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Guest dramaandmusic_addict

if a guy is not talking to you for a while what does it mean? besides that he has sports, school, ect as well? Does he want to break up with you?

Trying to convince my friend to let go already.. her guy(aka mr. ihaven'ttalkedtouinforever) is seriously not worth her time == thanks in advance :D

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Guest kurumii

what does it mean when a guy flirts with you a lot when we're with friends and people we know, but when we're alone together, we never flirt, and we can't make conversation last for more than 5 minutes?

i should write a paper on this, lol

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It's hard to say. They could be, or they could be just friends. It could be that he just looked really good in that pic, and he couldn't crop himself out without cropping her out and looking weird. It could be that they are dating and it just happened to be a nice pic for both, or it could mean they are friends who both liked that pic. Gonna need more details (ie. look at their wall to wall, etc)

Thanks Gofishus~

Gossip. It starts because of things like this.

It's likely he's dating or is at least interested in her. At the very least, he's close with her.

Thanks MrPower~

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Guest minicherries

k so does this guy like me or is he just really flirty/ friendly?

he makes dirty jokes with me in it all the time

& he tries to get my attention A LOT like when he says my name and i don't hear him he comes close up to my face and smiles ??

he blocks my way when i'm trying to walk somewhere

he playfully pushes me & one time i said "i hate you" not to him but to my friend and he thought i was talking to him

so later that day he messaged me and said " what did we have for math ?"

and i said " page ____" and then after hes like " thanks ... and do you hate me?" i said :"does it seem like i hate you?"

and he said " idk.. do you?" then i said "maybe i do maybe i don't" and he went offline i think he got mad or somethin..

well the next day he thanked me again for telling him what we had for homework but never brought up the " do you hate me?" question

this is confusing me because he does similar things to one of my best friends , but he does more flirty stuff with me & right now idk if he likes me or my friend?

or if he could like both of us.

Last year me and my best friend heard that he cheated on his girlfriend for her best friend.

were thinking he could be doing the same to us.

one of his friends asked me out 2 years ago and

another one of his friend said i was pretty

& he commented on my picture one time saying "nice pic"

he usually doesn't comment on girls pictures..

not even his ex gf ..

one time his friend borrowed my eraser and then his friend told HIM in a weird voice to give it back to me

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Guest Squinty

k so does this guy like me or is he just really flirty/ friendly?

he makes dirty jokes with me in it all the time

& he tries to get my attention A LOT like when he says my name and i don't hear him he comes close up to my face and smiles ??

he blocks my way when i'm trying to walk somewhere

he playfully pushes me & one time i said "i hate you" not to him but to my friend and he thought i was talking to him

so later that day he messaged me and said " what did we have for math ?"

and i said " page ____" and then after hes like " thanks ... and do you hate me?" i said :"does it seem like i hate you?"

and he said " idk.. do you?" then i said "maybe i do maybe i don't" and he went offline i think he got mad or somethin..

well the next day he thanked me again for telling him what we had for homework but never brought up the " do you hate me?" question

this is confusing me because he does similar things to one of my best friends , but he does more flirty stuff with me & right now idk if he likes me or my friend?

or if he could like both of us.

Last year me and my best friend heard that he cheated on his girlfriend for her best friend.

were thinking he could be doing the same to us.

one of his friends asked me out 2 years ago and

another one of his friend said i was pretty

& he commented on my picture one time saying "nice pic"

he usually doesn't comment on girls pictures..

not even his ex gf ..

one time his friend borrowed my eraser and then his friend told HIM in a weird voice to give it back to me

Even thoguh I'm not a guy, here's my opinion:

I didn't really understand the last part. Please do rephrase, using person, A, B, C... too much people with him and HIM, lol. I understand that there's more than one person fighting for you. If the possibilities of him liking you is definite, who would you choose? Okay, so you know he likes you, now what?

You can ask him "do you hate me?" like he did to you and see. Maybe he does like you, and at the same time, the part where he cheated on his girlfriend for her best friend sounds kind of dangerous to me, considering the fact that you mentioned that he flirts with 'everyone'.

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Hey guys,

This may seem like an odd question but,

I can be overly sensitive and most of the time I hold my problems in, I don't like to burden people even if they are the ones that are hurting me. Like most girls I unconsciously believe that your man should know what he's done wrong, without telling him. Key word is unconsciously. D: I know that's not possible, I really do. But when I get overly sensitive from holding in things too long I end up exploding and it would've been 100x better if I had just communicated all my issues with him.

