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^ well, my ex has always been doing that for me, and i always thought exes wouldnt do that. maybe he's just nice, but one of my girls were putting ideas in my head. that's why i need more opinions on this matter. if u did do that for an ex, why?

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Guest secretwishess

Ohkkays. So there is this quy that i just started to have feelinqs for.

Its like we met like this year durninq, February O9`? & than like we would start

talkinq to each other & stuff. Aim|Text. Its like we would talk everyday & text each other alot.

But thann it was out of nowhere, he just stop talkinq to me. Than last month out of nowhere

he just messaqe me on facebook& thats how we started talkinq aqains. I will see that each time

i qo on Aim, he will iM me 1st& we talk. We joke around& even qave each other Nicknames.

But a few days aqo while we were talkinq he was sayinq he qot problems with his qirlfriend

so i was thinkinq " WHAT?? HE HAVE A GF?? " ....

I never even know about it. So like he keep on qoinq on sayinq how they qot problems. So i went like

to myself i shall just qive up than..But i see him in school after enqlish class&he would like take me to class

even tho i say to him its ookays. & like there are a few times where he qoes sayinq he`s qunna cut one class cause he dont

like the teacher. But than i was free so i dont have class that period.

So i was thinkinq to myself " maybee he wanna stay with me that period? "

& when the weather is cold he would text me tellinq me to wear more cause its cold

& when i didnt qo to school today he was like school sucks cause i didnt qet to see you.

its really botherinq me alot cause i dont know whats hes thinkinq in his mind..

He be havinq all these words on his aim about his qirlfriend & he told me once

that he loves his qirlfriend. & like at times he just tottaly inqored me on aim..

sorry for beinq so loonq. But i just want to know what hes thinkinq.. T-T

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Guest dragonninja598000

i cant think right now... so yeh =s

1. he always uses the reason: "because we're not together"... thats why..etcetc

does he refer to because i've moved somewhere further to him, or ...?

2. if you like a girl, how often would you text her? or do you expect her to text you?

3. so my ex has been talking to me lately, and he keeps telling me to bake for him (since i bake often) >_> arghh is this normal?

thanks guys!

1.No idea what you are asking.

2. Every day probably. Yes I expect her to respond or else it's like wow, hella just ignoring me. Not only that but having to start every single conversation yourself is a drag.

3. Not really. I don't know of any girl that bakes for a ex. That's just really weird.

I've noticed that a lot of guys I know don't seem to ask for a girl's number unless they see them regularly... So what if you meet a girl at something that's not regular - what are the chances you'll ask for her number?

I've just been observing some of my guy friends, and it's interesting, really. They might be totally attracted to someone they met, like say, one day at the shops or at a seminar or something, and they have an awesome talk with each other, yet they won't have a means to contact her.

In my case, as well, if I find a guy totally attractive but it's at something irregular, I /do/ feel awkward saying, "So, what's your number?" But I have done it more times than those boys have. :P

Well it's just one of those things where if we do it then the girl will automatically assume that we're trying to get at her. And it's just weird for a guy to randomly ask a girl what her number is if they just barely met. Girl probably is gonna think the guy is creepy unless he's good looking.

Guys, lets say a year and a bit has passed since your ex girlfriend ended it with you,

you've had a cooling off period for a few months before getting back into contact with her, you've had 2-3 girlfriends after her, would you still take this ex girlfriend out to dinner, remain in contact with her, and pay for her etc. be like a gentleman, despite her breaking it off in the past? what's going on here?

Some girls yes, most of the time no. Maybe he's just being nice. Could be that he's realized that you were the best and wants to slowly start over, but who knows.

Ohkkays. So there is this quy that i just started to have feelinqs for.

Its like we met like this year durninq, February O9`? & than like we would start

talkinq to each other & stuff. Aim|Text. Its like we would talk everyday & text each other alot.

But thann it was out of nowhere, he just stop talkinq to me. Than last month out of nowhere

he just messaqe me on facebook& thats how we started talkinq aqains. I will see that each time

i qo on Aim, he will iM me 1st& we talk. We joke around& even qave each other Nicknames.

