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Ever Written An Essay

Guest Happy_Day

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Guest Happy_Day

the night before the due date?!
Have you ever written an important essay the night before it was due?.. and still gotten a good grade?

I always do this because I'm such a procrastinator..

But I'm actually kind of worried about my 5-page research paper for modern European history that's due tomorrow. Haven't even started, and I still need to read about 80 pages from my textbook.


Edit: Yeah, I get really good grades when I'm pressured to do something really fast. Haha, but I think I'm going to die at an early age because I always do that and end up stressing like crazy.

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All the time. >:[

But not really a great grade..

Just good enough to pass.

But in my freshman year

we had to write a story of a hero.

and I wasn't even going to do it

but I changed my mind last minute

and ended up with an A. (:

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Guest chicanerist

Sure, but that was back in high school.

Come to think of it I'm writing an essay right now.

And it's due tomorrow.

Life hates me.

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Guest alohaahuiho

Most of the time!

It's not a good thing, but I love woking under pressure. Makes me think!

just need someone to reread it for grammatical errors that I didn't catch, or clear things that I didn't elaborate on!

Good luck! You can do it!

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Guest sungae

yep O_o

i always do that o.o

worse one was my final 10 page paper on mulitple personality disorder for AP psyc in high school.

went full out research + writing mode at 7pm and had to pull an all-nighter =/

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Guest InfiniteTime

I'm working on a project that's due tomorrow, and I don't even know what to say in front of the WHOLE class. i have stage fright! >_<'' I sitll need to do the poster too.... -.-'' and i usually get ok grades jsut enugh to pass. hehe :sweatingbullets:

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Guest flyaway.

Haha.. I do it all the time.

There was once (this January) where I had to do this big project for English (it was a few essays on a book I read) and I did the WHOLE thing the night before it was due & ended up not sleeping. Haha. But I got an A! :D

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Right now it is 4AM here in NYC and I haven't started my 5 page paper that is due in 9 hours.

I will probably finish around 7.

Wish me luck!

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Guest witchyangelkk

Yep... i wrote an english text essay the day before it was due...

I think i did a pretty good job though.. coz the fact that it was due the day after, pressured me to work harder and think quicker =P

Im such a procrastinator as well ^^

S2 HaiKi

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Guest putasmileon

Yep. Senior essay... full marks. :D So glad I'm out of high school! Well, I guess I planned it for a while, but writing was on the day before.

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hahah... same with me

I've got a project that is already overdue >.<

but hey *defends self* it's because I got sick =.=

but anyway, yes, I had once written an essay that was due in like hours :P

but yea, I got a pretty okay grade ^^

I agree, there are times that I did greater when it's already in the middle of the night rather than it's still in the day :x

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Guest sulfuric_ACID

yeah i did that all the time back in high school. it was like a habit. pretty bad. but cause i was pretty ok at english and stuff so i got pretty good marks. now i don't even need to write essays no more. yay!

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Guest rapturedsoul

Sometimes, but I find Essay's easy to write.

And my grades aren't bad for Essays =]

A's or B's for even unfinished ones xD...

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