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How do guy define "high maintence" girl?

According to what?

money, time, attention.... basically, anything that requires effort :P

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Guest shufflez

a guy told me he liked me while he was going out with someone else

i told him i use to like him [ i still like him, but then the fact that he had a gf kind of..yeah.. ;/ ]

then after that he kind of grew distant from his gf.. soon after they broke up

me and him are friends so we hangout and what not, but then for some reason he doesnt talk to me anymore when we do kick it

did i do something wrong?

should i ask him if he still likes me? adfjklaj


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Guest its kay o

I met this random guy at my job, we went out for a few dates and I thought we had a connection or something, because I thought he was cool and funny that I really liked him. I introduced him to a few of my friends and they all thought he was nice but after that things started to get heated and lots of touchyness and feeling up was going on when we where alone, which made me really unconfertable. I put off seeing him for a day or two and then broke it off without any explaination and all he had to say was okay, thats cool.

... so what I'm asking is.... was he really okay with it?

My friends tell me he was okay with it because all he really wanted to do was 'get into my pants.'

I wanted to know if that is really true? in your opinion.... because I kinda think that too... but I can't believe a guy would only go out with a girl for sex and not like anything else about the person... like how can anyone do that?

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Guest ihigh

What does it mean when a guy notices little things about you like a haircut? Do guys usually notice these things even if it's not to the extreme?

yes some do. like my friend katie got a haircut[or atleast did SOMETHING w/ her hair] and over the few days i havent been on aim/stickam, and yesterday a group of us were on stickam and i noticed it was slightly different. =o

to me it means, omg katie got a haircut XD nothing big of a deal, you need more than a guy complimenting ur haircut to tell if he likes ya

How do guy define "high maintence" girl?

According to what?

everything watcher said

a guy told me he liked me while he was going out with someone else

i told him i use to like him [ i still like him, but then the fact that he had a gf kind of..yeah.. ;/ ]

then after that he kind of grew distant from his gf.. soon after they broke up

me and him are friends so we hangout and what not, but then for some reason he doesnt talk to me anymore when we do kick it

did i do something wrong?

should i ask him if he still likes me? adfjklaj


hmm. maybe he's just feeling guilty? or possibly he's scared he might do the same to you.

bring it up and see, thats the simplest way to do it to be honest

everything else in this situation is a blind shot

I met this random guy at my job, we went out for a few dates and I thought we had a connection or something, because I thought he was cool and funny that I really liked him. I introduced him to a few of my friends and they all thought he was nice but after that things started to get heated and lots of touchy feeling me up was going on when we where alone, which made me really unconfertable. I put off seeing him for a day or two and then broke it off without any explaination and all he had to say was okay, thats cool.

... so what I'm asking is.... was he really okay with it?

My friends tell me he was okay with it because all he really wanted to do was 'get into my pants.'

I wanted to know if that is really true? in your opinion.... because I kinda think that too... but I can't believe a guy would only go out with a girl for sex and not like anything else about the person... like how can anyone do that?

from what you're saying, i agree w/ ur friend on that one. =o

the physical attraction, he knows wat he's doin and he knows what his aim is and if the girl breaks it off..im sure he knows why

if he cared, im sure he woulda tried to find a reason/explanation

people can do this sort of thing is because they seek for that vs. you seeking getting to know a person...attack their attitude, but its true.

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Guest its kay o


I knew it... man I totally walked into that then. ><

Thank goodness I broke it off sooner rather then later... getting attach is horrible. xP

And I'm going to be a freshie in college. T.T

Major Danger if I'm not careful. ><

I mean at least I went out with a guy who was nice enough not to rape me... which brings me to my next question...

Why would guys even try to rape girls if they say stop?

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Guest watcher


I knew it... man I totally walked into that then. ><

Thank goodness I broke it off sooner rather then later... getting attach is horrible. xP

And I'm going to be a freshie in college. T.T

Major Danger if I'm not careful. ><

I mean at least I went out with a guy who was nice enough not to rape me... which brings me to my next question...

Why would guys even try to rape girls if they say stop?

cuz they get caught up in the moment.

same reason why people kill.

or when parents beat up their kids, husbands their wives.

emotions make people do crazy things, and lust is a powerful motivator for some really horrible things

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Guest its kay o

cuz they get caught up in the moment.

same reason why people kill.

or when parents beat up their kids, husbands their wives.

emotions make people do crazy things, and lust is a powerful motivator for some really horrible things

gah. ><

okay... man, still can't believe I just walked into that one. ><

and I'm the idiot friend that tells everyone to be careful..... stupid me. T.T

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Guest ihigh

gah. ><

okay... man, still can't believe I just walked into that one. ><

and I'm the idiot friend that tells everyone to be careful..... stupid me. T.T

its okay...its an honest mistake=o now u have experience to get out of it.

dont feel stupid...if it makes you feel any better i've made a worse mistake =D?

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Guest its kay o

its okay...its an honest mistake=o now u have experience to get out of it.

dont feel stupid...if it makes you feel any better i've made a worse mistake =D?

