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Guest oh so delicious

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^ but i thought when sawyer asked him how he conjured the smoke monster to his will, ben told him to ask jacob...

I only took that as Ben just being his usually secretive self and not letting on more than he wants anybody else to know. But just given the way the scene panned out, it would seem to be that Ben has some way of being able to conjure up that black smoke. After he emerged out of the secret room looking like he just crawled out of a fireplace, he sure moved with a sense of urgency and spoke with authority as to what would happen once ol' Smokie came a-knocking.

Anyways, I was just being facetious about the 'commune with the black smoke' comment.

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Guest 1S0ULL

This episode was fricken AAAAAAWEESOMME !

Holy crap .

First of all, why did Ben wake up in a desert ?

And the whole Ben and Sayid thing ?

Who the hell is Jacob?

The smoke thing is totally weird o_O . So Ben knew how to conjure the black smoke...

Alex died :tears:

When Sawyer was saving Claire, OMG <33333333

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Pretty much what Myss Blewm stated is spot on. I'd only further chime in:

1. They did say there were 13 total, including the finale. We're through 9 so far, so there should be 4 left. The finale, however, is split up into two hours over two weeks - so in a technical sense it is kind of an 'extra' 14th episode.

1. How come you have two #1 questions? :P But anyway, my personal thinking - along with papabear, I think - is that Ben must have some sort of teleportation 'device' that is used to move from one place/time to another. At first, I thought that Ben might have simply experienced a "consciousness time travel" similar to what Desmond has been experiencing, but I'm not too sure about that now. There are some stark differences: 1. Ben appears in the middle of the desert wearing clothing that is not commensurate with his surroundings. When he awakes in the prone position on the desert, he's wearing a fairly thick Dharma parka. That's hardly fitting attire to be worn if you are in the middle of the desert to begin with. When he gets up, he seems groggy and he even struggles to stifle vomiting a lot. His physical condition seems more indicative of somebody that physically transported himself to that location - not simply transferring his consciousness to his already present body in the desert. And lastly, he arrives with what is so far an unexplained injury to his right arm. That part I have no real idea what that's about. I'm sure it will crop back up and be explained in a future episode.

3. Haha, it would seem so. It's interesting to note that after Ben came back out of his secret room, he was all covered in what looked like soot. I mean, what did he do - commune with the black smoke in some way? haha

oops, i guess it was a typo.

thanks myss blewm for clearing things up for me.

hermit, you keep me back on track with the show.

without your expertise, professionalism, wisdom, sincerity, and knowledge, i would be lost all the time.

so there are 5 episodes (with the split season finale) left.

my questions are:

1. didn't they have the season finale a two hour special last season? or was it an hour recap and an hour of the actual season finale. i don't remember.

2. so no more reruns right? straight episodes till the end of the season?

3. do you think the story would have changed (a totally different direction) if there wasn't the writers strike?

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1. didn't they have the season finale a two hour special last season? or was it an hour recap and an hour of the actual season finale. i don't remember.

Here is an excerpt that I took from the DarkUFO site (which, in turn, was also taken from an interview article that I don't know the source of origin). It should answer your question:

AVC: It'll be two hours long?

Damon Lindelof: It's going to air in two separate hours this year, because Grey's Anatomy has a two-hour finale that airs on May 22. They run from 8-10 p.m., and then the second hour of our finale will run from 10-11 p.m. So Hour One will air the week before. They're going to air it like they aired the original pilot, which was shot as a two-hour, then split up into two parts.

AVC: Which means you also have to think about how to end the first hour too, right? So it's on a cliffhanger?

DL: We do that with our two-hour finales anyway. We hope that hour one ends with some degree of momentum going out, because, believe it or not, ratings-wise, our two-hour finales always pick up viewers every half hour. We have to design hour two like you're just coming into the show anyway.

In other words, it sounds like they won't "cheat" us with a replay/recap episode masquerading as "part 1" of a two part finale. Both hours are all new content.

edit: Apparently, if I'm getting my sources correct, the finale has been revised to include an extra hour (thus making it a 3 hour finale). Don't quote me on this, but I think that it will be one hour in one week and then two hours another week. See below.

2. so no more reruns right? straight episodes till the end of the season?