Now here's the odd part, I always apologies to him and I feel terrible whenever I put him through a tantrum like that. I tell him I want to change because I know this is extremely unhealthy for a relationship. But then he tells me he doesn't want me to change, he likes me for who I am.

And as much as I would like to hear that, in my head I'm like "wtf is this guy on, how can he tell me that when I'm driving him insane with my hissy fits?"

So honestly, like I'm still going to change but it makes me wonder why would he say that. I mean that phrase can be used for many scenarios but this is one I believe shouldn't have been used. >_>

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Hey guys,

This may seem like an odd question but,

I can be overly sensitive and most of the time I hold my problems in, I don't like to burden people even if they are the ones that are hurting me. Like most girls I unconsciously believe that your man should know what he's done wrong, without telling him. Key word is unconsciously. D: I know that's not possible, I really do. But when I get overly sensitive from holding in things too long I end up exploding and it would've been 100x better if I had just communicated all my issues with him.

Now here's the odd part, I always apologies to him and I feel terrible whenever I put him through a tantrum like that. I tell him I want to change because I know this is extremely unhealthy for a relationship. But then he tells me he doesn't want me to change, he likes me for who I am.

And as much as I would like to hear that, in my head I'm like "wtf is this guy on, how can he tell me that when I'm driving him insane with my hissy fits?"

So honestly, like I'm still going to change but it makes me wonder why would he say that. I mean that phrase can be used for many scenarios but this is one I believe shouldn't have been used. >_>

1. Men are dumb. 2. He probably misinterpreted what you meant by you saying that you want to change, you took it as you wanting to communicate more so that this relationship can be healthier, he took it as, you're going to try to change your ways/views to  please both parties, and he didn't want that because he likes you for who you are.

Or i completely misinterpreted this and you can reread number 1.

OR he likes the way you are no matter what, tantrum or not, it's a part of who you are and he obviously doesn't love the factt that you get into a hissy fit but he accepts it and feels that if you didn't have these hissy fits, you wouldn't be the person you are to him and when someone really likes you, they like all of you, the good the bad and the ugly.

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Guest minicherries

Even thoguh I'm not a guy, here's my opinion:

I didn't really understand the last part. Please do rephrase, using person, A, B, C... too much people with him and HIM, lol. I understand that there's more than one person fighting for you. If the possibilities of him liking you is definite, who would you choose? Okay, so you know he likes you, now what?

You can ask him "do you hate me?" like he did to you and see. Maybe he does like you, and at the same time, the part where he cheated on his girlfriend for her best friend sounds kind of dangerous to me, considering the fact that you mentioned that he flirts with 'everyone'.

oooh i see.. haha thanks though =) the last part isn't that important :3

&& another question xD

what does it mean when a guy asks a girl to see her bra strap? O_O

didn't happen to me but someone else :$

&& also theres this other guy who liked this girl A LOT he went out with her but they broke up

before they were dating he asked me to the dance , but knowing the pervert he is i said no.

but then even when they were dating he still asked me again and again.. every time we had a dance i thought he was joking

he even told me that i'm the prettiest asian girl in the school? O.o and uhm after they broke up

he asked me again and again like before & this other girl asked him if he still liked his ex he said no ..

so does that mean hes starting to like me for real? o.o

or he always did? :S he even says " i love you " all the time and he keeps reminding me that he thinks i'm pretty & that he likes my smilee

and one time he sat beside me and then he put his head on my lap pretending to be asleep  .. O.o & sadly yeah hes slapped my ... before T__T. & got his richard simmons kicked -.-;

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Guest Squinty

oooh i see.. haha thanks though =) the last part isn't that important :3

&& another question xD

what does it mean when a guy asks a girl to see her bra strap? O_O

didn't happen to me but someone else :$

&& also theres this other guy who liked this girl A LOT he went out with her but they broke up

before they were dating he asked me to the dance , but knowing the pervert he is i said no.

but then even when they were dating he still asked me again and again.. every time we had a dance i thought he was joking

he even told me that i'm the prettiest asian girl in the school? O.o and uhm after they broke up

he asked me again and again like before & this other girl asked him if he still liked his ex he said no ..

