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Guest graceyoon

lol oh no that was just my assumption... since someone pointed it out and it makes sense..

haha oh sorry i should edit that..

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Guest CK92842

I've never been so glad to be wrong! :D

Since Claire's mom got the check from Ben's lawyer...does that mean Ben owns/works with Oceanic? I never was clear where Oceanic stood with the island except that flight 815 crashed into the island.

I doubt Ben has anything to do with Oceanic. I'm going back to season 2 but if I remember correctly wasn't there a log where Desmond failed to enter the numbers into the computer causing the plane to crash due to the island's unique magnetic field? :huh:

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^Yeah. He eventually typed the numbers though, but over the time, it caused the electromagnetic charge to grow stronger, which led the plane to crash.

That doesn't make sense if you didn't watch season 2. haha

I'm glad Jin's alive even though he's stuck in time.

Maybe this will get Sun to follow Ben.

I think Jin will eventually meet up with Sawyer, Locke, and the rest when the time shifts again.

Do you think the nosebleeds happen depending what time they're at?

Or a time when their constant is forgetting about them?

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Some compelling questions that I hope gets addressed by the writers on the show.

These may ultimately be little tidbits in the grand scheme of things to come, but for now I'm kind of banging my head wondering if these are actually significant things that we should be considering:

1. What ever became of the US Military and their interests with the Island (or seemingly lack thereof) in the present time?

As we know, Richard and his 1954 Others commandeered an entire military camp as their own and even have masqueraded around the island wearing the military clothing of those they had defeated (ie. note how the young Charles Widmore was wearing the clothing of a US soldier with the tag of a different name). Moreover, we also know that they are in possession of the "Jughead" hydrogen bomb. Knowing our own US military, obviously nothing goes by unnoticed - especially if it's a whole troop of MIA or KIA military personnel on some Pacific island and most definitely a "broken arrow" weapon that just so happens to be a lethal nuclear bomb. So definitely, it is implied that if it's not the Island itself, it's bringing to justice these "others" that killed off their military personnel and the recovery of their nuclear weapon that is of utmost importance to the US military. And considering that this type of situation is of the gravest of concerns, the news of this predicament should surely find its way into the upper echelons of higher US military command, intelligence, and government. Hence, I think it would be a fair supposition to think that knowledge of the Island and its existence would certainly be of concern and interest to those higher ups in the US branches of military and government.

Yet, when we look back at what has transpired during the present time of the Losties, we find that the only principal threats to the Island are either the Oceanic 815 in the immediate sense or Charles Widmore and his outside factions in the overall sense. These are the only two groups which the 2004 Others of Ben's time are ultimately concerned with. We have had no sniff or indication that the US military has made any plays towards locating or infiltrating the Island for themselves. To this, I wonder: WHY? Where did they go? What happened back in 1954 to have either discouraged them from capturing the Island or persuaded them into losing interest in it altogether? Somehow, I find this totally curious as to why this is so.

Perhaps it could have something to do with the "Jughead" bomb? After all, that's one totally serious piece of property that the US military would want to recover. I've read some theories that Jughead was probably buried by the 1954 Others, as suggested by Faraday, and the burial of which that might explain the Swan hatch and its significance. But somehow, I'm not entirely sold on that idea. If that's the case, then there still remains the US military's interest in recovering that bomb. If it's simply just buried and hidden somewhere, I would think that the US military would still be dogged in its pursuit of either recovering that bomb or disposing/disabling it in some fashion so that it is useless in enemy hands. In which case, this scenario implies that the US military would still have a continued interest in the Island. But in the present time, we see that this isn't so.

Perhaps Jughead ultimately DID go off? That might be one explanation. If the bomb is perceived to be detonated on the Island, that would be one way for the US military to lose interest in the Island. Bomb is destroyed, objective completed, let's all go home - the job is done. No need for the US military to stick around.

If the bomb did go off, let's just say for argument's sake, might this explain the residual radiation on the Island even up to and until Desmond and Kelvin's days in manning the Swan station? After all, we saw that as inhabitants within the hatch, they were quarantined from the outside parts of the Island. We've also seen that whenever they set foot outside of the Swan station, they had to put on yellow biohazard suits.

Could this be an explanation? I don't know, but I suppose this is one kind of scenario to consider.

Nonetheless, it is interesting to note how the US military was involved with the Island in 1954 ... yet, 30 years later we hear or see no signs of them trying to get to the Island the way Charles Widmore has.

2. How in the hell did Jin find himself time-traveling with the rest of the Left Behinders after the great Island disappearance event?