As I understand it, that's right. The rest of the season should play new episodes straight through to the finale, leading right into the end of May. If I've got my scheduling correctly mapped out, we are already through 9 episodes thus far. So for the remainder of the season we have *:

May 1: Episode 10 "Something Nice Back Home"

May 8: Episode 11 "Cabin Fever"

May 15: Episode 12 "There's No Place Like Home" Part 1 (one hour)

May 29: Episode 13 "There's No Place Like Home" Part 2 (two hours?)

*last two episodes/dates, still subject to confirmation.

3. do you think the story would have changed (a totally different direction) if there wasn't the writers strike?

No. Even before the strike, a deal was struck with ABC guaranteeing a finite end to the series - which is through season 6 in 2010. (We're in the midst of concluding season 4 right now). Without this defined 'end time', the show's producers and writers were unsure how to proceed with the storyline - that is, whether they needed to speed up the storytelling process or slow it down. In absence of knowing when the show was supposed to end, it proved problematic in the writing. (Hence, we ended up having quirky episodes such as the Nikki and Paolo one that (in retrospect) only served to provide story 'filler', rather than really adding anything substantive to the overall story arc.)

Once the show was able to negotiate with ABC and determined season 6/year 2010 to be the final season of the show, it gave the producers and writers a better idea on how to plot the course of the plot in a more satisfying manner and appropriately pace the storytelling as the story would come to its conclusion. Once they knew that end date, they pretty much pieced together a storytelling 'blueprint' for each season. If I recall what I've read in the past, season 4 (this season) was to focus on the tying up of the cliffhanger left in season 3. That is, they devoted season 4 to explaining how we now see Kate and Jack off the island and back into the real world. Generally speaking, season 4 is about how the Oceanic 6 got off the island. As for season 5, the general story arc is supposedly devoted to the means by which Jack (and any of the other Oceanic 6, I presume) finds a way of getting back on to the island. And in the final season 6, the story heads towards its conclusion - as whoever successfully makes it back to the island we discover what the returning survivors come back to - and what 'mission' they now have to accomplish in resolving / solving the mysteries of the island.

So, getting back to your original question, the story would not have changed direction despite the writer's strike. The groundwork was already laid as to how the producers wanted to end the show - the strike only served to delay their ability to continue on with their storytelling. The only difference that I know of that was impacted by the strike was that in the originally intended story arc for season 4, the writers wanted to incorporate a little bit of background episodes involving the original 4 freighter people that landed on the island. Before the strike, we only were able to get a little bit of story on Daniel Faraday and Miles Straum. At the time, season 4 (as were seasons 5 and 6) were slated to have 16 full episodes. But when the strike started, the filming/writing process was completed only halfway through production (8 episodes). As the strike dragged on longer than expected, it soon impacted the production schedule for the show. By the time the strike ended, they had to make the executive decision to 'shorten' the season to just 13 episodes as they had only enough time to produce 5 more new episodes. As a result, they ended up cutting 3 episodes and these evidently involved 'freighter-centric' story lines - such as archaeologist Charlotte and helicopter pilot Lapidus, the two freighter characters we've not really delved too much into.

But never fear, although these 3 episodes were cut out of season 4, they are expected to be included and worked into the story arc for season 5 (thus extending next season from 16 episodes to 19).

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Some spoiler information.

Source: ABC Today teleconference with the press (as posted on DarkUFO)

The following are the main highlights. Spoiler information is not necessarily just regarding major plotlines but also significant production issues (which in turn could suggest plot direction).

Click at your own discretion!

- S5 planned for last week of Jan

- We will return to Penny and Desmond but Sonya Walgner (Penny) is in high demand in her current show on HBO, but we will use her again when she is available.

- Next season time slots - depend on what happens with these next 5 epi after greys no one knows

- No comment about if there were recent filming scenes in London.

- The end of the series is the END not planning on leaving it open ended.

- Danielle and Karl fate decided in Episode 4x09 - They were shot with bullets.

- They do NOT regret picking an end date and they lobbied for it since Season 1 and it is what they always wanted to do.

