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Guest Naomi_Nai

Hello ^.^ I'm a person who is well...black and this is weird for me to just say but I'm only really attracted to asian guys hehe. But since I live in Florida it's so hard to find an asian guy at my school and if I do find one we only just talk maybe one or twice and never interact again. I always just have this weird thinking for always wanting an asian best friend male or female or an asian boyfriend but where do I even start searching? For you guys out there, how do you start searching for certain people without going on like...dating websites or just creepy looking sites in general? Sorry if I'm confusing on my comment! 

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Naomi_Nai said: Hello ^.^ I'm a person who is well...black and this is weird for me to just say but I'm only really attracted to asian guys hehe. But since I live in Florida it's so hard to find an asian guy at my school and if I do find one we only just talk maybe one or twice and never interact again. I always just have this weird thinking for always wanting an asian best friend male or female or an asian boyfriend but where do I even start searching? For you guys out there, how do you start searching for certain people without going on like...dating websites or just creepy looking sites in general? Sorry if I'm confusing on my comment! 

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Guest Naomi_Nai

silent.dragon said:
Naomi_Nai said: Hello ^.^ I'm a person who is well...black and this is weird for me to just say but I'm only really attracted to asian guys hehe. But since I live in Florida it's so hard to find an asian guy at my school and if I do find one we only just talk maybe one or twice and never interact again. I always just have this weird thinking for always wanting an asian best friend male or female or an asian boyfriend but where do I even start searching? For you guys out there, how do you start searching for certain people without going on like...dating websites or just creepy looking sites in general? Sorry if I'm confusing on my comment! 

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Are you bored?

I wouldn't send anything like that even if I were married to the woman I would send it to... but I'm not sending it in the first place? If that makes sense? I've been trying to write a ten page paper today and all I got is one. I need sleep.

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i went on one date with this guy who is born the same year as me. however he does not take me on dates. however whenever we text he always text back. but he doesn't meet me, but always text things like hi how are you? etc. why doesn't he take me out on dates? is he not interested. or just plain lazy?

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Babybug82 said: i went on one date with this guy who is born the same year as me. however he does not take me on dates. however whenever we text he always text back. but he doesn't meet me, but always text things like hi how are you? etc. why doesn't he take me out on dates? is he not interested. or just plain lazy?

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Before I got with my boyfriend, he was totally in love with this other girl for a good 2-3 years. The thing is, they still hang out and all because they're really close. He told me not to be jealous once when he told me they were hanging out and just talking and that I'm the one he loves. Before we got together, he was saying things like "I don't know if I still love her or just the idea of her...*" They work at the same place, btw. Now, even if we're together, he still does the things he did for her before - like seeing that she gets home properly and hanging out a lot. The girl has a boyfriend and doesn't like him that way.
Whenever we're together, I know he's still texting her and he constantly checks his phone if she's replied. That makes me sad because when I text him, I don't get a reply instantly. :( I mean... he tells me I'm the one he loves and all but I always feel like he still likes/loves her and it just kills me. Also, whenever we're together, our conversation always leads to some little thing about the girl. 
*He's a lot older than I am and has had a number of relationships. He usually "gets the girl" that he likes because they have the same interests and things. (Hehe. Like in our case.) The girl (his Robin, he once told me) doesn't have the same interests. I think he still really likes her because he can't have her? Idk, that's what people tell me. When we got together, I asked him if he just likes me because I'm a bit like the girl. He said no, and that he likes me and being with me more. He tells me all these things but still shows signs that he likes the girl... I never wanted to compete with someone's Robin... 
Is it possible that he's gotten over her when he still does the same things for her? Is it possible that it's just because they're reallllly close? What do I do?! 

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Hello ^.^ I'm a person who is well...black and this is weird for me to just say but I'm only really attracted to asian guys hehe. But since I live in Florida it's so hard to find an asian guy at my school and if I do find one we only just talk maybe one or twice and never interact again. I always just have this weird thinking for always wanting an asian best friend male or female or an asian boyfriend but where do I even start searching? For you guys out there, how do you start searching for certain people without going on like...dating websites or just creepy looking sites in general? Sorry if I'm confusing on my comment! 

Are you still in high school? If you are you will meet plenty of Asian students when you go to university. I do mean plenty too some will be Americans and others will be international students. I will give you a warning though some of the international students may not be open to dating someone who isn't the same nationality that they are (of course some will also be open to dating Americans).

I've also realized that some international students underestimate the number of Americans that aren't white. Some might be a little surprised when you tell them you are "Native American."

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