Haha, yeah, it makes me feel oh so much better that you have made worse mistakes. xP jk

Funny thing tho, I just saw the "Are Girls Perverted?" topic.

Did you ever have a girl go out with you just for sex? xD

Or what was your worse mistake? ^^

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Guest foreverursVi

what do you suggest a girl does if a guy kisses her, asks for her number, uses it a couple of times.....and she never hears from him again? he'll answer if she calls, but he'll never call her

money, time, attention.... basically, anything that requires effort :P

lol....then how do they expect the girl to stick around without effort?

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what do you suggest a girl does if a guy kisses her, asks for her number, uses it a couple of times.....and she never hears from him again? he'll answer if she calls, but he'll never call her

lol....then how do they expect the girl to stick around without effort?

Guys are pretty complicated. Once they get your attention and feel like they won you over, they'd quit. It's like a game to us. We know we got you, so we stop trying. (For some cases)

So I think it's just best for girls to play hard to get, although it pisses us guys off sometimes.

And yeah, girls shouldn't stick around if the guy isn't giving any effort, but then again girls gotta put some effort in it too. I tell my friend.. "give something, but don't give everything."

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Guest marvinoppa

lol....then how do they expect the girl to stick around without effort?

he never said he didnt like high maintenance girls, just hinted that all girls are high maintenance.

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Guest ihigh

Guys are pretty complicated. Once they get your attention and feel like they won you over, they'd quit. It's like a game to us. We know we got you, so we stop trying. (For some cases)

So I think it's just best for girls to play hard to get, although it pisses us guys off sometimes.

And yeah, girls shouldn't stick around if the guy isn't giving any effort, but then again girls gotta put some effort in it too. I tell my friend.. "give something, but don't give everything."

not all guys are in it for the chase! some are genuine =o! just...u gotta be able to scout out those few. then u can be somewat lazy, but u gotta be active yer dig and playin hard to get would be the easiest way..makes the guy go "GOD DAMNITNAJFVDMAKAD what the hell she does this and that, blah blah"

guys overthink. we all do.

and ditto to that quote, i use it when i tell my friends life lessons xD[when necessary duhr]

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Guest ihigh


long conversation...

Excuse me. What just happened?

uhm...he just went emo pinkberry on you =X to be honest..

i've dealt with an exact situation before and if u want ill talk over it with you, posting takes too long and it'd expand this topic like 5 pages..

What does it mean when my bf calls me to reply to my txt msg, and ends the call in 3 minutes, " hey, i'll ttyl. . . .i'm using my friend's phone right now, and it's uncomfortable. "

but you kno for fact, he's lying..and he called me with HIS phone.. like i'm stupid.. um yea if it's his friend's phone then why would it say, " *** calling. "

but i played it off.. , " ok bie."

any previous situations we should be aware of? him growing distant from you, other girl?, etc...

then if thats the case, then bring up what the hell is with the attitude.

or maybe he's not in the mood to talk/doing something

i'd bring it up personally

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Guest ihigh

Hmm...this is kind of a general question but whatev. ANYWAY do boys like really hot/pretty girls or don't they? I don't want to sound conceited (but I prolly do anyway -.-) but when I *try* to look ~really~ good/hot/like a 10 or superstar or model and succeed, boys will never approach me. They will look at me, but never make an effort to talk. On the other hand, when I look like a bum, tons of guys will try to talk to me (only they are then they are the wrong type of guys--not the kind I'm attracted too). Its confusing because there's so much emphasis on how guys like pretty and hot girls, but when I look pretty its like they don't want me. Why is this? What is a girl to do? <_<

oh yeah--and do guys even typically like to approach girls? or should girls do the approaching (i.e. I see someone cute looking at me so *I* should go and try to talk to them)?

hey...my question was lost and nobody answered it. :tears:

sorry! T__T im not perfect! but here ye go

for one. guys are intimidated by 10s. i am for reals. to guys those are the super really pretty too hot for me type of girls[but after we meet them and hit it off...we might reconsider, BUT at first we're intimidated to talk to them]

guys like to aim for the above average u know the 7-8s...those are the girls that are pretty but we find out they got the good personality, ya know?

win win situations! both personality and looks...

we like pretty girls, we like hot girls, but we're intimidated to hell by the 10 girls.

we find it easier to talk to the average girls becuase its good to be friends with them and they have the good personality, the typical girl u would want to hang out with/date if it gets that far.

my advice, don't try so hard....its putting on a fake mask on who you are. be yourself, doesn't have to be a bum, ya know "aim for the " 7~ section or something...you want a guy for you. not just based on your looks right? so why focus so much on looks i mean focus SOME but not ALL.

guys, we are shallow at times, but deep inside we want a girl that has personality[well for me i do. lol]

the approaching thing. it all depends, some girls are more open and they'll approach the guy, some girls are shy so they dont...some guys are open and they'll be outgoing, some guys are shy also. its all depends. on who YOU are. dont try to be someone you're not. if you see a cute guy and u feel confident enough approach the damn sucker!

=) hope that helps. im a super-lurker playing games, music, and giving love advice at 2:30 AM yay!!!

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