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(jdrama 2007) Hanazakari_no Kimitachi_e

Guest asianrice

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Guest .moony.

^ toma looks so hot!! lol

i dont know why everyone likes oguri shun. I have seen his dramas before and his acting is the same in every single one.

He's not that great looking either.

I kinda don't like his attitude on screen. but ah well...

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^ toma looks so hot!! lol

i dont know why everyone likes oguri shun. I have seen his dramas before and his acting is the same in every single one.

He's not that great looking either.

I kinda don't like his attitude on screen. but ah well...

I think he's a good actor

when I first saw him in Azumi, even though he had a small part

I thought he was good, he won me over, especially b4 Azumi has to kill him

I Think he's a cutie too

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Guest Shiget^

Oguri is good actor, ive seen him in Gokusen, HYD and stand up and all he's characters were different for those dramas ^^;;

but of course everyone has different tastes ^^;;

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Guest loony_luna

i think oguri shun is a great actor...maybe you haven't seen a lot of his movies, dramas, plays..it's easier for people to judge like that... :mellow:

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Guest bbasya

I don't mind but it will be a major spoiler. hehe ^^ try peeking in that volume and you'll see what I mean ^______^

:( they don't have that volume translated in english yet. it's cool. i think i'll just wait. ^^

^ That BIG 8 days notice just made me nervous!! lol

hehe. :sweatingbullets: sorry. but ONE WEEK LEFT~! woot!

a new CM !!! omg this is freakin good XD !! can't wait !!!!!!! iya it looks so hilarious !

all those screams ahhhhhhhh lol


:w00t: :w00t: :w00t: OMG! i can't wait!

thanks Nomanymore!

^ i agree with what Shiget^ said. i think Oguri Shun can act well. he won me over when i watched HYD.

he was so cute there too. :blush:

i guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. hehe.

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Guest .moony.

Well I've seen him in Gokusen, HYD 1 and HYD 2, and isn't he kindaichi or smth for once...a detective...forgot his name...so I don't know if that counts as not a lot to you loony_luna.

and i just saw a commercial for Hana Kimi, and my first impression was his facial expression is still the same!!!

I guess I dont like him because his Rui in HYD is too different from the Rui in the manga, as if it's not the same person anymore so I was very very disappointed.

But yes, compared to wu zun i think oguri shun will win. But compared to a few other japanese actors I've seen, I don't think he's really good.

Just my opinion...lol

Edit: oh yes i saw azumi too...

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I never read the manga (I know I should ._.), but I remember reading Oguri Shun saying that he tries harder when he does live actions because he really loves reading mangas and he doesn't want to not capture the characters in them.

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Guest asianrice

sunmoon: You should watch Stand Up! then. Not saying that you'll like his character or not, but it's different.

I personally like Shun, he just has this charm on screen. He's not the most good looking in the world, but girls love him anyway because there's just something about him.

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Guest bluem00n

:( they don't have that volume translated in english yet. it's cool. i think i'll just wait. ^^

I have the scanlations in English. I can share it with you if you like ^^

It's getting nearer.. everyone's excited. Maki and Shun = <33 ^___^

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Guest loony_luna

Well I've seen him in Gokusen, HYD 1 and HYD 2, and isn't he kindaichi or smth for once...a detective...forgot his name...so I don't know if that counts as not a lot to you loony_luna.

Edit: oh yes i saw azumi too...

well yes, that is not a lot to me... there's so many more shun dramas to watch...

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I think it's quite no interest in judging those actors' acting skills now, no? They're chosen, that's the fact. The producers are not that crazy to just pick anyone from no where to play in such production as Hana Kimi ! &Beside Shun's a pro, he had much more experience in acting than some actors out there, & he showed that he has potential for it.

well people have different tastes I agree & have no comment on it . But this kind of discussion annoys me somehow.

I know I know nobody'd care about me & my 2cents.. but I still want to say it akaka


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I don't really like shun and him being as sano but there's nothing i can do either, just hope he potrays the character well.

I'm so angry with the producer for making the series too late, i've been sitting at home doing nothing for the past 7 months and there's nothing interesting to watch and when i'm going to be on hiatus for the 6 nexth month. This drama are going to be out!! I'm so angry just by watching the cm bcos it look so interesting and i can't watch it.

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I don't really like shun and him being as sano but there's nothing i can do either, just hope he potrays the character well.

I'm so angry with the producer for making the series too late, i've been sitting at home doing nothing for the past 7 months and there's nothing interesting to watch and when i'm going to be on hiatus for the 6 nexth month. This drama are going to be out!! I'm so angry just by watching the cm bcos it look so interesting and i can't watch it.

Awe I'm sorry to hear that. Are you going back to school or something?

Anyways...I find Shun quite a promising actor. He's not perfect of course but he tries his best.

Lets not start judging until we actually see him start acting as Sano.

Who knows, he might blow you away haha :]....

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Guest loony_luna

I think it's quite no interest in judging those actors' acting skills now, no? They're chosen, that's the fact. The producers are not that crazy to just pick anyone from no where to play in such production as Hana Kimi ! &Beside Shun's a pro, he had much more experience in acting than some actors out there, & he showed that he has potential for it.

well people have different tastes I agree & have no comment on it . But this kind of discussion annoys me somehow.

I know I know nobody'd care about me & my 2cents.. but I still want to say it akaka


i couldn't agree more... especially this part 'But this kind of discussion annoys me somehow'

so i shall say no more...

let's just enjoy all of these and wait patiently until hanakimi is shown...

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xSHADOW- I'm going to university and it's tomorrow, this is probably my last time with the computer. Pretty sucks isn't it?

I just want to ask help from people in this thread, please tell me the synopsis and details on each episode. I don't mind reading spoilers, i guess i have to wait for the cd to be out in the cd shop, i just hope it was fast as HYD2.

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Guest nence

gosh... i so can't wait for this. want to see the japanese version badly. seems interesting too. and thanks for the clips.

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