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Oh. How about the way a girl dresses?

And what if the girl is just walking pass by him and just saying hi

of course. I tend to love girls that dress in loose clothing... or like... well, girly girls <3 Skirts, dresses, blouses, i duno. Feminine girls are extremely attractive in my opinion.

every guy has a different preference though...

What are you asking here?

if this is a sign of a girl liking a guy?

I think of it as a simple greetings between friends/acquaintances...

So i met this guy at my summer job, and we're all students. We had an awesome time partying and hanging out with the rest of the students there during the summer 3 months. One time we all got drunk and my frd asked him what does he think about me, and all he said was that "she (referring to me) is a cool friend". My job term ended in august, and i had to return back to school while he continues his workterm there. However we continued to remain in touch and hang out ocassionaly..

Recently i've realized that there are a lot of things he said/did seems to be hinting sth...or maybe i was just thinking too much...so i was wondering do these following things mean/signals anything?

+He always msgz me on msn, (and through e-mail when he's at work) everyday

and he seems to be up wahtever i'm asking him to do or plans to hangout, (a.k.a never says 'no' to my plans or requests..)

+He remembers everything I've ask him to do

+He always talk abt the fun moments and jokes we've shared in the past, and always emphasize how his life becomes black and white after i left.

+He 'accidentally' left me his sunglasses on the last day before i moved back to my city, and later told me tha ti can keep it with me.

+He always try to find opportunities for us to hang out. (It would take him 1.5hrs to get here), but sometimes seems like he's not so willing to hang out if it's just me and him...But i can see that he always tries hard to find others to come out w/us, and disappointed when nobody could come out.

+He said many times how it's so nice to be single =/

+He jokes infront of our other frdz at work how i am his pretended gf =/ (it was only supposed to be an inside joke between him, me and other mutual frd of ours)

+he always let me take his rm when we were hanging out @ his place although there was a guest rm that i could hv shared w/another frd

I'm getting confused by his words. Sometimes i felt like there's sth betwen us. Other times i felt like i'm just thinking too much. He simply considers me as a very good friend perhaps?

Please help.

sorry for the long post

All signs point to close friend to me. He may have an interest in you, but I think he's more comfortable being in the friend zone for now. Don't think about this too much, he could be confused with his feelings as well. In my opinion, he seems like a guy that will value friendship over a potential relationship... but this could change.

There's a gut feeling that I'm getting that he'll choose one or the other in the near future.

Sorry for not supplying a definitive answer. :<

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Guest ThePrime

i was wondering.. if guys tell girls that they like them even if they dont?

are you asking, will they...?

Becuase they probably won't lol, i dont see why they would. It would just make things complicated.

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i was wondering.. if guys tell girls that they like them even if they dont?

if = possibility. everything = possible.

you want to know some of the reasons why?

To get back at an ex. to satisfy their desire for a partner. to satisfy their physical desires.

the possibilities are endless...

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What are you asking here?

if this is a sign of a girl liking a guy?

I think of it as a simple greetings between friends/acquaintances...

Yeah lets say if the girl likes the guy and she walks by him and waves. Like simple greetings between acquaintances

Are there like any gestures he tend to make if he likes her back?

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Guest NEEKA902

This morning this same guy called me it was like 11ish. My phone rang for about 30 seconds maybe? I didn't hear it at first, but then I was about to answer it and it hung up. He didn't call back. I'm not sure if one, he called the wrong number..(but my phone had already rung for like 30 seconds). Two, he was testing to see if I would call back, or three, was scared and hung up? So, I don't know what I should do now. Should I wait for him to contact me back first? Should I text him and asked if he called? Or, Should I call him back asking why he called?

Thanks, Guys.

