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Guest Versatile

If a guy friend leaves for vacation (to another country) for a few weeks and tells you that he'll message you online and call you when he gets there...but he doesn't do any of that. Just haven't heard anything from him. He usually texts to ask how my day is and asks to hang out. Has he lost interest, just having too much fun to call, or just the type to say stuff and not follow through? I think he's a good guy, nice and thoughtful, but I keep on getting a bad impression of him.

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Guest shirotaka

People need to stop being so general about things. If you know he's a nice guy and everything, he's probably just having too much fun or trouble communicating. Apparently, you're interested in him as well, since you're wondering if he lost interest in you. So you better seize the moment while you can because he might find a really interesting girl over there.

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Guest moonk379

If a guy friend leaves for vacation (to another country) for a few weeks and tells you that he'll message you online and call you when he gets there...but he doesn't do any of that. Just haven't heard anything from him. He usually texts to ask how my day is and asks to hang out. Has he lost interest, just having too much fun to call, or just the type to say stuff and not follow through? I think he's a good guy, nice and thoughtful, but I keep on getting a bad impression of him.

hmm.. theres a chance he might be havin too much fun there prob wit other girls and its also likely hes just saying stuff and not following through

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Guest Inspector

If a guy friend leaves for vacation (to another country) for a few weeks and tells you that he'll message you online and call you when he gets there...but he doesn't do any of that. Just haven't heard anything from him. He usually texts to ask how my day is and asks to hang out. Has he lost interest, just having too much fun to call, or just the type to say stuff and not follow through? I think he's a good guy, nice and thoughtful, but I keep on getting a bad impression of him.

Depends on what kind of guy he is. Hes having too much fun. Its his vacation. Don't hold it against him. You know us guys are sometimes just careless like that... we don't think of stuff that deeply like girls. So that being a big deal to you, might not seem the same to him,

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If a guy friend leaves for vacation (to another country) for a few weeks and tells you that he'll message you online and call you when he gets there...but he doesn't do any of that. Just haven't heard anything from him. He usually texts to ask how my day is and asks to hang out. Has he lost interest, just having too much fun to call, or just the type to say stuff and not follow through? I think he's a good guy, nice and thoughtful, but I keep on getting a bad impression of him.

hes on VACATION. he probably thought wherever he's going is a mini cooperhole and told you he'd keep in touch, but decided ____destination____ aint so bad now. give him some slack on this one

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Guest 아이돌FAN

So this is the case

- You like a girl from another school

- You also like a girl that goes to the same school as you [but not as much]

- You told your friend to tell the girl that goes to your school that you like her

- The girl didn't say she liked you back, but smiles when she sees you


1. Would you be more willing to go out with the girl from the other school and the girl that attends your school?

2. And would you say 'yes' if the girl who attends your school ask you to homecoming?

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Guest chopstick^^

This question may sound stupid, but im gonna ask anyways! so here it is:

If a guy is shy on msn.. does it mean he likes me?

There's this guy.. i could sense he's shy when he chats to me on msn.. like he waits a while to msg me first.... n his first word would be 'hello, how have you been these days?' .. hes also slow when he types.. like i could see him typing.. but its slow! when he only sayin a few words..

Its just the way he talks is not really casual.. kind of polite.. its just different from the way i chat to my other friends, which i think is a shy way of talking! i hope u understand what i mean! ..

i dont think hes shy talkin to his other friends!

pls answer fellas! thanks!

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This question may sound stupid, but im gonna ask anyways! so here it is:

If a guy is shy on msn.. does it mean he likes me?

There's this guy.. i could sense he's shy when he chats to me on msn.. like he waits a while to msg me first.... n his first word would be 'hello, how have you been these days?' .. hes also slow when he types.. like i could see him typing.. but its slow! when he only sayin a few words..

Its just the way he talks is not really casual.. kind of polite.. its just different from the way i chat to my other friends, which i think is a shy way of talking! i hope u understand what i mean! ..

i dont think hes shy talkin to his other friends!

pls answer fellas! thanks!

is he literate in english? if he is, then he's probably choosing his words wisely so he's polite to you. once you guys get to know one another better, then question yourself whether his actions indicates that he likes you. Personally, i think shy guys tend to be more talkative on msn because there's no face to face contact (from personal experience). I'm literally a different person, so there you go. if he's too choosey about his words, then i think it's a bad sign that he's a manipulator. so stay out?

also, i would suggest talking to him in real life? that would be a better indicator of whether he likes you or not (look out for blushing, avoiding eye contact - good indicators of having a crush and shy about it). try pat him on the shoulders (friend-style). he might open up to you more.