But a few days aqo while we were talkinq he was sayinq he qot problems with his qirlfriend

so i was thinkinq " WHAT?? HE HAVE A GF?? " ....

I never even know about it. So like he keep on qoinq on sayinq how they qot problems. So i went like

to myself i shall just qive up than..But i see him in school after enqlish class&he would like take me to class

even tho i say to him its ookays. & like there are a few times where he qoes sayinq he`s qunna cut one class cause he dont

like the teacher. But than i was free so i dont have class that period.

So i was thinkinq to myself " maybee he wanna stay with me that period? "

& when the weather is cold he would text me tellinq me to wear more cause its cold

& when i didnt qo to school today he was like school sucks cause i didnt qet to see you.

its really botherinq me alot cause i dont know whats hes thinkinq in his mind..

He be havinq all these words on his aim about his qirlfriend & he told me once

that he loves his qirlfriend. & like at times he just tottaly inqored me on aim..

sorry for beinq so loonq. But i just want to know what hes thinkinq.. T-T

He's probably just losing interest with his girlfriend and so he's kinda using you as a rebound or a new catch. Not to be mean, but the gf might know that he's been doing stuff with you and talking to you so that's why they have problem.

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If the guys in your group all end up liking the same girl, how would you handle that? Let the person who liked her first have his chance, and if that doesn't work out, then the next person have the get go to go for her and so on?

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Guest Mr. Chan

What's wrong with Liking the same girl your friend likes, too????

It can cause fights. It actually happened to people whom I hang out with. Two guy likes the same girl, the friend of one of them says bad things about the other guy. The other guy finds out that the other guy and other people are insulting him, and it just causes drama from there. In my opinion, it's best to not be in that situation. You wouldn't really wanna ruin your friendship over a girl who may not be worth it. Because in the end, that particular girl sure as hell wasn't worth it.

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Hi fellas, so my boyfriend is taking me on a trip next week for our one year anniversary, and for his bestfriends birthday. The problem is that his ex-girlfriend of three years is going to be there, yes at the birthday party, and possibly everywhere else imaginable! She is known to be a stuck up b****. I don't know how i should act when i see her? be nice and smile? (i'm afraid i'll get shot down). The thought of seeing/meeting here makes me feel sick in the stomach hahaha helpppp. I haven't told my boyfriend that i'm feeling like this, to be honest i don't want him to view me as annoying and insecure *sigh*.

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Guest bubblelicious_

Hello guys..so I have this friend I wouldn't say we are that close cause we met at the start of this semester around 9 weeks ago. Well I mostly talk to him about our work since we do the same subjects and I guess we get along well. But this week on Thursday and Friday he hugged me...but like out of nowhere he did it. I know its like a friendly thing but when he did it he didn't do it to my other friend :S And I don't usually hug people so yeah.. I just want to ask is that a friendly thing? or isit flirting? cause my other friends thinks it is. :S


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Guest mkshftjnky


do you think it's a bad thing for a girl to fulfill her "needs" before she gets into a committed relationship, (here's the wild card) when she knows she's found a man who has fallen for her and basically has put him on hold till she's ready for the commitment?

and don't get her wrong, she loves the guy, she's just afraid of being unfaithful cuz of her selfish needs.

just.. u know.. a random question and please answer honestly! be brutal! i want 3 paragraphs! lol


WHAT REASON is most common for a guy to fall so hard for a girl and essentially feel like he's in love with her?

i want an honest answer out of that one too and yes, looks (be specific if u want to be), personality, character flaws, anything. tell me whats the most common!!!!!!!!


p.s. just a bit off topic here but, screw ur unspoken dibs on girls among ur guy friends! shame on all of you! can't the girl pick the guy she wants for a change? and yes this is under the circumstance that the guys involved DO have an interest in her. lol

do not fraternize with women in your unspoken dibs rule! (aha.. get it? get it? sigh.. college what have u done to me)

