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aww Liron... I'm laughing at popseoul's comment.. if she doesn't want to stare at that pic for one month, give it to me.. hehe.. :D It makes me happy staring at that laughing face of baby YOO.. :wub: and at least 12 more pics to drool over still.. :rolleyes:

http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/5563/viewimageyu4.png*** Credit as printed @ dcGY ***

Here's another not so new clip

O'Live Most wanted man to spend summer with

Download: http://sharebee.com/8e7bbda7

*** Credit: dcGY CB ***


yeah.. I agree with you.. I disregard most of her comments too no matter who she is talking about... BTW, was there a translation of the news in her blog? I don't see it... :unsure:

that's the spirit! she probably gets paid for her sarcasm :lol: for me bangs or no bangs- i love yoo to death! did you notice or is it just me? looks like he lost some weight!

hello my faye.. sorry I didn't see you last night.. but i see you now..

awwwwwwwww my angel.... where are yoo?

BIG HELLO to inoyume, bambibernardo, krisflyer, queeninmycastle, yenvy, jzx, semyonovna, triplea, calypso78, tangtang, ariesw, ingdoy, Happytoy

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that's the spirit! she probably gets paid for her sarcasm :lol: for me bangs or no bangs- i love yoo to death! did you notice or is it just me? looks like he lost some weight!
h.ehe. you think so huh, my faye? I think she's in soompi too if I'm not mistaken..

there's an heated argument over at KSA thread last week, and I have a feeling one of the person involved is her or at least a frequent poster at that blog... because she was mentioning popseoul..

aww my faye, for me baby Yoo seems to have been been loosing since OFD... his face looks so round and chubby during BTSC.. and during OFD, he was still buffy but his face wasn't that round anymore.. then in CP he slimmed down even more.. until now.. but I still love him and praying that he's healthy always.. :)

Angel, In case he is in MS where will he be assigned/station?any idea?Ive tried to went @ clubhouse and i failed.i dunno it is with my internet connection but its kind a takes 50 years to upload to me.
hmmm.. I think I've read an article and posted here too if I'm not mistaken, but I've forgotten the name of the station.. :P me very bad in korean related names.. :D and the clubhouse, I'm having a difficult time accessing it too. I have a feeling that soompi's server is not able to handle the traffic and transactions.. I get fatal error a few times!

Were here!!!we have a long weekend here,today is special holiday because of "barangay" elections. and on nov 2 it was already declare as another special holiday..so expect some Yoopinays to be in MIA were goin' to have another long weekend.
wah.. so many holidays during this time? so my faye, you better take note that the house will be really quiet again this weekend.. :)

aalhl, thanks helping me upload the file.. :)
no problem iluvyoo2.. Happy to be able to help you.. :)

I'm not sure if those had been posted before but it's too damn funny to miss so...

Look at that tongue :P


Seems like the assistant is breaking his back..poor Yoo.


Thanks Liron.. Haven't seen those BTS pics before.. those are really funny indeed.. lol!

I to catch pictures and news , it seems not so good in follow up to date. hehehe. ;)

queenie...vicente- hi... lets just keep this house alive even if there's no more CP, ok?

Ok dear, keep up for Baby Yoo. :P

hello vicente... hope you enjoy yourself catching up with the threads... :) we will definitely keep this house alive and running even if there's no CP... GY will always be here no matter what.. ;)

Hello Lily.. sorry I didn't managed to wake up early this morning to accompany you here.. :P I feel so tired and went back to sleep after my alarm goes off... Well, hope your presentation this morning progresses smoothly... :)

angelie - thanx for the goodies

crack me up w/ the wanted gifs

hes so cute

he.he.. glad you like them.. :) so your neighbour shutdown the routers again huh euchan?

i loved him in she's on duty. and i love him even more in his coffee prince.

yeh is so lucky to be kissed by this one hot oppa many times.

hello copperkey_kulet. Welcome to Yoohouse! Do enjoy your stay here.. :) and whoever get kissed by our hottie is really lucky girl... B)

BTW.... how come no one cared to explain or translate what's being said here...please!
well, my faye, i think most of us also dunno what he said.. :) all our korean translators seems to be going on MIA for a long time already.. :(
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Good morning YooGals!! :D

Before I go on replying, these lovely lovely pics of baby YOO just pop up in front of me in DCGY.. It's from 2008 Japanese calendar publication... :) awww.. i'm drooling!! :wub: :wub:



*** Credit dcGY ***

Ohh.. it seems like it comes with a news article...

