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What does it mean when a guy tells you that he'll give you his jacket?

(And the guy and the girl doesnt know each other too well)

Is it just being nice and would guys do this for any girl who says she's cold?

Or does the guy have any feelings for her?

thanks in advance!

Probably just being nice. It's not kind to let a girl freeze her butt off, while I'm perfectly fine. But then again, girls are always cold, even after I give them a jacket.

Oh, um. I'll add some additional info.

When I mean ask out, I mean "사귄다" - becoming gf and bf, not just going out for a date or anything like that, but officially "going out."

Going out in my world isn't a casual thing.

The thing is, I barely know him and he barely knows me. The last time we met was around an year ago. I do have his facebook+msn, but we haven't talked on them for around half an year. The last time he called me was a few months ago too.

It was just... really sudden. Which is why I'm wondering if he just wants attention..?

He told me last year that he had a crush on a friend of mine, so I thought up to now that he still liked her.

lol, you two don't know each other well and he's asking you to two to be official? I think that's just weird. I can't even guess as to what he's thinking. Sorry.

Helllo fellas! :)

My friend wanted to ask this question -

If you loved this girl alot, and you just found out that she's deaf, but she still can hear with an aid of hearing aids, would you make a big deal about it or not?


Like mentioned before, I think I would know initially that she's deaf--you can't go getting to know someone without finding out something important like that. It wouldn't be a big deal if I was into her.

This sounds like it's out of some drama or Korean ballad music video :blink:

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Guest EchoOff

So.. if you say you're going to get over some old crush.. yet you still talk to them everyday... what are you really thinking?

what are your motives? :blink:

.. thanks!

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Guest milkchoco

When a guy cheats on his gf and confesses a year later, also apologize and beg her not to break up. Is it likely for him to cheat again?

A more generalized one, when guys cheat does it mean he doesnt love his current gf anymore?

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So.. if you say you're going to get over some old crush.. yet you still talk to them everyday... what are you really thinking?

what are your motives? :blink:

.. thanks!

Whoever it is, they're not getting over their ex. Getting over someone requires time away from that person.

When a guy cheats on his gf and confesses a year later, also apologize and beg her not to break up. Is it likely for him to cheat again?

A more generalized one, when guys cheat does it mean he doesnt love his current gf anymore?

Yes. He doesn't know his boundaries in a relationship and will test them as soon as any type of temptation comes along. As soon as you stop rationalizing and looking for the answer you want to hear about this guy, you'll be doing much better for yourself. Listen to the people in your thread and leave this guy, because everyone will give you the same answer.

When a guy cheats, he may still enjoy spending time with his girl, but he obviously doesn't care about her if he's going to cheat on her.

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Guest bubblemilk_tea

i read somewhere that if a guy adjusts his socks in front of you, its a big sign that he likes you.

HAHA sounds ridiculous, i know, but guys? is this true? =)

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i read somewhere that if a guy adjusts his socks in front of you, its a big sign that he likes you.

HAHA sounds ridiculous, i know, but guys? is this true? =)

Sounds completely made up. If it were true, I'd be adjusting my socks all the time.

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Guest x__harlequin

i read somewhere that if a guy adjusts his socks in front of you, its a big sign that he likes you.

HAHA sounds ridiculous, i know, but guys? is this true? =)

im not a guy, but its not very believable

so if a guy adjusts his socks in front of his guy friends it means he's gay...?

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Guest CKalvin

So.. if you say you're going to get over some old crush.. yet you still talk to them everyday... what are you really thinking?

what are your motives? :blink:

.. thanks!

pretty obviously the person still hasn't gotten over the crush. Either that or the person would like to be better friends with the crush as opposed to just admiring him/he from a distance.

When a guy cheats on his gf and confesses a year later, also apologize and beg her not to break up. Is it likely for him to cheat again?

A more generalized one, when guys cheat does it mean he doesnt love his current gf anymore?


like everyone says, once a cheater, always a cheater.

and yes in the relationships these days yeah. The guy either doesnt have the balls or just doesnt care anymore.

i read somewhere that if a guy adjusts his socks in front of you, its a big sign that he likes you.

HAHA sounds ridiculous, i know, but guys? is this true? =)

haha biggest load of crap ever !!

who the hell goes around adjusting their socks anyway?

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Guest xjazmine

You can find out if a guy loved/loves a girl. From my point of view, I believe that "THE GUY" will always be there, be concerned about you, worry about you& TRULY care about you. I've been dating this guy for over a year and four months. I think to myself if my boyfriend does love me. If a guy loves you, his love for you will remain. He will constantly think about you when you aren't around. It's a sign that he misses you. If a guy loved you, it means he doesn't love you anymore, he stopped loving you. LOVE doesn't go away. It will stay in your heart forever. A guy will do anything for you even if he has to sacrifice. If he loves you, he'll APPARENTLY do it! A guy that loves you will take risks and you will also. Your loved one will always call about you and start to think about if your ok or not. A guy will call you in the daytime and at night just to say i love you, i miss you and etc. A guy will explain his reasons on why he LOVES you. A guy that loved you means he sees you as a friend and nothing else about that. A boy that loves you will take you home and take good care of you when your feelin unhappy. He will do anything to keep you satisfied. He will try his VERY BEST to see you if you two haven't seen each other for a while. It's hard to think if a guy loves you. It also takes several months to confess you love them. He loves you knowing you are important to him, like your the only girl in his life. He enjoys talking to you, being with you, cuddling, and being in a relationship with you.

