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(jdrama 2007) Hanazakari_no Kimitachi_e

Guest asianrice

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Guest alcyone

can't hardly wait for this. it's going to be exciting!!! now that i see Maki, she looks certainly like pretty boy! hehehehe

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Guest choco-late

Maki looks funny in the guy form, and I'm so excited how she will act as the main lead.

Also Shun and Maki are one of my favorite actor/actiress...

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Guest pink-0ju

ahhhh!!!! finally~~~ have been waiting forever for jdorama to take this manga plot over!!!! XD

btw...shouldnt Shun's hair be a bit shorter??? in comparison to Sano...

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Guest strawberrynkiwi

I also loved Wu Chun's portrayal (even if it wasn't EXACTLY like sano's character).... But I really think Shun will be perfect.....have you seen him in the Detective Conan special? he wasn't cold there at all...Rui was suposed to be cold, so Shun played him that way. Sano isn't too cold, and I think Shun will find the perfect balence. He's a wonderful actor, and (please no one kill me) much more talented as an actor than a lot of the "idols" who play the majority of lead roles....

I think he is the best choice for the role, as much as I love Yamapi and Ryo and the rest. I love that one of my favorite characters is being played by such an experianced and talented actor ^^

I will take your word for it. Since I see that A LOT of people is very excited about Shun's portrayal of Sano (sorry for the mistake on the name before). I never doubt Shun's acting, I watched him in Gokusen, Stand up, Conan, and HYD. oh GTO. I liked him in GTO, other than that. Jun & Pi always took my attention away from Shun.

I saw the CM and stuff now. It looks pretty good. I gotta admit, I want to see this Japanese version.


is it me or their school kinda looks like ouran :x even their uniform


Exactly what I thought. Toma can pass for a Tamaki for me. Maki... uhhh. but yeah she looks a lot like Yuya from NEWS. The body too.... :sweatingbullets:

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Guest Yvonne

Thanks for all the clips and the pic!

I must say, after seeing Maki's new hairdo...I just can't wait!!! I knew she would be MUCH better than Ella, just IMO. Sorry if I offended any Ella's fans...however, she was the main reason I didn't really enjoy the Taiwanese version.

Moreover, I am glad Shun dyed his hair black for this role...just like Sano in the comic! Woohoooo!

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Guest zenb4ever

The new pix looks greattttttttt !!!

Toma in the drama is cute , too :*X I'm hoping for the real Nakatsu :*X:*X:*X

I think Shun's hair should be a bit shorter , but he does look hot in whatever style :*X

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Guest asianrice

Adding to the picture Shiget posted up:


Cute, no? :D Although they should smile more.

credit to oguri_shun community

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Guest itonobara

Was able to find the CM. :D could watch it here:

hanakimi CM

or here: Hanakimi CM



can't watch the new news clip... :(

I downloaded it - here it is ^^ : Mezamashi News clip #2

and here is the first one: Mezameshi News Clip #1

and the really short cm: Hana Kimi CM

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Guest .moony.

the pic is so cute!! toma omg i love him so much huhu i cant wait to see this T_T XDDD

anyway they should have given maki a size smaller...that one looks too baggy on her -_-

she'd look so much better as a guy if the outfit fits her more -_-

*stabs the drama's custome staff*

Edit: and I do think toma looks better than shun XD Shun looks good in HYD 2 thou with short hair...i hate it when he has long hair and gel it up like this :crazy:

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Guest Dorkiee

yea. i hope maki can potray the happy, active girl because she usually plays the serious, angry, sad type. Lets hope she prove us wrong again.

I'm also trying to not have as much expectations =D.

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Guest Often Blank

The Taiwanese version was pretty good. This coming from a person who only watched Meteor Garden out of all the other Chinese dramas because people told me how enjoyable it was. The Japanese version should be just as good if not better since it was originally a manga. Only thing I'm not liking about this is...

Maki can't act.

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Guest Zealain

im so excited about this drama... >3< though i have yet to watch the tw version...

the boys are so pretty x3

maki can act, but only as a quiet, shy girl... ^^;; she did awesome in nobuta wo produce... she fit the character perfectly... but in some of her other dramas it's just a bit "ehh"... especially teppan shoujo akane... lol xD

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Guest Solly

kyaaaaa! i can't wait to see this!!! although i haven't seen

the taiwanese version... i think i'll wait because japanese

dramas are usually shorter than tawainese dramas O.O;;

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I just finished watching all the new clips & the excitement in me is bubbling again :blush:!

I want Shun's hair to be shorter, it's a little too long. (I love his hair in HYD though ^o^!)


^ haha that picture's cute. The way they move look like robots :D they should SMILE.

You know how Hana Yori Dango & the Taiwanese version of Hana Kimi both had or are going to have sequels?

Will this version of Hana Kimi probably do the same? Since Japanese dramas are usually shorter.

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Guest Shiget^


that will depend on response of the people and if it will have high ratings, if it starts really well in the first 5 episodes and then maybe fuji tv will make a sequel for Hana Kimi.

but seems like its gonna be a big hit, its not even showing yet its very popular now XDDD

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