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Ask The Fellas


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Do guys think of lying about going out as a white lie? And if so WHY?!?! Lol

I dont' think it's a white lie. Why would you hide the truth about going out? unless you're going out for the wrong reasons?

if it was a party, maybe you stated earlier that you don't trust him going to parties. but he still went anwyays and trying to hide the fact.

If he really wanted to go to the party, he should've confronted you about it

"what are your concerns about me going to the party? I appreciate your concerns, but I really want to go. Please accept what I want and trust me."

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Guest xmelody-love

if this one guy has a friend (with benefits) why does he need to have even more friends (girls). is he just using that other friend to make the friend with benefits jealous? would you give away a letter a friend (girl) gave you for your birthday to the friend with benefits?

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if this one guy has a friend (with benefits) why does he need to have even more friends (girls). is he just using that other friend to make the friend with benefits jealous? would you give away a letter a friend (girl) gave you for your birthday to the friend with benefits?


First of all, no one can tell you how many friends of the opposite sex you can have, maybe except for a significant other.

Second, why does he need to make this "friend w/ benefits" jealous? he just wants sex from the FWB and he got it. There's no reason to waste time and effort on this girl. He doesn't give enough richard simmons to make this girl jealous. this girl shouldn't think so highly of herself, because frankly she's only a girl who's offering free unconditional sex.

Thirdly, why would you not give a letter a friend gave you for your birthday to the friend with benefits?

maybe you are confusing the term friends with benefits with a significant other?

friends with benefits have no status except a regular everyday friend who has sex with you for the lolz.

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Guest Alphidius

if this one guy has a friend (with benefits) why does he need to have even more friends (girls). is he just using that other friend to make the friend with benefits jealous? would you give away a letter a friend (girl) gave you for your birthday to the friend with benefits?

If the guy is really charismatic and real charmer, he could have lots of female friends surrounding him even if he doesn't really want to...

And a friend with benefits (FoB) means a f*** buddy right? In that case, I doubt he even knows the FoB is jealous since it's a mutual physical thing and not a really emotion relationship...

I won't give any letter I've received from my friend to anyone else including my SO (Significant Other)...

They can read the letter sure but why should they have it? Letter's address to me right? :crazy:

And I certainly won't have a FoB (I blame my traditional upbringing...)

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is it a good or bad sign that my bf of two months (knew each other for a year) is able to mention his ex's name (dated for 3 years) every now and then? for instance, sometimes when we're talking and something comes up that relates or reminds him of her he would say things like.... (let's call her Stacie)

"Stacie went there with her friends a lot too" (when i told him i was going to the movies with my friends)

"Stacie's fingernails are long and healthy" (when we were measuring our hands)

"Stacie shoe size is 6" (when he asked me what my shoe size was)

"Stacie and I were always able to finish the ice cream" (when i asked if the ice cream sundae would be too big for us)

i don't think he does it on purpose, he probably doesn't realize that he mentions her name often and i don't point it out to him either. I mean, i know three years is a LONG time and they must have shared many memories together but i'm just wondering, is it that he can't forget about her? or that he's moved on and can talk about her without hiding any feelings?

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Guest xmelody-love


First of all, no one can tell you how many friends of the opposite sex you can have, maybe except for a significant other.

Second, why does he need to make this "friend w/ benefits" jealous? he just wants sex from the FWB and he got it. There's no reason to waste time and effort on this girl. He doesn't give enough richard simmons to make this girl jealous. this girl shouldn't think so highly of herself, because frankly she's only a girl who's offering free unconditional sex.

Thirdly, why would you not give a letter a friend gave you for your birthday to the friend with benefits?

maybe you are confusing the term friends with benefits with a significant other?

friends with benefits have no status except a regular everyday friend who has sex with you for the lolz.

the thing is that this fwb thinks that they are gonna get back together and keeps wishing she was. and she acts like he's her property.

