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One Tree Hill~

Guest kiss the rain.

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How can Carrie (the nanny) turn into such a conniving b____ in just one episode? What the hell.

Brooke's mother has got to go too. What she said to Peyton was uncalled for.

Seriously, it was more Lucas's fault for their break-up. He was the one that didn't wait for her and got caught up with his book being published and whatnot. Peyton never said she wouldn't marry him in the future, just that it was too soon for them at the moment.

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Guest miimisunshine

I HATE THE NANNY! and brooke's mom. the catfight between her and peyton was AWSOME!!

i don't care what happens to her(the nanny) as long as she dies. i will be dancing and being all happy if that happens.

i hope nathan doesn't fall for her please don't but i read that

haley is going to ask for a divorce since she thinks nathan is cheating on her.

i hope that doesn't happen either.

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the nannyyy omg =_____= I can't believe her! I trusted her not to seduce Nathan kus she seems so damn nice ;_;

& victoria's so heartless :\\ >< Brooke was saying such sincere sweet things & all she had for a reply was "whatever" ?! >:\\

i wonder what happened between Skill & Bevin =o

& is it just me, or does Lindsey & Carrie look alike!

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omg...next week promo..cant wait!

well i've read the spoilers so i knew what's going to happen after 5.07, but for now i dont care(at least there will be some good/exciting moments of leyton next week)

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Guest gerlie777

i hate the nanny so much.

so so so so much.

and the leyton scene, i teared a bit.

other than that .

one tree hill is getting so good.

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Guest NinJa_girL

wow the scene of peyton and lucas was so intense...

I can understand how payton feel though

I hope they end up togetherrrrr

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Skillz is so funny. lol

I feel so bad for Brooke that she has a mom like that. Her mom is soo mean.

Yeah..the scene with Peyton and Lucas was intense...I wonder what will happen with them.

I don't want the nanny messing up Hayley and Nathan's relationship!! grrr...

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Guest the7REAL.

I started watching OTH again and found that Nathan was looking like a hobo in the beginning WTF. D: Caught up now...

Nanny is bad...I do not like her..no no. >.<;

Peyton / Lucas scene was intense. D: I loved it.

Brooke / mother scene the dream/real..sad.

And when Lucas was reassuring his gf that he loves her and whatever for some reason I caught myself rolling my eyes and like 'pshh. liar. PSSSHH...ughh...blah...etc' lol

Don't get me wrong..I love Lucas but he always says these extremely lovey dovey mushy things and then bam..new gf...cause' back in the day I believed it when he loved Peyton and then Brooke and then Peyton again...lol. When he just says the most dreamy things and then...blah...I dunno..they just have those 'moments' and then..blah..I dunno..hahah..I'm happy that I'm back to watching the show I guess..xD Well...things need to be fixed...definitely..-.-^

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well as much as i love him, i think lucas is so indecisive..i'm on peyton's side now..she made the right decision not to accept his proposal..if it was me, i'd do the same thing..he wanted to get married when they were 19, while they didnt even go stable with their careers or even close to their dreams, and suddenly out of the blue, lucas appeared with the ring.lol. i agree with peyton(in 5.06), she did not say NO. she asked him to wait, and he couldnt even do that.

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Guest tunggal

i'm on Peyton side too...I understand her situation..goshh Lucas..just admit that u still love her..:D..

that nanny carrie start to get on my nerve now...act angelic in front Haley but has other intention..grrr :fury:

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Guest JenniFOO

Ah! I knew it! The nanny always seemed to good to be true. Good thing I never liked her so it didn't come as a big shocker to me lol

And Lyndsay...Lindsay (which one?), I hate to say it but I'm kind of on her side with the whole Peyton/Lindsay(Lyndsay) battle. I mean, Lyndsay (Lindsay) never did anything to Peyton yet she's being such a jerk to her. (but this doesn't mean I like her or anything. There's something about her that just .... makes me not like to watch her scenes) And Lucas. Seriously, the guy is so confused that its getting kind of annoying. And to be honest, I'm not that fond of him. Haven't been for quite awhile. So...whatever happens to him is just meh. All I care about right now is Naley...

...And what the hell happened to Skills and Bevin?! When will they show an episode regarding thattttt? Cooommmmmee onnnn

And did I mention in my past post about who's coming back later on this season? If not, its

TIM! TIM! TIM! & Rachel

I believe. But YAY haha

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Guest mz simmonz

peyton gave me goosebumps in this episode. from the conversation with haley re lindsey in the studio to her office when lucas confronted her to the catfight with brooke's mom and lastly back to her office with lucas.


I completely agree!

btw, I must add to everyone else's comments...UGH CARRIE!! HOW COULD SHE!! it made me really sad when Nathan was on the balcony a tad too long. <_<

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Guest the7REAL.

well as much as i love him, i think lucas is so indecisive..i'm on peyton's side now..she made the right decision not to accept his proposal..if it was me, i'd do the same thing..he wanted to get married when they were 19, while they didnt even go stable with their careers or even close to their dreams, and suddenly out of the blue, lucas appeared with the ring.lol. i agree with peyton(in 5.06), she did not say NO. she asked him to wait, and he couldnt even do that.

^I definitely agree! Man, that was such an emotional scene. Really though, Lucas ahhh you should have just waited~ >.<;

i'm on Peyton side too...I understand her situation..goshh Lucas..just admit that u still love her..:D..

that nanny carrie start to get on my nerve now...act angelic in front Haley but has other intention..grrr :fury:

^Yeah, I didn't like when she was all telling Lindsay at the table that just because someone has history with someone doesn't mean they are meant to be together...I mean..okay but the WAY she was all being shady and whispering it to her when everyone was away was just..eck..yeah..bad motives. -.-; Lindsay...I mean..she's okay..but I just keep thinking that she will be just a 'passing' character...lol..or I hope...because she's in the way of Leyton..haha. Not her fault but yeah...xP

JenniFOO: Honestly, yeah I haven't been too fond of Lucas in awhile as well actually. I was more of a Naley supporter while Lucas was always confused about something..lol. I would like it if that guy with the baby came back for Peyton actually..ahahah. I forgot his name..and he's on another show..but I liked that little storyline with Peyton. =P

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Guest JenniFOO

I would like it if that guy with the baby came back for Peyton actually..ahahah. I forgot his name..and he's on another show..but I liked that little storyline with Peyton. =P

JAKEEEEEEE <3 I would love it if he came back hahaha And he's on October Road I believe? I never watched that show before but I think thats the name.

Seriously, I'd be extremely happy if they brought Jake back for an episode or 2. That would be amazing.

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i dont know whyyyyy i keep thinking of Jessica Alba whenever i see the nanny. On that note, i definitely don't like her character! But hey, we need drama!

Skills + Jamie are TOOOOOO cute!!

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JAKEEEEEEE <3 I would love it if he came back hahaha And he's on October Road I believe? I never watched that show before but I think thats the name.

Seriously, I'd be extremely happy if they brought Jake back for an episode or 2. That would be amazing.

yeah..i love jake!! :D

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