완소남 공유, 일본 팬에 감각 2008 캘린더 발간

2007년 10월 30일(화) 8:30 [뉴스엔]

완소남 공유가 감각적인 캘린더로 일본팬들을 찾아간다.

11월 23일 일본에서 발매될 ‘2008 공유 캘린더’는 배우로서 공유의 스타일리시한 모습과 그의 소탈하고 인간적인 내면을 함께 담는다. 또 직접 거리로 나가는 생동감 넘치는 콘셉트로 서울의 거리를 계절감 있게 구성했다.

캘린더를 발매하는 일본의 디지털 체크 관계자는 30일 “일본에서 폭발적인 인기를 구가하고 있는 공유의 다양한 매력을 담았다”며 “‘걸어다니는 패션 화보’라는 애칭에 걸맞게 최고의 퀄리티를 가진 캘린더가 탄생했다”고 말했다.

또 공유는 캘린더와 함께 12월 말에는 사진집을 통해 일본팬들을 사로잡을 예정이다.

한 편 공유는 SBS ‘건빵 선생과 별사탕’을 통해 한류스타로 등극했으며 일본영화 ‘용이간다’에 출연해 화제를 모았다. 최근 MBC ‘커피프린스 1호점’ 촬영장에 수백명의 일본 팬들을 몰고 다녀 한류스타로서의 면모를 과시하기도 했다.

공유를 2007년 최고의 완소남으로 만든 ‘커피프린스 1호점’은 2008년 1월 일본TV도쿄 채널을 통해 방송될 예정이다.

김미영 grandmy@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.com)

copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔

The translator give me that the calendar will be on sale from 23-Nov. At the last sentence, i think it says that Coffee Prince will be aired over the Japanese channel starting January 2008. :)

There is one sentence I'm not too sure though.. from the translator it says something like he will be "catching Japanese fans live" in December... :unsure: hmm.. I wish someone can translate the news.... :rolleyes:

OMG! OMG! OMG! this is the one im waiting for! a japanese calendar! oh nov23? now my only problem is which online shop i can order this?

angelie pls post the japanese mssg or something im gonna translate it to yoo guys!

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Guest queeninmycastle

what a totally despicable comments they have in that blog.( im not bashing)im just airing by total dislike about that issue. if they dont like it then they should have not posted it on the first place. so much for free press. WHATEVER !

sorry for my rant YOOGALS...its just that im in no mood to let it pass.bwahahaha

anywayz to counter-act that post... here is an uberly yummylicious picture of BABY YOO...for you all freakin **** think a million times if this man is not worth your penny. :tongue2:


i'll be back with my reply later when im done backreading and cooled down a bit. ;)

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Guest iluvyoo2



此外,日历中还包含了孔侑亲自走在大街上以生动感的理念拍摄的照片,努力地向表演出不同季节的首尔。孔侑日历在日本的经销商代表表示:“日历中呈现了在日本获得爆发性人气的孔侑多种多样的魅力,可以称之为活动的流行写真,具有最好的质量。希望这次的日历能成为孔侑给所有日本影迷的最好礼物。”孔侑在11月 23日发行日历之后将于12月末携写真集前往日本与广大影迷们见面。


2007/10/30 11:15 Innolife


I just do the simple translation:

GY will launch 2008 calendar at Japan on 23rd Nov and he will meet Japanese fans end of this year (end of Dec).

Coffee Prince will air in Japan on Jan 2008.