EDIT: He called back to tell me where he is working now..haha. Ahh..*sigh of relief*. Always worried about the smallest things..><"

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Guest daasianguy

These are my last two posts..><

This morning this same guy called me it was like 11ish. My phone rang for about 30 seconds maybe? I didn't hear it at first, but then I was about to answer it and it hung up. He didn't call back. I'm not sure if one, he called the wrong number..(but my phone had already rung for like 30 seconds). Two, he was testing to see if I would call back, or three, was scared and hung up? So, I don't know what I should do now. Should I wait for him to contact me back first? Should I text him and asked if he called? Or, Should I call him back asking why he called?

Thanks, Guys.

hmm...well if you believe it's the first reason, well obviously there's not much to do because well..he got the wrong number haha...

but if it's the other two...well then call him back..you dont know how happy i'd be if a girl i liked called me back...

because no matter what a guy says, it's really intimidating to talk to a girl because you're never sure if you're gonna look like an idiot and ruin everything...but i say call him back..it's cool that he texts you first and all that but sometimes you have to do it first too just to show that he's not wasting his time...

this probably doesnt help at all but oh well we cant choose who we get our advice from haha

good luck

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Guest fredinsac

Yeah lets say if the girl likes the guy and she walks by him and waves. Like simple greetings between acquaintances

Are there like any gestures he tend to make if he likes her back?

There's no universal gesture that guys use when they like a girl. A lot of guys will hide these kind of gestures because they're unsure of the girls feelings for him. Other guys are a lot more open about who they like and so these kind of gestures are much easier to detect. I would just get to know him a lot more especially how he is around girls he's liked in the past. That way it will give you hints as to what to expect if he likes you.

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Guest illicitmercy

There's no universal gesture that guys use when they like a girl. A lot of guys will hide these kind of gestures because they're unsure of the girls feelings for him. Other guys are a lot more open about who they like and so these kind of gestures are much easier to detect. I would just get to know him a lot more especially how he is around girls he's liked in the past. That way it will give you hints as to what to expect if he likes you.

Care to explain to me what these kind of gesture's that open guys are willing to express?


Even though im a guy

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How many dates did you guys go on before you felt comfortable with your gf? How many dates till you actually told her you like her? I mean how i am i suppose to know we are bf/gf? >.< Haha..i feel so dumb when it comes to lovey dovey stuff.

Story if you are curious: I am in China right now and i am pretty sure this guy likes me. We went out to eat 6 times now. (not sure if that is a lot..i am clueless). He is going to take me to the movies later. He is not very talkative though and most of the time i have to ask him questions. He will still ask me questions but he just seems quiet. Yesterday night he seemed more comfortable and we talked a lot. Seems like guys in China or more modest and take their time. Lol.

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Guest mrsjaejoong

we've been together for 7 months and things were going so well, then one day, we're having a small argument on the phone and then he's suddenly he's asking me for some time to himself to think us over... i give him 4 days before calling to see how he's doing (i was also worried about him b/c of his fb status). when i talked to him, he was so detached and he sounded like he really didn't care and he just dumped me... i asked him why and he gave me several really random reasons that didn't really make sense at all

i called him a week after the breakup for my real closure. i also wanted to apologize to him about my past behaviour b/c about 6 hrs after he broke up with me, i went drinking and got seriously drunk and called him up crying my eyes out and begging him to come back. i told him that we moved too fast in the relationship and we should've gotten to know eachother a lot more beforehand. then i asked him for the real reason of our breakup and he just said 'i just stopped loving you'. i don't know how someone can just stop.... i feel like either there's a new girl or he's too scared to fall too deep with me (he got really hurt by his 1st love so he's always doing w/e he can to avoid heartbreak). ... idk... what d o you guys think?

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Guest fredinsac

Care to explain to me what these kind of gesture's that open guys are willing to express?


Even though im a guy

A lot of physical contact, flattering comments, or he'll just flat out say that he likes the person.

How many dates did you guys go on before you felt comfortable with your gf? How many dates till you actually told her you like her? I mean how i am i suppose to know we are bf/gf? >.< Haha..i feel so dumb when it comes to lovey dovey stuff.

