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There's a guy who, unless we're alone (which is basically never) pretty much never talks to me. Despite this, when I was talking to his friend, the friend said he thinks the guy likes me. I suspect that the guy is in a relationship with someone but when I asked his friend about it he said he didn't think it was serious.

So during orientation week a couple weeks ago he used to text me kind of a lot. He walked with me to get my books off campus even though it was a mile to get there, but when I asked him to walk me back to my dorm last night he didn't seem like he wanted to. [in the end my other friend took me back]. It's like... I think there might be something...but then there isn't. I kind of like him but not really. Still unsure. x: I don't plan on coming out and confessing or making moves or whatever anytime soon. I'm just...confused right now / curious. xD

If this wasn't very coherent then I apologize. XD I'm kind of in a rush since I need to go do homework. .-.

I'm wondering what the question is, lol

I guess the best advice in your situation is to figure out what you want and make sure there aren't any floating ideas on whether you like him or not.

i dont understand guys at all, even though i grew up with them.

i'm the kind of girl that can pull all-nighters with guys playing VIDEO GAMES.

who has had over 4 computers in her room, playing COUNTERSTRIKE all night with her friends [guys] & brother.

who's the only girl that walks into an internet cafe and owns guys 2v6 [me and my cuzin vs them].

but i can't seem to figure them out?

well this guy came back to the states [prepare.. it's totally like a script for some asian drama] and him and his bro r hott [his bro has a gf tho] well he was literally STARING at me.. my moms like "who's that guy he keeps staring at you?" im like "..omg idk thats scary but hes cute" shes like "oh?" and she goes to talk to him, and i raelized i met him when i was like around 5-6 years old [childhood friends xD] well hes back! havent seen him since! and even his brother keeps looking at me.. and he points to me and i catch him in the corner of my eye and i just smile and walk away haha.. well (PS THIS IS IN A WEDDING) cocktail hour all my cousins noticed him staring and they like bring him over to try and chat blablbala.. embarassing stuff so obvious -.- he ends up giving me a rose at the end of the day [even tho he was talking to this other girl the whole time lol but he was staring at me while talking... how creepy? LOL] and im like aww.. but when i looked at him he was soo shyyyyy? but after that at the after party at the bar [yeah yeah im underage but no one noticed.. someone offered me a shot glass and my cousin freaked im like haha] and lets just say he is soooooo cute.... like his actions and everything..... awhhhsssss. to die for.

well after, i chatted with him online a few but he doesnt seem to talk much. it's like an awkward thing.. does he not like me or what? i can't really explain it.... im going to taiwan in december and he even asked about that [he lives in taiwan] and he said he will be back when i go there....? and blablabla.. or is he just being shy again?

but yeah, i told my friend the FULL DETAILED story of what went on.. and shes like "holy crap did you take that from a drama script?" lol.. i was like heheeee.

idk but i have to admit my dress was totally AWESOME ;o.

it made me feel like a princess, especially with my little heels.[okok off topic haha].

Dude is just plain shy. Help him out and keep the conversations going and show him you're interested.

So there's this guy at my school at it almost seems as if he is like avoiding me. It's been like this since like middle school and it's really weird/awkward. We kinda used to be friends in like 5th grade when I moved to his school and stuff... but then it just like went apart. I don't want us to have like a hating relationship and I don't even know if he hates me. it's really really weird. I don't wanna just like come up to him randomly and start talking cuz then it would get really awkard and like i don't know him that well so there's nothing really to talk about. He's in my orchestra class and since we were both good string players in middle school, we were in some like special group of like people who were amazingly good (i really didn't belong :sweatingbullets: ). We barely talked there too. I'm afraid he like HATES me and wants to avoid me... i wonder if he thinks i hate him.. so he's avoiding me..?

He's probably avoiding you, because the last interaction you guys had was awkward. If you feel he's avoiding you, just try to ease back into talking to him again. You're probably giving off a negative vibe by thinking he hates you, so that could be why things are weird between you two.