PS: End of Dec??? mean he postpone his MS??

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OMG! OMG! OMG! this is the one im waiting for! a japanese calendar! oh nov23? now my only problem is which online shop i can order this? angelie pls post the japanese mssg or something im gonna translate it to yoo guys!
oh.. nana.. you read Japanese?


ok nana.. I found the Japanese version of the news.. ;)


2007/10/30(Tue) 09:28

コン・ユが、日本でカレンダーを発売する。11月23日発売予定である「2008 コン・ユカレンダー」は、俳優としてのコン・ユの人間的な内面とスタイリッシュな面貌を収めた。また街頭で動感あるコンセプトで撮影した写真も収録して、季節感あふれるソウルを表現しようと努力した。



*** Credit: innolife.net ***

Anyway, iluvyoo2 just posted the chinese translation. so it's about the same as my web translated version.. so I'm envying those Japanese fans again!!! coz YOO is gonna go there AGAIN!!! probably to promote Coffee Prince this time.. :) Could it be his last fans meet there as well? I gotta hunt my Japanese friend down. .hahah

BTW I just found out that the photoshoot with Joe Odagiri is for a fashion magazine called "BAZAAR". :)

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oh.. nana.. you read Japanese?

*** Credit: innolife.net ***

Anyway, iluvyoo2 just posted the chinese translation. so it's about the same as my web translated version.. so I'm envying those Japanese fans again!!! coz YOO is gonna go there AGAIN!!! probably to promote Coffee Prince this time.. :) Could it be his last fans meet there as well? I gotta hunt my Japanese friend down. .hahah

BTW I just found out that the photoshoot with Joe Odagiri is for a fashion magazine called "BAZAAR". :)

no i cant read japanese but i can atleast communicate with my husband, my daughter speaks much better that me.... i can ask my husband to do the translation

that magazine "bazaar" is korean magazine? i want to know if his calendar in now on pre-order, i better go and check cdjapan & hmv

edit+ its not available in cdjapan & hmv yet!

nyways here is the link of the scrncaps i made of that ep10 kissing ep10 kissing

hay..... YOO did surprised us again this time with his calendar..... never heard or read that his coming up with a japanese calendar although im stalking some online site for it

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no i cant read japanese but i can atleast communicate with my husband, my daughter speaks much better that me.... i can ask my husband to do the translation

that magazine "bazaar" is korean magazine? i want to know if his calendar in now on pre-order, i better go and check cdjapan & hmv

ahhh.. ok.. so your husband is Japanese? anyhow, in that case, do you think he can help to translated some backdated Japanese articles/interviews?? :rolleyes: Only if he agrees ok? hehe... :)

hmm... I have a feeling that "bazaar" is a Korean magazine.. I think GY have photoshoot session for them before 3 years ago...

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ahhh.. ok.. so your husband is Japanese? anyhow, in that case, do you think he can help to translated some backdated Japanese articles/interviews?? :rolleyes: Only if he agrees ok? hehe... :)

hmm... I have a feeling that "bazaar" is a Korean magazine.. I think GY have photoshoot session for them before 3 years ago...

i think i can ask hin if its only some short mssgs or info but the whole interview i cant say yes,,,, im sure he will just stare at me and laugh!

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i think i can ask hin if its only some short mssgs or info but the whole interview i cant say yes,,,, im sure he will just stare at me and laugh!
ohh.. too bad then.. coz mostly are long interviews.. <_< I don't want to make him think that you are too crazy with baby YOO.. :P

oh well.. I've got to leave now.. I couldn't finish replying yet as Soompi is not very cooperative still.. so I'll continue again when I get back this afternoon.. so for those YooGals who made a comeback that I'm not able to greet yet, a very warm welcome again to you all!! :D and for treenacy and Anne, I will get back to your PM this afternoon too, ok? okie.. see you all later! Byes.... ;)

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happytoy.... that's a nice one....keep it coming!

