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Guest poopiness

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Guest xxnina

OHMY. WAHAHA. ROCK LEE. ZOMG. YEA. xDD He IS pretty ugly. xD He resembles a classmate of mine, ROFL. The great personality thing. xD NEJI! Wahaha~ Byakugan. xD

The pirates strip was funny too. Haha. Actually all of them are. :) I shall use one of the sigs. :D

Hehe~ Thanks for sharing! :D

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Guest poopiness


- REPLIES: [from page 65 and up]

- FAQS: Updated with 2 new FAQS

- SIGNATURES: Added 2 more sigs.

- COMICS: New one: Cookie, and an old one: banana.

- BONUS: Poem

- PM List update


USE CTRL + F , and type in part of your name to look for your reply. Replies are from page 65 and up.


Ham<3: it's true, ninjas are better than pirates. So I hope you're not a pirate ;]

x_JaeHee: pssh!! Friends tell each other when they change their username!

there's no such thing as a wrong princess outfit!! Why would you lie to me? huh? why??>

you can't call me names because then you would be mean, and that's just not cool. :]

Well that depends. Do best friends have benefits? ;D like you know? you know? ;]

ahaha omg you are even more violent than the faq. I'm surprised soompi didn't censor you!

sounds all TOO FAMILIAR!! why would you bring it up again!!?!? UGH!

mermaid: well that means you should start replying more you jerk!

and after that we can make out ;]

untouched.hart: *puts your eyes back in*

done! you're now off the list. But do visit! :]

Sp0iL3d_Br8t: yikes... I hope I don't. Unless she happens to also live near me. Then that's a-okay!! :D

oooh sure! :D thanks for crediting! :]

ICE Coffe: because those boys will grow up to be panty-thieves!!

XtremeNuisance: it never hurts to post again ;D. I'm glad you resisted your temptation to say "hey good job! cute comics!" :]

SinFan: ahahah I'm glad you liked it! I had fun making it.

Let me know when you update, so that I can stalk and fangirl! ;]

Lazy_Monkey: how could you stab me? That is so wrong it's not even funny.

less stabbing and more loving okay?

omg I know what you mean, I've been using like napkins to wipe my nose, and now it's all sore.

I hope you feel better by now... it's been like 2 weeks ahaha sorry!

sweet_honey: sweet_honey.... more like sweet_jesus you're gorgeous!! I want you for breakfast!!!

of course I'll add you to the PM. You are now a cookie!! :]

ahah a painful stumble? it's okay here's a bandaid... that will be $4.95 please.

Babygurl272: I don't really have the time either. I really should be studying hahahah :]

fly away.: that's not cheating. It's in the rule book. You can find it at your local library ;]

well the anime is good. But it's kinda long. I'd still recommend watching it.

But stop after like 100 something episode, because they started putting in fillers,

which are like episodes that they quickly made to fill in while they make more episodes. THEY SUCK!

so it's good until then :]

__mill: ahaha prove it!! I want to see you be sweet!!

seriously! Like I have a hard time fending them off! So many!

How many? well let's see, there's my mom, that one girl, and my mom again.

YelloKid: something vertical... I'll try! :] PM me so I'll remember to do it.

F2TSwithSHINHWA: seriously! Masterpiece!! AHAHAH he doesn't seem to appreciate a masterpiece!!

Tell your boyfriend he should play nice and share ;]

sarang O_o: a little mean? that's a horrible understatement. She's vicious!!

added! you are now a cookie!!

chocomocha: woot! high five!! Let's make it even bigger! ;]


Update18: well... he's a guy. guy and boobs should be self explanatory ;]

update19: ahahaha she's wearing a paper bag because she's too pretty for him to handle ;]

update20: yep! one of the biggest fan!! Are you?

ahahaha OMG! don't say that! Older and perverted? That's a pedophile! You're going to get me arrested!

Yea... she's so hot that she died... ahahah.

update21: I dunno why I do that... I like both style of coloring... so I did both ahaha.

ahah if you don't understand it, I'm pretty sure I explained it on the next update :]

update22: GREEN LANTERN!! Don't tell me you don't like green lantern...