So this is the case

- You like a girl from another school

- You also like a girl that goes to the same school as you [but not as much]

- You told your friend to tell the girl that goes to your school that you like her

- The girl didn't say she liked you back, but smiles when she sees you


1. Would you be more willing to go out with the girl from the other school and the girl that attends your school?

2. And would you say 'yes' if the girl who attends your school ask you to homecoming?

despite all of these things, i'd rather like the girl who's in my school because it's convenient.

If a guy friend leaves for vacation (to another country) for a few weeks and tells you that he'll message you online and call you when he gets there...but he doesn't do any of that. Just haven't heard anything from him. He usually texts to ask how my day is and asks to hang out. Has he lost interest, just having too much fun to call, or just the type to say stuff and not follow through? I think he's a good guy, nice and thoughtful, but I keep on getting a bad impression of him.

been through the same situation, i went for a vacation. i was surrounded by hot girls everywhere 8DDDDDD

Wait, whuttt? lol I'm running on 4 hours of sleep, care to explain a tad more? XD;

Yeah, but I just don't wanna talk to him about relationship-y stuff. It's always weird when I talk to guys about that.

(which clearly explains why I am in this thread lulz)

just say you're uncomfortable being too close, because you don't know his intentions. :rolleyes:

if he's actually trying to be friends, he'll apolgoize and convince you it's pure. if his intentions are not pure, then he'll go away for sure. unless he's a true bubble gum who doesn't mind stealing someone's gf

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There's this guy at my school that keeps giving me quick glances. Whenever he see's me, he stares at me, but tries to act like he's not. When I catch him staring at me, he looks away and pretends he wasn't. It's frusterating 'cause I do the same thing, give him quick side glances 'cause I want to maintain eye contact with him to show him I have some sort of interest in him. But he always looks away. I think he know's I like him 'cause i'm always looking at him.

Does he have any interest for me? Or is he just acknowledging me as the girl that's never talked to him, but keep's looking at him?

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Ever since my BF's brother came back from the Navy, it seems like my BF & I grew apart.

Things just don't seem the way it was. He's always working out now, or talking about it.

IDK, yesterday when I was feeling down & trying to talk to him about it, he just

changed the subject and totally disregarded me like I was okay.

Then I eventually just told him, I was going to bed. He didn't even

notice anything was wrong. I cried myself to sleep that night. I love him so much

and I don't want to let him go. I don't know how to talk to him

without making it seem like his brother is the problem. He loves his brother

& really, I don't think his brother is the problem but is just things changed. What should I do?

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Ever since my BF's brother came back from the Navy, it seems like my BF & I grew apart.

Things just don't seem the way it was. He's always working out now, or talking about it.

IDK, yesterday when I was feeling down & trying to talk to him about it, he just

changed the subject and totally disregarded me like I was okay.

Then I eventually just told him, I was going to bed. He didn't even

notice anything was wrong. I cried myself to sleep that night. I love him so much

and I don't want to let him go. I don't know how to talk to him

without making it seem like his brother is the problem. He loves his brother

& really, I don't think his brother is the problem but is just things changed. What should I do?

maybe he just misses his bro, and now he has the chance to do stuff with him he couldnt when his bro was in the navy. Don't let this bother you o:. he wants some time alone with his brother. be an understanding and independent woman and take care of yourself and respect his *temporary* retreat to celebrate his brother's homecoming!

good luck :3

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Guest shirotaka

how do you tell if a SHY guy is interested?

Don't you hate shy guys? They stole my baby mario from me D: . Anyways, shy guys take glances too. But its not much of a difference from a regular glance so its pretty hard to tell. Some guys look more than others, but it all depends on your situation really.

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how do you tell if a SHY guy is interested?

I used to be a very shy guy, I still am. So back in school I wouldn't really talk to the girl I liked but I'd chat heaps with her online (and I wouldn't chat much with other girls). Hmm .. also probably if they're shy they might not really talk to any girls but they attempt to say hi to you. Or could be opposite, they talk normally with their friend girls but when it comes to the girl they like they become all quite and shy.