*waves* at all YooGals online

Oh .... Trying hard to understand the function of PS but still very lost :blush:

BIG HELLO to inoyume, bambibernardo, krisflyer, queeninmycastle, yenvy, jzx, semyonovna, triplea, calypso78, tangtang, ariesw, ingdoy, Happytoy

Hello ^^ Wave back to Faye19

Was busy reading all the backlog :P and this thread moves so fast and I really have a lot to catch up :sweatingbullets:

Good early morning YooGals! :)

Hello Happytoy! Thanks for sharing your art.. your first attempt looks great! Keep them coming!

Thanks will try to do more if I got the time ...but I am in learning stage so will be very slow in getting it done :wacko: and hope you have the patience to wait :blush:

Thanks for all the goodies that you have uploaded ... I am busy downloading ... :w00t: hope that my harddisk do have space :phew: maybe I should get a external harddisk to store all the videos ^^

happytoy- nice work yoo got there...keep them coming.*wink* we aim to fill the House with tons and tons of BABY YOO goodies.so keep it up.

Hi Queeninmycastle

Thanks ^^ Ha ha I find reading this thread really enjoyable .... not because of the tons of goodies here but the people here :D YooGals out here make it so fun and lovely place to frequent

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Guest tangtang

ohhhhh... should be be expecting lots of Halloween goodies in the next 2 days or so? :P

Hi, Angel, popseoul's comment about yoo's calendar is a halloween goody! A witch saying blah.. blah.. blah... :P:P

Good evening Yoogals! I miss this house..just finished my backread..

Likewise Kai, I wish he will be enlisted soon and come back asap.Although i will be sad but Yoogals are here to cheer each other so i wont mind but i wish he will do a mini series with YEH or whatever it is even CF will do also.Btw, Kai it sounds that youre BF...hmm did he propose already? :o

Anne, Im sure he will be leaving us with smiles! About the proposal, will send you an SMS or PM, im kinda shy to discuss it here! HAHAHAHA! Now i know what HK means when he said that EC should be shy when answering a proposal. :lol: but will tell yoogals, when im getting married.

Yes too much cantata now my little boy was sick. :(

Too much coffee! :lol: thats why i dont drink coffee. hehehehe!

yes, i heard that too aha! two-timing!?!not only Yoo & ken will be neighbors but also Lyn.

Lyn already has a property in Batanes? Or she is planning to buy? Im just kidding on the buying part.. dont have that much money! LOL! have to win jackpot on the lottery for that! *wink* And im not two-timing, im just being appreciative! hehehehe! I also love mike he, btw!

tangtang missyou.gif

Faye, miss yah too!

Long time no see Yoo Gals Miss yoo so much :) Everyminutes of Everydays.

I need a time to think and fix my s**k life. Life is not always easy. It can call for a stretch.

Wowwww yoohouse running so fast . how many days I can finish my update ??

Last time I remember, I took a GY’s song.Zip from aalhl ^^”

Twinnie - miss yoo so much . Pls. let me be your twinnie one more time..so sorry !!

aalhl- Hello onnie…Thank for your kind . Everythings I can feel it .

this house still be pleasantly warm everytime when I’m here !!

Twinnie! Welcome Back! Hope that everything is alright now! People will always screw us over, but as you have said, a little dose of YOO will make your spirits high, YOO wouldnt be happy seeing you wasted. ;) I will always be your twinnie, so nothing to say sorry about! :sweatingbullets: Goodluck on you interview,btw! And hurry finishing the backpages, so you'll be here again sending us love notes!

Hello yoogals long time no see. I am here telling something I saw on YOO's cy blog. YOO was putting a lovely moving rabbit to replace his personal photos on 10/23.....and then someone said that the image of this moving rabbit sort of indicated ms. yeh due to her lovely rabbit teeth

.......what happened next was that YEH's cy blog now is with a bear-like image decorated as her cy background....then someone analyzed and said the both of them trying to communicate with each other in their own way....it seemed that the bear represents YOO...you can try to recall a photo that YOO posing with a big lovely white bear.... that's as far as I can tell you now.....

