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Guest spiral_flare

Quick question for the guys: would you find it creepy if a girl at school you've never talked to but seen in the hallways added you on Facebook?

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Guest dragonninja598000

when it comes to the sexual area of a relationship, is he telling the truth when he says, 'every time i look at you i get horny.'?

facts: he's not my bf. we're just fooling around.

Maybe. You can't really tell because you guys were "fooling around".

Lately, I've been having trouble with my boyfriend who is constantly online playing games. At first, it didn't really bother me that much becaue I understand that's just his hobby and he's free to do whatever he wants on his own time. But, recently it seems as though he would choose gaming over me. There are times when I haven't talked to him for a whole day, and I give him a call at night to chat, but he wouldn't be engaging in our conversation cause he's so engrossed in his game. At that point, I just feel neglected and umimportant to him. I've told him many times how his gaming habits have started to bother me, and instead of decreasing his gaming time, it seems as if it's been increasing. I can say I'm a pretty reasonable person. I'm not telling him to stop playing altogether. I just don't know what else I can say or do to make him understand how I feel. He just sees it as me trying to control everything he does and that's not true.

I'm not really sure what I'm asking, but has anyone else been in this situation? And how did you handle it?

If he can't give up a few hours of gaming for you, you should just walk away. Give him a warning first. Honestly there are a lot of other guys out there who will treat you better.

Quick question for the guys: would you find it creepy if a girl at school you've never talked to but seen in the hallways added you on Facebook?

I wouldn't find it creepy. It'd be a little surprising. I'd probably ask why she added me tho. It's not like that hasn't happen before with me. On a side note she was cute. lol

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Lately, I've been having trouble with my boyfriend who is constantly online playing games. At first, it didn't really bother me that much becaue I understand that's just his hobby and he's free to do whatever he wants on his own time. But, recently it seems as though he would choose gaming over me. There are times when I haven't talked to him for a whole day, and I give him a call at night to chat, but he wouldn't be engaging in our conversation cause he's so engrossed in his game. At that point, I just feel neglected and umimportant to him. I've told him many times how his gaming habits have started to bother me, and instead of decreasing his gaming time, it seems as if it's been increasing. I can say I'm a pretty reasonable person. I'm not telling him to stop playing altogether. I just don't know what else I can say or do to make him understand how I feel. He just sees it as me trying to control everything he does and that's not true.

I'm not really sure what I'm asking, but has anyone else been in this situation? And how did you handle it?

He should know what is important, you or games. I would suggest to not give attention to him for a while and if he still does not change then he is not worth your time.

Quick question for the guys: would you find it creepy if a girl at school you've never talked to but seen in the hallways added you on Facebook?


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there's this guy i just met three weeks ago (new to his school)

we talk a lil everyday, not enough to be called friends, more like acquaintances.

he rarely comments people on facebook and stuff, but whenever i update, he always comments.

he's a flirt so he's basically really friendly toward everyone, but apparently one of our mutual friends said that he talks to me more than a lot of other girls.

thing is, i know he likes this other girl, so i'm asking, is it possible for a guy to like two people at the same time?

and also, i always shut down around him, like.. i'm so intimidated i dont know wat to say, would it be creepy if i suddenly talk a lot more?

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Guest Katalyst

there's this guy i just met three weeks ago (new to his school)

we talk a lil everyday, not enough to be called friends, more like acquaintances.

he rarely comments people on facebook and stuff, but whenever i update, he always comments.

he's a flirt so he's basically really friendly toward everyone, but apparently one of our mutual friends said that he talks to me more than a lot of other girls.

thing is, i know he likes this other girl, so i'm asking, is it possible for a guy to like two people at the same time?

and also, i always shut down around him, like.. i'm so intimidated i dont know wat to say, would it be creepy if i suddenly talk a lot more?

(Substituting "him" for "us" as a whole group of men)

It is possible for a guy to like several girls at once, if you don't speak up, we will never know if you like us or not. Please talk more or give signs. Girls are confusing, we mens need simple signs such as "hi-5" ...... k not "hi-5" but something that tells us that you like us.