Story if you are curious: I am in China right now and i am pretty sure this guy likes me. We went out to eat 6 times now. (not sure if that is a lot..i am clueless). He is going to take me to the movies later. He is not very talkative though and most of the time i have to ask him questions. He will still ask me questions but he just seems quiet. Yesterday night he seemed more comfortable and we talked a lot. Seems like guys in China or more modest and take their time. Lol.

The comfort level depends entirely on the guy. To be honest I think that both the guy and the girl should be comfortable with each other to some extent before being a couple. There really isn't a set number of dates either. If the feelings are there then they're there. Also, you'll know when you're his gf when he asks you to be.

we've been together for 7 months and things were going so well, then one day, we're having a small argument on the phone and then he's suddenly he's asking me for some time to himself to think us over... i give him 4 days before calling to see how he's doing (i was also worried about him b/c of his fb status). when i talked to him, he was so detached and he sounded like he really didn't care and he just dumped me... i asked him why and he gave me several really random reasons that didn't really make sense at all

i called him a week after the breakup for my real closure. i also wanted to apologize to him about my past behaviour b/c about 6 hrs after he broke up with me, i went drinking and got seriously drunk and called him up crying my eyes out and begging him to come back. i told him that we moved too fast in the relationship and we should've gotten to know eachother a lot more beforehand. then i asked him for the real reason of our breakup and he just said 'i just stopped loving you'. i don't know how someone can just stop.... i feel like either there's a new girl or he's too scared to fall too deep with me (he got really hurt by his 1st love so he's always doing w/e he can to avoid heartbreak). ... idk... what d o you guys think?

There's no such thing as "random" when it comes to dating. It might seem out of the blue to you but he's probably been thinking about it for a while. And you can just stop loving someone. When you no longer feel the spark you once felt than you can just stop loving someone. Granted, it could be one of the reasons you posted as well. But I mean, do you really want him back if he's already told you that he doesn't love you anymore? And didn't you ask this question once before already?

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Guest choppsueyy!

okay, so i got my first kiss yesterday! xD

and on my first try, he used tounge! x___x

i was so skeeved!

but i kissed him and used tounge anyways.

since it was my first kiss, i was just wondering, being that its my first and im worried that i'm a bad kisser,

wouldn't he most likely pull away and not kiss me if i was bad kisser?

because he kissed me multiple times and used tounge, and kissed my neck and what not.

ughh i hate tounge .__.

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Guest lala1111430262341

All signs point to close friend to me. He may have an interest in you, but I think he's more comfortable being in the friend zone for now. Don't think about this too much, he could be confused with his feelings as well. In my opinion, he seems like a guy that will value friendship over a potential relationship... but this could change.

There's a gut feeling that I'm getting that he'll choose one or the other in the near future.

Sorry for not supplying a definitive answer. :<

thank u for the reply! I like how you responded in a fortune teller kinda way...."gut feeling that he'll choose one or the other in the future" ..lol

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There's no universal gesture that guys use when they like a girl. A lot of guys will hide these kind of gestures because they're unsure of the girls feelings for him. Other guys are a lot more open about who they like and so these kind of gestures are much easier to detect. I would just get to know him a lot more especially how he is around girls he's liked in the past. That way it will give you hints as to what to expect if he likes you.

I see I see.

But the thing is I'm shy around him and he is a shy person too.

So this is making us going no where. I don't know what we should talk about.

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Guest illicitmercy

okay, so i got my first kiss yesterday! xD

and on my first try, he used tounge! x___x

i was so skeeved!

but i kissed him and used tounge anyways.

since it was my first kiss, i was just wondering, being that its my first and im worried that i'm a bad kisser,

wouldn't he most likely pull away and not kiss me if i was bad kisser?

because he kissed me multiple times and used tounge, and kissed my neck and what not.

ughh i hate tounge .__.

If he really likes you then no, he won't.

But =D everybody has inexperienced times.