One more thing did puzzle me a lot was that I did watch the video clip of YEH's bday party but to my surprise , all the other guests have their own video shot except our baby yoo......they insist baby yoo coundn't appear together with the lovely YEh....though he's there with Yeh but still we could not see them together...that bothered me a lot...which indicates there's something going on with the two...and do not want the video of the two show up in the public's eyes....what do you say?

Hi, shihchinchin! You never failed to amaze me with your observations, and everything...Hope you all our 'hallucinations' will become true, and GYEH will end up together! NO SHIPPING HERE!

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Guest huongface

hellooo everyone!

I haven't been in here in ages.

Is there anywhere the calendar is for purchase? like a website cause I doubt it'll come to the US.

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Guest tangtang

Both Cy's have girls on hats. :blink:

I was rewatching that NG video where GY bangs EH head on the REF after a kiss and he says sorry and hugs her. I just noticed, EH had her left hand on GY's waist the whole time he was hugging her. :P you have to look closely to see it behind the swing doors.

Hi, klutz! Thank you for reminding me on watching those BTS again! :lol:


GY seems to be really bored his cy BG changes again

no more spinning rabbit and lovely girl

wonder if GY is reading our post

coz i always notice the anonymous user in this thread

wel if he is

Hello oppa

Hi, euchan! You crack me up! We should not be drooling when that anonymous user comes back, we wouldnt want yoo seeing us drooling! :lol:

i loved him in she's on duty. and i love him even more in his coffee prince.

yeh is so lucky to be kissed by this one hot oppa many times.

Hi, copperkey_kulet! I would be lucky enough if i get one kiss from him! :lol:

hello tangtang.... cool....that means YooHouse shouldn't be lonely 24/7 coz' somebody's awake somehow wherever she is in all parts of the universe :lol:

Faye, so nothing to worry that this house will be empty, even if the heart and soul is kicking somebody's a$$ in the MS! *high fives*

ssuppp OC..... we missed you here but don't feel bad for missing the 500th page celebration.... there are more 500's coming and we will all be together to celebrate!

Hahahaha! Your calling her OC! Reminds me of my syndrome! But yeah, its easier to call her OC than orangechocolate!

just checking girl.... wow i'm jealous of all your special holidays.... dang we have to work even on halloween- and wear costumes too! yoo all have fun!

We have lots of holidays here! halloween, is not really a big fuss here. Except that we have to visit loved-ones that already passed away, and that made November 1 an official holiday. So what is your costume for halloween?

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Guest syMplicitY

I've found the English version of the news:

S. Korean actor to release calendar for sale in Japan

SEOUL, Oct. 30 (Yonhap) -- Popular South Korean actor Gong Yoo will put a 2008 calendar featuring himself on the Japanese market next month, his management agency said Tuesday.

SidusHQ said, "The '2008 Gong Yoo Calendar' will be available for purchase in Japan on Nov. 23, and the calendar will show both Gong Yoo's refined style and a range of looks including the more informal and personal."

The actor is best known in Japan for his role in the Japanese movie, "Like a Dragon," and his starring role in the hit South Korean TV drama, "Coffee Prince Shop No.1," which was aired earlier this year.

credit: yonhapnews

those Japanese's fans are soo lucky..............

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Guest tangtang

aww Liron... I'm laughing at popseoul's comment.. if she doesn't want to stare at that pic for one month, give it to me.. hehe.. :D It makes me happy staring at that laughing face of baby YOO.. :wub: and at least 12 more pics to drool over still.. :rolleyes:

Totally! I thought popseoul is really into YOO. He is even in her banner, and when you checked Yoo's archives she havent said anything bad about yoo. And then.. this. Waaahh! Anyway, who cares about her opinion! :lol: Yoo is uber lovable in that picture! The feeling of wanting to smile even if your in total bad mood!

what a totally despicable comments they have in that blog.( im not bashing)im just airing by total dislike about that issue. if they dont like it then they should have not posted it on the first place. so much for free press. WHATEVER !

sorry for my rant YOOGALS...its just that im in no mood to let it pass.bwahahaha

Queenie, there is nothing wrong with your rant! She can say whatever she wanted to say in her blog, and we can say anything we wanted to say in here! Bwahahaha!

