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【 Dir En Grey 】 The Thread

Guest sHIK-kUN

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Guest accursed_desire

lol. That was me! I've double posted a few times... and triple posted once!

Since Anky suggested we show our desktops.. here's one of mine.


i let my sister pick out the background for this comp... which is why it's anime. lol.


Yes... yes.. I did it! I so pwn this page! *does the pwn dance* Whohoo! I'd like to thank Bob the cookie I ate today for giving me the energy to write this post.. and Tim the Cookie Ninja (seriously, he had a headband on that said Cookie Ninja) for stealing Bob from Matt, my friend who won't share his cookies with me even though I share my skittles with him and he has a crack-richard simmons mustache like Totchi used to have. Okay... I'm done.

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geez, I have over 900 photos of Kyo...

I keep finding ones I've already seen! I need more! And I need more Shinya!

I'm preparing my signature for the pwnage

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Guest accursed_desire

Man, I have a feeling I won't even be here to see the 100th pwnage. :( This majorly sucks... but if I keep it up with the double posting... I can get it all by myself. !

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Guest accursed_desire

I'm bored.. so I'll attempt again to double post! Whohoo! I think i might know how to do it... maybe. But we'll see.

I know how I'm double posting! Whohoo! *dances* I'm pretty sure I know how I'm doing it. Whoop! Go me!

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Guest accursed_desire

Okay... if nobody posts... I'll have double postage again! whoop! And now I shall tell everyone how to do it. Okay.. for example,let's say you posted at 10:56 (random time!) and ten minutes later... no one has posted. Well, if you post, then it doesn't get joined together. If you post ten minutes after then last time you posted, it doesn't get joined! Wow... ain't I smart? Now bow down before my smartness because now you won't have to wait for people to rack up more posts. You all owe me a cookie!

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Guest accursed_desire

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you in the US


Haha. Thanks! Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

hehehe. It looks like Kyo is picking his nose. Ewwww!

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Guest accursed_desire

Found this off of Jrock Humor... I'm bored. Should be in bed since it's 3 in the morning but I'm not tired.... I just thought it went along with the whole Kyo eating the kids thing.


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Guest accursed_desire

Hmmm.... I think I'm all alone... maybe.... I don't know. Don't have anything good to post... just thought I would.... maybe I'll sing. Who wants to hear me sing. *crickets in the background* Okay then... Fine. OMFG, I'm so bored. Someone needs to save me.

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Guest accursed_desire

Wow. This will be my 9th post on this page. Yes, I still haven't gone to bed and I'm still bored. I don't feel like uploading anything... Or I can't think of anything to upload.... *sigh* I'm gonna look for some good pics to post that haven't been already, which I highly doubt that.

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Guest accursed_desire

Well, here's something good for me to post. I think my extended version of Gauze might actually be real and not bootleg. Isn't that great? Heck yeah. It's 4 in the morning and I'm still not in bed. >< I'll just sleep tomorrow even though it's Thanksgiving... but I never intereact with that part of my family I'm seeing tomorrow anyways so they won't care. Maybe I should go to bed since people come, and then they go without posting. WTF is up with that?


I shouldn't be allowed to figure things out.... now I'm posting post after post of spam. >< Please don't hate me.

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Guest XxIllicitxX

Leagle that pic is awesome! :lol:

And oh whoever posted about the birthday theme, mine just went last month which means I miss out :(


I have aim and yahoo as well but I never really use them.

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Guest fifth_avenue

Haylea You know what is going to happen to you before I head back to Japan... I will come down there and kill you. lol jk jk demo... Arigatou gozaimasu ne! ToT

Sean WTF once again, like last time I was away for half a day and this thread grows 5 pages. INSANE I TELL YOU ^O^

Shik-kun~~~ Or Nat-chan, hi! I'm Aki, I see you got my e-mail, lol XD THANK YOU SO MUCH! <3

Btw, just a quick change, for the top part (not the profile) can you change 'Vocal Kyo' to 'Vocal 京' and 'Guitar Kaoru' to 'Guitar 薫' Thanks! XD Just cause before the characters didn't show up on the document so ^^;;

Sophie & Britt-chan HAHAHAHA LOL sorry guys for not being here, had to run in this morning to drop off some assignments that were due. I'll be back to posting again soon.