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Guest shirotaka

You can find out if a guy loved/loves a girl. From my point of view, I believe that "THE GUY" will always be there, be concerned about you, worry about you& TRULY care about you. I've been dating this guy for over a year and four months. I think to myself if my boyfriend does love me. If a guy loves you, his love for you will remain. He will constantly think about you when you aren't around. It's a sign that he misses you. If a guy loved you, it means he doesn't love you anymore, he stopped loving you. LOVE doesn't go away. It will stay in your heart forever. A guy will do anything for you even if he has to sacrifice. If he loves you, he'll APPARENTLY do it! A guy that loves you will take risks and you will also. Your loved one will always call about you and start to think about if your ok or not. A guy will call you in the daytime and at night just to say i love you, i miss you and etc. A guy will explain his reasons on why he LOVES you. A guy that loved you means he sees you as a friend and nothing else about that. A boy that loves you will take you home and take good care of you when your feelin unhappy. He will do anything to keep you satisfied. He will try his VERY BEST to see you if you two haven't seen each other for a while. It's hard to think if a guy loves you. It also takes several months to confess you love them. He loves you knowing you are important to him, like your the only girl in his life. He enjoys talking to you, being with you, cuddling, and being in a relationship with you.


20 or more characters.

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Guest onewaylove

my friend said that if a guy is interested in a girl or likes her a lot he never says 'bye' to her or doesn't say it often =.= this isn't true right? lol

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Guest heyitzthatfc

my friend said that if a guy is interested in a girl or likes her a lot he never says 'bye' to her or doesn't say it often =.= this isn't true right? lol

Not true. Sounds like something a guy would say to win "cutie pie" points from the girl.

how long does it take for a girl to be official to the guy?

However long the girl wants it to take. Just take the initiative and make it official. If the guy won't say he's your boyfriend, then something is wrong.

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my friend said that if a guy is interested in a girl or likes her a lot he never says 'bye' to her or doesn't say it often =.= this isn't true right? lol

lol, not true. Where does this info come from? :blink:

how long does it take for a girl to be official to the guy?

Depending on how quickly things move, it can take days, weeks, months, or years. Both just know when the time comes.

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Guest onewaylove

lol, not true. Where does this info come from? :blink:

iono... this guy who likes me almost never says bye to me and just leaves whenever he feels like it, and my friend just told me that when i mentioned it. lmao xD

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if a guy were to talk about porn, sex, or anything related, does it mean he is extra comfortable with you?

Sure. I don't think it's typical to just start talking about sexual or sexually suggestive topics when you're not comfortable with someone.

iono... this guy who likes me almost never says bye to me and just leaves whenever he feels like it, and my friend just told me that when i mentioned it. lmao xD

Is he just generally shy to you? If he's not a person of many words around you, then that's your answer right there--but if he's talkative and just doesn't say 'bye', he's just weird, lol

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hey guys, take a look at this:


basically it's about a guy who sent a song to a girl after they were separated for 5 months, and the girl thought that it meant something. so did the people who gave comments.

so i'm just curious, guys, when you send girls songs, do you actually mean anything? because honestly i thought it was rather ridiculous; i always thought that it was normal for friends to send songs to each other, whatever the lyrics are. but the people who made the comments seem to think otherwise. do you all send songs to girls often and would you only send songs to girls you like or something? cos i don't think you would send anything to a girl you didn't really care for, right?

and just to be honest i'm only wondering about all this because i happened to come across this source, and i realised that it had happened to me before. as in, there was this guy who (i thought used to like me, frm what i know from his friend) always sent songs to me, pretty much out of the blue.. he still sends songs now, though less often. i didn't really think it meant anything but after reading this i couldn't help but wonder.

please reply!

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Guest ino_tenten

Ok, so do u like the friendly, flirty easy going girl?

Or you like the shy loyal stay at home good girl?

I have one friend who is talkitive, sweet, fun and nice, she likes to drink and FLIRT like crazy.. she gets the guys..

I also have another friend who looks reallly mean but is really cute and sweet to her bf, quiet, truthful and honest, loyal and shy

bit^chy but real?



If i was a guy i personally would choose a girl like 200 Pounds Beauty girl who is kinda dumb but innocent and sweet over a girl like My Sassy Girl.

Guys what kind of personality do u prefer in a girl?

Super Friendly, talkitive, flirty and outgoing?

Shy, speaks her mind, loyal and doesn't drink?


BTW does a guy care if a girl is flirty and touchy?

Loud VS quiet

Shy VS really friendly

Or tell me your ideal Movie-type girl. my bf likes Full House's Song Hye Kyo personality, patient and sweet.

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