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Guest sweetDalgi

So guys... lol I have a question and its about my crush.. so heres the story

okie starting form junior high (when I first met him) i started having a lil crush and i would talk to him all the time ( we were friends) then as a year passed by we stopped talking and it continued like this as we entered high school .. so like i had on/off crush for like 5 yrs.. :blink: and i'm a shy girl and i see him in the hallways & we have eye contact sometimes but ... nothing and im trying to get my guts up to start a conversation.. so my question is: will it be awkard if i just start talking to him and or should i wait for him to talk to me (lol probably not a good idea) and by the way we have have like a year left before graduating :(

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Guest starlightt*

uh hi ^^"~

so this guy is really shy, he's the type that is fine with sitting alone in class and stuff but he still has 3-4 friends

that he talks to afterschool on the way to the bus stop. i'm not friends with his friends either.. anyways, i'm in 3

of his classes (which in my opinion is a lot!) but i only sit near him in one of them so it's not like i can use the

"can i borrow something?" line .. even in the one that i sit near him because i sit near all my friends and he'd

probably be like "why don't you ask your friends O_O" next option would be the "what do we have for homework?"

line right? well i tried that .. didn't work out as well and i'm scared to try again D; i'm considering asking him if we

have practice sometime next week (cause we're also in instrumental jazz 15 together). i'm running out of ideas

of non-creepy ways to talk to him.. help? T_T

oh and also, would you be creeped out if you were him and someone that was in 2 of your classes already got

put into a third with you? cause i decided to drop my morning class for a spare so they put me into another one

of his classes (and i got transferred in halfway through the month). to me, i think he would be creeped out.

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Guest shinji.

Hello guys..so I have this friend I wouldn't say we are that close cause we met at the start of this semester around 9 weeks ago. Well I mostly talk to him about our work since we do the same subjects and I guess we get along well. But this week on Thursday and Friday he hugged me...but like out of nowhere he did it. I know its like a friendly thing but when he did it he didn't do it to my other friend :S And I don't usually hug people so yeah.. I just want to ask is that a friendly thing? or isit flirting? cause my other friends thinks it is. :S


Well, if he doesn't usually hug other girls then that would probably be flirting.


do you think it's a bad thing for a girl to fulfill her "needs" before she gets into a committed relationship, (here's the wild card) when she knows she's found a man who has fallen for her and basically has put him on hold till she's ready for the commitment?

and don't get her wrong, she loves the guy, she's just afraid of being unfaithful cuz of her selfish needs.

just.. u know.. a random question and please answer honestly! be brutal! i want 3 paragraphs! lol


WHAT REASON is most common for a guy to fall so hard for a girl and essentially feel like he's in love with her?

i want an honest answer out of that one too and yes, looks (be specific if u want to be), personality, character flaws, anything. tell me whats the most common!!!!!!!!


p.s. just a bit off topic here but, screw ur unspoken dibs on girls among ur guy friends! shame on all of you! can't the girl pick the guy she wants for a change? and yes this is under the circumstance that the guys involved DO have an interest in her. lol

do not fraternize with women in your unspoken dibs rule! (aha.. get it? get it? sigh.. college what have u done to me)

Actually, I think that is a good thing. As long as your "needs" are not money lol. I hate wasting my time on girls that don't take the relationship seriously. So I would prefer someone who knows what she is expected to give in the relationship (time, attention, etc). But you should still show that you are interested in him while you fulfill your "needs" Sorry that my reply wasn't three paragraphs. For your second ques, there was a thread on guys' ideal girls.

So guys... lol I have a question and its about my crush.. so heres the story

okie starting form junior high (when I first met him) i started having a lil crush and i would talk to him all the time ( we were friends) then as a year passed by we stopped talking and it continued like this as we entered high school .. so like i had on/off crush for like 5 yrs.. :blink: and i'm a shy girl and i see him in the hallways & we have eye contact sometimes but ... nothing and im trying to get my guts up to start a conversation.. so my question is: will it be awkard if i just start talking to him and or should i wait for him to talk to me (lol probably not a good idea) and by the way we have have like a year left before graduating :(

It might be a little awkward but you should talk to him.

Guys, would you still be friends with your girl-friend after she confessed to you? Why or why not?


