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info please?

if a guy is naturally flirty, is it safe to ask him out on a date? i don't care if he's a player (i'm not planning to get serious). i was just wondering if its a potential "yes" if i ask out a flirtatious guy haha.

I'd say it's perfectly fine, but the again, I think I'm somewhat of the same type of guy.

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This is a three part Q:

1) When a guy is trying to pursue a girl (let's say in the early stages when both are still friends but e.g. the guy asks the girl out for coffee/lunch/dinner), does he usually pay for the girl?

2) How should the girl react to it? e.g. does she wait to see if he foots the bill and say sth like "oh u shouldn't have" or "let me pay you back".

Or should she sorta 'expect' him to pay anyway and just thank the guy afterwards?

3) Is there a difference in the way a guy courts a girl b/w different cultures? e.g. in Western cultures, both parties are known to go dutch and pay for themselves vs. Asian culture where the guy would pay for the girl? Would be great to hear responses from ppl of diff cultures and your experiences :)


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^ well I'm the type of girl who would pay my share. I don't wanna depend on the guy, or feel like I owe him anything.

That's just me. I know some girls expect the guy to pay everytime <_<.

oh and nothing to do with where you're from. It depends on the person itself.

I say the girl should pay too, just cos we're female doesn't mean we should rely on the guy.


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first i want to say thank you for your input....This is the probably the best advice i've gotten :)

np. good luck!

I like girls who are social but imprenetrable. type of girl who is open, but reserved. you know you're important when she really opens up to you.

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This is a three part Q:

1) When a guy is trying to pursue a girl (let's say in the early stages when both are still friends but e.g. the guy asks the girl out for coffee/lunch/dinner), does he usually pay for the girl?

2) How should the girl react to it? e.g. does she wait to see if he foots the bill and say sth like "oh u shouldn't have" or "let me pay you back".

Or should she sorta 'expect' him to pay anyway and just thank the guy afterwards?

3) Is there a difference in the way a guy courts a girl b/w different cultures? e.g. in Western cultures, both parties are known to go dutch and pay for themselves vs. Asian culture where the guy would pay for the girl? Would be great to hear responses from ppl of diff cultures and your experiences :)


1) friends? Not expected to, unless there are exceptions (e.g., you lost a bet). Couple? maybe. There's not a definate yes. I usually pay for my ex. I don't force her to pay, or think it is unfair for me to pay for her all the time because I love her. But it's nice to see my ex step up to the plate occasionally to alleviate the stress off my wallet o:

this reminds me of this story i heard one time.... this girl invited this guy for lunch, then just about the bill was asked, she says, "well, thanks for the lunch, ___insert guy's name___". OWNED

needless to say, they never went out again

2) lulz. i dont' know how to answer this. just your basic decency and say thanks? be authentic, true to yourself and mean what you say. if you feel like paying him then do it next time. dont' say it and don't follow up with it.

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Guest heheimawesome

This guy i met at school just recently broke up with his girl that he's been going out with about a year and 3 months.

Well he told me they were on a "break"

should i make my move or just back off?

should i flirt or just be the "friend"?

because my friends been telling me that he's gonna go back out with her

but others tell me to go for it.

what should i do? :unsure:

Stay the john tesh away. They've been going out for a YEAR AND 3 MONTHS you don't wanna mess that up. If I was on a break with my girlfriend and some guy all of a sudden starts getting closer to her out of no where, I'd be like wtf?

So annoying.

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My bf says I care too much about stuff he doesn't want me to care about, and not enough about the stuff he wants me to care about. I asked him to give me examples, but he said I will see... wtf? Haha. Anyways, I know this is very subjective, but I just want to ask the guys what do you want your girl to care about and to not care so much about?

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My bf says I care too much about stuff he doesn't want me to care about, and not enough about the stuff he wants me to care about. I asked him to give me examples, but he said I will see... wtf? Haha. Anyways, I know this is very subjective, but I just want to ask the guys what do you want your girl to care about and to not care so much about?

I would want her to care about her first and foremost. Then her family and friends. Sometimes people get too warped up in other people's problems that they tend to neglect their own problems...I'm one of them haha -__-

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Guest Tenshi-Tenshi

gosh i'm confused. I think I'm in a sticky situation.

My bf found out that his friend told me about his ex, so i asked him straight out if he still has feelings for her, even though it's been about 2-3 years.

He told me he still has some lingering feelings but it's b/c she was his first gf (is that true????)

They went out for 1 year.

And I dug a deeper hole for myself -.-;

i asked him if she came back into his life, would my place in his heart move down.......he told me he didn't know.

Someone said i should break it off, but from the things he does, i know he has real feelings for me too.

I don't know what to do.

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My bf says I care too much about stuff he doesn't want me to care about, and not enough about the stuff he wants me to care about. I asked him to give me examples, but he said I will see... wtf? Haha. Anyways, I know this is very subjective, but I just want to ask the guys what do you want your girl to care about and to not care so much about?

Not quite sure what you mean exactly, but I hate when girls make a big deal of little things and get mad/upset when it really shouldn't be the case. Like being bogged down with schoolwork--everyone's been through it and her pile of things to do isn't a million times more difficult. It's nothing to cry about, lol

gosh i'm confused. I think I'm in a sticky situation.

My bf found out that his friend told me about his ex, so i asked him straight out if he still has feelings for her, even though it's been about 2-3 years.

He told me he still has some lingering feelings but it's b/c she was his first gf (is that true????)

They went out for 1 year.

And I dug a deeper hole for myself -.-;

i asked him if she came back into his life, would my place in his heart move down.......he told me he didn't know.

Someone said i should break it off, but from the things he does, i know he has real feelings for me too.

I don't know what to do.