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^ I always thought it was in general. =/

If you were talking to someone on msn, why would you just randomly stop talking? Are you waiting for the other person to say something else or are you annoyed with them or what? No 'brb' no nothing. Just stop talking and start playing wow xD Just wondering cause sometimes when I talk to this guy he'll just stop replying for no reason even when we were fine just a few minutes before. We were just talking about youtube ahahaha Or did he just get bored? oo;

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Guest phoeki666

what if a guy breaks up a girl, crying, saying it's better to break now rather than later.

because he comes from a strict muslim family, and he doesn't want to disappoint his mom if he is in an interracial relationship, plus the girl is not muslim as well.

it is unlawful to marry someone not of the same faith in Islam.

he's a sissy for his mom - is there any way to convince him to attempt to try? a good way to put it?

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Does "chicks" mean girls in general, or pretty girls? ^^

Girls in general.

If you were talking to someone on msn, why would you just randomly stop talking? Are you waiting for the other person to say something else or are you annoyed with them or what? No 'brb' no nothing. Just stop talking and start playing wow xD Just wondering cause sometimes when I talk to this guy he'll just stop replying for no reason even when we were fine just a few minutes before. We were just talking about youtube ahahaha Or did he just get bored? oo;

Chances are he actually is playing WoW like you said. But then that would mean, probably once an hour he would minimize the game and reply to you. Right? If not, he's not purposely ignoring you, maybe you gave him a line that he couldn't reply to like "Yeah I know it was nice".

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what if a guy breaks up a girl, crying, saying it's better to break now rather than later.

because he comes from a strict muslim family, and he doesn't want to disappoint his mom if he is in an interracial relationship, plus the girl is not muslim as well.

it is unlawful to marry someone not of the same faith in Islam.

he's a sissy for his mom - is there any way to convince him to attempt to try? a good way to put it?

let him go, man. when you marry someone, you aren't marrying that person alone, you are marrying their entire family.

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He ignored me for so long. There were sometimes a few minor lapses, but otherwise he never showed me that he cared about me. He showed me that he wanted me to go over to his house, which I never could, and I am apologetic for letting him down so much. I feel like he either doesn't or doesn't know how to be affectionate towards me anymore, as last year the only time he ever decided to be affectionate to me was when we were alone. I haven't seen him by myself in a year. I could be right in front of him, and everything by me was in his field of vision. I don't know why he ignored me, when he was mad over what his friends and my friends were saying to him. They were telling him how he should act towards me, and once my friend misinterpreted one of our taunts to each other (we tease a lot, and it's the only thing he allowed me to do in front of his friends...I could show my feelings towards him but would generally be turned down, only to get a friendly call from him later) and yelled at him. He got mad, then chose to ignore me. He once called, but never addresses the situation nor gives the sincerest apology, if an apology at all.

So after all of this crap happens, and LOTS more, he sends me a text (after I accidentally sent him one) of an apology. He says that he wants to apologize for the way he treated me last year, that he should've been honest instead of have ignored me, that he was incredibly selfish, he didn't consider my feelings, and "I'm sorry." The first time I received a sincere, concise, and formal apology.

Question: what does it mean to be honest to me, instead of ignoring me? I don't see how he could've been honest, unless he meant that he should've spoken to me.

It's hard for me to believe it now, though, because he didn't guarantee anything. He's in most of my classes this year and still ignores me. I feel so hurt, again. Sophomore slump all over again, and I can't let it get in the way. He demanded pictures of me, and send me 3, saying I owed him 2 more. I sternly told him to stop it, and he stopped talking to me.

Should I give it more time? It's been 2 weeks. I don't know how sincere he was, but I sent him a message saying it was hard for me to believe in his apology. He still doesn't reply to me, only for academic-related things. I think he got mad again, but still, it just disappoints me so much to see he doesn't understand how I feel. I'm upset, and I really care for him. Somehow I think he doesn't really care all that much for me. But also, I think he needs time to get settled. It's just so hard, having to avoid a person for a year then trying to talk to him/her again. Right now, though, I think I got on his nerves when I said I was unsure about believing his apology and ultimately, his sincerity.

