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mokimoka said: So there is this one guy. We were in the same class last quarter. We don't talk that much, but he seems to be interested in me (since he asked for my facebook and then phone number). Recently, he asked me to call him if I need a ride to Starbucks or anywhere (I don't have a car). Does it mean he is interested in me or he is just being friendly?

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Can't tell if he's interested or just being a nice guy?

I started talking to an old friend about a recent breakup. He's kinda helped me move on. He'll call me/msg out of the blues to check up on me. But he asks about my ex every time. Like if i still talk to him or whatever. But he would also joke around if I would miss him and all that. He also told me about this recent date that he went on.

So what are his intentions?

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ReckLESS_ said: Can't tell if he's interested or just being a nice guy? I started talking to an old friend about a recent breakup. He's kinda helped me move on. He'll call me/msg out of the blues to check up on me. But he asks about my ex every time. Like if i still talk to him or whatever. But he would also joke around if I would miss him and all that. He also told me about this recent date that he went on. So what are his intentions?

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ReckLESS_ said: Can't tell if he's interested or just being a nice guy? I started talking to an old friend about a recent breakup. He's kinda helped me move on. He'll call me/msg out of the blues to check up on me. But he asks about my ex every time. Like if i still talk to him or whatever. But he would also joke around if I would miss him and all that. He also told me about this recent date that he went on. So what are his intentions?

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@odaesan‌ he had a good feeling about her. But the girl isn't interested. So thats that.

New problem though..

My ex started talking to me again. We never broke up officially, we just slowly stopped talking to each other. When we were together i told him that I wanted to see this new thing he gets when it comes in the mail. Now 3 weeks later he msgs me saying that it came. Do you guys think he's leading me on? Does he still have feelings for me? Or he's just telling me because I told him to show me. He still hasn't hinted that we should meet up again. So I really don't know what the heck is going on. And I don't want to confront him about it because we never became officiall. Just seeing each other for 4 months.

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ReckLESS_ said: @odaesan‌ he had a good feeling about her. But the girl isn't interested. So thats that. New problem though.. My ex started talking to me again. We never broke up officially, we just slowly stopped talking to each other. When we were together i told him that I wanted to see this new thing he gets when it comes in the mail. Now 3 weeks later he msgs me saying that it came. Do you guys think he's leading me on? Does he still have feelings for me? Or he's just telling me because I told him to show me. He still hasn't hinted that we should meet up again. So I really don't know what the heck is going on. And I don't want to confront him about it because we never became officiall. Just seeing each other for 4 months.

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Guest mokimoka

"when are we having that "date"?" <=== Would you guys call a normal lunch a date? I am kinda confused because this guy seems to be hot and cold. We haven't talked for a while. He seems to be distant most of the time, but then sometimes he gives out signal that tell me he is interested.

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When "date" and "lunch" go together, you'll usually see "lunch date". Calling it a date by itself can be misspeaking but it could also be that he considers it a date. It looks like you already see other signs that he's interested, so it looks like he thinks it's a date.

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I sort of liked this guy who was studying to be a doctor. However a couple of years ago I left that church I was attending after he changed his status on his facebook to not listed as single. But he didn't write that he was dating anyone. Then he wrote on facebook that this girl led him on. Then I removed him from facebook. But sometimes I step back and think if I could come back to him. Or is it too late? Or is it a done deal?

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@silent.dragon @odaesan @ninshark (Thank you for the compliment btw hahah) 
So I've been talking to this guy (we go to the same school) for a couple months now and he said that he wasn't looking for a relationship a couple weeks back and I took it cooly; I said okay. But we went to see a movie together, he told me that my messages made his day twice (once over messaging and once in person) and we're still talking. I have his number and we text regularly. He always asks how my day was, what my weekend plans are, etc. I just met up with him again today and we were talking and he knows that I'm going to Ireland in May with school for a short trip and he works at the airport where he gets free flights basically anywhere. He told me that he was going to come visit me in Ireland in May. It seemed like he was serious about it, too (Free flight, why not, ya know? Haha)

So in your opinion, is this guy just dragging me along? Lol I keep thinking back to what he said to me about not looking for a relationship but all this stuff happened so I'm not sure what to think. 

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Yeah, I think that's going out of his way to show you he's interested. It's one thing to say that a message made his day, but to say that your messages in general make his day and to do it twice (especially in person) is too much. Also to say that he will take a flight just to visit you (even if it's free) is trying too hard to show you that he's interested.

Sometimes, a guy will tell you that he's not looking for a relationship and show interest at the same time to try to make you feel like you're special enough to make him change his mind.

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Guest writerstale

numiexx said: why are guys pervs? lol. and why are they confused with their feelings?why do they have to be told how handsome they are by their girlfriends? come on! that's their girlfriend!

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The first and last time we talked about it he told me that he's not ready yet. My respond was "ok but I'm not going to wait for you to makeup your mind though", he responded back with "yeah I know" ...recently he said he want to invite me to his co-ownership with his friend...

sometimes I fee like he's saying all the stuff I want to string me along

ps: anyone mind me pm inbox them for advice

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Guest EnYingChen

Would you rather be bald or be as pretty and stick thin as the hottest girl in the world (as in you look like a girl but are still a guy)

when I ask guys this irl they  say they wanna be bald but i doubt it.

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I started going to a new church last year. And at church we have connect groups where we fellowship together. And at a fellowship group there was this nice guy who happens to have a girlfriend. At that time I didn't know he had a girlfriend, and he ask me to go on missions trip with him. So I was thinking it'll be nice to go to missions, since he's a nice guy. However at the missions interest meeting, his girlfriend was there and he introduced me to her. I decided not to go the the missions trip. At church though he ask me to sit next to him two times. And then he leads a fellowship group and he told me he wants me to sign up for his fellowship group. Do you think it's a bad idea to sign up for his fellowship group? I didn't want to sign up for his connect group. But I don't want to not to not sign up because I only want to be friends with him.

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