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Guest Rhapsodyy

can't you just say.. "i never had a bf, nor have i dated anyone". that should be pretty clear. lol

Haha no, but i have had a bf before... we just never did anything, because he said we could "take it slow" and then I decided i didnt really like him as much as I thought... soo.. i just broke up with him after awhile. So i've already told that i have had a bf... i just- never mentioned the fact we never actually kissed .. >_<;; So now i dont know how to bring it up haha "Wow, that was a really good movie! I loved the part where [blahblahblah]. So i've never kissed anyone before eh?" him: "o__o".

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Guest Lolx_408

Ok...how does a girl know a guy likes her when he is sending somewhat mixed signals.

Such as he glances at you often.

He tends to smile a lot when you talk to him.

He never goes up to talk to you.

He puts his hands in his pockets and rocks back and forth.

He never really tries to talk to you, but when you talk to him he talks like a bullet.

He tries to hang out near your small group.

He doesn't really talk to your friends.

Also I am curious but say a girl tells a guy she likes him [just that] then runs away [lame] but really never recieves an answer from him except he tends to smile a lot around her.

Is that like rejection?

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Guest idiotsucks

mmm actually wad i mean is.. mmm.. guys.. will they actually cherish when a girl treats them good as in concern about them? or they will most probably find it noonsense ?? @@ i duno wad guys thk..... some ppl say, it is nt gd to treat a guy too good.. cuz they will usually take thgs for greanted. so how to express to a guy your concern and at the same time do not want things to look weird? gahh.. i feel dat wad im saying is even weird... @@

lately i haf this problem....

mmm lately im kinda interested in a guy. alright im jz gonna make it short and sweet. = / this guy.. i knw him not for long but i haf been listening quite a lot of his stuffs from people. and well. i find him kinda pityful in the sense of how he is being played by people.. = / he likes a girl, dat is my classmate but is being rejected terribly. =X i dun blame my fren cuz he is a little over-controltive.. he controls every of her movements eventhough she is not even her gf. = / i duno. somehow, i feel dat this guy is special in the sense of.. different from other guys. he is not v.gd looking. many ppl thk he looks like an owl -___- lol alrite.. i duno. to me he looks ok. nt too bad. quite attractive at certain angle. haaa.. n yah.. i got dat sudden and abnormal urge of curious to know more about him. lately i get to know him. we chatted till very late. until 5 am on msn on the first day we know each other. he is from my tuition. i see him every sunday. = / oh yeah.. i forget to mention dat hei s a super smart physics geek. =) haaa dats 1 of the reasons why he attracts me too. smart richard simmons people. mmm... its jz a plus point i guess. i tend to haf the feeling of going nearer to him and wanting to know more about him. mmm my question is.. am i just purely curious or i haf a crush on him?

i do not know how to really communicate with a guy.. sometimes, i really feel dat im nt like myself when im chatting with him. @@ i like.. i duno.. i jz get confused.

oh yeah my next question is... how to concern a guy without making him feeling that u r annonying? = / guys.. opinion?

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Guest une_fleur

Okay, I met a guy at a party, and we really got along. I saw him again another time very quick. I really like his personality and I would like to be friends with him. He knows I have a bf, and the both of them get along too.

But I forgot to get his damn phone number the last time I saw him! That was the last un-awkward moment for me to ask for his number (to pursue a friendship.)

Wouldn't it be kind of awkward now if I asked my friend for his number now? I don't want to seem like a creep or something.. should I just forget it?

I want a guy's perspective on this... :I

Do guys even want friendships and stuff like that with girls that are taken?

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Do guys like it better when girls confess their feelings to them first before they do it themselves? Let's say this is for a guy who really likes the girl and the girl in turn also likes the guy just as much but just has never told him so...

I've heard many times before that the guy enjoys doing "the chasing" and finds it less amusing once the girl has given in... is this true?? so what happens when he finally gets the girl of his dreams? does the passion die down (fast)?

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Guest xLionHeartx

Do guys like it better when girls confess their feelings to them first before they do it themselves? Let's say this is for a guy who really likes the girl and the girl in turn also likes the guy just as much but just has never told him so...

I've heard many times before that the guy enjoys doing "the chasing" and finds it less amusing once the girl has given in... is this true?? so what happens when he finally gets the girl of his dreams? does the passion die down (fast)?

Personally I think I'd like it if a girl confessed first, I'm not too sure about the whole chasing crap. The passion may die down but you'd have to see how the relationship goes really. You can't just give a straight up answer to this question.

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Haha no, but i have had a bf before... we just never did anything, because he said we could "take it slow" and then I decided i didnt really like him as much as I thought... soo.. i just broke up with him after awhile. So i've already told that i have had a bf... i just- never mentioned the fact we never actually kissed .. >_<;; So now i dont know how to bring it up haha "Wow, that was a really good movie! I loved the part where [blahblahblah]. So i've never kissed anyone before eh?" him: "o__o".

just bring up the subject of exes again, then just say you haven't kissed. o.o" i don't think it's such a big deal to tell the truth.

