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Guest y_yuen12

theres this guy who used to like me (he didnt say it to me, someone else told me) and we havent met/talked in months.

we usually play sport with each other at least once a week and he and i both stopped going this year..

then recently, he suddenly msged me asking how i was and if i was going that night. i replied saying i was good and that i wasnt going and asked him why. he replied something like "im good too, haha.. nothing just wondering. i might come tonight.."

what does he mean..?

maybe its nothing but it was totally out of the blue.. =/

and he never msges me..

thanks in advance =)

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Guest Deadalready

why do u guys have deep voices

It's from being tough. Everytime a guy does something tough and manly, his voice drops one octave lower. As you can imagine, my voice is extremely low due to all the manly stuff I've been doing. B)

Nuh uh, you totally got your science stuffs wrong here Lie. A man's voice is directly related the length of his money bags, where the lower they are the deeper the voice. That's why a guy's voice jumps 10 octaves when kicked in the goolies.

theres this guy who used to like me (he didnt say it to me, someone else told me) and we havent met/talked in months.

we usually play sport with each other at least once a week and he and i both stopped going this year..

then recently, he suddenly msged me asking how i was and if i was going that night. i replied saying i was good and that i wasnt going and asked him why. he replied something like "im good too, haha.. nothing just wondering. i might come tonight.."

what does he mean..?

maybe its nothing but it was totally out of the blue.. =/

and he never msges me..

thanks in advance =)

I'm inclined to say that maybe he's nervous about going back to sport without knowing or having a familiar face with him or that's he's trying to get you back into the sport. There is the possibility that he likes you, it's hard to say given the info.

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Guest y_yuen12

I'm inclined to say that maybe he's nervous about going back to sport without knowing or having a familiar face with him or that's he's trying to get you back into the sport. There is the possibility that he likes you, it's hard to say given the info.

thanks for the reply!

hes not the kind of guy who would be nervous cos the organisation is all friends =P and he apparantely brought a friend there that night too..

dont think hes trying to get me back into the sport cos.. theres no reason for him to do that? lol

and he has a gf so he cant like me.. haha

what info do you need? lol, yeah im very confused!

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Guest efflorescence

Hey guys!

I've got 2 questions >_<

1. Do guys prefer girls that are more experienced (in terms of having been in many relationships) or those that are more inexperienced?

2. If a girl meets a guy at a party or something, and she finds him really cute and wants to get to know him more. How should she go about it? Would the guy think she's weird or would he be flattered and want to get to know her too?

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i just realized right now that ur name makes a face. its funny.

why dont u just ask through a joke. "haha yea it was random its been so long. what u like me or somthing?"

if he likes u, then he would take that oppertunity to suggest that he could like u, although he probably wont str8 up say it cuz he has a gf.

or he could see you as a good friend, and he wants to play with you. like if i go somewhere where my homeboy is and i didnt see him for years, i will still call him up if i go to where he is and be like y0 man lets chill its been too long.

that kinda stuff u kno wat im sayin.

the very first stage is friendship. be friends with him for now, find wat he thinks later.

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Hey guys!

I've got 2 questions >_<

1. Do guys prefer girls that are more experienced (in terms of having been in many relationships) or those that are more inexperienced?

2. If a girl meets a guy at a party or something, and she finds him really cute and wants to get to know him more. How should she go about it? Would the guy think she's weird or would he be flattered and want to get to know her too?

if the guy is not really expirenced he probably wants a girl who isn't that expirenced, personaly, i find it hard to be with a girl who takes kisses too seriously, u kno not like a richard simmons who just wants it, but when the time and mood pulls u to doing it, its not a big deal cuz its with someone u care for.

having a girl who is not expirenced will cause lots of drama and mis understandings, and also there are maturity problems that will arise, even if she is mature with firends and family, being in a relatinoship is new to her and will bring out a childish mentality because she is not used to dealing with that feeling.

if the girl at the party is cute and gives me the "come over here and talk to me" eye, then i'll go over there and talk to her, if ur trying to get a guy who is more shy or doesnt have the confidence, then u should just be next to the dude by "chance" and depending on what kind of party there are different actions to take.

if its a club kinda party, then its hard for him to take u seriously cuz a girl at a club isn't really wat most guys would take as gf matirial.

if its like a home party then just be like hi im ______, look at his eyes, look away seem a little shy as if u were thinking about doing it, it will show that u arent too used to it, so ur not some kinda man eater, but it will show that u are trying cuz ur really intersted.

basicly try to make him feel like he is in control, even if u are really in control, i had a friend a while back, who was really good at whoopin guys, haha she would make the guy feel like there is this innocent girl who hasn't done this much, but is working hard to get to kno him. i remember she did this thing where she would slightly bite her lower lip and move her head a little to the side and down and move her eyes away and it was a man killer LOL

most girls cant do it like that tho. its really easy for a guy to just welcome u as a friend, and every female friend, there is a small thought deep deep inside "maybe she could be my gf" like when u see a lot of money or a nice car, u kno that its not gonna be urs, but that small chance, ur like yea it could be nice if it was mine. kinda feeling.

