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I LOVE THIS SHOW T________________T

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Guest papabear

Ben lied about how he got off the island? Doesn't want to talk about the teleport? haha I think there is a teleport, right?

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Guest papabear

Oh... even though Ben arrived after Nadia was killed, are we really sure he didn't have a hand in it, instead of Charles Widmore? Maybe he was smiling b/c he was able to get Sayid working for him, but is there more to it than that?

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Ben lied about how he got off the island? Doesn't want to talk about the teleport? haha I think there is a teleport, right?

Yeah, I was wondering about that too. We saw how Ben seemingly "woke up" to find himself in the middle of the desert and the thought crossed my mind that Ben must also have experienced the same phenomena of "consciousness time travel" that Desmond was experiencing. But now that you mention it, I also recall how he alluded to a "magic box" in explaining to Locke how he was able to get his dad to the island. Was it just a figurative or literal "magic box"? If it's the latter, then perhaps your suggestion of a teleportation device is a possibility. In any event, it was curious that Ben would cite Desmond's boat as his method of leaving the island. For one thing it would validate and explain his interest in getting that boat once he found out that it existed.

Oh... even though Ben arrived after Nadia was killed, are we really sure he didn't have a hand in it, instead of Charles Widmore? Maybe he was smiling b/c he was able to get Sayid working for him, but is there more to it than that?

That's an interesting perspective. Prior to this episode, we were of the belief that Widmore was desirous of finding 'his island' back and would stop at nothing in getting it back. Now, with the Oceanic 6 survivors out and about in the real world, it would only go to follow that he would be ruthless in extracting any kind of information out of them - probably even go as far as killing their loved ones (in this case, Sayid's Nadia).

But with what we know now from this most recent episode, Ben has reason to go after Widmore himself besides just keeping the whereabouts of the island unknown: he wants to avenge the death of his daughter, Alex. But the equally curious thing about what happened in the end is the disclosure by Widmore that Ben very well knew that he could not kill him. Why is that? Ben had him dead to rights right there in the bedroom and probably could have done the deed before Widmore even woke up. All we know is that there were some "rules" broken - and while he may not be able to go after Widmore directly, he can do the same as what he did and go after and kill his daughter, Penny. (I only have this working theory that perhaps Ben and Widmore are "constants" to each other - maybe like the same way that Desmond is a constant to Faraday. So long as each person is able to keep their respective "constant" intact (ie, they don't die) they are able to keep their "sickness" of conscious time travel under control.)

In any event, going back to Sayid - I think it could go either way as to whose hand was directly responsible in the killing Nadia. Personally, I think it was really all Widmore's doing - but in the aftermath, I think Ben sensed the opportunity and saw fit to use Sayid's anger as a means to have him do his bidding.

So what's the connection between Widmore and Dharma?

Well, I think Widmore must have been the guy behind the organization of Dharma and having the requisite staff placed on that mystical island to conduct whatever studies and experiments they needed to perform. But then, Ben comes along and eventually commandeers the island away from Widmore via the gassing of the Dharma team in the Purge.

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Guest papabear

yesterday's episode made me lost!

how did the guys on the ship come to island and randomly shoot people?

funny how all the no namers that followed locke were killed?

Well if they have to weed down the survivors to 6, it makes sense. but I don't like it either.

"They wanted to make you mad."

One would have been enough, but killing 3 survivors in a row? Crazy.

Yeah, I was wondering about that too. We saw how Ben seemingly "woke up" to find himself in the middle of the desert and the thought crossed my mind that Ben must also have experienced the same phenomena of "consciousness time travel" that Desmond was experiencing. But now that you mention it, I also recall how he alluded to a "magic box" in explaining to Locke how he was able to get his dad to the island. Was it just a figurative or literal "magic box"? If it's the latter, then perhaps your suggestion of a teleportation device is a possibility. In any event, it was curious that Ben would cite Desmond's boat as his method of leaving the island. For one thing it would validate and explain his interest in getting that boat once he found out that it existed.

It would explain how the polar bear ended up in... Africa, wasn't it? Northern Africa, I think.

Well, I think Widmore must have been the guy behind the organization of Dharma and having the requisite staff placed on that mystical island to conduct whatever studies and experiments they needed to perform. But then, Ben comes along and eventually commandeers the island away from Widmore via the gassing of the Dharma team in the Purge.

That seems like the inference we are supposed to make... but it will be interesting to see what sort of pact exists between Widmore and Ben (and why), and why Widmore, if he was behind Dharma, doesn't know where the island actually is...

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hooooooooly. my head is spinning. that was such an awesome episode LAKSDFJADSJKFALFJAKLFJDAKLJDLKAJSDLFADFALJKSDFKJ lost is the best show on tv.

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Guest teeny

thursday's episode was amazing! I loved the action!

i gotta say i was surprised alex died...i thought for sure either Ben was going to cave in, or he had a back up plan...


I know this sounds bad but

i thought it was funny how the others were being shot down one after another and sawyer kept saying go back in! *dies* GO BACK IN! *dies* lmao

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yesterday's episode made me lost!

how did the guys on the ship come to island and randomly shoot people?

funny how all the no namers that followed locke were killed?