You'll grow to love like it though :P

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Guest jayneefahxD

sighh, i think guys are really confusing.. or maybe i'm just too oblivious.

i have feelings for this guy, but i don't know if he's interested in me. we used to live in the same town before i moved a few years ago. we recently got in touch during the summer, and we decided to meet up and catch up with things since last month. we've been going to the movies, and what not. he only lives at least 20 minutes away from me; whenever we went to the movies, he ALWAYS drove to my town and picked me up so we can go to a local theatre.

anyways, he always offered to pay for the movie tickets. and to be honest, i wasn't quite sure if these "get-togethers" were even dates. -__- but he always let me wear his letterman jacket whenever we saw each other. last time when we went to the movies... he took off his jacket when we got out of the car at the parking lot and he put his jacket on for me. during the movies, he also wrapped his arm around me and i thought it was really sweet :)

but let me get straight to the point. these are some of the things that happened; i don't know what "we are". i dont even know if he's interested in me. a few days ago, he was teasing me as usual and i jokingly said to him, "i thought you were my frienddd". i wasn't sure if he took that literally and got offended... because ever since then, he hasn't been talking to me much. i mean, it was just banter. but then again, he's probably busy with football and stuff but still...

what do you guys do when you're not interested in a girl? -____-

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Guest ThePrime


Seems to me like he's interested in you, especially if he's paying for your movie tickets and putting his jacket on you. Maybe he did take it literally when you said to him that "i thought you were a friend" lol, it sounds silly for us guys to take things like that to a literal sense. But, if we really like a girl then we (or atleast i do) analyze what girls are saying to some extent, it's our way of "reading" you if that makes any sense.

If I'm not interested in a girl I don't give her that much attention, and I won't make any extra effort to hang out with her. If she's just a friend, I would just like to see her every now and again - nothing more. The coat thing kinda gets me lol, it could just be me. If she was just a friend and I saw her shivering with like ... frost on her lips then yeah i'll give her my coat, but other than that ... it's my coat LOL

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The comfort level depends entirely on the guy. To be honest I think that both the guy and the girl should be comfortable with each other to some extent before being a couple. There really isn't a set number of dates either. If the feelings are there then they're there. Also, you'll know when you're his gf when he asks you to be.

Good answer. XD Thank you. I should stop thinking about this stuff and start thinking more about my studies. haha.

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Guest jayneefahxD


Seems to me like he's interested in you, especially if he's paying for your movie tickets and putting his jacket on you. Maybe he did take it literally when you said to him that "i thought you were a friend" lol, it sounds silly for us guys to take things like that to a literal sense. But, if we really like a girl then we (or atleast i do) analyze what girls are saying to some extent, it's our way of "reading" you if that makes any sense.

If I'm not interested in a girl I don't give her that much attention, and I won't make any extra effort to hang out with her. If she's just a friend, I would just like to see her every now and again - nothing more. The coat thing kinda gets me lol, it could just be me. If she was just a friend and I saw her shivering with like ... frost on her lips then yeah i'll give her my coat, but other than that ... it's my coat LOL

oh really? why do you guys take it to a literal sense... he probably did take it the wrong way; no wonder why he hasn't been talking to me much like he did before. i really wish he didn't take it literally, though. last night, i told him that i was going to the mall today since he lives 5-10 minutes away from the mall; i asked him if he wanted to meet me there and he said he would. he texted me later on today and he said that he just woke up from a nap... and he can't go because he had guests over at his house. but, he said that he was going to try to see if he can go to the mall later on; he didn't text me back after that. sigh, i even dolled myself up today... one of my guy friends said that i should stop "trying hard' and i should just go with the flow. i don't think i'm trying HARD? -__-

im still having hopes that he's interested in me but i'm not quite sure. i guess ill see what happens when we see each other in person... whenever that will be. sigh*

what else do you guys do? i watched that movie "he's just not that into you" and it made me pretty curious lol. (for example, when a guy isn't interested in a girl, he doesn't pick up his phone/answer texts/calls you back...)

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