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Guest y_yuen12


i just realized right now that ur name makes a face. its funny.

why dont u just ask through a joke. "haha yea it was random its been so long. what u like me or somthing?"

if he likes u, then he would take that oppertunity to suggest that he could like u, although he probably wont str8 up say it cuz he has a gf.

or he could see you as a good friend, and he wants to play with you. like if i go somewhere where my homeboy is and i didnt see him for years, i will still call him up if i go to where he is and be like y0 man lets chill its been too long.

that kinda stuff u kno wat im sayin.

the very first stage is friendship. be friends with him for now, find wat he thinks later.

haha a face? i dont see it..

its actually just my nickname =P

thanks for the long reply!

would a guy suddenly like a girl after not seeing her in months? :blink:

but the thing is.. we never play together (he's this pro, and i suck =P) and we have different groups of friends there..

and we dont really talk that much either..

i think its just the fact that it isnt like him to send me a sms like that.. =P

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recently i texted a friend i left alone for a couple years. i like her.

it makes sense, when he looks back and realizes that there was this one good woman that he knew but didnt realize that he had it next to him, so he goes back and says hi.

do u want him to like you? isn't that the biggest question? it is quite possible that he feels somthing for you, but he has a gf, and unless he is willing to break it off with her, then u dont have to give him any of ur time, unless u really are a very good woman and is willing to wait for him to clear stuff up and still stay by his side and make him smile.

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Guest y_yuen12

recently i texted a friend i left alone for a couple years. i like her.

it makes sense, when he looks back and realizes that there was this one good woman that he knew but didnt realize that he had it next to him, so he goes back and says hi.

do u want him to like you? isn't that the biggest question? it is quite possible that he feels somthing for you, but he has a gf, and unless he is willing to break it off with her, then u dont have to give him any of ur time, unless u really are a very good woman and is willing to wait for him to clear stuff up and still stay by his side and make him smile.

lol 'goes back and says hi' =P

wow so you didnt see her for years and you suddenly thought of her?

well i used to like him.. last year

we both went overseas end of last year and when i came back i heard he had a girlfriend back in indo who he had spend lots of time with (so i heard from his relatives here) so i decided to stop liking him.. and i have.. =/

he's 22 now and he doesnt seem like the type who would play around with girls..

(im 17 btw, so the age difference is still pretty big.. considering im still in high school =P)

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Guest efflorescence

if the guy is not really expirenced he probably wants a girl who isn't that expirenced, personaly, i find it hard to be with a girl who takes kisses too seriously, u kno not like a richard simmons who just wants it, but when the time and mood pulls u to doing it, its not a big deal cuz its with someone u care for.

having a girl who is not expirenced will cause lots of drama and mis understandings, and also there are maturity problems that will arise, even if she is mature with firends and family, being in a relatinoship is new to her and will bring out a childish mentality because she is not used to dealing with that feeling.

if the girl at the party is cute and gives me the "come over here and talk to me" eye, then i'll go over there and talk to her, if ur trying to get a guy who is more shy or doesnt have the confidence, then u should just be next to the dude by "chance" and depending on what kind of party there are different actions to take.

if its a club kinda party, then its hard for him to take u seriously cuz a girl at a club isn't really wat most guys would take as gf matirial.

if its like a home party then just be like hi im ______, look at his eyes, look away seem a little shy as if u were thinking about doing it, it will show that u arent too used to it, so ur not some kinda man eater, but it will show that u are trying cuz ur really intersted.

basicly try to make him feel like he is in control, even if u are really in control, i had a friend a while back, who was really good at whoopin guys, haha she would make the guy feel like there is this innocent girl who hasn't done this much, but is working hard to get to kno him. i remember she did this thing where she would slightly bite her lower lip and move her head a little to the side and down and move her eyes away and it was a man killer LOL

most girls cant do it like that tho. its really easy for a guy to just welcome u as a friend, and every female friend, there is a small thought deep deep inside "maybe she could be my gf" like when u see a lot of money or a nice car, u kno that its not gonna be urs, but that small chance, ur like yea it could be nice if it was mine. kinda feeling.

lolll wow you reply fast.

Thank you for answering my question...Hmmm I shall go ponder the 'try to make him feel like he is in control even if you are really in control' thing.

But I was more thinking what if the party is over and it's a few days after before the girl decides she wants to get to know him more...

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Guest It4cH1

Morning guys!