If you recall in one of the earlier "freighter" episodes this season, Lapidus and his helicopter were gone - supposedly out "on an errand". Well, I guess we can infer what that errand turned out to be: he was transporting those mercenaries out to the island. Seeing from the preview that Lapidus makes another appearance on the island, I think this supposition will bear out. He's probably back on the island to rendezvous with the mercenaries upon the completion of their mission.

Haha, yeah that was practically comical how the action unfolded and all those 'no-name' survivors got felled by one precision shot each. Yet, here's Sawyer methodically making his way to Claire's house by way of picnic table, picket fence, and a stunning array of suddenly poor marksmanship. :lol:

It makes me wonder now: how many survivors are we down to after the death tally has been figured out? I've lost count, but I imagine we must be down into the 30's or thereabouts? :wacko:

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^ haha, thanks hermit for answering my question

amazing how sawyer did all that and there wasn't a scratch on him.

also, it was mind boggling how claire was still alive in a house that blew up...

my questions are:

1. how many episodes are left?

1. how did ben end up in the desert? (cuz i was flipping channels and i came back when ben shot those guys with the ak and stole their camel)

3. ben can call upon the black smoke monster?

4. who or what the heck is jacob?

5. who are the oceanic 6?

6. do you still think there are no name survivors on the island after the oceanic 6 are rescued?

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Guest Myss Blewm

^ haha, thanks hermit for asking my question

amazing how sawyer did all that and there wasn't a scratch on him.

also, it was mind boggling how claire was still alive in a house that blew up...

my questions are:

1. how many episodes are left?

1. how did ben end up in the desert? (cuz i was flipping channels and i came back when ben shot those guys with the ak and stole their camel)

3. ben can call upon the black smoke monster?

4. who or what the heck is jacob?

5. who are the oceanic 6?

6. do you still think there are no name survivors on the island after the oceanic 6 are rescued?

Ahahaha I was thinking the same when everyone was being shot down and here's Sawyer unscathed.

1. I believe four or five

2. I turned to the channel right as Ben met up with the two men....but from discussions I believe that is actually a mystery right now.

3. Maybe.

4. Jacob is the man on the island that so far only Ben and Lock can see. Most likely Hurley as well since Hurley knows where the cabin that Jacon stays in is and he did see that eye. Jacob, apparently, is the all knowing figure of the island and speaks to Lock so Lock can help "take care" of the island.

5. Jack, Kate, Sayid, Hurley, Sun, and baby Aaron

6. I think so, but we probably have to wait until season's end to find out, if we're lucky.

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Guest knickstorm

thursday's episode was amazing! I loved the action!

i gotta say i was surprised alex died...i thought for sure either Ben was going to cave in, or he had a back up plan...


I know this sounds bad but

i thought it was funny how the others were being shot down one after another and sawyer kept saying go back in! *dies* GO BACK IN! *dies* lmao

yea one bullet takes out each person, they come out one by one, till 3 are shot, sawyer is untouched, then he sprints across the yard, avoids bullets via fence, wooden table and some grill it looked like...........then he runs towards a house after an RPG has been fired at it and survives it all.......... grabs claire, runs to the house all unscaved.....hilarious

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Guest KimBoLee

i missed last weeks episode neone no where acanadian canwatch it again???????? im so stupid i have class on thurs nite i shouldve known!

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1. how many episodes are left?

1. how did ben end up in the desert? (cuz i was flipping channels and i came back when ben shot those guys with the ak and stole their camel)

3. ben can call upon the black smoke monster?

4. who or what the heck is jacob?

5. who are the oceanic 6?

6. do you still think there are no name survivors on the island after the oceanic 6 are rescued?

Pretty much what Myss Blewm stated is spot on. I'd only further chime in:

1. They did say there were 13 total, including the finale. We're through 9 so far, so there should be 4 left. The finale, however, is split up into two hours over two weeks - so in a technical sense it is kind of an 'extra' 14th episode.

1. How come you have two #1 questions? :P But anyway, my personal thinking - along with papabear, I think - is that Ben must have some sort of teleportation 'device' that is used to move from one place/time to another. At first, I thought that Ben might have simply experienced a "consciousness time travel" similar to what Desmond has been experiencing, but I'm not too sure about that now. There are some stark differences: 1. Ben appears in the middle of the desert wearing clothing that is not commensurate with his surroundings. When he awakes in the prone position on the desert, he's wearing a fairly thick Dharma parka. That's hardly fitting attire to be worn if you are in the middle of the desert to begin with. When he gets up, he seems groggy and he even struggles to stifle vomiting a lot. His physical condition seems more indicative of somebody that physically transported himself to that location - not simply transferring his consciousness to his already present body in the desert. And lastly, he arrives with what is so far an unexplained injury to his right arm. That part I have no real idea what that's about. I'm sure it will crop back up and be explained in a future episode.

3. Haha, it would seem so. It's interesting to note that after Ben came back out of his secret room, he was all covered in what looked like soot. I mean, what did he do - commune with the black smoke in some way? haha

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Guest graceyoon

^ but i thought when sawyer asked him how he conjured the smoke monster to his will, ben told him to ask jacob...

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