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Guest erure

So I purchased a new MacBook Pro in the middle of February and then the new versions of MBP came out and I was able to get an exchange after I paid for the 10% restocking fee. However the new MacBook Pro I got seems to be buggy - Safari and Bluetooth freeze and I've only had the thing for 3 days! Also the build quality seems poor - the laptop does not open easily (I have to press the little thing in the front all the way in, when with the older one I just had to push a little) and when I close the laptop the left side does not close completely. Should I get another exchange? This is pretty frustrating...

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Guest Xarthan

So I purchased a new MacBook Pro in the middle of February and then the new versions of MBP came out and I was able to get an exchange after I paid for the 10% restocking fee. However the new MacBook Pro I got seems to be buggy - Safari and Bluetooth freeze and I've only had the thing for 3 days! Also the build quality seems poor - the laptop does not open easily (I have to press the little thing in the front all the way in, when with the older one I just had to push a little) and when I close the laptop the left side does not close completely. Should I get another exchange? This is pretty frustrating...

I would, with apple products and the amount of money I pay for them, if I don't get a 100% product I exchange it.

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Guest erure

I would, with apple products and the amount of money I pay for them, if I don't get a 100% product I exchange it.

Okay. I guess I'll get an exchange on Sunday (a week from when I bought it) and this time I will refuse to pay the restocking fee because it's not my fault it's not made right... I thought I was being a little too nit-picky at first but then again I did pay over $2300 for this thing.

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An interesting article on Steve Jobs, also news on iPhone competing against the Blackberry, if they've been posted before - sorry!

The trouble with Steve Jobs

Jobs likes to make his own rules, whether the topic is computers, stock options, or even pancreatic cancer. The same traits that make him a great CEO drive him to put his company, and his investors, at risk.


Corporate iPhone to challenge the BlackBerry

Apple announces new software to make the iPhone business-friendly.


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Guest colormuffin

i just recently got a macbook for my birthday. i am extremely happyyy! :DDD

so, a few questions.

does anyone know how to work the iChat? O_o

andd, I know you can DL a 60-day trial of Microsoft Office for PC, but what about the Mac?

Plus, everytime i try to setup my router by inserting the disk for the setup of the router, into the mac it won't show up anywhere, and it's hard to actually access the disk. TT_TT

i hope these haven't been asked yet! >.<

i hope you guys can help me! :DDD

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Guest bonbons

^ i just use text edit and u can download neoffice


o__o if anyone knows, .... a little piece of the edge of my macbook came apart...so now there's a tiny strip of board missing on the edge and it's bothering me >< can the apple store help me repair it or they cant do much? (i still have my warranty btw)

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i just recently got a macbook for my birthday. i am extremely happyyy! :DDD

so, a few questions.

does anyone know how to work the iChat? O_o

andd, I know you can DL a 60-day trial of Microsoft Office for PC, but what about the Mac?

Plus, everytime i try to setup my router by inserting the disk for the setup of the router, into the mac it won't show up anywhere, and it's hard to actually access the disk. TT_TT

i hope these haven't been asked yet! >.<

i hope you guys can help me! :DDD

What type of internet connection do you have? What type of router? Honestly, I've never used a set up CD for routers. You can almost always access the router by browsing to (or something similar) and run it that way.

Accessing the disk will probably be "different" for PC users because of how the file system is set up (more akin to *nix but more user friendly, I suppose) -- Once you get use to the idea of "users", it'll be a breeze :)

What exactly are you trying to do with iChat??

And I'd second NeoOffice if you're looking for something free. Did your Mac come with iWork 08? (Pages, Keynote, and Numbers?) -- Those are somewhat compatible...


Lastly, is there a keyboard shortcut that switches languages from English to Korean and vice versa? It's really annoying to stop typing, take the mouse and change the language on the bar...

Sorry if this question has been answered already (or if you've figured out the solution)...

In case you're still wondering (or others are interested), there is an option to use your keyboard to switch between languages.

Click System Preferences and choose Keyboard & Mouse. Click on Keyboard Shortcuts, and scroll towards the bottom. The option for "Input Menu" will probably be grayed out. Click that, and you'll probably get a warning about conflicts (little yellow triangle) -- By default, it conflicts with Spotlight (cmd + spacebar). Personally, cmd+space bar is the "easiest" keyboard shortcut. Depending on which one I would use more (input menu vs spotlight), I'd set it up that way. You can change the shortcut by double clicking on the short cut and then typing in the new keyboard command.

