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Jang Nara ♥ 장나라 ♥ チャンナラ| [Current Drama 2024] Good Partner, 굿파트너 - Friday & Saturday @ 22:00KST


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I'm sorry @KyoRean but this is my usual mood~gwuoBsp.gif
=))That kick though HAHA :)) Because of that kick I'm going to watch NNStop again haahaha this is never ending~ =))Nara-ssi is enjoying all the gifs we are posting~I9JzeU1.gif
gifs credit: rightful owners
Where are the other spammers?  @pinaycliza ? @AnneS ? @emme85 ? HAHAA sorry to bother you~ :))

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Guest OreoVampire

LOL @hankitae42 ...
I guess Nara ssii & I comical acting wont hurt you at all sigh-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862519
No goosebumps silence-onion-head-emoticon.gif?12928625

Alright. No more acting. I need to clean up my make up.
I mean my lipsticker *Korean Pronunciation.


^hankitae42 chingu yah. Jaesonghapnida.
Ah Jeongmal Mianeyeo.. Jeongmalo!


Nara ssii Fighting!

Gif Credit to all owners! Assa!!!!!!!!

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Guest OreoVampire

@hankitae42 chingu yah.. what do you think of this thread future? Our Mission 3000 pages. Can you see it? Give me your opinion. I want it not more in 500 words and must be funny. Alright you may begin in 1..2...3 Hana Dul Set ! HAHA

Nara ssii in bed already .. look at her moving toes. Assaaa!!
Gif cr.owner

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@KyoRean Omomomo~ HAHA dorky make up~ :)) That little kid has put so much lipeustickeo on Nara-ssi aaahaha!! :))
Okay @yeorobun , I can't sleep tonight with 666 posts, I need to make it 667 so I can sleep in peace HAHA =))  So here's Nara-ssi's more comical acting, for those who hasn't seen this~ :))

cr: jjnara22
EDIT: Tomorrow I will eopdet this thread with a long article again, regarding our mission to page 3000.  No holds barred.  aaaaahahaa!!!  hana dul set!!!!~~~ ^KyoRean please wake me up tomorrow like this~0Y5lire.gif
=))gif cr: DC Inside
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Guest rainrainy

@hankitae42‌ , this clip is hilarious. Can't stop laughing. It's my first time seeing this. Thank you for the laugh. Awesome!

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Guest OreoVampire

Good morning Jang Nara ssii ! We are in page 232! *Page 232 Halkoeyeo! Assaaaa!!

Make some Noise! Don't stop!

Ahh better.. She's moving HAHA

@hankitae42 you left your shoes in thread. Careful next time
tumblr_ni8yc5V18p1tetlqbo4_1280.jpg Be back! Fighting!

Gifs/Still cr.owner

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Good morning, @KyoRean @rainrainy and to @yeorobun !!!  I'm writing article again about mission to page 3000 as promised.  I'll be back!!  Narajjang Soompi Thread always comes first when I post something special about Nara-ssi~ :x And no, ^KyoRean that is not my pair of shoes, my shoes are worn by Nara-ssi when she lost her money with In Sung.~LyRcTVw.gif
=))I will be back, I will finish article.  For now, here are collection of pictures of Nara-ssi signature V-sign.~bWQUvCG.jpg

gif cr: DC Insidepic cr: watermarked

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An Article Based on Facts and Fallacies

By HanKiTae42

Narajjang Official Soompi Thread

나라짱  숨피 스래드

            We made it, Narajjangs.  We have passed two hundred pages of this thread.  In the past, many had joined this thread, and contributed lots of pictures and moving pictures in which we call them “gifs”.  There were all funny, sad and scary, but all of them lead to beautiful and good news.  There were so many reasons as to why this thread has reached the three-digit page.  There were users who just talk about Jang Nara about dramas.  There were those who talk about her past when she was active in K-pop.  There were those who just spam Jang Nara’s pictures.  In addition, there were those who posts news and updates about Jang Nara.  Before we tackle anything, let us answer the five questions of anything:  The What, Where, Why, How and When.

            What is this thread anyway?  This is the official Soompi Thread of Jang Nara.  What is Soompi?  It is a multi-language forum which tackle anything about Korean entertainment, especially K-pop.  Soompi has connections with some Korean entertainment agencies, so it is very reliable in terms of updates on our favorite Korean artists. There are over a thousand artists in South Korea, maybe more.  Korean artists have its own official thread in Soompi, and we are one in them, the Jang Nara Soompi Thread.

            Where are we in this thread?  Now that is a deep question, but I will answer it simply.  We are from different countries, but in the thread, we are in one place.  Soompi is an English-only forum and when we talk with a universal language, it feels like we are in one place.

