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Guest sar.uhhh

I remember my boyfriend always gave me crap for wanting to spend time with him while he cooked and stuff.

He pulled this "I like to be alone" kinda thing with me.

Maybe he just didn't like me? lol. We were going out for a year so I don't think so.

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Guest shirotaka

^ I love family guy O_O; ..

Anyways ! I have for you boys/men out there!

So there was this wedding I attended and my family guy friend that BARELY talks to me because of some issues we had in the past (like bad issues :x) randomly goes to me and says..

*looks at me for a good 1min*

Him: "You look different .."

Me: o.o How?

Him: "I dunno you just do.."

& Now I'm just curious.. what did he exactly mean? Like is it a good thing or a bad thing ? :x KK thanks

The " I dunno" is rather odd it shows a hint of interest. He may just be trying to befriend you or thinks you look good. Try not to think about it too much unless theres a bigger sign.

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Guest sar.uhhh

This has probably been asked already but I'm too lazy to look in all the posts :P

Okay so why are guys just into sex and playing mind games with girls?

Are there any guys who actually, genuinley (sp?) like a girl?

^Sorry, that's a little close-minded. What I meant to say is, why are most guys like that?

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Guest shirotaka

This has probably been asked already but I'm too lazy to look in all the posts :P

Okay so why are guys just into sex and playing mind games with girls?

Are there any guys who actually, genuinley (sp?) like a girl?

^Sorry, that's a little close-minded. What I meant to say is, why are most guys like that?

Lol there are 406 pages, I don't really expect anyone to be looking through that. Yes there are genuine guys but you'll rarely find them now a days. Some guys just don't really want commitment, especially if they can get the same prize for less effort. What do you mean by mind games...I didn't really understand.

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Guest ShadowMax76

i don't really care what someone does..

i just wanna know i mean something to them. xP like smile when they see me , it's all i want.

perhaps as much as to listen to me even if i have nothing to say.

and as all guys.. a tiny bit of respect.. even if i can take a joke. :3

+ Sar.uhh. , some people have depressing beliefs, he probably said it out of self-pity.

he finally got comfortable, and started with the calls for comfort. one of those tricks girls usually do so that a guy can say "you don't look fat in that"


but. i 'spose he just needs time to miss you. that or he wants you to disagree with him, and to hear "but i want to be with you" .. ?

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Guest Hendy

One thing that really stands out which may not be that obvious is,

being decisive

I mean about what we should go do or where to eat. I mean you have no idea how nice it is to have a girl tell Me where and what were gonna do for a change. Lisa and I could burn 30 minutes just trying to decide where to eat.

I dunno, a change of pace is always a breath of fresh air for me at least. Fellas?

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Guest Chanellas

He wants me to pony up for dinner and a movie lol

im kidding. he just wants a lady in the street and a freak in the sheets ahahah

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Guest private

guys want to feel wanted and appreciated. so show some love thats all

right on... that what we want it not hard :D

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Guest vietboy90

guys want to feel wanted and appreciated. so show some love thats all


just show some love, it's all us guys really ask for

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Guest sar.uhhh

Lol there are 406 pages, I don't really expect anyone to be looking through that. Yes there are genuine guys but you'll rarely find them now a days. Some guys just don't really want commitment, especially if they can get the same prize for less effort. What do you mean by mind games...I didn't really understand.

lol, this is hard to explain.

It's like guys say "You mean so much to me, all I want is to make you happy, and be with you, and blah blah blah..."

But then like, after you hook up, you call them and be like "Hey doode lets chill!", and he never talks to you again... even if you've known the guy for years...


When they say they love you, but then two weeks later, tell you that they have decided to dump you and go for some other new girl....

Yes, my love life is sad <_<

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Guest marvinoppa

I have one! How do I know if my guy friend likes me. I told him that I am old fashioned and I am not an easy gal to deal with. He replied "I like challenges" and sort. He also has been calling me to hang out more frequently lately, but it is in a group rather than one on one. Well, we did do a one on one when we went shopping together. I'd like to think what we have is nothing more than friendly flirting haha, maybe I'm just reading too much into it.

i didnt see a question in there...

why do nearly all guys love south park and family guy so much? and find it so freakin hilarious?

and why do so many of them find the need to copy their lines and etc. (for ex. quagmire)?

i dont watch tv. havent watched tv......for...well since before 2000.

This has probably been asked already but I'm too lazy to look in all the posts :P

Okay so why are guys just into sex and playing mind games with girls?

Are there any guys who actually, genuinley (sp?) like a girl?

^Sorry, that's a little close-minded. What I meant to say is, why are most guys like that?

because its fun.


just because he does the mind games and likes sex, doesnt mean hes not actually, genuinely interested in the girl.