Do guys like it better when girls confess their feelings to them first before they do it themselves? Let's say this is for a guy who really likes the girl and the girl in turn also likes the guy just as much but just has never told him so...

I've heard many times before that the guy enjoys doing "the chasing" and finds it less amusing once the girl has given in... is this true?? so what happens when he finally gets the girl of his dreams? does the passion die down (fast)?

I don't think it matters. it might offer some big relief for him because he doesn't have to confess to you first. what happens after the confession is up to you and your man.

Guys do not generally like "chasing" when it comes to their first gf. lol. well that's my personal experience.

at the start of every relationship, there's the passion and romance (aka, the spark). It'll lead to a lot of sex, and mutual interest in each other all the time. Slowly, that spark will die. it always happens. ALWAYS. it's one of the things that long lasting relationships have to get over. so might as well pray that it'll die down fast so you can get over it together. if he doesn't, then you know he's not right for you :P

Okay, I met a guy at a party, and we really got along. I saw him again another time very quick. I really like his personality and I would like to be friends with him. He knows I have a bf, and the both of them get along too.

But I forgot to get his damn phone number the last time I saw him! That was the last un-awkward moment for me to ask for his number (to pursue a friendship.)

Wouldn't it be kind of awkward now if I asked my friend for his number now? I don't want to seem like a creep or something.. should I just forget it?

I want a guy's perspective on this... :I

Do guys even want friendships and stuff like that with girls that are taken?

i don't know whether your "interest" is pure or not, but it sounds like it is. if you want to make it less creepy, just get your friends to make another party/hang-out time and make sure he is invited. then ask him when it's an appropriate time.

do not be creepy, it might lead to some misinterpretations.

Some guys do like friendships with girls who are taken. it's networking. girls know more girls. so... having a friend who's a girl gives you access to more girls :rolleyes:

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There's this guy... and its not that I like him, but I guess you can say.. I'm interested?

Anyways... the point is... we're pretty good friends/acquaintances. Not super tight.

And recently, he told me he thought I was cute, but he also thinks 4 other girls at school are cute xD

He also said that he likes it when I say hi to him in the halls, it makes him happy.

any possibility of anything ?

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There's this guy... and its not that I like him, but I guess you can say.. I'm interested?

Anyways... the point is... we're pretty good friends/acquaintances. Not super tight.

And recently, he told me he thought I was cute, but he also thinks 4 other girls at school are cute xD

He also said that he likes it when I say hi to him in the halls, it makes him happy.

any possibility of anything ?

that's small talk. there's nothing unusual there.

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Guest d-graymang

Over the past year, I've been pretty much acquaintances with this guy. Since January or so, he started getting math help from me and so we started hanging out more and more. We started talking about deeper things like our histories and sex and etc.. I felt that it was pretty clear that he liked me (and I felt the same way) but school ended in April and nothing was said. But over the summer, we kept talking. Whenever he went online, he would almost immediately msg me. In June he admitted that he liked me (maybe emphasis on the past tense) and I confessed too. He said that we could have been in a relationship. All was dandy and I felt pretty good...

Before school started, he stayed over at my apartment before his lease started. Nothing happened. I hung out with him for a few days and helped him and his roommates move in a bit. We never talked about what we said in June again, but we talked more. Now that school's started, he hasn't called me or even msg me. I asked him to come to class (because I wanted to see him, although I didn't say this), but he said he's too lazy and will just watch the lectures online.

I would really describe him as a free bird type with a lot to say and a lot of friends. He also told me that he likes girls quickly and loses interest quickly. Idk. That was before we "confessed". I'm much too quiet and shy, so maybe that turned him off since we came back. I just don't want to take the initiative because I've been burned too many times before. I don't know if I should even bother anymore.

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Hmmz... I think my question got buried D; so I'll ask it again?

Hey guys, another question xD

What should I say when I go introduce myself to a guy? [non-romantic/flirty btw]

I know it sounds really dorky, but ALL the guys I know I've known since like elementary school o____o so I haven't had to do any introducing. Others, I was introduced to by my parents at their work/office gatherings I get dragged to >.<

It's really important to me... thanks in advance :]

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Hm okay kind of random question haha. Say you really liked this girl, and then you guys started dating... and you found out that she's never kissed anyone before even though she's like 19/20ish. What would your reaction to that be? Would it be a turn-off for you to find out she's never done that before so possibly sucks at it... like a negative reaction ... or would you not care/have a positive-type reaction like happy at least she hasnt made out with billions of people before you?