Question: How long does it take a guy to get over a girl he has liked for about 3 or more years. And if they were childhood friends :)

That can take forever. Don't count on him to change his mind. Just be friends and maybe things can develop from there. Some guys develop attraction through friendship. Seems that's how it worked with him and this girl he's hung up on.

I was walking home alone one day, and this random good looking guys in the car started waving at me crazily, what does it means? I felt like an idiot after that.. =/

Probably thought you were cute. If that's you in your av, I would probably wave, too, lol

girls getting emotional over the bf? even tho they dont do anything wrong..

having concerns at times and always seem to be missing him

even tho they cant help it?

and like feeling you cant do anything abt it and they deserve more

are those signs of anything?


Signs of a clingy girl and if she's starting fights out of nowhere, she just craves drama.

Okay... This is a question to males on soompi...

Which type of females would you prefer cute, pretty, sexy or hot and why?

Mind you, you can only pick one (i'm a firm believer in if your cute, you can't be sexy.. like i mean its crossing child with woman :blink: ) I ask this question because where i live there is not a heavy asian population and would like to see what asian guys think as opposed to caucasians...

I'm guessing it's cute because asian girls that try and look revoltingly cute like child outnumber ones that try and ONLY look pretty, sexy or hot. And i really wonder why guys would like cute females over pretty, sexy or hot...in my opinion isn't it like dating your younger sister?? that's gross and incest

As oppose to most american, australian and every other western country,guys puts cute as on the bottom of the list..which i agree with..

Remember this is based on PHYSICAL not personality type

Okay..this is from my point of view of each type of girl that i think epitomizes each category (tel me if im wrong for putting the girls in the worng category but i think i got it pretty right..and yeah hot and sexy is the similar yet different if you know what i mean)

Song Hye Gyo beats all those other girls you listed. So, I guess my preference would be in the beautiful category

"I don't know what I want"...what do you guy mean by that?

You'll need to put it into context for me--what's the situation where this was said?

I pretty much tell girls they don't know what they want when they're being indecisive, or when they expect me to do multiple things at once, or when they get upset over anything they asked me to do and I did it right.

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Guest CKalvin

"I don't know what I want"...what do you guy mean by that?

whats the context? when did the guy say it?

for me, the one time I said that was when I was torn between 2 girls. one very very very nice and kind, the other very nice + very pretty =P

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Guest dookiechoo

I've really liked this one guy for over three years. He's four years older than me (I'm 17, he's 21), and although I know that we are in different stages of our lives and that a relationship would probably never work... I can't help how I feel.

Anyways, he moved just over a year ago, and I haven't seen him for a long time. Over this past year, we kept in touch through facebook, email, etc. But recently we have pretty much lost contact. I always thought that when/if I lost contact with him, I would slowly forget him and move on. But I haven't been able to, and quite truthfully, I don't want to.

I'm a senior in high school this year, (he's a senior in college this year). I don't want to go to college with my heart still fixed on him, and I just want to tell him how I feel. I just want him to know. It's difficult to explain in words, but I've known him for over three years and just...knowing him has changed me so much as a person. In amazing ways. But I never got the chance to tell him that. The last time I saw him, I wanted to tell him how I felt....but I didn't know it would really be the last time, and I haven't seen him since. (I know, I'm a coward).

The point is that....I want to tell him how I feel now. I haven't seen him in over a year, and he lives about 40 minutes away, but I think I can find him if I really want to.

I mean.... I don't really know how to confess to him, or how to tell him what I feel. I just want to unburden myself and get all the feelings out on the table. I don't expect him to declare some sort of undying love for me or anything of the sort, I just want to be able to walk away without regretting not-telling him for years to come.

My question is.... guys.... if the guy was you, what would you think? I don't want him to think I'm crazy either. I am well aware that it is stupid to pine away for someone who is quite obviously 'out of your league' for this long. :| But like I said, I can't help how I feel. Should I tell him, or should I just keep trying in vain to silence my thoughts? :(

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I've really liked this one guy for over three years. He's four years older than me (I'm 17, he's 21), and although I know that we are in different stages of our lives and that a relationship would probably never work... I can't help how I feel.