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im a really stubborn girl, and i play hard to get.

ive been hurt so much in the past, pretty much everyone i love around me has hurt me one way or another. but ive forgiven them, but the pain that its caused me automatically put up walls and i guard my heart like crazy.

theres this one boy...or guy for that matter :)..he makes me go crazy. but its the whole trust thing were going to try to work with. i really see that hes trying . i can see that hes sincere. if im wrong..then so be it. id rather be the hurt and stupid one in the end, at least im not the bad person and i can tell myself that i made a good decision because i never stopped believing in love. sounds cliche but its just how i really feel right now.

hes put so much effort into this, and what im asking is, anyone want to give me some tips on how i give him some effort back? to show i really do want this to work out and i want him bad? i dont want my stubborness to get in the way and i dont want to push him away because of my stupidity.

if you were a guy and you wanted a girl so bad, but shes not showing it...

i KNOW he wants me , hes being stubborn too and putting up a front that he can give me up even though hes going to be hurt :mellow:

i WANT him too...im willing to make sacrifices... ahh.. so getting straight on with the point...how do i show him i really care for him and that i want this badly? this is my last chance btw...i want to make the best out of it.

hes in college and hes coming back in two weeks =) im planning to give him a stuffed monkey..a cute one of course(so he has something to hug when im not there ; ah...the guy is supposed to do this but whatever. matter over pride. hes done so much already anyways).

any advice or tips?

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Guest dragonninja598000


Yes it is possible to like more than one girl. For me like is just a term to say that you are interested in the person. I've personally at one time liked 4 different girl for entirely different reasons. =P And no it would not be creepy if you talk to him more. Just give him more signs if you really do like him.


Hugs are awesome do a lot of them. lol. Randomly hold his hand? haha. Make him put his arm around you? Iono do something that you are comfortable. Lol. On a side note you should touch his butt. LOL. jk don't do that.

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Guest klassikm3

ok so i've know this guy for two years in high school (ever since sophomore year) and now we're seniors. he's starting to text me more this year and talk to me more. in the past we'd talk and stuff but when i'd text him he usually didn't text me back. this year, he texts me basically everyday. so i don know if he likes me or what? a little help?

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What if a random hot stud such as myself added you on facebook?

oh that's hot @___@

what's with the sudden rise of bromance? P:

AHAHAHHA not really the question. The question is - what do YOU use MSN for? How come when guys are online / not busy - they don't reply? LOL USE UR STATUSES U. I dunno, it kind of irks me when I tell them something over it and in two second, they're offline. OK OK, I get it they might not realise they've been online all along but some form of reponse and a goodbye would be nice.

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Guest Mr. Chan

oh that's hot @___@

what's with the sudden rise of bromance? P:

AHAHAHHA not really the question. The question is - what do YOU use MSN for? How come when guys are online / not busy - they don't reply? LOL USE UR STATUSES U. I dunno, it kind of irks me when I tell them something over it and in two second, they're offline. OK OK, I get it they might not realise they've been online all along but some form of reponse and a goodbye would be nice.

I wasn't trying to make it sound gay lol. But I don't mind adding guys or girls on facebook, always good meeting new people.

As for MSN. Personally, I only have like.. what...6 people on there? The only reason why I even sign on everyday is because when I get a new email, it instantly shows up on it. As for the status, I don't really care for it. When I'm away from my computer, it automatically says I'm busy.

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Guest Katalyst

oh that's hot @___@

what's with the sudden rise of bromance? P:

AHAHAHHA not really the question. The question is - what do YOU use MSN for? How come when guys are online / not busy - they don't reply? LOL USE UR STATUSES U. I dunno, it kind of irks me when I tell them something over it and in two second, they're offline. OK OK, I get it they might not realise they've been online all along but some form of reponse and a goodbye would be nice.

We're playing games, we don't like being disturbed, hence we log off when you message us.

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Guest x33chiinkiee

so my bf says that he used to like this girl after me cuz he thought I didn't like him back (this was last year)

but then he stopped liking her I guess(?) but he continued to like me...

what are the signs to show that he's fully uninterested in her & is willing to stay with me?

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Guest Mr. Chan

so my bf says that he used to like this girl after me cuz he thought I didn't like him back (this was last year)

but then he stopped liking her I guess(?) but he continued to like me...

what are the signs to show that he's fully uninterested in her & is willing to stay with me?

He's with you. That's a good sign already.

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Guest sushie-chan

- If a guy makes fun of a girl very wickedly and this happens everyday, what does this means?

- Why a popular guy talks very friendly with girls in general and then he is with you, he seems to be shy? I precise that when i'm with a friend, he talk to me like we were friends and when we are both alone, he doesn't talk very munch...

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Guest fredinsac

- If a guy makes fun of a girl very wickedly and this happens everyday, what does this means?

- Why a popular guy talks very friendly with girls in general and then he is with you, he seems to be shy? I precise that when i'm with a friend, he talk to me like we were friends and when we are both alone, he doesn't talk very munch...

-One of two things, he either hates you or he likes you.

-Usually with any two people if they don't really know each other it can become quite awkward. Maybe he thinks you're weird.

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