That would depend on how close the two are. But most of the time that would ruin the friendship.

I had a pretty close girl friend once that confessed to me and I said no. After that it was awkward everytime I see her. She is still my friend and I still talk to her once in a while but it is still a little awkward when we hang out lol. So to answer your ques of why I am still friends with her, I think it is really stupid if I were to end the friendship just because she confessed to me.

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Guest superdj

Guys, would you still be friends with your girl-friend after she confessed to you? Why or why not?


Well, from my point of view, it's always possible to still be friends. I've had that a couple of times (being on both ends). What I can tell you from past is experience is that there will always be an awkward phase. But after the awkwardness has faded, the two tend to be even closer than before. (as long as the one who confessed is over the guy)

uh hi ^^"~

so this guy is really shy, he's the type that is fine with sitting alone in class and stuff but he still has 3-4 friends

that he talks to afterschool on the way to the bus stop. i'm not friends with his friends either.. anyways, i'm in 3

of his classes (which in my opinion is a lot!) but i only sit near him in one of them so it's not like i can use the

"can i borrow something?" line .. even in the one that i sit near him because i sit near all my friends and he'd

probably be like "why don't you ask your friends O_O" next option would be the "what do we have for homework?"

line right? well i tried that .. didn't work out as well and i'm scared to try again D; i'm considering asking him if we

have practice sometime next week (cause we're also in instrumental jazz 15 together). i'm running out of ideas

of non-creepy ways to talk to him.. help? T_T

oh and also, would you be creeped out if you were him and someone that was in 2 of your classes already got

put into a third with you? cause i decided to drop my morning class for a spare so they put me into another one

of his classes (and i got transferred in halfway through the month). to me, i think he would be creeped out.

It's simple. Since he isn't much of a talker, you have to be :D The way you can do this is by being honest. Just say "hey. what's your name again? You're in like 3 of my classes and we never talk!" This isnt creepy at all because of the fact that you have to see each other multiple times a day. give it a shot and tell me if it works!

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Guest commedesgarcons

Guys, would you still be friends with your girl-friend after she confessed to you? Why or why not?


sure, i mean, why not?

friends are awesome to have =3

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Guest DangerousAngel

If you know that a girl likes you (fact) and you haven't really approached the subject with her,

what would be your motive for wanting to go places, just the two of you?

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Guest petaldlite

hey guys/fellas =]

theres this guy ive recently met in class in university, ive known him about 2 weeks now? a bit less. he asked for my number/email the second day i met him and he texts me every night, and the days we have classes at same time he drives me to school and one time he even drove me home though he lives really far. he's really nice too, like staying after school to help me with my homework even though it was getting late. THERES A CATCH THOUGH: when i talked to him on msn, there is a pic of him/girl in his msn dp and his msn name had the words "loving youuu" ..so i'm assuming he has a gf...but if he has a gf why is he so nice? is he actaully that nice , wanting nothing in return? or is he double sided? my friends tell me to make sure he has gf, but I thought it was pretty obvious, but i dont noee how to ask? so what do you thnk of this guy? just a player or a really friend? :( idk T_T

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Guest shiku.shiku

Hi guys!

i just had a few questions

1. what do guys think about clumsyness in a girl?

2. what do guys think about girls that laugh a whole lot?

3. What do guys think of girls that are smart, but sometimes dont know about the little things

(ex. dogs cant see color, -- really??? omggg howw!!)


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If you know that a girl likes you (fact) and you haven't really approached the subject with her,

what would be your motive for wanting to go places, just the two of you?