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Guest chopstick^^

Thanks yuwing for answering my question! :)

I take ur advise..

well sometimes hes comfortable, sometime he shy! .. or prob just quiet.. i think ppl r prob like that if they dont find anythin in common

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Guest swtangel

hi guys,

how can i tell whether my ex is still interested in me or is just being friendly? can you give me examples of how he would act if he still liked me versus how he would act if he only liked me as a friend? that'd really help. thx :)

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ok so im a first year at university. there was a guy in hs who flirted with me/ kinda led me on during junior/senior year. over the summer we didnt talk or IM or anything. we were friends only in the loosest definition. anyways, about 2 weeks ago he wrote on my facebook wall saying that he hoped i was having fun at university. i wrote back asking how he was but no answer. then a couple days ago he IM'd me asking how i was, and he said he might come up to visit.

can someone explain this? thanks

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I feel so bad ahaha I talked to this guy on msn on sunday and we ended up talking till like midnight. We just talked about people and stuff...we have these convos sometimes and it's just awesome. I was actually the one that said 'I need sleep, night'. I completely forgot that the next day he'd have to get up extra early cause he has period 0. So he was tired. He said hi on msn after school but I had a headache so I took a nap. Then later on, I had no one to talk to so as soon as he wasn't on busy (cause i know that means he's gaming) I said hi. Then the convo went like this:

'Were you waiting till I wasn't on busy to talk to me? lol'

'Yeah, I have no one else to talk to except for you and (another friend of mine)'

'I don't wanna talk, soo tired. you'll keep me up till 12 again. You had a nap.'

I just felt so badd. ._.; I just said sorry a few times and said I'll stop bugging him ^^;

I told him to sleep and he's just like 'nah' -_- He played something for a bit then went off.

Now I'm kinda too scared to talk to him first cause I don't want to annoy him =/ For a few days before, he was the one that would say hi, show me random vids and we'd just randomly talk about that xDDD It was fun.

He doesn't seem different in class. We don't usually hang out so we don't really talk in real llife. Which is why I don't wanna annoy him or anything. With my other friends, they HAVE to put up with me xD If I annoy him, I can't really do anything and I like talking to him hahaha

So umm...what should i do? oo;

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I feel so bad ahaha I talked to this guy on msn on sunday and we ended up talking till like midnight. We just talked about people and stuff...we have these convos sometimes and it's just awesome. I was actually the one that said 'I need sleep, night'. I completely forgot that the next day he'd have to get up extra early cause he has period 0. So he was tired. He said hi on msn after school but I had a headache so I took a nap. Then later on, I had no one to talk to so as soon as he wasn't on busy (cause i know that means he's gaming) I said hi. Then the convo went like this:

'Were you waiting till I wasn't on busy to talk to me? lol'

'Yeah, I have no one else to talk to except for you and (another friend of mine)'

'I don't wanna talk, soo tired. you'll keep me up till 12 again. You had a nap.'

I just felt so badd. ._.; I just said sorry a few times and said I'll stop bugging him ^^;

I told him to sleep and he's just like 'nah' -_- He played something for a bit then went off.

Now I'm kinda too scared to talk to him first cause I don't want to annoy him =/ For a few days before, he was the one that would say hi, show me random vids and we'd just randomly talk about that xDDD It was fun.

He doesn't seem different in class. We don't usually hang out so we don't really talk in real llife. Which is why I don't wanna annoy him or anything. With my other friends, they HAVE to put up with me xD If I annoy him, I can't really do anything and I like talking to him hahaha

So umm...what should i do? oo;

It really depends on his character, which I don't know of.

But I actually think he doesn't really care all that much, and is not really super annoyed or anything of the sort.

Seriously, if I stayed up talking to someone late about whatever, with something I had to do early the next morning, you can probably bet that someone was worth it and/or the early morning thing was a drag; but not really important. But I'd still say the same thing the next day, rofl. Wouldn't really mean anything by it; but just to let you know that I DID have to wake up early, and maybe imply that staying up and talking to you was worth it though in the end kinda.

Did that make sense? XD If not just ask, and i'll clarify (:

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