- Confirm that season finale is written and in the process of revising

- Saywer is not part of O6 but Jack and Kate are - which will ultimately decide Sawyer's fate. Skaters and jaters will have many romantic scenes to be happy about

- Jacket will be revisited in epi 10 (Jacket = Jack & Juliet)

- They loved Find815 and hope to do similar type of prolouge to lead into S5

- 34 Episodes left after this season

- Will we see Emilie de Ravin next season...!? No Comment but there are very "compelling events" before season finale

- Orchid to play BIG role in finale

- May 15th Season finale Part 1 - No Place Like Home Part 1

- May 29th Season Finale Part 2 (2hours) - No Place Like Home Part 2

- Large and "seismic" events will happen for all the Losties before the end of season with some fates clear while others will not be as clear

- The show ends in 2010 how do you figure out this whole process to reach that point? Do you know the last scene or line??

- YES last scene has been determined, but say they do have some wiggle room with last line but have been working towards it.

- Four-Toes Statue WILL be explained before the series ends

- Going to See more of the The Four-Toed Statue

- Going to see more of the Smoke Monster

- Going to more of Jacob

- They confirm the Finale title that we broke a while ago as "There's No Place Like Home"

- They said whether or not Danielle is dead, we'll get her backstory.

- "no comment" when asked if Emilie De Ravin is back next season.

- More of Jeff Fahey (Lapidus) in the coming few episodes.

- There will be a "bounty of romantic scenes" with both Jate and Skate. (Jate = Jack & Kate / Skate = Sawyer & Kate)

- We'll revisit the Juliet / Jack relationship on May 1.

- Going to see more of Alan Dale (Widmore), they said more than we might expect.

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I know this sounds bad but

i thought it was funny how the others were being shot down one after another and sawyer kept saying go back in! *dies* GO BACK IN! *dies* lmao

Haha yes, I was talking about that with some friends. You'd think they would've heard twice.

^ haha, thanks hermit for answering my question

amazing how sawyer did all that and there wasn't a scratch on him.

also, it was mind boggling how claire was still alive in a house that blew up...

my questions are:

1. how many episodes are left?

1. how did ben end up in the desert? (cuz i was flipping channels and i came back when ben shot those guys with the ak and stole their camel)

3. ben can call upon the black smoke monster?

4. who or what the heck is jacob?

5. who are the oceanic 6?

6. do you still think there are no name survivors on the island after the oceanic 6 are rescued?

I know Hermit answered this, but I just felt like answering them anyways lol.

1. Well 5 episodes for season 4 left. For the last 2 seasons, I read it'll be 17 episodes each.

2. This one was strange.

Apparently what the guys on the camels said was that Ben had no tracks on the sand.

Plus if someone dropped him there, they left no tracks either.

3. I have no idea, it seems that way.

4. A ghost I think. I'm going to guess the spirit of the island or some dude who can control the island.


Jack, Hurley, Kate, Sun, Sayid, if Aaron (Claire's baby) counts, that's all. If not, one more person unidentified to complete the Oceanic 6.

6. Yes, I think some stayed on the island because afterwards, it seems Oceanic is still looking for the island and people.

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Guest teeny

quick question! the oceanic 6 are kate, jack, hurley, sayid, sun and..? whos the last person? i can't remember if we were told who the last person is yet :)

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Guest papabear

quick question! the oceanic 6 are kate, jack, hurley, sayid, sun and..? whos the last person? i can't remember if we were told who the last person is yet :)

Aaron, I think.

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Guest graceyoon

^ dont complain cuz the ride was amazing!

soooooooooo stoked for next week and all the weeks after

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Guest res0nate

The ride? I don't know if we're talking about the same thing Grace :P

I didn't catch any previews for next week, so I'll just wait until the day of.

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Guest papabear

Took them long enough to actually confirm "it" from season 1 uhh 2.

17 min. through the episode... that they're in heaven? *continues watching*

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Guest papabear

So we know Kate was talking about Aaron in last season's finale. What if the one in the coffin was Hurley... though the coffin wasn't that big, iirc. 11 minutes to go.

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Guest CuteThings

Yesterday's episode sucked so much like all jack/kate/sawyer episodes and the whole third season. But last week's episode was fantastic! It's greatness was on par with the lastest desmond episode.

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Guest jjowah

last weeks episode rocked. this week.. not so much.

i really like sawyer now..he's a changed man on the island. protecting claire and all.

i was really surprised _______ died. and penny's dad.. he mustve known that desmond was time traveling. esp. in the bathroom scene..where he uses a napkin to turn the sink on..or did he just let it run? (dont remember).

anyway. and oh yeah..i saw michael in real life a few weeks ago. he's tall and super skinny. i guess the camera does really ad 10 pounds

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