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Guest watcher

can guys get over a girl really quickly? if a guy liked a girl for two years and he isn't the type to like alot of girls, could he just simply get over that girl in a matter of a few months (2-3 months)

i'm always curious because some girls (including myself) take a while to get over a guy but i wonder if its the same for guys as well


there are some guys that can move on quite easy. once they learn to let go, they really let go.

i know i've done it a few times.

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Guest Sweetraindrops

-howw you tell some guy too stopp stare you all the time...

-how you tell orr show some ppl that you dont wanna be buddy...

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Guest Pinkychan

Yes, he definitely wanted to see you in person. I don't think he's just being a normal friend, I think he has a crush on you & didn't really care how he spent time with you as long as he got to.

really?? I'm kidna being skeptical about it, because he is a really nice guy and he hangs aroudn wiht lots of other girls too

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Guest spiral_flare

Sorry if this has been asked already but there are so many pages, I don't feel like checking soo.......

Do guys hate it when a girl is not confident?

Would wearing short skirts (like RIGHT below your butt cheeks) be considered "slutty"? Do those girls get any respect from you?

Is hair down to your butt considered "too long" to a guy? Like, would you ever go out with a girl who had hair that long?

I know that guys are different and they all have to different answers to these questions, but I'll be content with any guy who answers them.

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Guest manlytoe

how many times do you hint to a girl that you like them?

i mean, some guys stop after a while, but how many times have you tried to let the girl know u liked her?

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Guest spiral_flare


Thanks for taking the time to answer those............not that I wear short skirts......or have hair that long. lol

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hmm so i dont know if this guy is giving me hints or what...

-he calls me every night

-makes plan to hang out with me

-flirts with me whenever we hang out

-told me he likes tomboy...then told me that im one too and smile at me when i hit him

-stay on the phone with me until early in the morning

-he says i need to start dating again

-he doesnt say anything whenever someone thinks he's my boyfriend

-stands up for me whenever friends make cracks at me

-say really sweet/nice things to me

-he calls me really cheesy things...although i think its meant to be annoying

-willing to give me a piggy back rides..i dont think thats important either since i kinda ask for it

so yeah is he giving me hints or is it just friendly gestures?

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Guest nonamebrand

thanks for your answers : )

so say a girl you hardly knew, but you owed her bubble tea called you out for it.

then you guys start talking, and the guy tells her a lot of personal stuff you wouldn't normally tell someone you don't know very well.

and he randomly asks "do you like anyone right now?" "how far have you gone with a guy?" and "who was your ex?"

by randomly, i mean for example we're talking about food and then out of no where he asks those questions.

and he keeps inviting her to do things with him...

and he is 'supposedly' seeing someone right now.

is he interested?

or did he ask all those questions and said those things because he didn't want there to be an awkward silence?

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is he interested?

or did he ask all those questions and said those things because he didn't want there to be an awkward silence?

IMO, he sounds like an immature playboy. No decent guy asks a girl he's doesn't know for more then a day those kinda questions. He's got sex in the brain. He's testing your waters to see how down you are.

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Guest x kisekiboshi

So I was talking to this guy last night (I used to like him and we had summer classes together). He kept teasing me last night that 'why a pretty girl would need to wear makeup' and then he was asking me if I was prepping to see my dream guy. Then he started questioning me what qualities my dream guy would have. And basically, the whole conversation he was saying how my dream guy exists and whatnot. But just a note, this guy has a girlfriend. .__.

So, my question is why would he ask me questions like this? And I have suspicion he's trying to find out info to tell his friend (who I also used to like). So my second question is, do guys usually try to dig up information on a girl and try to relay it back to their best friend?

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Guest kimseo

when a guy talks with a girl and uses the words like "dude" or "man, blahblahjsdflasjfas" in conversation, does this mean there's no interest/thinks of her as a friend? :|

hm..if you guys need more details: me and the guy i'm sort of getting interested in are both the same age, 15 (hes almost 16), we have a lot of things in common..and we clicked like right away (seriously, just right away). we havent known eachother for that long..only for a few days..but does it mean that i'm already in the friend-only zone? or should i give it more time? :]

thank you <33 ^^

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Guest kimseo

Though those sort of verbal indications can often be taken to mean that he thinks of you more as a friend, I would give it more time. It could be that that's just the way he articulates himself, and that his word choice has nothing whatsoever to do with how he sees you. Get to know him a bit more and see where things take you. Good luck. =)

awwh, thank you :] that was a pretty fast reply. ^^;

if theres anything else, i'll be back : O.....i probably will be since im blind at this stuffs. :<

again, thank you bunches!

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Guest coreancc

So I was talking to this guy last night (I used to like him and we had summer classes together). He kept teasing me last night that 'why a pretty girl would need to wear makeup' and then he was asking me if I was prepping to see my dream guy. Then he started questioning me what qualities my dream guy would have. And basically, the whole conversation he was saying how my dream guy exists and whatnot. But just a note, this guy has a girlfriend. .__.

So, my question is why would he ask me questions like this? And I have suspicion he's trying to find out info to tell his friend (who I also used to like). So my second question is, do guys usually try to dig up information on a girl and try to relay it back to their best friend?