I think girls really like making problems, lol

Yes, the first girl is big for guys, especially if things were really good. Not exactly a good idea to make up hypothetical questions on what he'd do if she came back, but you can't undo what you said. Just drop it and just try and treat things like they were before you asked. Don't ruin a good thing, since the stability of a relationship can completely change over something as insignificant as that.

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Would you hate to hold a girl's hand that is sweaty?

I have moments where my hands just randomly get sweaty <_<

And its sucks...

I'll call a girl out on it if her palms are clammy jokingly. I'd still hold her hand, though

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I have two guy friends... let's call them guy H and E

So they both went shopping for my bday present together...

H spent 3 hours looking for my present, and couldn't find anything at all, and just got me this shirt...

and E went with him, and bought me this really cute jacket.

I kinda don't like what H got me >__>

& E spent like over $30 on the jacket... and I feel really bad because I didn't get him a present on his bday (he never told me).

Should I still wear the shirt.. so H doesn't feel bad? Or should I tell him that I don't like it...

& should I get E an equally expensive present for Christmas?

[i don't get how it would take 3 hours to buy something...] tia[:

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I have two guy friends... let's call them guy H and E

So they both went shopping for my bday present together...

H spent 3 hours looking for my present, and couldn't find anything at all, and just got me this shirt...

and E went with him, and bought me this really cute jacket.

I kinda don't like what H got me >__>

& E spent like over $30 on the jacket... and I feel really bad because I didn't get him a present on his bday (he never told me).

Should I still wear the shirt.. so H doesn't feel bad? Or should I tell him that I don't like it...

& should I get E an equally expensive present for Christmas?

[i don't get how it would take 3 hours to buy something...] tia[:

You don't have to wear the shirt if you don't like it, but don't tell him you don't like it. If it's some kind of t-shirt, wear it for when you bum out at home.

No need to get an equally expensive present for the jacket--a gift shouldn't be measured by its monetary value. Get him something you know he'll like just as much as you like your jacket.

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Guest shirotaka

I have two guy friends... let's call them guy H and E

So they both went shopping for my bday present together...

H spent 3 hours looking for my present, and couldn't find anything at all, and just got me this shirt...

and E went with him, and bought me this really cute jacket.

I kinda don't like what H got me >__>

& E spent like over $30 on the jacket... and I feel really bad because I didn't get him a present on his bday (he never told me).

Should I still wear the shirt.. so H doesn't feel bad? Or should I tell him that I don't like it...

& should I get E an equally expensive present for Christmas?

[i don't get how it would take 3 hours to buy something...] tia[:

Just say it to him, if he over reacts tell him to grow some balls. I'm speaking for myself but possibly other guys when I say this. I'd rather have it said to my face then lied to and see the next day that the shirt is burned. But you should probably be light about it. Say something along the lines of, "I appreciate the gift but its just not my style" or something.

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Guest viper2788

I have two guy friends... let's call them guy H and E

So they both went shopping for my bday present together...

H spent 3 hours looking for my present, and couldn't find anything at all, and just got me this shirt...

and E went with him, and bought me this really cute jacket.

I kinda don't like what H got me >__>

& E spent like over $30 on the jacket... and I feel really bad because I didn't get him a present on his bday (he never told me).

Should I still wear the shirt.. so H doesn't feel bad? Or should I tell him that I don't like it...

& should I get E an equally expensive present for Christmas?

[i don't get how it would take 3 hours to buy something...] tia[:

people have told me never to pick out clothes for girls... and this is exactly the reason why. and it should be fine even if you dont wear it..

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I have two guy friends... let's call them guy H and E

So they both went shopping for my bday present together...

H spent 3 hours looking for my present, and couldn't find anything at all, and just got me this shirt...

and E went with him, and bought me this really cute jacket.

I kinda don't like what H got me >__>

& E spent like over $30 on the jacket... and I feel really bad because I didn't get him a present on his bday (he never told me).

Should I still wear the shirt.. so H doesn't feel bad? Or should I tell him that I don't like it...

& should I get E an equally expensive present for Christmas?

[i don't get how it would take 3 hours to buy something...] tia[:

Avoid making conflicts, and hand it down to some distant relative.

Would you hate to hold a girl's hand that is sweaty?

I have moments where my hands just randomly get sweaty <_<

And its sucks...

I wouldn't mind <3... as long as I have access to washrooms to clean my hands. If it's gonna be a long day in a park or something, I think i'll wash it down with a bottle of water.

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okay so this happened a few weeks ago but it's been really bugging me. so i have this crush (or at least i used to) on my friend. we go to the same college but we don't ever see each other around. so one day on msn he tells me we should meet up, and of course i agree to it. so we set a date and everything. and when the day comes for us to meet, i'm just sitting there like a richard simmons waiting for him. i don't have a cell (yeah i know =x) so i couldn't call him or anything. so basically he stood me up =x and i was talking to my friend the other day and he stood her up as well. can someone tell me wth is wrong with this guy. really pissing me off. (haven't had the chance to talk cus he never goes online anymore)

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Guest berri_yumz

ok so there's this boy in my class (i'm in HS btw, and its kind of a relaxed class) and I wouldn't say I have a -crush- on him, but I think he's cute and he's tall enough and i want him to be my prom date!

anyway, i don't know him at all, so what would be the best way to go about getting to know him or whatever? i'm not really interested in him being my boyfriend, and i don't think he's really looking for a girlfriend either (he's a very focused on schoolwork/getting into college [we are seniors] type) BUT i don't know him at all so what do i doooooo...? D:

one of my friends told me i shouldn't give off very heavy interested vibes because he might think I like him, and it might scare him off...but idkidk. just give me some advice PLEASE~! XD

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