As we all recall, Jin was still stuck on the freighter when the helicopter carrying the Oceanic 6 made their quick liftoff and the ship subsequently blew up. Furthermore, we also see that once Ben turns the frozen donkey wheel, a grand cataclysmic event occurs in which the Island literally disappears before the O6's very own eyes. What's interesting to note is that within this spectacular event, it is implied that besides the Island, there is some sort of an "event perimeter" in which things surrounding the Island were also "sucked in" when everything disappeared. This included Faraday and his group in the zodiac motorboat (which we know, since they were able to return to the Island after the event) and it also included the second Island - because obviously Lapidus had nowhere to land the helicopter since that other island was gone too. But what we can also infer from this incident is that the 'event perimeter' seemingly did not include the freighter as well. We know this based on the following dialogue between Sawyer and Juliet on the beach in the season premiere:

(Back on the beach...)

SAWYER: What the hell was that?

JULIET: I don't know.

(Sawyer scans the horizon.)

SAWYER: Where's the freighter?

JULIET: Maybe it went down.

SAWYER: Unh-unh. No way. A minute ago, that boat was coughing black smoke. Now there's just nothin'?

JULIET: What about the helicopter?

SAWYER: It was heading for that boat.

From what we can glean in that little conversation, it's plausible then to conclude that not only did the helicopter not get sucked in with the disappearance of the Island, but neither did the remains of what was left of the just-blown up freighter.

Hence, if this is the case - how can we confidently explain that Jin was able to time-travel back on the Island with the rest of the Left Behinders? He was on the freighter right? We can confidently conclude that Jin was able to survive the blast by most probably jumping off the boat in time and managing to grab hold onto floating freighter debris to keep himself from drowning in the open water.

But if it's implied that the freighter wasn't within the perimeter of getting sucked in with the Island disappearance, how did Jin manage to do so? Somehow, I think it's asking a lot to suspend disbelief and just go along with the notion that maybe Jin was able to swim away far and fast enough inward so that he was within the range of the so-called 'event perimeter' when the Island disappeared. Does this at all seem plausible?

Hopefully, there will be some kind of suitable explanation that the writers will be able to slip in on some future upcoming episode. Otherwise, this just seems like a continuity goof on their part.

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Did they make you swear an oath of silence?

well no but yah i dont wanna have the crew get fired.

they were really nice and stuff. so yah.

but my friend got more pics posted from thier make-up trailer.

secret stuff nobody knows about.

BUT OMG! jin<333333

hes alive i cried lol

im such a freak

but im so glad he is alive.

i cant wait for the episode where jin and sun reunite.

also if all of them get off the island. he gets to meet his daughter!

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Guest dudeman

Maybe it was one of those technical goof things that the makers overlooked, but when the freighter exploded...nobody was actually on deck, right? Not even Jin, right? Am I just trippin? Because if that really wasn't a goof, then Jin must have had an early ticket on the time travel express...

I believe the reason Jin is still alive in any event is based on one reason alone: The Island ultimately determines whether you live or die. It's that simple. This holds true especially for characters who just...can't...seem...to...die, like Mikhail (who ultimately did die, but still), and Michael (whose death perhaps gave the biggest clue about the Island determining one's death), and Jack (who tried to kill himself, but couldn't). Other characters also experienced this whole "near-death" experience, like Charlie, who had to have his chest pounded on in order for him to come back to life, and Locke, who would have died like any normal human if his kidney wasn't removed where the bullet pierced through him. Desmond also came close to killing himself, until Locke inadvertently saved him. Jin is just one of those many LOST characters whose time "hasn't come yet", as odd as that may sound. As to how Jin time traveled...well...could be that the Island decided that? That's pushing it, I know, but yet another one of those things that will demand a really good answer.

No one said that Ben isn't cool anymore...we just think Faraday's really cool now, and for good reason.

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Guest j1youngxj3

well no but yah i dont wanna have the crew get fired.

they were really nice and stuff. so yah.

but my friend got more pics posted from thier make-up trailer.

secret stuff nobody knows about.

BUT OMG! jin<333333

hes alive i cried lol

im such a freak

but im so glad he is alive.

i cant wait for the episode where jin and sun reunite.

also if all of them get off the island. he gets to meet his daughter!

^i believe that the point is to get back to the island..not leave..so maybe when sun learns that jin's alive..she'll bring jiyeon too? i don't know..

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Guest bichittybich

Maybe it was one of those technical goof things that the makers overlooked, but when the freighter exploded...nobody was actually on deck, right? Not even Jin, right? Am I just trippin? Because if that really wasn't a goof, then Jin must have had an early ticket on the time travel express...

no from what i remember jin and others were all on deck. he was running towards the helicopter

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Guest dudeman

^ I was referring to that teeny weeny shot that barely lasted more than a second of the ship exploding. Like, right when the ship is exploding. Obviously Jin was on the ship running towards the copter, but this one shot appears to speak otherwise. Anyhow, it really doesn't matter at this point because the islanders appear to take the fact that he blew off the ship and time traveled in good stride.