Anyways, he moved just over a year ago, and I haven't seen him for a long time. Over this past year, we kept in touch through facebook, email, etc. But recently we have pretty much lost contact. I always thought that when/if I lost contact with him, I would slowly forget him and move on. But I haven't been able to, and quite truthfully, I don't want to.

I'm a senior in high school this year, (he's a senior in college this year). I don't want to go to college with my heart still fixed on him, and I just want to tell him how I feel. I just want him to know. It's difficult to explain in words, but I've known him for over three years and just...knowing him has changed me so much as a person. In amazing ways. But I never got the chance to tell him that. The last time I saw him, I wanted to tell him how I felt....but I didn't know it would really be the last time, and I haven't seen him since. (I know, I'm a coward).

The point is that....I want to tell him how I feel now. I haven't seen him in over a year, and he lives about 40 minutes away, but I think I can find him if I really want to.

I mean.... I don't really know how to confess to him, or how to tell him what I feel. I just want to unburden myself and get all the feelings out on the table. I don't expect him to declare some sort of undying love for me or anything of the sort, I just want to be able to walk away without regretting not-telling him for years to come.

My question is.... guys.... if the guy was you, what would you think? I don't want him to think I'm crazy either. I am well aware that it is stupid to pine away for someone who is quite obviously 'out of your league' for this long. :| But like I said, I can't help how I feel. Should I tell him, or should I just keep trying in vain to silence my thoughts? :(

Sometimes, your only option is to spill on how you feel. Do what you feel is best for you, since thinking about him and having the uncertainty of what will happen isn't doing you very much good.

How he'll react is unpredictable, since you don't know if he likes you or not--I can't give my reaction, since I don't know if I'm supposed to be speaking from the perspective of being attracted or not. He will definitely appreciate what you say, though.

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Guest dookiechoo

^ Thanks for your reply :]

I am fairly sure that he is not attracted, but we have always been friends and all that I hope is that he will take me seriously and not laugh at me or anything like that.

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Guest kuroimisa

^ just in response to your situation/ scenario you described, dookiechoo, I've found myself in that situation many times when I like someone sooooo much it feels like I want to explode and impulsively go and confess.

It happened to me on 2 occasions, and I didn't go ahead with either times.

It was the right choice to keep quiet :x

I was lucky though, because I knew both of them well enough to know that there wasn't enough interest in me.



When a guy tells you you're beautiful, does he really mean it?


Why do guys say "yes" or "okay" when they really mean "no"? I know someone who compulsively does that and it annoys me - he stands people up last minute simply because he couldn't say no. Why?!?!?! Dx?!

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Appearance is just for the initial attraction, it shouldn't matter to anyone in a genuine relationship.

much none.

How does girl get a guy to go out with him? by looks..without looks most guys wouldnt give a girl a second glance therefore a girl cant get to step 2

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So me and my friends don't have any guy bestfriends so i wanted to ask this to you guys:

what's the best (fastest?) way to get a guy to stop liking you?

coz a guy liked my bestfriend (she was kind of friends with him) and she asked me for advice so i told her to just ignore him coz their in classes together i.e. don't ask questions in conversations incl. msn, don't talk to him unless he talks to you and even then give monotone answers, etc.

I know I sounds really heartless and mean but... i know it should have been tell him how you feel (but she already said no when he asked her out) directly..but then he gets attracted by her more coz she'll be really sweet and nice about it...

This was a few months ago and it took about 1-2 months for him to stop liking her but i would like to know what would be the best way guys think to deal with this situation becasue i thought my advice was the best for a fast results(my other friend said wait it out :blink:)

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NO. :blink: Not all girls "TRY" to look cute, they just are. Guys have said I'm cute but I don't think I look anything like a child. Quite opposite actually, since most guys think I'm older than my real age due to the way I carry myself & the way I dress. You have a twisted mind if you're actually comparing a girl's looks (ie. "cuteness") to a little child's.

