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Do you mean what you say when your drunk???

lol usually... the truth. When your drunk (or guys anyway) you're usually fearless or much more confident than normal, thus likely to express most inner feelings and intentions.

even though most of us regret and deny it, its generally true in all cases.

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Guest x__harlequin

why does this guy keep getting up from his seat when i sit down?


me: *walks into room and sits down*

him: *IMMEDIATELY gets up and leaves the room, then comes back like 3 min later*

this has happened like 10+ times and i think its kind of weird...

i've never talked to him before and sometimes i see him glancing at me and stuff =x

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Guest `Babykisses

Hi (:

Any who, I'm in my first relationship. We've dated for 3 months, been officially together for a month and a bit. The first two months I was happy, the happiest I've been in awhile to be quite honest. Now not so much. Its like.. he is pushing me away. I don't know, we used to talk on the phone every day, or every other day for hours, about nothing. Now its like.. he would call me once every three or four days. I told him that it was bothering me, and I needed more. Then he tried to break up with me... which didn't work, because in the end he realized that he was being an idiot, and he needs me.

During the break up, I said.. If you could give me ten minutes a day, I could be happy. And for the past week, that's what he has been doing. ten to fifteen minutes conversations. Now I feel like.. I need more.

Oh another thing. The majority of his friends are girls. With most of his friends I'm cool with. But there are certain people I wish he would not hangout, or make so much of an effort to see. An example, a girl whom I do not like, at all is friends with him. I'm cool with them talking, but when he goes out of his way to travel to another city to see her that's crossing the line for me. I told him this, and he was like.. you're being ridiculous.

Oh, btw. he is 21 and i'm 17, if that matters. He is in university, I'm in high school.

If you were in my situation, would you end it?

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Hi (:

Any who, I'm in my first relationship. We've dated for 3 months, been officially together for a month and a bit. The first two months I was happy, the happiest I've been in awhile to be quite honest. Now not so much. Its like.. he is pushing me away. I don't know, we used to talk on the phone every day, or every other day for hours, about nothing. Now its like.. he would call me once every three or four days. I told him that it was bothering me, and I needed more. Then he tried to break up with me... which didn't work, because in the end he realized that he was being an idiot, and he needs me.

During the break up, I said.. If you could give me ten minutes a day, I could be happy. And for the past week, that's what he has been doing. ten to fifteen minutes conversations. Now I feel like.. I need more.

Oh another thing. The majority of his friends are girls. With most of his friends I'm cool with. But there are certain people I wish he would not hangout, or make so much of an effort to see. An example, a girl whom I do not like, at all is friends with him. I'm cool with them talking, but when he goes out of his way to travel to another city to see her that's crossing the line for me. I told him this, and he was like.. you're being ridiculous.

Oh, btw. he is 21 and i'm 17, if that matters. He is in university, I'm in high school.

If you were in my situation, would you end it?

It's your first relationship, so I can see where you're coming from, but it seems you're asking for a bit much. Sometimes having a few days between seeing each other is great for a relationship--when you want to talk every day for like an hour, how much can you talk about your day that has happened in the past 24 hours? When you have like 2-3 days between meetups, you get to share a lot more moments and they hold more value, rather than it being a daily chore. And drawing the line on who he can and can't hang out with is really controlling. As long as they're just friends and he's assured you that nothing's going on, there shouldn't be anything to worry about.

Maybe breaking things off might be best for you, from what it seems. One thing I will say, though, is that if you want to maintain good relationships in the future, be less clingy and less controlling.

Hopefully things work out for you guys, though.

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Guest miyavaki

If her sister is cute, I would be interested, but I wouldn't do anything if I didn't pass it by the ex first. I don't think she would be off limits, simply because of the fact that she's the ex's sister.

ohhh i see ok thanks =)

gosh. thats stepping the line. what are the respective ages of the guy, ex and the sister? are you the sister?

hmm? are you asking for his age? lol

ah, yes i am the sister....

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Guest CKalvin

so what should I do next? I think I did the wrong things, cause I'm afraid to get hurt again.

Do you like the guy? It's pretty simple if you break it down. There's this guy who likes you. You're afraid to be hurt again [rest assured i've had same experience. rather infelicitous at first, but good lesson learnt tbh] If you don't like him at all, don't hurt his feelings and give him the cold shoulder, try to be at least friends with him. If you like him, its your choice whether you choose to try have a relationship with him and risk being hurt, or just go to being friends till you're over the [imneverlovinganyoneagain] stage.

hey fellas. I'm back again.

how do you guys feel if your girlfriend talks about her celebrity crush? or if you have a girl who's only friends with you, how do you feel when she talks about her crush?

i wasn't sure if this was asked or answer yet. >__<

hahahah. totally fine. mine has a supercrush on megan fox =D funny thing is, so do i hahah

and if she's only friends then yeah, totally cool

hmm? are you asking for his age? lol

ah, yes i am the sister....

haha i thought so. you're the only person in this situation who would ask this :D

i'm asking for al your ages. you, ur sis and the guy.

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Guest RawrRawr

I broke up with my ex a long time ago [7 months], and I have a new boyfriend now.

However, I really miss hanging out with the ex because he was a cool friend.

