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Guest marvinoppa

there should be a role reversal... so how about this?

there's a girl that seriously regrets not giving me a chance...

so now, i'm in hot pursuit... so she feels her chances are slim to none.

what could she do to step up her game and try to win me over?

damn... i must be bored too...

studying/working on saturdays are sometimes too relaxing...

i need some action in here

im doing the same. writing a 8-10 page report on some crap company..on a SATURDAY. this sucks. MOAR ACKSHUN!

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Guest sweetmomo

do guys ever pass up on the opportunity to drink with girls?

what do guys think of girls who want to drink with them?

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Guest watcher

do guys ever pass up on the opportunity to drink with girls?

what do guys think of girls who want to drink with them?

depends on the guy...

if he doesn't like drinking, he prob wont be a huge fan.

if he does like drinking... GAME ON!

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Guest marvinoppa

do guys ever pass up on the opportunity to drink with girls?

what do guys think of girls who want to drink with them?

i dont drink much anymore, so i generally turn girls down when they ask to go have a drink. i dont think much of it...its like asking me to coffee. same shiz.

maybe its because im 25 and id rather do something quality rather than getting smashed on the weekends.

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Guest xTwilight

do guys ever pass up on the opportunity to drink with girls?

what do guys think of girls who want to drink with them?

Depends if they have good taste or not.

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Guest Xyeun

I randomly saw a guy sneak up behind a girl and take a quick picture of her butt.

Why would a guy do that to a girl when he's her friend?


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Guest efflorescence

When checking chicks out do guys mainly:

1. make it obvious by staring at her even when she can see them

2. wait for her to walk past, and check her out from behind so that she won't notice

Or both?

How amazingly hot does she have to be in order for guys to actually go up and ask for her number?

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Guest xTwilight

How amazingly hot does she have to be in order for guys to actually go up and ask for her number?


This hot.

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Guest AMIbunny

Quick question...about Guys and their best guy friends...

If Your best guy friend was cheating on his gf....would you do something about it? Like tell him that it's wrong? or would you just stay out of it?

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Guest xTwilight

Quick question...about Guys and their best guy friends...

If Your best guy friend was cheating on his gf....would you do something about it? Like tell him that it's wrong? or would you just stay out of it?

Depends if she was hot or not.


Depends on the guy. Some would nose around, some would just stay back and watch.

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Guest The Fey

I randomly saw a guy sneak up behind a girl and take a quick picture of her butt.

Why would a guy do that to a girl when he's her friend?


so that he can have a picture of her richard simmons to look at later on.

my ex used to do that and it was john teshing nasty creepy.

GUYS DONT DO THIS mini cooper ><

it's nasty, especially if it's your friend who trusts you. it's fine to look at a friend sexually and wonder what's beneath, it's another to take pictures of her. it's a hairline away from being one of those guys who chases after skirts with a camera in his bag.

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Guest marvinoppa

When checking chicks out do guys mainly:

1. make it obvious by staring at her even when she can see them

2. wait for her to walk past, and check her out from behind so that she won't notice

Or both?

How amazingly hot does she have to be in order for guys to actually go up and ask for her number?

in my experience, guys dont ask the super hot girls, because we all assume shes taken or shes a super snob. the average-to-slighlty-above-average girls get the guys gunning for them.

GUYS DONT DO THIS mini cooper ><

gee really? thanks i needed it in capital letters saying that i shouldn't. now i wont.

Quick question...about Guys and their best guy friends...

If Your best guy friend was cheating on his gf....would you do something about it? Like tell him that it's wrong? or would you just stay out of it?

what he does in his relationship with girls is none of my business. if he asks for my opinion/thoughts, id let him know that its not something i would do. i would not make it my business when its clearly not.

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Guest jvchou1316

what does it mean when guys say to each other they need to have a "man-talk"?

i overheard two guys sayin this the other day, and was jus curious. they like went out of the classroom to talk for like 2 minutes.....it was kinda odd/funny.

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Guest cal023

do guys compare his current interest to his ex? let's say his ex and him went out for about 3 years. a guy can't help but to compare them right??

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what does it mean when guys say to each other they need to have a "man-talk"?

It's like 'girl-talk', only it's about things that only guys can relate to and being frank about without being judged if a girl was around.

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Guest chloe_addict

Thanks for answering my previous post!