Confirming that "fact". Seeing how it is to be alone with the girl and try to envision what a relationship would be with her and if we can hang out together alone and feel at ease with it and not require the constant presence of friends. Maybe so I can tell her my own feelings.

hey guys/fellas =]

theres this guy ive recently met in class in university, ive known him about 2 weeks now? a bit less. he asked for my number/email the second day i met him and he texts me every night, and the days we have classes at same time he drives me to school and one time he even drove me home though he lives really far. he's really nice too, like staying after school to help me with my homework even though it was getting late. THERES A CATCH THOUGH: when i talked to him on msn, there is a pic of him/girl in his msn dp and his msn name had the words "loving youuu" ..so i'm assuming he has a gf...but if he has a gf why is he so nice? is he actaully that nice , wanting nothing in return? or is he double sided? my friends tell me to make sure he has gf, but I thought it was pretty obvious, but i dont noee how to ask? so what do you thnk of this guy? just a player or a really friend? :( idk T_T

He seems VERY nice... Does his Facebook tell you anything? (Facebook is useless most of the times.) He seems to give you lots of attention. If you had a bf, I'm sure he'd feel uncomfortable with that. Maybe he's just a good person. Next time you chat with him, tell him his display pic of him and his gf is very cute. You won't be asking a question and you'll get an answer. Girls usually find couple pics cute no? (x_X) so it won't be obvious that you're curious.

Hi guys!

i just had a few questions

1. what do guys think about clumsyness in a girl?

2. what do guys think about girls that laugh a whole lot?

3. What do guys think of girls that are smart, but sometimes dont know about the little things

(ex. dogs cant see color, -- really??? omggg howw!!)



1. Cute til you break something expensive that's not yours, pour coffee on my pants, hurt me/yourself bad. :D

2. Cute if the duration of the laugh is reasonable. Laugh like a hyena all the time and my ears will bleed.

3. Cute. And I'm hoping girls like that in guys too cuz I didn't know that dog fact. :o!

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Guest dragonninja598000

What's wrong with Liking the same girl your friend likes, too????

A lotta things. One it can destroy friendships just because their fighting to win the heart of the same girl. If one of them does get the girl it's just like rubbing it in the other guy's face.

Hi fellas, so my boyfriend is taking me on a trip next week for our one year anniversary, and for his bestfriends birthday. The problem is that his ex-girlfriend of three years is going to be there, yes at the birthday party, and possibly everywhere else imaginable! She is known to be a stuck up b****. I don't know how i should act when i see her? be nice and smile? (i'm afraid i'll get shot down). The thought of seeing/meeting here makes me feel sick in the stomach hahaha helpppp. I haven't told my boyfriend that i'm feeling like this, to be honest i don't want him to view me as annoying and insecure *sigh*.

Be the bigger person and be nice. Shows that you have good character. =) And that you're not a beezzy.

Hello guys..so I have this friend I wouldn't say we are that close cause we met at the start of this semester around 9 weeks ago. Well I mostly talk to him about our work since we do the same subjects and I guess we get along well. But this week on Thursday and Friday he hugged me...but like out of nowhere he did it. I know its like a friendly thing but when he did it he didn't do it to my other friend :S And I don't usually hug people so yeah.. I just want to ask is that a friendly thing? or isit flirting? cause my other friends thinks it is. :S


Well obviously he's treating you different so he probably is attracted to you.


do you think it's a bad thing for a girl to fulfill her "needs" before she gets into a committed relationship, (here's the wild card) when she knows she's found a man who has fallen for her and basically has put him on hold till she's ready for the commitment?

and don't get her wrong, she loves the guy, she's just afraid of being unfaithful cuz of her selfish needs.

just.. u know.. a random question and please answer honestly! be brutal! i want 3 paragraphs! lol


WHAT REASON is most common for a guy to fall so hard for a girl and essentially feel like he's in love with her?

i want an honest answer out of that one too and yes, looks (be specific if u want to be), personality, character flaws, anything. tell me whats the most common!!!!!!!!


p.s. just a bit off topic here but, screw ur unspoken dibs on girls among ur guy friends! shame on all of you! can't the girl pick the guy she wants for a change? and yes this is under the circumstance that the guys involved DO have an interest in her. lol

do not fraternize with women in your unspoken dibs rule! (aha.. get it? get it? sigh.. college what have u done to me)

Well to answer your first question. That's a little shady, but if he doesn't know about it then it really doesn't matter. On top of that it's before you got into the relationship so it really shouldn't matter, at least you fulfilling it before making the commitment. As to your second question, it just depends on the guy. I can't speak about how common traits are that make guys fall for them because every guy looks for something different. And as to your last comment that's how we prevent friends from choking each other out over a girl. She can pick, but the thing is that it's still a competition and that can tear friendships apart.