Just like Jughead, I really don't know what to make of this episode...except the difference is, I LIKED Jughead. This episode...I dunno. It moved a little too fast for certain parts. I've been having a growing apprehension that this season was becoming less character-driven and more plot-driven, which is actually quite sensible, considering the predicament they are in right now, but it takes a lot of the emotional drama out of it.

Let's see...where to begin: They crammed in Rousseau and her doomed squad when they could, though they did give a clue that the smoke monster is the source of the "sickness". I almost thought Jin would be the focus of the episode along with Sun, and he is certainly given some more focus than the other characters, but they started focusing on too many other characters as well and downplayed a lot of Jin's issues. Charlotte's death could have been more well done and not as rushed, though her new revelation to Daniel is quite compelling. I was quite frustrated with the off-islanders in this episode, particularly the scene where Kate and Sayid pretty much ditch the group like nothing. The journey to the church was also really boring, and Ben coming off as frustrated is understandable, but so...not...Ben.

I dunno...this episode was certainly enjoyable to an extent, with Locke and Christian taking care of the island problem, Jin intentionally giving the news that he's dead, Sun being the ironic first to accept the trip back to the island. the island speeding up the rate of flashes (which I find absolutely hilarious, because the group just so happens to be very close to their destination, so it's almost like the island is telling them to hurry the hell up or something, hahaha), and Faraday being cooler, but overall this episode just...wasn't it. I hate it when an episode leaves me frustrated after it's over. Looking forward to the next one, however!

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I hate it when an episode leaves me frustrated after it's over. Looking forward to the next one, however!

All too familiar with that feeling. Reason why I have only seen episode 1 this season - Piling up, then making popcorn.

At least the show runs for an hour - imagine if it were to be only 30 minutes

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Guest KanyeWEST

wait, so did locke stop the island from skipping through time? if so, how the hell did faraday end up at the orchid during the first episode and go back to tell young charlotte to not go back.

and how does that work. will faraday go and tell little charlotte even though he knows she goes to the island? is this like a time paradox

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Guest kiss*kiss

I've always liked Jin-Sun centered eps.

Time paradox indeed... or?

The return of the smoke monster! (Has that/it ever been explained? "Security system"?)

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Guest Steph1430262970

what do you guys think charlotte meant when she said, that the crazy old man she met when she was young was fereday o:?

LOST IS SOOO EXCITING <3 i hate how its only 1 ep/week ):

and maannn was i happy to know when jin was alive.

was anyone else tearing up when sawyer found jin!?


anyway. i don't want sun to go back to the islanddd! WHAT IF SHE DIES?

i just want jin to get off, and for them to live happilly ever after ):

and i wonder how hurley's doing, lmao.

btw, i think the person who plays the young danielle is really pretty! she looks like a dolll.

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what do you guys think charlotte meant when she said, that the crazy old man she met when she was young was fereday o:?

LOST IS SOOO EXCITING <3 i hate how its only 1 ep/week ):

btw, i think the person who plays the young danielle is really pretty! she looks like a dolll.

I think in a future flash, it'll stop during the time Charlotte is a young girl and Faraday will go to her and tell her not to come back when she's older. So, the conversation is in Faraday's future, but in Charlotte's past. I also heard that when Faraday meets the younger Charlotte, he gives her a chocolate bar.. relating to present-Charlotte thinking of the past and saying "I'm not supposed to eat chocolate before dinner" (or something along those lines) before she "died".

Who else thinks Charlotte's not really dead? I think (or rather hoping) it's just the flashes/time-traveling affecting her brain? Maybe because during some flashes, the younger Charlotte also exists on the island somewhere?

YES! I agree the woman who plays the young Danielle is gorgeous! Great casting!

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Guest KanyeWEST

I think in a future flash, it'll stop during the time Charlotte is a young girl and Faraday will go to her and tell her not to come back when she's older. So, the conversation is in Faraday's future, but in Charlotte's past. I also heard that when Faraday meets the younger Charlotte, he gives her a chocolate bar.. relating to present-Charlotte thinking of the past and saying "I'm not supposed to eat chocolate before dinner" (or something along those lines) before she "died".

Who else thinks Charlotte's not really dead? I think (or rather hoping) it's just the flashes/time-traveling affecting her brain? Maybe because during some flashes, the younger Charlotte also exists on the island somewhere?

YES! I agree the woman who plays the young Danielle is gorgeous! Great casting!

she's definitely dead. honestly, i hated her character.

i also loved the sawyer and jin man love scene. so touching :tears:

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