It's hard to say. In my group of friends, we never did the sort of thing like, "hey, will you kind of find out for me what she likes in a guy?" We knew that sort of question would result in derision and scorn, haha. However, we did, on rare occasion, try to match make - usually when (we thought) a particular match up was perfect for someone and he was just shooting himself in the foot by not doing anything about it. (and, in case you are wondering, that never went well for us).

Could he like you? Definitely a possibility, but almost impossible to tell from this little exchange.

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Guest x kisekiboshi

He could have been trying to find out either because: 1.) he's crushing on you and he was curious, 2.) he's finding out what sort of guys you're interested in for his friend, or 3.) he thought it was sort of a fun thing to talk about. What's led you to suspect that he's finding out for the friend? That could possibly be it.

I definitely wouldn't completely rule out that a guy is crushing on you just because he has a girlfriend. A lot of guys are still very much susceptible to developing crushes on girls, even when they're in relationships--particularly if he's been in the relationship for awhile and it's starting to get a little stale.

Well the thing is, I'm pretty sure they tell each other a lot of things. And I told his friend that I used to like him (because for some reason he forgot??) and I guess he must've told the guy I was talking to last night. Well he's been going out with his girlfriend since May, but his girlfriend is going to be gone the whole summer (his summer break just started last week) and he tells me he's lovesick. But thank you for your help Lie. :)

It's hard to say. In my group of friends, we never did the sort of thing like, "hey, will you kind of find out for me what she likes in a guy?" We knew that sort of question would result in derision and scorn, haha. However, we did, on rare occasion, try to match make - usually when (we thought) a particular match up was perfect for someone and he was just shooting himself in the foot by not doing anything about it. (and, in case you are wondering, that never went well for us).

Could he like you? Definitely a possibility, but almost impossible to tell from this little exchange.

I don't think he could possibly like me because we haven't talked to each other much. And he rarely IMs me, but he IMed for two nights already. But anyways, he seems like he's really in love with his girlfriend. But thanks for the help coreancc. :)

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Guest Enchanted

First of all, your English is fantastic, don't worry about it!

Hmm. Okay, I think there are two interpretations of this that I'm seeing, either:

a.) He's really, incredibly bad at picking up hints, and he still hasn't realized that you're not interested in talking everyday. He probably has no idea that you don't like him even. He actually did lose your phone number, he wasn't pretending that he lost it. He forgot about contacting you for awhile, particularly when he got a girlfriend. Then he suddenly bumped into you, remembered, and asked for your number again so he can get in contact with you. Your birthday wishes reminded him to look for it again, and this time he found it, at which point he called you.


b.) He's not quite so oblivious, he just wanted to believe you liked him so much that he really didn't pick up on your hints that you weren't interested in him or wanted to talk to him all that much. He was in denial. He really didn't lose your phone number. He realized that you weren't going to reply to his message anymore so he gave up for awhile. Then you guys bumped into each other and he realized that it was the perfect excuse to start talking to you again. He probably doesn't have a girlfriend, but he's using that to make himself look like he isn't a threat to you (i.e. that he won't be trying to ask you out) or to make himself look good (i.e. "hey girl that I used to like, I have a girlfriend now--look how desired I am by other women! Don't you desire me now too?"). The messaging for your number was an excuse to contact you, because he still really does like you and wants to speak to you. When he realized you weren't going to talk to him much over messages, and weren't going to give him your number again, he just resolved to call you anyway and make the excuse that he found the phone number again (when he really had it the whole time). I suppose he wanted you to SAY that you wanted him to call you, and when you didn't he figured "well I'll call her anyway and maybe she'll change her mind."

I tend to think his case is option b, as opposed to option a. Either way, the only way you can get rid of him is to be direct. You don't have to get mean or angry with him persay, just tell him, "insert name here, I think you're a great guy, but I'm just not interested in talking to you on the phone or through messenger. I get the feeling that you're pushing for something more than friendship, but I'd rather we just be friends if that's cool with you?" Skirting around the issue makes things SO MUCH worse. And girls do that way too much because they feel like they're being nicer that way, or that they're doing us a favor by not coming right out and say that they don't like us, but they really aren't. Guys need you to be direct and honest. If you don't like us be open about it, that way we'll know and be able to move on--as opposed to continuing to live in this ambiguous space where we're not sure whether you like us or not.

Thanks watcher and snooky7o2 for your input.

Lie: I'm not good with face to face confrontation, even on the phone. I message him back on facebook saying that I'm sorry for not answering his calls, I didn't really said why though. I also said that since we're not really close friend, you don't have to call me so many times. He replied saying he got excited since he found my number from my old messages and didn't realize he had called so many times.

Thank you so much for your help! Your response was really details and helpful. :)

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Guest thaoyunho

Okay! I want to ask my question^^

Hmm, back months ago a guy liked me, but I didn't repsonse it back, but now months later.. I start to falling in love with him. Everytime I texted him he usually texted really fast back, but now he doesn't even response my message and phone calls anymore.. he even ignored me. So what is he thinking and what should I do?

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Guest Sweetraindrops

i talk to this girl and fine out she almost her 30 year old now... when we talk.. she speak mad fast n shiet.. lol.. she say bye to me when we walk out to car...

what the chance me getting date with this girl...

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