So guys... lol I have a question and its about my crush.. so heres the story

okie starting form junior high (when I first met him) i started having a lil crush and i would talk to him all the time ( we were friends) then as a year passed by we stopped talking and it continued like this as we entered high school .. so like i had on/off crush for like 5 yrs.. :blink: and i'm a shy girl and i see him in the hallways & we have eye contact sometimes but ... nothing and im trying to get my guts up to start a conversation.. so my question is: will it be awkard if i just start talking to him and or should i wait for him to talk to me (lol probably not a good idea) and by the way we have have like a year left before graduating :(

Don't wait. Just go up to him and talk to him. Make sure you have a reason to talk to him or else it might be a little weird.

uh hi ^^"~

so this guy is really shy, he's the type that is fine with sitting alone in class and stuff but he still has 3-4 friends

that he talks to afterschool on the way to the bus stop. i'm not friends with his friends either.. anyways, i'm in 3

of his classes (which in my opinion is a lot!) but i only sit near him in one of them so it's not like i can use the

"can i borrow something?" line .. even in the one that i sit near him because i sit near all my friends and he'd

probably be like "why don't you ask your friends O_O" next option would be the "what do we have for homework?"

line right? well i tried that .. didn't work out as well and i'm scared to try again D; i'm considering asking him if we

have practice sometime next week (cause we're also in instrumental jazz 15 together). i'm running out of ideas

of non-creepy ways to talk to him.. help? T_T

oh and also, would you be creeped out if you were him and someone that was in 2 of your classes already got

put into a third with you? cause i decided to drop my morning class for a spare so they put me into another one

of his classes (and i got transferred in halfway through the month). to me, i think he would be creeped out.

Wow. Ok. Well it looks like you'll have to do the study buddy thing. lol. Use your body language to flirt with him so he kinda gets the message. I mean I dont' really know what else to tell you. He sounds like he just wants to be by himself. I probably wouldn't care that much, just because back in high school i had the same people who were in most my classes.

Guys, would you still be friends with your girl-friend after she confessed to you? Why or why not?


Well...depends on if I like her or not. If i do, then probably leave that friendship stuff behind and move on to like dating status. lol. if i didn't then yeah, because that's a little messed up just to break a friendship because someone like you and you dont' like them back.

If you know that a girl likes you (fact) and you haven't really approached the subject with her,

what would be your motive for wanting to go places, just the two of you?

Hang out? Get to know the girl better? Use it as a test. Maybe he likes you too and is initiating it.

hey guys/fellas =]

theres this guy ive recently met in class in university, ive known him about 2 weeks now? a bit less. he asked for my number/email the second day i met him and he texts me every night, and the days we have classes at same time he drives me to school and one time he even drove me home though he lives really far. he's really nice too, like staying after school to help me with my homework even though it was getting late. THERES A CATCH THOUGH: when i talked to him on msn, there is a pic of him/girl in his msn dp and his msn name had the words "loving youuu" ..so i'm assuming he has a gf...but if he has a gf why is he so nice? is he actaully that nice , wanting nothing in return? or is he double sided? my friends tell me to make sure he has gf, but I thought it was pretty obvious, but i dont noee how to ask? so what do you thnk of this guy? just a player or a really friend? :( idk T_T

Just ask him anyway. He shouldn't have anything to hide. Sounds like he's being nice, some people are just extremely nice. He might be attracted to you as well, so if something bad happens with his gf, he can slowly move from her to you.

Hi guys!

i just had a few questions

1. what do guys think about clumsyness in a girl?

2. what do guys think about girls that laugh a whole lot?

3. What do guys think of girls that are smart, but sometimes dont know about the little things

(ex. dogs cant see color, -- really??? omggg howw!!)


1. If i like her then i think it's kinda cute.

2. I don't know. Easily amused by things. Has a fun personality?

3.AHAHAHAH. I think it's kinda sad... Doesn't mean I won't like her anyway. It does get annoying sometimes.

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