Maybe where you live but not over here. There's more girls trying to look sexy rather than cute. Take Miley Cyrus for instance, she's more so on the cute side yet you always see her taking raunchy half naked photos of herself :rolleyes:

I live in australia..the look is sexy and hot..anything less than that and your a social retard..im talking about asia...goodness sakes read..miley cyrus isnt on the cute side..she's more on the funny? girly/pretty side... e.g. she wore that awesome vest from sass&bide's collection rainbows for kate.. that sass&bide vest was not cute.. it was chic with a dash of fun and heaps feminine

all girls try and look cute...no one wakes up looking beautiful, cute, hot or sexy...it takes effort e.g. getting the right hairstyle, clothes, etc

Umm. i know i sound like a b*itch and uber mean but your like.. bragging about yourself/telling me about all about your looks and frankly i don't care..

Twisted mind?! Just because you don't understand it when i described in layman's terms doesnt mean i have a twisted mind...let me try and explain in terms anyone will understand(i'm not trying to degrade you but ive explained it clearly and it's getting really frustrating)

MOST girls try and look cute like a child (puffy cheeks, humongous innocent eyes, THOSE outfits etc) therefore they remind us of a child..thus the why the comparsion is made

get it?

Note: If any other reply from me is made to you, just ignore..there's something wrong with how soompi is loading on my computer.

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Guest Monologue

So me and my friends don't have any guy bestfriends so i wanted to ask this to you guys:

what's the best (fastest?) way to get a guy to stop liking you?

coz a guy liked my bestfriend (she was kind of friends with him) and she asked me for advice so i told her to just ignore him coz their in classes together i.e. don't ask questions in conversations incl. msn, don't talk to him unless he talks to you and even then give monotone answers, etc.

I know I sounds really heartless and mean but... i know it should have been tell him how you feel (but she already said no when he asked her out) directly..but then he gets attracted by her more coz she'll be really sweet and nice about it...

This was a few months ago and it took about 1-2 months for him to stop liking her but i would like to know what would be the best way guys think to deal with this situation becasue i thought my advice was the best for a fast results(my other friend said wait it out :blink:)

just tell your friend to tell that guy

"I have AIDS" Good Game = GG

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When a guy tells you you're beautiful, does he really mean it?


Why do guys say "yes" or "okay" when they really mean "no"? I know someone who compulsively does that and it annoys me - he stands people up last minute simply because he couldn't say no. Why?!?!?! Dx?!

When I tell a girl she's beautiful, I definitely mean it. It's a word I almost never say, though. Then again, when I tell a girl I think she's cute, I mean that, too, but I say it all the time. But for the most part, I don't say a girl is pretty/beautiful/cute/adorable unless I really mean it. I say it to build attraction, so I don't want to lead anyone on by saying those words.

Can you put the second question in context? I can't recall ever saying 'yes' or 'okay' when I've meant 'no'.

How does girl get a guy to go out with him? by looks..without looks most guys wouldnt give a girl a second glance therefore a girl cant get to step 2

If he's not attracted to her from the start, there isn't much she can do to catch his eye. There are exceptions, but for the most part, it just doesn't happen.

So me and my friends don't have any guy bestfriends so i wanted to ask this to you guys:

what's the best (fastest?) way to get a guy to stop liking you?

coz a guy liked my bestfriend (she was kind of friends with him) and she asked me for advice so i told her to just ignore him coz their in classes together i.e. don't ask questions in conversations incl. msn, don't talk to him unless he talks to you and even then give monotone answers, etc.

I know I sounds really heartless and mean but... i know it should have been tell him how you feel (but she already said no when he asked her out) directly..but then he gets attracted by her more coz she'll be really sweet and nice about it...

This was a few months ago and it took about 1-2 months for him to stop liking her but i would like to know what would be the best way guys think to deal with this situation becasue i thought my advice was the best for a fast results(my other friend said wait it out :blink:)

Girls need to reject a guy straight up when she's being asked out. Ignoring someone is just a childish way of dodging problems.

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Guest time_out

so guys when u told someone that u dont plan on going to a dance.

does that mean that if any girls ask u then ur gonna reject them or are you jux saying that kuzz nobody had asked u yet???