So fellas, why would you ignore a girl that you had convinced you loved her so much? Why would you suddenly drop her, forget about her, then decide to have her be submissive to you again? Do you think he was just mad, and ignored me? I think he was mad at some points, then sometimes forgot about me (though blatantly ignored me), and I don't understand why he wants me again. He's just always playing with me, and I still don't see how he supposedly could be considering my feelings. I never asked for affection from him, and though I really wanted to I could never grant him visits to his house. He still has a book of mine, and he always tells me to come get it when he wants me over. He asked this year, before school but plans got skewed up. He still has the book, is he still holding on to me? If so, I can tolerate the heartache but I don't think I want to hold on anymore.

Fellas, help!

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So fellas, why would you ignore a girl that you had convinced you loved her so much? Why would you suddenly drop her, forget about her, then decide to have her be submissive to you again? Do you think he was just mad, and ignored me? I think he was mad at some points, then sometimes forgot about me (though blatantly ignored me), and I don't understand why he wants me again. He's just always playing with me, and I still don't see how he supposedly could be considering my feelings. I never asked for affection from him, and though I really wanted to I could never grant him visits to his house. He still has a book of mine, and he always tells me to come get it when he wants me over. He asked this year, before school but plans got skewed up. He still has the book, is he still holding on to me? If so, I can tolerate the heartache but I don't think I want to hold on anymore.

Fellas, help!

so this guy is your bf? because he sure doesn't act like it, other than inviting you to his house for a little booty call.

There can be many reasons to ignore someone. He might not care for you at all, or maybe he just wants to avoid conflicts because he's stressed about his own things. If it is the latter, then like I said in another post, a man should get his richard simmons together before wanting some pus-sy. In either case, I think you should forget him and move on. It's not healthy for you. If he doesn't show you respect, appreciate and reciprocate your feelings or have the basic decency to treat you as a human being, then he's trash.

Move on.

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Guest joongielove

If a guy does things for you like carry your books(damn college textbooks >.<), and carry your luggage and stuff, and offer to pay for lunch and gas for you, and he'll say things like "come over, and help me fold my laundry!" or asks you to go to lunch/dinner with him all the time at school, and randomly texts you like "what's upp?" or "what are you doing?" or "how are you?"

What is he thinking?

My friends say he likes me, but I'm not so sure. Plus, I have a bf ^^; And he knows that. So I'm hoping he's just being realllly friendly? :)

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Guest V12Juice

Hes either gay and just trying to be good friends with you, or hes trying to steal you away from your bf.

No guy, no matter how nice of a friend he is, would offer to pay for your GAS and FOOD....

Are you leading him on? :phew:

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Guest joongielove

Hes either gay and just trying to be good friends with you, or hes trying to steal you away from your bf.

No guy, no matter how nice of a friend he is, would offer to pay for your GAS and FOOD....

Are you leading him on? :phew:

Puahahha, that gay bit made me laugh. No, he's not gay lol. Well, the story behind that is he texted me at like 8:30 A.M asking me to pick him up from the hospital. The hospital is near my house and about an hour from our school. He went to another university near my house to party, passed out, and ended up there. I figured I couldn't just leave him an hour from school without any transportation, I wouldn't do that to anyone I knew. So I was low on gas and hadn't eaten yet, so he offered to pay for both.

And I don't think I'm leading him on...then again, I suck at the whole thing. I mean, I've been in a relationship for about a year xD

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Guest V12Juice

Lol I hear ya

Ok so that situation clears it up much more! If thats the case then theres a small near-insignificant chance he doesnt like you ;P

How bout you use him as a boy toy? Sound good?


Test him, talk to him and ask him if he likes anyone. You'll obviously know if hes talking about you...

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Guest joongielove

Lol I hear ya

Ok so that situation clears it up much more! If thats the case then theres a small near-insignificant chance he doesnt like you ;P

How bout you use him as a boy toy? Sound good?


Test him, talk to him and ask him if he likes anyone. You'll obviously know if hes talking about you...

Wait, whuttt? lol I'm running on 4 hours of sleep, care to explain a tad more? XD;

Yeah, but I just don't wanna talk to him about relationship-y stuff. It's always weird when I talk to guys about that.

(which clearly explains why I am in this thread lulz)

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