so does that mean hes starting to like me for real? o.o

or he always did? :S he even says " i love you " all the time and he keeps reminding me that he thinks i'm pretty & that he likes my smilee

and one time he sat beside me and then he put his head on my lap pretending to be asleep  .. O.o & sadly yeah hes slapped my ... before T__T. & got his richard simmons kicked -.-;

Considering the fact that he just broke up and the way he acts, his actions seems desperate to me. There are chances where he tries to fill a hole in his heart or trying to make his ex jealous or maybe he does like you. Any thoughts on what actions you did that triggered his interest towards you or were you close to his ex? Be careful because his ex might have broken up with him for a reason, sometimes break ups are for a good cause and sometimes a bad cause.

To be blunt, if a guy wants to see your bra strap, he's horny or he's testing you and maybe both...

That did happen once to my friend and guys talked bad behind her (yes they talk like girls)

"Just ask _______ and she'll even take off her top" ====_____====

Anyways, I hope I helped in a way :D~

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;;; aha just be wary.

Maybe he doesn't know how to hug? Sometimes guys pat or rub somebody's back to know that the hug is over.

Hmm, well since there are different kinds of hugs for guys, what would a guy think if I hugged them around the waist and not shoulder?

My friends say that it would mean I think we're only friends, but most of the time its because I cant reach for a good hug so I just hug around his waist haha.

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Guest minicherries

Considering the fact that he just broke up and the way he acts, his actions seems desperate to me. There are chances where he tries to fill a hole in his heart or trying to make his ex jealous or maybe he does like you. Any thoughts on what actions you did that triggered his interest towards you or were you close to his ex? Be careful because his ex might have broken up with him for a reason, sometimes break ups are for a good cause and sometimes a bad cause.

To be blunt, if a guy wants to see your bra strap, he's horny or he's testing you and maybe both...

That did happen once to my friend and guys talked bad behind her (yes they talk like girls)

"Just ask _______ and she'll even take off her top" ====_____====

Anyways, I hope I helped in a way :D~

ahaha i was thinking that he was desperate as well  xD & nah i'm not close to his ex tho o.o

thank you so much =)!

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Guest LoveDream

So a month ago I started to develop a crush on this guy. We talked quite a lot, and often times would chill with each other (walk around the city for about an hour just talking). We flirted a bit too. Haha there was this one time he even asked for a hug >///< At first I thought that maybe there was a chance that he could have liked me back? But then eventually I stopped talking to him (sorta ignoring him) because I didn't want to get too attached and get hurt in the end. Now we don't really talk anymore except for a few texts now a then. :\ I'm assuming that if he ever did that feelings for me, the fact that I ignored him might have caused him to lose interest?

Do you guys think it'll be weird/he'll find it weird if I asked him to Brigade ball? ( A dance for RO cadets) or even just to chill with me during the remaining days of the break? Since it is a bit out of nowhere..

(I still have a crush on him)

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If you still had feelings for your ex and knew the feelings were mutual, would you do anything about it?

My ex and I recently got back to a "friend level" after ignoring each other for a while. I still have feelings for him but I don't know whether to directly say I still want to be with him or stick to the small things like just talking to him in class.

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Guest Squinty

I have a situation:

I was with this dude and he always complains and says stuff like:

'You don't love me', ' you don't need me' etc. etc.

It's not that I don't love that person but is it necessary to say 'i love you' or go all over him? How do I fix his mistrust over me?

(p.s. he's an ex now but I don't want to repeat the same mistake and I wanted to ask just in case if it does happen again..)

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Guest I.is.Happy

Are there still  guys in this world that haven't had sex before they are married? I mean ...like is that the majority or the minority now? :X apologies if this question is too much but I think college has polluted my mind *_*

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@LoveDream - TBH, guys never really lose interest if he has a crush on someone. Well, that goes true for me. We just stop taking the initiative. As long as you didn’t break his heart or totally put him off, he should be “Awesome” or “I wonder…”. Hopefully this was somewhat recent like within 6 months.

@VietBunnyChan – Can’t help you on this one with so little information. This is all up to you.

@ Squinty –He sounds needy. There’s nothing wrong with not saying I love you. Action speaks more than words right? There’s nothing to fix.