Any news from the weekend?

Do you care about your mother opinion in you relationship?

Does her opinion is crucial when making a decision?

Or it doesn´t affect at all?

:sweatingbullets: well i dont really have a mom... but my dad is like a mom so :] lets treat it like that

No i dont really care about my dad/mom's opinion in a relationship, but i wouldn't bring home a girl that is like completely out of their "what i want as a daughter" boundaries.

No their opinion isn't crucial in making a decision, it might effect it a bit, like onetime my dad was like, "i know you can do better" and it kinda got into my head, and made me feel like i had something not good enough.

But guys have more of a choice to stray away from their parent's likings, than girls imo [not trying to be sexist, but the whole asian parents come into play here]

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Guest First Blush

Have you ever actually explained to him that you only like him as a friend, and that you're not interested in anything more? The fact that he asked again recently whether you're interested, and also the fact that you didn't mention in your story that you explained to him directly that you're not interested, leads me to believe that you haven't. =P .

Hm yeah, based on an earlier response from watcher I've decided the idea's a flop. I'll have to figure something else out and perhaps throw it back out here only to be chewed up again. hehe =P On the contrary, I genuinely dislike the grey area between guys and girls so I try to act as unequivocally as possible. When he asked me the first time we talked about it for a while and I offered him several reasons, all of which were pretty frank. Recently when he asked me I didn't hesitate, I immediately responded ' no I have never considered you like that'; it was probably too harsh judging by his response but we both laughed it off and made fun of me after so it ended up cool anyways.

Wow you 2 guys are great though, thanks heaps for the help.

cheers =)

...lol i shouldn't be on soompi at work =( haha

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Guest watcher

Morning guys!

Any news from the weekend?

Do you care about your mother opinion in you relationship?

Does her opinion is crucial when making a decision?

Or it doesn´t affect at all?

my mom told me... 'i dont really mind who you meet anymore. i want to see you get married soon.'

thus prompting me to think "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MOMMY?!"

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Guest watcher

Hm yeah, based on an earlier response from watcher I've decided the idea's a flop. I'll have to figure something else out and perhaps throw it back out here only to be chewed up again. hehe =P On the contrary, I genuinely dislike the grey area between guys and girls so I try to act as unequivocally as possible. When he asked me the first time we talked about it for a while and I offered him several reasons all which were pretty frank. Recently when he asked me I didn't hesitate I immediately responded ' no I have never considered you like that'; it was probably too harsh judging by his response but we both laughed it off and made fun of me after so it ended up cool anyways

wow you 2 guys are great though, thanks heaps for the help.

cheers =)

...lol i shouldn't be on soompi at work =( haha

i'm on soomp at work... @_@

anyways... as long as you keep an open and sincere relationship with one another, he will get the idea when you give him a 'heart to heart' talk that you are not interested.

though i guess if he's a guy like me, you should keep an eye out. he'll be doing alot of growing over the next few months or maybe even years. anything to get you to see his side of the tree. :P

^ Maybe you've been waiting too long so she started to get worried that you won't get married :rolleyes:

haha... i'm only 27 ^_^

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Guest shirahime

^ Which means she has been waiting for 27 years now. I think she is adding on the few years it takes until she can get a grandchild too. My mom is like that ;)

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Guest watcher

^ Which means she has been waiting for 27 years now. I think she is adding on the few years it takes until she can get a grandchild too. My mom is like that ;)

hahaha... guess so.

she woulda had one sooner if she didn't kill my last relationship though :)

so she can wait until i find someone i like enough to marry me :P

watcher: poor you, are you the oldest son ?

Guys ..

Hmm I got it..thanks for replying

We should listen to our parents advice, and care for there opinion

I heard once that this couple broke up because he was too attached to his mom, that he cared too much for her advice..

And this weekend I was talking with my sis and her friends (all married) and they were like.. be careful with your future mother-in-law LOL..

We know this Miss that she registered at her book when was the last time that her daughter-in-law made food for her, isn´t that too much?

Would you be able to notice if your mom is being too much? And defend your gf/wife?

yep, eldest son.

and it's good to find a guy who doesn't fall to his mum.

when you get married, it'll be a pain...

like grabbing a thorny rose tightly in your hand! :crazy:

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Guest gtsyd_love


I was in a deep relationship with someone for about .. a year or so ?

and it was a given that I loved him .. so one day , he asks me to do it with him ..

and i refused cause i didnt think i was ready yet ..

and he broke up with me about a month later ..

do you think that refusing his request might have made him break up with me ?

and would you ever break up with your girlfriend if she didnt want to do what you wanted ?

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Guest marvinoppa

do you think that refusing his request might have made him break up with me ?

and would you ever break up with your girlfriend if she didnt want to do what you wanted ?



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