CrazieRavieToast (tell me your name again so I can write it down XD) LOL wth haha, looks isn't everything you know, apparently most people in my year level hate me. I wonder why :rolleyes:

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Guest accursed_desire

OMG, people! I don't have to talk to myself anymore! Whoooo!

Leagle that pic is awesome! :lol:

And oh whoever posted about the birthday theme, mine just went last month which means I miss out :(

Ahehehe. I read Jrock humor wayyyyy too much. lol.

OMG, was it really. Well, happy really belated Birthday! Cuz I didn't know.

Sophie & Britt-chan HAHAHAHA LOL sorry guys for not being here, had to run in this morning to drop off some assignments that were due. I'll be back to posting again soon.

Well geez, I sat here posting to myself for about an hour Aki.... You could have got on sooner!

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Guest tHe_aRisTocRatiC_aSSaSSiN

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you in the US

More like Happy Mooching-off-Indians-and-White-Europeans-Suck Day.

click <- That pic is really cool ^___^

I started working on a mini comic!! It's not really a comic, but it features me, Sophie, and Aki lmao xD *continues coloring lame poster comic thingy with chibis*

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Guest CrazieRavieToast

It's only a little past one where I am. I wish I was allowed to ignore my family. The fmaily that I love either doesn't come over because my parents kill all fun at holidays or they're too far away. When my fun family members still came over on holidays, we did some really crazy things. We had an emu farm behind our house (and camels too) and my cousin jumped over our fence and stole and egg from the nest but then he couldn't get back over the fence and I was laughing at him because he's such a retard (I tolf him not to do it) and inside his mom was calling for him and I had two of my other cousins stalling for him while I tried to get a ladder over to his side without my parents seeing. He's still holding this egg and the emu comes after him and I'm trying to yell directions to him on how to get out of our neighbors farms (it's about 7-10 acres and there is a fringe of eucalyptus trees so you can't see where there is a fence and where there isn't so you really have to know the area. There's also a murder of crows that hangs out in some areas and a couple of hawks nests. He gets over this little hill to the driveway that leads out of the area so I can't see him anymore but then I hear him cussing and he comes running back and this guy who's mostly undresed is chasing him because my cousin interupted this guy and his girlfriend. Oh man, you've got to love my family.

And so this isn't total spam (which I've heard actually taste pretty good if you cook it)


My mom is yelling at me to go to bed. Oh, and my name is Donica.

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Guest accursed_desire

More like Happy Mooching-off-Indians-and-White-Europeans-Suck Day.

This sentence makes me very uncomfortable since there is Native American Indian Blood and White European blood in me. Ahehehe.

It's only a little past one where I am. I wish I was allowed to ignore my family. The fmaily that I love either doesn't come over because my parents kill all fun at holidays or they're too far away. When my fun family members still came over on holidays, we did some really crazy things. We had an emu farm behind our house (and camels too) and my cousin jumped over our fence and stole and egg from the nest but then he couldn't get back over the fence and I was laughing at him because he's such a retard (I tolf him not to do it) and inside his mom was calling for him and I had two of my other cousins stalling for him while I tried to get a ladder over to his side without my parents seeing. He's still holding this egg and the emu comes after him and I'm trying to yell directions to him on how to get out of our neighbors farms (it's about 7-10 acres and there is a fringe of eucalyptus trees so you can't see where there is a fence and where there isn't so you really have to know the area. There's also a murder of crows that hangs out in some areas and a couple of hawks nests. He gets over this little hill to the driveway that leads out of the area so I can't see him anymore but then I hear him cussing and he comes running back and this guy who's mostly undresed is chasing him because my cousin interupted this guy and his girlfriend. Oh man, you've got to love my family.

And so this isn't total spam (which I've heard actually taste pretty good if you cook it)


My mom is yelling at me to go to bed. Oh, and my name is Donica.

lol. Emus! I love those things. Yeah, I have a fun family and a boring family... My mom's family is my fun family... I have 10 cousins and my one uncle is the coolest guy ever (even though he calls me his wannabe lesbian niece ever since he saw my Diru stuff.) lol. We do all kinds of odd stuff. Like you don't wanna even know. My dad's family is my boring family.. I have one cousin who's my age, but we have absolutely nothing in common. I mean nothing. >_> O.o

Ewwwww! Spam is nasty and I swear it's made out of people!

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