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Guest SHINeeStars223

So I have a question that I`m kinda " ehh. . . " on right now. So I like this guy, we`re not that close at all even though he teases me alot and all ~ (yeah, if you`ve seen my posts, you will know xD i`ve talked alot about him honestly -.-) anyways, his birthday was the other day, but I didn`t get to see him, so I didn`t tell him Happy Birthday in person. I wrote on his wall, but he hasn`t answered any of his birthday wall posts yet. I kinda want to make him a handmade card since it`s his 18th birthday and all, but would it be really awkward? I asked my guy friend and he said it would be kinda weird, but worth a shot since guys like handmade stuff from girls since it shows they care. But the thing is, I don`t know if he likes me or not and we`re not that close. Should I wait until he answers the wall post? On assumptions that he doesn`t like me, would it seem like I`m really creepy and weird? .__.

If I can get an answer, that`d be great ^^ ThankQ`s (:

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Guest lightangel

Question for the guys,

Lets say...you are currently in love with your gf...but....

If a hot girl standing naked in front of you, but she is not your gf, will you sleep with her?

What I want to know is if you can you control your "urges" if that were to happen?

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Guest atlanteay

question about guys' pov:

I'm a very sarcastic person. I mostly make fun of people (in a fun joking way) so my relationships never go beyond buddies. I'm also one of the top students in my class so i'm guessing everyone thinks i'm super studious/serious which i'm not. A guy once commented that i'm the "most rational person" during a group assignment o.O I also can't flirt. I just can't seem to bring myself to say something sweet or kind to guys. Another guy once said to me that i never flirt (and he's a huuuge flirt). I just..can't make the first move or direct the friendship towards romantic. Am i intimidating or uinteresting for guys?

another thing i guess i can't get over is the social pressures. I'm really scared about what people would say or think if i happen to date someone >< maybe it'll be better once i'm college

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So I have a question that I`m kinda " ehh. . . " on right now. So I like this guy, we`re not that close at all even though he teases me alot and all ~ (yeah, if you`ve seen my posts, you will know xD i`ve talked alot about him honestly -.-) anyways, his birthday was the other day, but I didn`t get to see him, so I didn`t tell him Happy Birthday in person. I wrote on his wall, but he hasn`t answered any of his birthday wall posts yet. I kinda want to make him a handmade card since it`s his 18th birthday and all, but would it be really awkward? I asked my guy friend and he said it would be kinda weird, but worth a shot since guys like handmade stuff from girls since it shows they care. But the thing is, I don`t know if he likes me or not and we`re not that close. Should I wait until he answers the wall post? On assumptions that he doesn`t like me, would it seem like I`m really creepy and weird? .__.

If I can get an answer, that`d be great ^^ ThankQ`s (:

Do what you want.

K. Card = fishing rod + bait, Him = Fish, You = Fisherman

Think of the card as "testing the waters" to see whether or not he bites or not.

The moment you cast, the fish will either want to eat it.... or not.

If anything it'll be flattering. If he doesn't bite, just aim for other fish. If he does, then take it from there...

You can be a "catch and release" fisherman or the one that takes it home ;)

Question for the guys,

Lets say...you are currently in love with your gf...but....

If a hot girl standing naked in front of you, but she is not your gf, will you sleep with her?

What I want to know is if you can you control your "urges" if that were to happen?

In love with my gf? Awesome. Naked girl, get out of my way so I can be with my gf.

I'm fairly confident that I can control my urges if that were to happen. I can't speak for other guys though.

question about guys' pov:

I'm a very sarcastic person. I mostly make fun of people (in a fun joking way) so my relationships never go beyond buddies. I'm also one of the top students in my class so i'm guessing everyone thinks i'm super studious/serious which i'm not. A guy once commented that i'm the "most rational person" during a group assignment o.O I also can't flirt. I just can't seem to bring myself to say something sweet or kind to guys. Another guy once said to me that i never flirt (and he's a huuuge flirt). I just..can't make the first move or direct the friendship towards romantic. Am i intimidating or uinteresting for guys?

another thing i guess i can't get over is the social pressures. I'm really scared about what people would say or think if i happen to date someone >< maybe it'll be better once i'm college

Sorry to break it to you... but....

You're the serious/uninteresting type for most guys.

Are you afraid to be vulnerable? Well guess what? The matters of love always have some degree of risk you must be willing to face if you want any potential for love/romance to blossom.

If you can't get over these, I doubt that you'll get a bf anytime soon. MAYBE one night stands if you're attractive enough.

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What do you guys think of a girl randomly approaching you for your name? Lol.

There was this worker who was helping my friends and I at a store... and my friend challenged me to ask him what his name was (to add him on facebook) thinking I wouldn't do it... and I did.

He's younger, so idk.. this is something that a 13 yr old would do.

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Guest TuxedoBento

xChristineee: Flattered. =p

@Mr.Power: lol what?? Hey man, I'm just passing by L&R! This is your domain! I dare not intrude, I'll drop a line (or a word in this case lol) if I happen to in (your) town. lol

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Guest Siweonn

What do you guys think of a girl randomly approaching you for your name? Lol.

There was this worker who was helping my friends and I at a store... and my friend challenged me to ask him what his name was (to add him on facebook) thinking I wouldn't do it... and I did.

He's younger, so idk.. this is something that a 13 yr old would do.

he would think you want to get in his pants. LOL XTINE

i see you on fb he tryna hollaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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hey guys!