I know different guys will probably have different opinions on this, but im just curious about what most guys feel about this whole thing.... thank you to those who answer ^^

I wouldn't care since I've never kissed a girl before either. And also I'm thinking of saving my first kiss for someone who there's a possibility of marrying her or even after we get married. In the meantime I would just kiss her on the cheek and just accept kisses on the cheek.

Hmmz... I think my question got buried D; so I'll ask it again?

It's really important to me... thanks in advance :]

Just ask them about their studies (So where do you study? What do you study?)

Or ask where they're from (Excuse me, are you Korean? haha)

Ask about their interests (Do you like watching K-Dramas? Have you seen *drama's name*? Oh really?? I love that drama!)

Etc ..

These are some things I might ask/talk about with a girl.

Haha no, but i have had a bf before... we just never did anything, because he said we could "take it slow" and then I decided i didnt really like him as much as I thought... soo.. i just broke up with him after awhile. So i've already told that i have had a bf... i just- never mentioned the fact we never actually kissed .. >_<;; So now i dont know how to bring it up haha "Wow, that was a really good movie! I loved the part where [blahblahblah]. So i've never kissed anyone before eh?" him: "o__o".

If you ever bring up the topic of the girls he's been out with ask him did he kiss them? Then he might ask you did you? Or after he answers you, you just tell him straight you never kissed anyone.

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Guest yuppieguppy

- i text messaged a guy "i miss you" when I was drunk but he called me back right after he got it. is that a good sign??!??

and when he called me back he talks to me in that baby voice. is he just being nice?

- for instance i was drinking and he called me but my friends boyfriend took the phone away from me and he said "hello" and gave it back. he said "who is that??!?" "who the hell are you drinking with??" "call me back later" ( is it a good thing he gets jealous?!)

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- when you text message a guy "i miss you" when your drunk and he calls back is that a good sign??!?? or is he being just nice??

- is it a good thing when guys get jealous? for instance i was drinking and he called me but my friends boyfriend took the phone away from me and he said "hello" and gave it back. he said "who is that??!?" "who the hell are you drinking with??" "call me back later"

1) why cant he call back?? what you mean by being nice??

2)What? youre asking us, guys if we get jealous in this situation? mini cooper id be hella jealous if i didnt know the guy was your friends bf.

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Guest -babii3×chiink- ~♥

so like say ..

you're interested in this girl, and you give her like indirect hints .. in my case continuous Starbucks Ventis , and playful flirting ..

and if you think she's not interested, would you stop pursuing or be persistant ?

but yeah ... iono lol :D

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Guest shirotaka

so like say ..

you're interested in this girl, and you give her like indirect hints .. in my case continuous Starbucks Ventis , and playful flirting ..

and if you think she's not interested, would you stop pursuing or be persistant ?

but yeah ... iono lol :D

This is just another one of those it depends on the guy. Personally, I'd stop being persistent about it because I might become an annoyance. I'd rather be known as just another guy rather than another annoyance.

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If a really good looking guy meets a really cute girl, and he finds out that she's never had a boyfriend, does that make him want to be her first boyfriend? Do you think its genuine? And let's say all the girls that the guy has dated in the past are super hot, tall, skinny, great body, import model sorta, but the cute girl he meets just has a really cute face, but her body is like not...bombtastic: small breasts, short, and skinny. But lets say her sense of humor is great, she's a major tomboy, and has similar interests as him such as martial arts, movies, and music. Would you keep her as a friend or would you want to pursue a relationship with her knowing that in all honesty, physical appearance wise, you seem more compatible with a hot Victoria Secret model babe?

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just bring up the subject of exes again, then just say you haven't kissed. o.o" i don't think it's such a big deal to tell the truth.

I don't think it matters. it might offer some big relief for him because he doesn't have to confess to you first. what happens after the confession is up to you and your man.

Guys do not generally like "chasing" when it comes to their first gf. lol. well that's my personal experience.

at the start of every relationship, there's the passion and romance (aka, the spark). It'll lead to a lot of sex, and mutual interest in each other all the time. Slowly, that spark will die. it always happens. ALWAYS. it's one of the things that long lasting relationships have to get over. so might as well pray that it'll die down fast so you can get over it together. if he doesn't, then you know he's not right for you :P


What do u mean by "get over"? do u mean for the spark to die down? wouldn't that be a bad thing tho, cos that's exactly what keeps the relationship going rite...

One more q: are those guys who actually do the confessing themselves more worthy than those who would rather wait for the girl to do so? Doesn't it mean they obviously don't like the girl enough?? or is this an issue of personality, maturity etc? I always think the guys who are more of a gentleman know to do the right thing when wanting to pursue a girl...

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Guest StupidCake

Do guys like girls to be the one to ask them out first? >_<

And if you found out a girl liked you, would you think about her at all after you found out??

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