Here's another series of questions:

1. The guy is notorious for being a player (maybe my assumption) but definitely a chick magnet. But when he's around me, he's seems almost shy. Well, we've held hands, hugged, arms around shoulder sort of thing. At the end of our date, he embarrasedly told me that he really wanted to kiss me but he didn't know me well enough to do that. I asked when does he normally kiss the girl on a date, and he said sometimes on the first date! So I'm wondering what's different this time? Do I make him nervous?

2. We've been on several great dates so far and we're mutually attracted to each other. But if the guy says he's not ready to jump into a relationship because he just broke up with his ex-gf for a few months, does that mean that there's no hope for me to be something more? (ie a dead end) He says that right now, he's just dating. Since I was already aware that he just got out of a 2-yr relationship, I never called our outings as "dates" because I didn't want to pressure him or scare him away because I really do like him. But rather, he's been calling them "dates" and acting that way. But I can't help but wonder if there's no chance for me but he says he's 95% healed. How long should I date him before I need to move on? Or if I continue to date him, how should I act so that I won't scare him away? When dating, what are the boundaries or things I can do or can't so I don't make him feel like I want to be his "girlfriend" that soon?


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a question for you guys .... it might seem a repeat question, but it's not :D

I would like to ask you guys, if a guy secretly keep taking a girl's photos, like when she's reading a book, on the phone or when she sleeps in the train. And this guy tried to walk besides this girl everytime her, this guy and bunch of friends going out. And this guy who promise to call the girl, but he is not calling. But then, the second time they meet, he just kept calling the girl if the girl is out of sight. and sometimes just stare at this girl.

What does it mean??

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Guest ihigh

Thanks for answering my previous post!

Here's another series of questions:

1. The guy is notorious for being a player (maybe my assumption) but definitely a chick magnet. But when he's around me, he's seems almost shy. Well, we've held hands, hugged, arms around shoulder sort of thing. At the end of our date, he embarrasedly told me that he really wanted to kiss me but he didn't know me well enough to do that. I asked when does he normally kiss the girl on a date, and he said sometimes on the first date! So I'm wondering what's different this time? Do I make him nervous?

2. We've been on several great dates so far and we're mutually attracted to each other. But if the guy says he's not ready to jump into a relationship because he just broke up with his ex-gf for a few months, does that mean that there's no hope for me to be something more? (ie a dead end) He says that right now, he's just dating. Since I was already aware that he just got out of a 2-yr relationship, I never called our outings as "dates" because I didn't want to pressure him or scare him away because I really do like him. But rather, he's been calling them "dates" and acting that way. But I can't help but wonder if there's no chance for me but he says he's 95% healed. How long should I date him before I need to move on? Or if I continue to date him, how should I act so that I won't scare him away? When dating, what are the boundaries or things I can do or can't so I don't make him feel like I want to be his "girlfriend" that soon?


its early so bear w/ me. xD!

1. u dont make him nervous, but u make him want you [; but he knows his limits and he knows what he can and cannot do. but its cute that he told u that he wanted to kiss u. rofls x] maybe he doesn't want to mess it up with a kiss, ya know? u might get scared..and he won't get a chance to be with you. its stuff like that =o

2. it seems to me, he still holds onto memories of his ex. personally after a 2yr relationship...people still tend to hold on. he's being genuine about it, he's taking your feelings into consideration knowing if he does go out with you and he still has feelings for his ex, its unfair to you and makes him feel like a jerk. =T give him time. he'll eventually come around. just be there!

a question for you guys .... it might seem a repeat question, but it's not :D

I would like to ask you guys, if a guy secretly keep taking a girl's photos, like when she's reading a book, on the phone or when she sleeps in the train. And this guy tried to walk besides this girl everytime her, this guy and bunch of friends going out. And this guy who promise to call the girl, but he is not calling. But then, the second time they meet, he just kept calling the girl if the girl is out of sight. and sometimes just stare at this girl.

What does it mean??

he likes her. chances are, or likes messing around with her. the last part is kinda...overly obsessed w/ calling her everytime she's out of sight...? kinda freaky. but personally givin a certain age im thinking...he likes the chick

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Guest marvinoppa

^ it is too early.

do guys compare his current interest to his ex? let's say his ex and him went out for about 3 years. a guy can't help but to compare them right??

the guys missed this one so ill take it.

i do purposefully compare past gf's to the current "interest." I like to give the new girl the benefit of un-assuming that she's one way or the other. IF she happens to do something that reminds me of another girl, ill try my best not to prejudice myself against her behavior. typically i find that guys and girls make comparisons to ex's because they havent gotten over them yet.

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