You can also find all this under International --> Input Menu and then Keyboard Shortcuts at the bottom (which displays the same info)

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Guest erure

^Ah, thanks j79. I already figured it out now but thanks anyways :lol:

Anyway my MBP has been really weird lately. Sometimes when I'm on safari, it just scrolls down to the bottom of the page by itself and won't let me scroll back up. And the typing gets all messy too (on other programs as well not just safari). Like if I type something it'll highlight it by itself so that I'll delete what I'm typing by typing over the highlight (if that makes any sense). It's really frustrating and I might even format my computer. It's only been 6 days since I've had this thing and I don't want to ask for another exchange because they'll think I'm some exchange loving paranoid freak -_- Can anybody help me please? :tears:

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Guest Xarthan

^Ah, thanks j79. I already figured it out now but thanks anyways :lol:

Anyway my MBP has been really weird lately. Sometimes when I'm on safari, it just scrolls down to the bottom of the page by itself and won't let me scroll back up. And the typing gets all messy too (on other programs as well not just safari). Like if I type something it'll highlight it by itself so that I'll delete what I'm typing by typing over the highlight (if that makes any sense). It's really frustrating and I might even format my computer. It's only been 6 days since I've had this thing and I don't want to ask for another exchange because they'll think I'm some exchange loving paranoid freak -_- Can anybody help me please? :tears:

Do you have firefox? If not get that and see if the problem persists. *shameless plug* In anycase I think firefox is better than safari :)

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Guest erure

Do you have firefox? If not get that and see if the problem persists. *shameless plug* In anycase I think firefox is better than safari :)

Well the problem doesn't just happen on safari but my mac in general. Like if I want to type something it'll just be like if I was pressing the space bar (but I'm not) and stuff. It only happens once in a while though so I don't know how to explain it to the people at genius bar. I had scheduled an appointment but I canceled it...;

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Guest Xarthan

Well the problem doesn't just happen on safari but my mac in general. Like if I want to type something it'll just be like if I was pressing the space bar (but I'm not) and stuff. It only happens once in a while though so I don't know how to explain it to the people at genius bar. I had scheduled an appointment but I canceled it...;

Theres an option in the settings under mouse/keyboards for the trackpad that has an option of ignoring trackpad something when typing.

Enable that and see if your problem persists.

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Guest brian032

QUESTION. for those who have leopard is it worth getting it now? or should i wait a little more? i've been hearing that leopards has a lot of problems and such.

and also, my macbook pro has gotta a little laggy, like when i have limewire open it laggssss. is there something wrong with my laptop? or is it just 'cause limewire is a big program that it lags? it also lags when i open microsoft word. lol uhm yeah that's all thanks, :)

Check your hard drive and see if everything is alright first. Spotlight disk utility, click on your HD, then click verify disk permission. If anything turns red click on repair. Who knows? Maybe you just need more RAM and it's not the HD.

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Guest erure

Theres an option in the settings under mouse/keyboards for the trackpad that has an option of ignoring trackpad something when typing.

Enable that and see if your problem persists.

I use a wireless keyboard and mouse so the trackpad has nothing to do with the problem either... :(

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Guest Xarthan

I use a wireless keyboard and mouse so the trackpad has nothing to do with the problem either... :(

do you get the problem when you use the laptop's keyboard? If not it might be a problem with your mouse or keyboard

also try repairing them in bluetooth (assuming your using a bluetooth one)

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Guest hammy_chan

i am not a mac user and don't really like them...but it works better with photoshop and other publishing programs...^^

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I am seriously thinking about getting a MacBook Pro for college.

I grew up using PC and only started working with MAC a few months ago because of work.

I love love love using MAC! I think it's so much easier...

Is the MacBook pro really worth it, or should I just stick to what I know and go with a PC?

Some input would be nice =D... since buying it is going to put a dent in my wallet.

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Guest erure

I am seriously thinking about getting a MacBook Pro for college.

I grew up using PC and only started working with MAC a few months ago because of work.

I love love love using MAC! I think it's so much easier...

Is the MacBook pro really worth it, or should I just stick to what I know and go with a PC?

Some input would be nice =D... since buying it is going to put a dent in my wallet.

I recently switched over to Mac too and I love my MBP! I know it's super shallow but it's a lot prettier than I thought (I always thought Macbooks were pretty and MBPs were boring) +_+

One thing is, do not get a customized MBP (like more RAM, HDD, whatever). Just get one from the store because with the customized ones, you have no chance to get a return or an exchange unless it's DOA (dead on arrival). I mean, you could still get a customized Mac, but just know that you can't get returns or exchanges... :ph34r:

Anyway, I had to format my MBP because of the issues. I figure I might have gotten a virus or something. I think this might have something to do with vmware fusion because every time I install it and Vista, stuff goes wrong...

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Guest erure

Hmm. The same problem happened yesterday after I formatted. So does this happen to anyone else or is my MBP just not doing so hot? ;___;

And I'm using an external HDD for time machine - do I have to keep it plugged into my MBP at all times? A backup every hour seems like overdoing it but I don't know.

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Guest eatadandelion

My mac runs out of batteries very fast, in a very abnormal way. I have the black 13-inch macbook 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

with 2GB memory and 250GB hard drive. I would charge it the whole night, and then use it the morning for about 20 minutes, and it would just turn off and wouldn't work unless it's plugged in. The battery percentage would go from 100% to just 7% after barely 20 minutes; it used to last about 6-8 hours. It happens to me from time to time. I called Mac since I have the protection plan and they told me I had to replace my battery...which doesn't really make sense to me because my mac is still fairly new.

Do any of you guys have the same problem??

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