I just do the simple translation:

GY will launch 2008 calendar at Japan on 23rd Nov and he will meet Japanese fans end of this year (end of Dec).

Coffee Prince will air in Japan on Jan 2008.

PS: End of Dec??? mean he postpone his MS??

Postponed again? Waaaahh.. How come he will be back soon! :tears:

hellooo everyone!

I haven't been in here in ages.

Is there anywhere the calendar is for purchase? like a website cause I doubt it'll come to the US.

hi, huonghace! i think nanamienzo, posted site that it might be availabe but its not availabe yet. Check on page 528 or 529, she posted it there. ;)

I've found the English version of the news:

S. Korean actor to release calendar for sale in Japan

credit: yonhapnews

those Japanese's fans are soo lucky..............

Thanks, syMplicitY for the translation. Yeah, those japanese fans are lucky. They have the chance to see YOO before he leaves! :huh:

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Guest vicente

YOOGALS!!!......anybody home????Seems like I am alone here....Where does everybody goes??

I just finished back pages reading but have to postpone replying later, tomorrow. I just "missing" for a couple of days and the pages that I have backlog is quite sum.

I cannot spend too much time here tonight. I need to prepare a presentation for my important meeting tomorrow. It's already 2.15 am but I not started anything yet...

I have to do my visiting first - to this house so that I can loosen a bit my missing feeling to GY and recharged myself...

I better stop now and start doing my job...

See you later tomorrow...

Bye! *poofed*

Hi...min_montel....You say right that, I think here no easy for up to date data

and pictures. hahaha Because very speed in the page, I to effort to read about Baby Yoo

to call for all friends. It seems not successful for me. Hahaha. :P

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Just a quick drop by before I go for shower.. :P

The calendar is available for orders/reservations on this Japanese website - http://youkorea.jp There seems to be 2 types of calendar available - desktop and wall mounting (is that what you call it? :P ).

Here are the details:


Size: 210×148mm

Quantity : 14枚

Price: 1,575 Yen


Size: B2(728×512mm)

Quantity: 8枚

Price: 2,625 Yen

Hmm.. if I'm not mistaken the quantity is refering to the number of copies available... So it looks like limited copies only. And the calendar covers from January till December... :rolleyes:

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I found the Japanese version of the news.. ;)


2007/10/30(Tue) 09:28

コン・ユが、日本でカレンダーを発売する。11月23日発売予定である「2008 コン・ユカレンダー」は、俳優としてのコン・ユの人間的な内面とスタイリッシュな面貌を収めた。また街頭で動感あるコンセプトで撮影した写真も収録して、季節感あふれるソウルを表現しようと努力した。



so I'm envying those Japanese fans again!!! coz YOO is gonna go there AGAIN!!! probably to promote Coffee Prince this time.. :) Could it be his last fans meet there as well? I gotta hunt my Japanese friend down. .hahah

BTW I just found out that the photoshoot with Joe Odagiri is for a fashion magazine called "BAZAAR". :)

2008 KONG YU Calender will be issued on Nov.23 and end of Dec. also will be published his picture book in Japan. which is not only his Humanity & Stylish also powerful and a sense of seasons of SEOUL .

This calender is most high quality like a moving fashion pictures and charm and attract of KONG YU. We believe this will be wonderfull gift for his fans. and TV program [Coffee Princess 1st branch] will be broadcasted on Jan.2008.

ok angelie, this is what my hubby's version, what is more interesting here is that... it mentioned that his PB will be published or released end of dec. not he will meet his fans. ( i didnt made any alteration on his translation) thats the reason why he dont want me asking him make a long translation... he always sez that his english is bad... better translate english to japanese that japanese to english

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