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Did I miss my opening here?  
There's this girl in school I've gotten very close with.  She's in a long distance relationship, and seems pretty serious about it.  But sometimes we flirt, she knows I find her attractive.  
At a bar, she got drunk, and got flirtatious, touchy with me.  I didn't reciprocate because she seemed serious about her boyfriend, we were both drunk but she was moreso, and I didn't want to make it awkward between us.  Plus, negative rumours would start flying around school after.  
But I'm definitely into her (it was just in that scenario, reciprocating would seem like a bad move).  Anyways, the next day she texted me and apologized for being inappropriate.  I kinda laughed it off and made a joke.    
She's very popular, smart, attractive, and a lot of guys are vying for her.  I doubt she ever gets rejected like that.    
Now I'm worried that that was an opening she was giving me at the bar.  Has the window with her closed?  Was that her testing to see if I was into her?  

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don't go after taken girls. I tried, did, was horrible at the end, that's all. If you want to do it, then be prepared for drama.

but you might get something out of it- similar thing happened to me (and that's how I know), but she wasn't drunk, I rejected her advances many times over a period of 5 months, she actually said she respected that and wanted it more *facepalm.

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Guest onehundredpercentasian

So I'm going to tell my crush that I like him and this is how I'm going to say it:

"I don't want to talk like recruiter to recruit, I want to talk as friends right now because I feel as if this is important. Before this year ends I want to let everything go and start fresh with no regrets. And the reason why I'm telling you this is because I've grown to like you and I known it's unprofessional in every way because you are my sergeant but I just want you to understand how I feel and that's it. I know things will eventually get awkward between the both of us because of this but I really hope it doesn't. You don't have to answer my question but do you think will this change anything between us?"

What are your guys thoughts on this confession?

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Guest verysadnow

Can anyone give me some advice? Much appreciated! :)

I have known this guy for 1 year already and we get along well. Common interests and common topics.

There was one incident whereby he probably got too excited and he actually held my wrist. I guess he wasn't aware that he was holding my wrist at that time.

Ppl around me always say that he is extremely nice to me and they always link us together.

Recently, i took a step further and asked him out. However he replied that he "likes how things are now". He also said "i'm ready to wish you the best."

Need help from guys' perspective here! Thanks so much!! :)

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Guest writerstale

verysadnow said: Can anyone give me some advice? Much appreciated! :) I have known this guy for 1 year already and we get along well. Common interests and common topics. There was one incident whereby he probably got too excited and he actually held my wrist. I guess he wasn't aware that he was holding my wrist at that time. Ppl around me always say that he is extremely nice to me and they always link us together. Recently, i took a step further and asked him out. However he replied that he "likes how things are now". He also said "i'm ready to wish you the best." Need help from guys' perspective here! Thanks so much!! :)

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verysadnow said: Can anyone give me some advice? Much appreciated! :) I have known this guy for 1 year already and we get along well. Common interests and common topics. There was one incident whereby he probably got too excited and he actually held my wrist. I guess he wasn't aware that he was holding my wrist at that time. Ppl around me always say that he is extremely nice to me and they always link us together. Recently, i took a step further and asked him out. However he replied that he "likes how things are now". He also said "i'm ready to wish you the best." Need help from guys' perspective here! Thanks so much!! :)

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odaesan said: verysadnow said: Can anyone give me some advice? Much appreciated! :) I have known this guy for 1 year already and we get along well. Common interests and common topics. There was one incident whereby he probably got too excited and he actually held my wrist. I guess he wasn't aware that he was holding my wrist at that time. Ppl around me always say that he is extremely nice to me and they always link us together. Recently, i took a step further and asked him out. However he replied that he "likes how things are now". He also said "i'm ready to wish you the best." Need help from guys' perspective here! Thanks so much!! :)

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do guys found its weird for girls to wear a wig as fashion accessory? I sometimes wear a wig out just to change things up or match an outfit. My hair naturally look kinda floppy and a wig is just much easier to style and looks better (its realistic too). Just curious if thats a turn off for guys?

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banyaya said: do guys found its weird for girls to wear a wig as fashion accessory? I sometimes wear a wig out just to change things up or match an outfit. My hair naturally look kinda floppy and a wig is just much easier to style and looks better (its realistic too). Just curious if thats a turn off for guys?

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Guest writerstale

banyaya said: do guys found its weird for girls to wear a wig as fashion accessory? I sometimes wear a wig out just to change things up or match an outfit. My hair naturally look kinda floppy and a wig is just much easier to style and looks better (its realistic too). Just curious if thats a turn off for guys?

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Guest hkmidnight

So my first time posting here since I think sometimes strangers give the most honest opinions ^^'
Anyways me and my boyfriend are a few months into our relationship and as much as I like him, it slightly bugs me how he always uses the word 'banter' to brush things off as an excuse. For instance, recently an incident took place which made his friend see me fully 'uncovered' (lets just say that...) and when I mentioned it to my boyfriend, he told me he knew and went 'it's banter' - Idk how to take this response... any thoughts/insights? 
I tend to overthink things alot Dx

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Not a guy, but wanted to give my opinion.

First off, I don't think your boyfriend knows what the word 'banter' really means. It basically means light jokes or comments, so him saying that a friend seeing you "uncovered" being banter in that context, doesn't really make sense. (Sorry, that was my inner grammar Nazi haha)

As far as his comments go, maybe he says that because it's something he doesn't really take seriously and that you nor he should worry about it too much. Maybe he's the type of guy who likes to avoid conflict and confrontation, so he uses that to brush things off. Maybe he could possibly be dismissing your feelings by saying what he does (which would be a big issue). Or maybe it's a combination of all three? We can all speculate, but when it comes down to it, only he knows.

Best thing to do would be to talk to your boyfriend about it. Ask him why he does that in particular and tell him that it bugs you that he always uses this as an excuse.

Also, it's probably best to bring it up before it happens again and in a non-accusatory manner so he won't be on the defensive right away. He might not even be aware that he's doing it and fix it straight away -- I've had that happen to me a few times myself.

Good luck and let us know what happens!

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hkmidnight said: So my first time posting here since I think sometimes strangers give the most honest opinions ^^'
Anyways me and my boyfriend are a few months into our relationship and as much as I like him, it slightly bugs me how he always uses the word 'banter' to brush things off as an excuse. For instance, recently an incident took place which made his friend see me fully 'uncovered' (lets just say that...) and when I mentioned it to my boyfriend, he told me he knew and went 'it's banter' - Idk how to take this response... any thoughts/insights? 
I tend to overthink things alot Dx

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hkmidnight said: So my first time posting here since I think sometimes strangers give the most honest opinions ^^'
Anyways me and my boyfriend are a few months into our relationship and as much as I like him, it slightly bugs me how he always uses the word 'banter' to brush things off as an excuse. For instance, recently an incident took place which made his friend see me fully 'uncovered' (lets just say that...) and when I mentioned it to my boyfriend, he told me he knew and went 'it's banter' - Idk how to take this response... any thoughts/insights? 
I tend to overthink things alot Dx

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Guest mokimoka

So there is this one guy. We were in the same class last quarter. We don't talk that much, but he seems to be interested in me (since he asked for my facebook and then phone number). Recently, he asked me to call him if I need a ride to Starbucks or anywhere (I don't have a car). Does it mean he is interested in me or he is just being friendly?

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