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Guest marvinoppa

o no....you just had to ask this question....you done did it now...

i want respect. i show it to you, you show it to me.

i want you home when i get home from a long days work. not at the mall; not with your friends; home.

if its your night to cook, that means its your night to cook. not mine, not mcd's, not in-n-out, kfc, taco bell, et al.

i dont want to find out bad news from somebody else. you should tell me first.

i want fellatio. yea, i said it.

i want you to match my mood. if im being my normal charming self, then be equally charming. if im grumpy, you be grumpy too.

if im mad at you and im not talking, its because i dont want to blow up at you, so let me chill out.

dont get mad just because im mad. thats just dumb.

thats just a start. ill add more to this list as i think of it.

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Guest ihigh

o no....you just had to ask this question....you done did it now...

i want respect. i show it to you, you show it to me.

i want you home when i get home from a long days work. not at the mall; not with your friends; home.

if its your night to cook, that means its your night to cook. not mine, not mcd's, not in-n-out, kfc, taco bell, et al.

i dont want to find out bad news from somebody else. you should tell me first.

i want fellatio. yea, i said it.

i want you to match my mood. if im being my normal charming self, then be equally charming. if im grumpy, you be grumpy too.

if im mad at you and im not talking, its because i dont want to blow up at you, so let me chill out.

dont get mad just because im mad. thats just dumb.

thats just a start. ill add more to this list as i think of it.


if im not gay, you better not be gay[my old teacher's advice. him- "you THINK you're sad? you think your life sucks. your wife didn't leave you for a woman"

if i hang out with the guys, you hang out with the girls

if im in a bad mood, don't give me an attitude...just try to be patient

if somethings wrong and i cant tell it, dont act moody, just tell me...we're not all mind readers =[

theres more but people are shouting in my ear and i cant concentrate

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1.if a guy likes you,

what are some KEY things he does.

because some guy confesses to me, and i had no idea.

2. you ask a girl who she likes, she says i don't know, and then you tell a girl you like her, but then then you don't ask who she likes after that, what vibe do you get

one that maybe she doesn't like you?? ahh im so confused. :S

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Guest lananhcali18

Ok guys I have this situation that I really need to clear up.

This guy I'd been talking to Y...he wanted to take me out on dates like million times and I always say no.

So finally today before I leave for my 3 weeks vacation, I agreed to meet him up at the movie theatre & go out with him.

But I didn't want to go alone so I ask his friend, X to come along since I don't really know him (we only talk through phone and X introduced it).

HOwever, X knows I hate him and I agreed to go out with him because I promised X I will.

So X said he didn't want to be the third wheel and he wants to bring a girl with him.

When I call Y up later asking are we still on for the movie.

He said he's busy but he'll try to make it.

I called X and i told him I'm not going since Y isn't sure about the movie.

X got so mad and tell me I shouldn't pull s*** like this and I have to go along since he already called the girl.

I said ok ok, and I tried to call Y. He said he'll come.

I went ahead, got ready & show up at the movie theatre. But I waited in the car...since X is with his "date" and I don't want to feel awkward.

I tried calling Y so many times and He didnt pick up the phone. X decided to go eat with his date and I said i'll just wait since I already ate.

But then I felt weird and just left the movie theatre.

X kept calling & texting me saying I should come back to watch the movie with them at least.

I didn't pick up the phone or text back.

wow, this is long. So what's your opinion on this? Was I right about leaving?

Will he be mad when I did and didn't answer his call?

ps. THe thing is I like X but since he said he's not interesting in dating right now. So I decided just stay friends with him.

Seeing him with another girl makes me feel jealous (yes I admit)...so I rather leave.

Plus I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow. I don't really want any drama.

I need to clear my mind & party lot. lolz.

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Guest StealthGnome

guys want to feel wanted and appreciated. so show some love thats all

You said it all. GIRLS! LEARN! <_<

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o no....you just had to ask this question....you done did it now...

i want respect. i show it to you, you show it to me.

i want you home when i get home from a long days work. not at the mall; not with your friends; home.

if its your night to cook, that means its your night to cook. not mine, not mcd's, not in-n-out, kfc, taco bell, et al.

i dont want to find out bad news from somebody else. you should tell me first.

i want fellatio. yea, i said it.

i want you to match my mood. if im being my normal charming self, then be equally charming. if im grumpy, you be grumpy too.

if im mad at you and im not talking, its because i dont want to blow up at you, so let me chill out.

dont get mad just because im mad. thats just dumb.

thats just a start. ill add more to this list as i think of it.

lol what?


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