Need some help, I'm planning on getting my boyfriend a wallet for his birthday since he really needs one as his current one is falling apart. But the problem is, do guys normally like to keep their change in their wallet? or in the pockets? I know the one he uses at the moment, does have a zip compartment where he keeps his coins in, but I have been looking everywhere for a nice one that can cater it and it's quite hard :/ also do you prefer black or dark brown wallets?

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Guest [ knockOUT ]

Do guys have a "brother code" or something that is like an invisible contract where guys won't date/ask out a girl if she was already asked by one of his friends?

Just wonderin', cause I know us girls do it.

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What do you guys think of a girl randomly approaching you for your name? Lol.

There was this worker who was helping my friends and I at a store... and my friend challenged me to ask him what his name was (to add him on facebook) thinking I wouldn't do it... and I did.

He's younger, so idk.. this is something that a 13 yr old would do.

Flattering and/or suspicious.

xChristineee: Flattered. =p

@Mr.Power: lol what?? Hey man, I'm just passing by L&R! This is your domain! I dare not intrude, I'll drop a line (or a word in this case lol) if I happen to in (your) town. lol

Stay awhile... This town is big enough for the two of us hahaha

hey guys!

Need some help, I'm planning on getting my boyfriend a wallet for his birthday since he really needs one as his current one is falling apart. But the problem is, do guys normally like to keep their change in their wallet? or in the pockets? I know the one he uses at the moment, does have a zip compartment where he keeps his coins in, but I have been looking everywhere for a nice one that can cater it and it's quite hard :/ also do you prefer black or dark brown wallets?

I don't keep change in my wallet... maybe my pocket, but I usually just use plastic.

Maybe I can help depending on your price range?


' date='23 January 2011 - 08:41 PM' timestamp='1295840462' post='16858124']

Do guys have a "brother code" or something that is like an invisible contract where guys won't date/ask out a girl if she was already asked by one of his friends?

Just wonderin', cause I know us girls do it.

Some guys do, other guys don't.

I think most guys ignore this code though.

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So, I met this guy this past weekend at a business competition. We happened to sit at the same dinner table for the two nights and ended up having great conversations and dancing like a couple at the final awards gala. Unfortunately, he's from out of town and quite far from where I go to school. We texted a bit before he had to leave for his flight and then he surprisingly gave me a call and we ended up chatting for over an hour on the phone. We decided to add each other on facebook and skype near the end of our call.

For guys (and girls) out there, would you say it's just a fling?

Do you think I should expect anything from him further?

Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!!

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Guest discofuse

So the guy I like told me that if I wasn't talking to him the whole night, he should have done a lot of things already, like play, listen to music, sing and such . . Is it true that when a guy stops what he's doing just to talk to you means that he likes you or not really? I am really confused right now. Oh well :P

You guys are confusing.

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So the guy I like told me that if I wasn't talking to him the whole night, he should have done a lot of things already, like play, listen to music, sing and such . . Is it true that when a guy stops what he's doing just to talk to you means that he likes you or not really? I am really confused right now. Oh well :P

You guys are confusing.

generally I stop doing what i'm doing to talk to someone because its common courtesy? it really depends, were you talking on the phone? MSN? in real life?

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I don't keep change in my wallet... maybe my pocket, but I usually just use plastic.

Maybe I can help depending on your price range?


Ahh thanks! well my price range is from £40 - £50, so around $60 - $80~ i've been looking at these ones:




I'm tempted to get the third one (ted baker) but that's only because it has a coin part, however it looks more casual compared to the other two. My 2nd choice would be the first Guess wallet, if a coin compartment isn't important to guys. Is Guess a good brand? Since it's not very popular over in the UK.

I've had a look at the fossil wallets too but the stitching on those aren't very nice. I originally didn't want to spend too much on a wallet, which is why i was looking at fossil wallets but the quality of them are a bit meh and doesn't look like they will last very long.

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Guest discofuse

generally I stop doing what i'm doing to talk to someone because its common courtesy? it really depends, were you talking on the phone? MSN? in real life?

We were just talking on MSN :| What difference does it make? And uh, we were just talking about random stuff, nothing really serious . . .Few flirting haha WTF.

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You're having dinner with a girl at a restaurant. The conversation is friendly. Then the bill come, you insist on paying it, she insists on splitting it.

Why, in the world, would guys get offended by that (and even look disappointed? :blink: Especially if you've known the girl for just for barely a week? I don't get you! :unsure:

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@lilyphenix: Guys who need to compensate because they feel they don't measure up to the girl so they pay to impress the girl. They think if the girl won't let them pay, then it's not a date, but more a platonic hanging-out. Or rather it's more of a, guys think that girls think like that.

I don't need to compensate, so I don't care if the girl grabs the bill.

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Guest whysoserious

I've posted one of these questions before, but it was never answered and I have another one xD

Is it wrong to feel jealous and not be worried if the guy i'm seeing still hangs out with his ex and they still communicate often although he says that he no longer has feelings for her? Also, how would you reassure those feelings for her while trying to maintain a friendship with your ex?

Today I was hanging out with him, knowing that I feel insecure about his ex constantly being around him, he hid his phone after receiving a text, it was from his ex. am I thinking too much about this? she seems quite important to him still although he says otherwise. also, i know she still has a thing for him although she was the one that broke it off but I don't know about him.

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Guest TuxedoBento

whysoserious: Well, society dictates that you have to respect his privacy and if you're serious about him then you should trust him. But him hiding his phone when it's a text from his ex... well... yeah. Make it known to him how you feel. Truth is, he could still be harboring feelings for her if she was the one who broke it off with him. How long were they dating before? How long has it been since they broke up? When did you enter the picture? 

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