@ krngal94 – The wording is kind of confusing. Did you just meet him two weeks ago or did you just start talking to him 2 weeks ago? Anyways, my pov is I wouldn’t put it pass the guy but I’m leaning towards more that he’s bored and needs someone to talk to. Post up some of the topics you talk about and maybe a conversation.

@ mukinsvivi – TMI! A hint would be great but don’t just straight up tell us unless you are really comfortable with them.

@ I.is.Happy – I would say they are the minority. Especially with the average marriage age is getting higher, not sure many guys would wait. Plus, it’s not frowned upon to have done it. It’s encourage actually.

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Hmm, well since there are different kinds of hugs for guys, what would a guy think if I hugged them around the waist and not shoulder?

My friends say that it would mean I think we're only friends, but most of the time its because I cant reach for a good hug so I just hug around his waist haha.

it really depends on every guy, but for me, I would think that the girl wanted to be more intimate... or short.

So a month ago I started to develop a crush on this guy. We talked quite a lot, and often times would chill with each other (walk around the city for about an hour just talking). We flirted a bit too. Haha there was this one time he even asked for a hug >///< At first I thought that maybe there was a chance that he could have liked me back? But then eventually I stopped talking to him (sorta ignoring him) because I didn't want to get too attached and get hurt in the end. Now we don't really talk anymore except for a few texts now a then. :\ I'm assuming that if he ever did that feelings for me, the fact that I ignored him might have caused him to lose interest?

Do you guys think it'll be weird/he'll find it weird if I asked him to Brigade ball? ( A dance for RO cadets) or even just to chill with me during the remaining days of the break? Since it is a bit out of nowhere..

(I still have a crush on him)

Try talking to him. Forget that you ignored him in the past, and try to make up for it. If he bites, then great. If not, then you'll find more fish in the sea.

If you still had feelings for your ex and knew the feelings were mutual, would you do anything about it?

My ex and I recently got back to a "friend level" after ignoring each other for a while. I still have feelings for him but I don't know whether to directly say I still want to be with him or stick to the small things like just talking to him in class.

Depends on whether or not I feel like the two of us can actually work things out and have a committed relationship.

I would be cautious if I were you. No need to rush into things. If things happen, they happen.

I have a situation:

I was with this dude and he always complains and says stuff like:

'You don't love me', ' you don't need me' etc. etc.

It's not that I don't love that person but is it necessary to say 'i love you' or go all over him? How do I fix his mistrust over me?

(p.s. he's an ex now but I don't want to repeat the same mistake and I wanted to ask just in case if it does happen again..)

They're insecure. Not ready for a relationship. No trust.

Reassure him once, and say how you feel in a delicate way. Don't make it seem like you're attacking him, rather go about it as you trying to help him out.

i would really appreciate if i can get as many answers as possible ! (:

so my guy friend and i used to like each other. then he got a girlfriend and they've been dating a while now, so i'm guessing its serious.. we started talking recently (like 2 weeks) and now we text from morning to when we go to sleep. and he's always the first one to begin.

is it weird that we do this?

 i'd like to know from a guy's perspective of what this could mean. does he still have feelings for me at all? or we're just friends?

Nope. Peeps do it all the time.

He could have feelings for you. Just because a guy is in a relationship doesn't mean he doesn't have a wandering eye. (Yes that's a double negative).

It really depends on the nature of those texts to determine whether or not you two are just friends or more.

Would you guys like to know if we ladies are PMSing..?.__.

.....I think i can speak for most guys when I say: No.

Unless it's a warning for us to stay away.... yeah. Just.... be pleasant to be around. Don't use PMS as an excuse...

Are there still  guys in this world that haven't had sex before they are married? I mean ...like is that the majority or the minority now? :X apologies if this question is too much but I think college has polluted my mind *_*

Yeah. I know a couple of guys that haven't had sex. It depends on the age group, but around the twenties, many guys (guys that you would consider cute/handsome/whatever) aren't virgins anymore. Even among religious types that forbid such acts such as Christians/Catholics/Muslims/Jews. People just want to have sex and experiment.

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Are there still  guys in this world that haven't had sex before they are married? I mean ...like is that the majority or the minority now? :X apologies if this question is too much but I think college has polluted my mind *_*

I'm 20, turning 21 in just a few months, and i can proudly say I have never had sex. I think we live in opposite cities, because i have NEVER met a virgin girl, but i know MANY virgin guys.

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