Would it be inappropriate if I contacted him and hung out with him ? He doesn't want to get back with me, and vice versa, but I'm not sure how to approach it and if I should even bother.

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Guest CKalvin

I broke up with my ex a long time ago [7 months], and I have a new boyfriend now.

However, I really miss hanging out with the ex because he was a cool friend.

Would it be inappropriate if I contacted him and hung out with him ? He doesn't want to get back with me, and vice versa, but I'm not sure how to approach it and if I should even bother.

talk to your boyfriend bout it first. if he's cool with it, then it's all good. Just tell your ex if he wants to catch up, dont make a big deal out of it. Should be fine =)

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Guest BrittanyKim

Do you think it's possible for a guy to like a girl again after 2 years?

Freshman year - he liked her but she didn't like him

sophomore year - nothing really happened

junior year - Had homecoming yesterday, she slowdanced with him and now she's falling for him

the reason she slowdanced with him was because his "date" (just went as friends) didn't want to slowdance with him so she danced with him but she thinks it was sooo perfect

she's reallllly happy cause it was her first slowdance

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Guest angel_cutie

i wanna know too~~

another person asked like 2 pages before but i couldnt find an answer so i'll ask also

"why do some guys collect anime dolls/figures?"

even when they have a girlfriend??

not my bf cuz i dont have one but yah im curious haha

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Guest `Babykisses

It's your first relationship, so I can see where you're coming from, but it seems you're asking for a bit much. Sometimes having a few days between seeing each other is great for a relationship--when you want to talk every day for like an hour, how much can you talk about your day that has happened in the past 24 hours? When you have like 2-3 days between meetups, you get to share a lot more moments and they hold more value, rather than it being a daily chore. And drawing the line on who he can and can't hang out with is really controlling. As long as they're just friends and he's assured you that nothing's going on, there shouldn't be anything to worry about.

Maybe breaking things off might be best for you, from what it seems. One thing I will say, though, is that if you want to maintain good relationships in the future, be less clingy and less controlling.

Hopefully things work out for you guys, though.

Oh, we don't see each other often. Once every three weeks or so. If I saw him everyday I would of gone insane by now. But yeah, I see your point. Thanks for the advice. (:

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Guest CKalvin

Do you think it's possible for a guy to like a girl again after 2 years?

Freshman year - he liked her but she didn't like him

sophomore year - nothing really happened

junior year - Had homecoming yesterday, she slowdanced with him and now she's falling for him

the reason she slowdanced with him was because his "date" (just went as friends) didn't want to slowdance with him so she danced with him but she thinks it was sooo perfect

she's reallllly happy cause it was her first slowdance

hmm theres no need for facades here. replace "her" with "I" next time. And yeah sure its possible.

i wanna know too~~

another person asked like 2 pages before but i couldnt find an answer so i'll ask also

"why do some guys collect anime dolls/figures?"

even when they have a girlfriend??

not my bf cuz i dont have one but yah im curious haha

Yeah, why should a guy change his hobbies just because he has a gf? Its not something retarded like crossdressing or something, its just collecting figurines.

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Guest yuppieguppy

so, basically a girl got really wasted and doesn't really remember anything and can't walk properly. so on the way out he holds her and walks her out. but on the way out girl gets a call for a mutual friend. he takes the phone away and starts talking on the phone with the mutual friend. friends are no where to be seen. the girl and guy are just standing there and he's holding her. walks her to the car and helps her get in but talks to friend and gives direction to friend but holds the girls hand....before he leaves he tells her to call to make sure that she got home safely.

soo my question is "is he interested in her?"

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so, basically a girl got really wasted and doesn't really remember anything and can't walk properly. so on the way out he holds her and walks her out. but on the way out girl gets a call for a mutual friend. he takes the phone away and starts talking on the phone with the mutual friend. friends are no where to be seen. the girl and guy are just standing there and he's holding her. walks her to the car and helps her get in but talks to friend and gives direction to friend but holds the girls hand....before he leaves he tells her to call to make sure that she got home safely.

soo my question is "is he interested in her?"

He was probably just generally concerned. I wouldn't read into it too deeply.

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Guest miyavaki

haha i thought so. you're the only person in this situation who would ask this :D

i'm asking for al your ages. you, ur sis and the guy.


well he's 20 and me and my sister is 18 [were twin but not identical]

i asked because lately me and him have been hanging out ALOT.

but hes a joker jokes around too much which makes it confusing... =/

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Guest CKalvin


well he's 20 and me and my sister is 18 [were twin but not identical]

i asked because lately me and him have been hanging out ALOT.

but hes a joker jokes around too much which makes it confusing... =/

wow just gets more and more complicated. At least you're the same age as your sister which helps things.

Haha if he jokes alot, joke about you two getting together and see what he says =D

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Guest Daaarian

Depends on the guy. Is this one of those things where the guy goes "I dont care about their looks, its the inside thing that counts" then 90% sure that he is BSing. I personally want a girl that looks decent and has a good personality. If they're hawt to me, thats a plus.

I might have totally missed the target but that is what your question is saying to me.

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I doubt it...honestly who could say that looks don't matter not even just a little..this is comming from a female that's not shallow O.O

but if you want a guys opinion..

BF: *laughs*

there u go..lol

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