            Why must there be an official thread for Jang Nara or for any Korean artist?  This is simply to arrange updates of every Korean artist so that everything will be in order.  There is an official thread for Jang Nara so that all fans of Jang Nara can talk about her in one place.  Why is it called Narajjang?  It is translated to “Nara is the best”.  Fans of Jang Nara call each other Narajjangs as well.

            Now we’re getting deeper.  Why must we reach the 3000th page?  There are so many reasons.  One main reason is that we love Jang Nara, and other reasons are just stitched to it. We must reach this certain number of page for Jang Nara to notice us.  It is still not enough for us to be noticed by Jang Nara, but the spirit of Narajjang tells us to be humble enough to accept it.

            How are we going to reach page 3000th?  That is a very simple question if you look at it simply.  When we love Jang Nara, we post anything in the thread.  We post updates about her, new or old.  We post big or small pictures of her, new or old ones.  We can just talk about her intellectually, or post jokes about her.  There are no holds barred.  There’s no telling how fast we can reach this 4-digit number of a page, which leads us to the last question.

            When are we going to reach page 3000th?  Time will only tell.  Most Soompi threads have already reached a thousand pages, so it is possible in any way.  I take this the positive way by telling you all that there will be more Narajjangs to come.  There are only three or four Narajjangs who spam in a hundred pages, but thousands of them are just lurking and waiting for the right time to post anything.  Imagine if all active Narajjangs and lurkers are posting just one picture or update in one day – It would reach a hundred pages for just two days.

            All that it only takes is Narajjangs helping together and uniting as one.  Just as long as we live in peace and in order, we may be able to reach the 3000th page.  If we just look at it, it is a very simple task.  Jang Nara does not grow old, right?

written by hankitae42

Narajjang Official Soompi Thread

Also, this article has 688 words, so where's my cookie? =))

Actually, you may not read it.  Title just says it all.  We just must reach page 3000. :)) Okay time to rest my fingers, byee!~ =))



gifs cr: DC Inside

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Guest OreoVampire

@hankitae42 ah.. Thank you for that long and awesome article. I can feel it. I read it while listening to Nara ssii's happy song. You really understand the meaning of our journey to page 3000. Fighting! HAHA. I think I wanna start doing strip comic like you. Write about "Nara ssii Dorm" what do you think ^hankitae42 ah? ;)) mmm or maybe "The SPAM We made in Nara's Thread" =))

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@KyoRean chingu yah, May our Nara prosper.  I'm not in a usual mood today, I'm editing a picture collection of Nara-ssi then suddenly my computer crashed.  I haven't saved a single one.9oa1Y6l.gif
I cropped 10 pictures of Nara-ssi and they were all gone. :( HAHA well, I have no choice.  I will be back again kekekeke~~ ;))gif cr: DC Inside~

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Guest OreoVampire

@hankitae42 relax, come one. I try to look for the sweetest smile of Nara ssii in gif to post for you and everyone here but almost all the same like I have posted before. Hey relax.. take rest and go to DC or her blog or your favorite spot where you always stalking on Nara ssii. You did great so far fantastic long writing, blogging, videos, Comic strip, Memes, SPAM and lot more. Fighting!

Beep beepp beeppp..Hello ^hankitae..
Nara sii speaking, nervous here. Hey fighting! lol HAHA

Edit : LOL Obviously we are running out of idea..so childish.

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Well, here we go HAHAAAA~ =))Nara-ssi's face is flexible.  Your argument will be invalid.NBEOEJE.jpg
:)) :)) :))
@KyoRean Yayy!!  Thank you for calling, Nara-ssi.  It made me feel better. :))  Hahaa I want to edit stuffs for Nara-ssi, it relieves my stress and kills my time. ;))  Okay I will eat oreo now haahaa =))

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HAHAAAHA =)) Nara-ssi is having trouble looking for an update about herself hAAAH :)) @KyoRean LOL at the first pic you've edited, looks like Nara-ssi's new drama entitled FAIRY TALE hahahaahaaa she is talking to animals!!! :)) Oh my God jusongeyo jongmal, my imaginations are running wild right now.. I'm thinking we should edit her past pictures and make a new drama out of it.. HAHA :))

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Guest OreoVampire

hankitae42 said: HAHAAAHA =)) Nara-ssi is having trouble looking for an update about herself hAAAH :)) @KyoRean LOL at the first pic you've edited, looks like Nara-ssi's new drama entitled FAIRY TALE hahahaahaaa she is talking to animals!!! :)) Oh my God jusongeyo jongmal, my imaginations are running wild right now.. I'm thinking we should edit her past pictures and make a new drama out of it.. HAHA :))

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