happy lunch time to you too. Had your lunch already?

oh dear.. all weird YOO pics scare you huh, tangtang.. well, for me the scariest so far is the "splitted YOO" that queenie did.. and some of the "vampire YOO" I saw at DC. haha!!

haha.. Anne push you into having naughty thoughts and you fell for it and got buzzed.. lol!!! yes.. that LB hit you this time.. didn't you feel the heat? LOL!!! :lol:

Congratulations, Angel for that triple post! :P
lol!! thank you... in return YooGals get extra goodies.. nice eh?


*** Credit daum GY ***

thumb.gif pcpdownloadphpfhandlengmo7.th.jpg

*** Credit daum CP ***

Mr. Gam's premiere and party after that?

npec1eunvanillahq5.th.jpg npebfeunvanillatm9.th.jpg

*** Credit eunvanilla blog ***

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Guest vicente

alright.. I'm back! :D:sweatingbullets: :sweatingbullets: Continuing with replies...

hi vicente... welcome back.. Hope Soompi will be well behave to you soon.. We miss your artwork.. :)

aalhl.....I miss you too, now I can not made artwork because my pictures out of stock,

I can not entrance for keep pictures here. :o

tangtang....Hi, vicente! Dont worry its not your computer, its Soompi!

Thank you dear..I be happy to know, I hope soopmi to improve soon. :rolleyes:

I very tried for post per post , It reject all times, hahaha I made that for Yoo only. :P

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Guest queeninmycastle
yay!! well said queenie.. we will be happy as long as BABY YOO is happy... yippee!! lol!!any YooGals want to step out as a project leader for this? I would love to, but I really can't do it now.. I have my hands full already.. :ph34r:
Yes unnie angel whoever she may be as long as BABY YOO is happy...i'll be happy too.much as i want to handle the christmas project if there is any... my resources in this remote area is very limited so im not confident that i can pull-it through.ANY YOOGALS WHO WOULD WANT TO VOLUNTEER?
hi Yoogals!! :) how is everyone? been on holiday's over here, hehehe been rewatching CP. question, does baby Yoo have a fan club over at the new soompi?nice artwork, faye19 and queeninmycastle :)
babymarzy so good to see you back.we are all fine...busy with work and coming out here having a good time.how 'bout you?BABY YOO have soompi clubhouse already...check out the site if you have time to register aiyt!glad that you like the artwork :)
Thank Angelie. A photoshoot for the British Arena magazine (that also has a Korean edition among others) is nice, hopefully there would be an interview with those pics....can't wait. :)
hi caly...how are you doin?
lo queenie...uhuh... yummylicious in all colors... that's why we're always running and panting just to get here... not thinking of time...of hard work.i like that... lots of coffee to make us stay up all night...enjoy posting and posting... afterwards? bachache and reddish eyes :lol:
BABY YOO is yummylicious most of the times...giving us YOOGALS hard time to breathe hahaha.COFFEE? oh i like coffee so much...thats my breakfast and lunch...lazy to prepare food so i just drink drewed coffee, mocca joe or cappucciono.yes just continue posting and posting...backreading and backreading...head banging and nosebleeding at the same time.hahahaafterwards not just backache,red-eyed and headache but also tounge-ache due to excessive drooling bwahahaha.
-- Yoo in orange jacket :wub: thank you~ this is a good sign to me ^^ <아레나> = Arena this is a name of korean magazine . I saw yoo shot once [or not ??]
OC what does orange color stands for? :) dont get mad at yourself its all IPS fault...in a way its also good so that we can reach 1000 faster.
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aalhl.....I miss you too, now I can not made artwork because my pictures out of stock,

I can not entrance for keep pictures here. :o

ohh.. it's ok vicente.. you can "recycle" the pics.. we don't mind.. :P We certainly hopes that Soompi will be back to normal soon.. it's so hard to update the clubhouse even.. loading one page takes ages.

queenie... looks like we really have to call for volunteer YooGals for our Xmas project.

dozens more of CP BTS.. :w00t:

npea7eunvanillakd0.th.jpg npea9eunvanillarw7.th.jpg npeabeunvanillabs2.th.jpg npeadeunvanillacr2.th.jpg

npeafeunvanillajv4.th.jpg npea3eunvanillaaq1.th.jpg npe8deunvanillavp7.th.jpg npe91eunvanillayv3.th.jpg

npe93eunvanillaah0.th.jpg npe95eunvanillaab1.th.jpg npe6feunvanillaov9.th.jpg npe71eunvanillatq8.th.jpg

npe73eunvanillalc3.th.jpg npe75eunvanillaje8.th.jpg npe77eunvanillavw7.th.jpg npe79eunvanillaed5.th.jpg

npe7beunvanillajw1.th.jpg npe7deunvanillajc8.th.jpg npe7feunvanillaeq4.th.jpg npe81eunvanillafz5.th.jpg

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*** Credit: eunvanilla blog ***

Hmm.. should we ask baby YOO to do this to Soompi? :P


Playboys baseball




*** Credit as printed @ dcGY ***


*** Credit: Daum CP ***

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Guest queeninmycastle

am busy with work and YOO! haha!!

thanks for the gifs. i don't feel the monday blues because of those.

even inspired to work.


kulet hope BABY YOO will continue to inspire you :)

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Guest tangtang

*waves at mendyoo, aalhl, krisflyer, queeninmycastle*



she got it by dancing hiphop in front of the panel :lol:

me so proud of you! *throws confetti*

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Guest mendyoo

good afternoon YOOGALS and YOOBIES...

my time is 3:40pm... what about yours?

stayed up late last night to do some replies... it's hard to post in just one sitting. IPS error again..... :angry:


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