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so guys when u told someone that u dont plan on going to a dance.

does that mean that if any girls ask u then ur gonna reject them or are you jux saying that kuzz nobody had asked u yet???

Probably means he really isn't gonna go, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't ask.

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Guest jjennuhhferr

so if a guy kisses a girl that he's interested in,

ignores her texts&doesnt walk her to class anymore

and tries to avoid her like crazy (about to walk pass

eachother, but abruptly does a 180 and walks the other LONGER way to class)

does that mean he's lost interest..?

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I live in australia..the look is sexy and hot..anything less than that and your a social retard..im talking about asia...goodness sakes read..miley cyrus isnt on the cute side..she's more on the funny? girly/pretty side... e.g. she wore that awesome vest from sass&bide's collection rainbows for kate.. that sass&bide vest was not cute.. it was chic with a dash of fun and heaps feminine

all girls try and look cute...no one wakes up looking beautiful, cute, hot or sexy...it takes effort e.g. getting the right hairstyle, clothes, etc

Umm. i know i sound like a b*itch and uber mean but your like.. bragging about yourself/telling me about all about your looks and frankly i don't care..

Twisted mind?! Just because you don't understand it when i described in layman's terms doesnt mean i have a twisted mind...let me try and explain in terms anyone will understand(i'm not trying to degrade you but ive explained it clearly and it's getting really frustrating)

MOST girls try and look cute like a child (puffy cheeks, humongous innocent eyes, THOSE outfits etc) therefore they remind us of a child..thus the why the comparsion is made

get it?

Note: If any other reply from me is made to you, just ignore..there's something wrong with how soompi is loading on my computer.

Hahaha no actually not ALL girls wanna look cute miss. Like I said before, I don't try to look cute. Hence why I buy clothes more so on the sophisticated side rather than cute. I actually hate being called cute. Well maybe to you Miley isn't cute but to me she embodies that rather than pretty. I don't find her pretty at all, and frankly her "quirky, cute, bubbly" personality annoys me. To each their own I guess. But like I said, I was giving an example of cute girls trying to be sexy.

And also, me giving you an example of myself is considering bragging? Oh enlighten me a bit why don't you :rolleyes:

People tend to bring in their personal preferences/experiences when answering topics, you know that don't you.

And what do you mean NO ONE wakes up looking cute or beautiful or whatnot. Maybe some don't and have to put in extra effort in their looks, but there ARE girls out there who have naturally beauty you know :rolleyes:

I guess ignorance is bliss in your case.

Twisted mind?! Just because you don't understand it when i described in layman's terms doesnt mean i have a twisted mind...let me try and explain in terms anyone will understand(i'm not trying to degrade you but ive explained it clearly and it's getting really frustrating)

MOST girls try and look cute like a child (puffy cheeks, humongous innocent eyes, THOSE outfits etc) therefore they remind us of a child..thus the why the comparsion is made

Puffy cheeks? I don't know any girl who likes having puffy/chubby cheeks, myself included. Most girls actually wanted the defined cheekbones look. Hence why so many girls are into contouring their face and such. Unless you're talking about those girls in Asia who try to be "kawaii". In that case, if you're only talking about girls in ASIA specifically.. you should stop saying "MOST GIRLS.." and say "most girls IN ASIA" instead so people don't get confused. Just a tip.

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Guest kae.143

so let's say a boy has girlfriend, yes? and he's really close to a friend who is a girl and they hang out alot. the boy kisses the friend and avoids the topic next day and kisses his girlfriend infront of the friend. friend is hurt and confused. boy then kisses friend again. now friend is extremely confused. friend dosen't want to come in between the boy and girlfriend, but thinks she' fallen for him.

so guys tell me, is boy playing around or is torn between them? should friend confront him about it or leave it?

boy and friend have been friends for a year. boy and gf have been together for a month. boy is the type who is quiet and serious about relationships, not the popular arrogant type.

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Guest joongielove

If your boyfriend sticks with you through family issues, talks to your parents for you, cooks for you, and calms you down, he's definitely a keeper right? :] And the relationship has potential? How serious are guys are relationships after a year of dating?

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