Girls don't like it? well I like it ;]

update23: You haven't seen corny yet! I've got a few of the older poems that are even more corny than that! :]

update24: Yep he wanted to kiss her... and then eat her cheeks too ;]

I draw them out so that I remember to draw them into photoshop :]

Plus it kinda gives me a preview so that I know if I like it or not.

update25: Girls are violent in real life too! Not just in the comics.

update26: Yea it actually took like 5 or 6 tries before I got the mouth the way I wanted it. :]

This totally makes up for it!! Keep up the good work! High five! ;]

Jesus that has to the the longest single reply I've ever written.

x_connie: OH COME ON!! that is so not cool!! accept accept! [love, not my credit card]

ahaha yes, I've watched superbad. I snucked in with some old guy. Just kidding... I'm legal. Been legal ;]

OMG you're immature!! UGH!! *flips hair*

of course I know when your birthday is!! It's the day that we celebrate your day of birth! :]

ahhahaha you mean a fansign? maybe!! persuade me!!


rawrjensherex3: awww that's what I love to hear!!

ahaha you are so lucky!! you should totally go buy a lottery ticket, and then give it to me ;]

yep! you can! You are now a cookie!

Lisa Thai: ahaha well it doesn't hurt to hear it again. My ego can only get bigger ;]

Don't worry!! I'm the cool kind of cousin. The kind you have forbidden love with :]

Yep! You are now a cookie!

Yes I am! Good guess :] What are you? beside being a cookie ;]

PurpleRain: yep! you can! Thanks for asking.

PRinCesS BaBo: throws cookies at you? what are you crazy? cookies are for eating, not throwing.

hehehe how about you advertise for me, and THEN I will give you marshmallow cookies ;]

heylove: an hour and 45 mins? I think that's a record!! ;]

reeds4: ahahah omg seriously? someone told you that? awww that just made my day! :]

viet13aby90: hey there!! How did you know my name?! Wow you must be psychic! :]

unintentional!! PSSHH!! Aahaha television is a good guess... but no. You have to guess I'm not just going to tell you.

Nope you're no longer a monkey. :D

EDIT: ahahaha seriously! I've been really really really slow with replies. School started... bleh

ahaha page 69.... you are so gross!! UGH!! so immature :]

Blacktora: well the old ones are drawn in MSPaint. The new one are done in photoshop.

ahaha he's totally not stupid. He's just... not very smart.

Azume: congrats on being a cookie!

changmin_i_luv_u: you are now a cookie too!

ahahah well that depends how old are you. But just to let you know, I'm more of the latter.

STEPHOO--: cookie!!

ahaha omg thanks for advertising!! UGH!! SO AWESOME!

and jk? wow!! tease me some more!! jerk!

kpopchild: keeping it up!! :}

viviians: that was totally not the deal. Liar!

mr popular? more my mr. cramped fingers.

sleepykrngrl: tell me about it. I mean jesus christ! that green leotard should be illegal!

cinderbl0ck: are you checking now? ;]

bbylissa<3: you are now a cookie!

pirates are so not more awesome!! Stabbing people is illegal!

cherri82crystal: well I love making them too... so I think I'll continue ;]


greymoose: that's a horrible persuasion!! You just want me to have a heart attack!!

Jogging? Like physical activities?! That is so not a turn on!!

AHAHA pg 69 is a once in a lifetime thing... and you missed it....

misachan: seriously girls are vicious to each other!!

OMG you are such a jerk!! You have to tell me now!

j1youngxj3: wow that sounds totally gross. You watch some highly disturbing stuff!!

ichikawaii: ahaha but it's only wishful talking!! UGH!! UNCOOL!

seriously... but the good news is, I'm already on page 68!! woot!

xyoojchick: heheeh well you know what they say... 4th time is the charm!! update!! :]

Don't leave your fan hanging!!

OnlyXainz: ahahaha OMG that was your bday present!! But obviously you don't appreciate it!

I want it back!!

OMG!! how could you say such things about neji!! COLD BLOODED!!

-MonokuroBoo-: all except for green latern... HE ROCKS!!

addickshun: you are now a cookie!!

suju_fanatic: ahaha they are actually pretty skimpy... because I get burnt out after 1 page of replies ahahha.

your goal has not yet been reached. KEEP TRYING! :]

I'm looking at my finger tip right now.... and I see nothing. Where are they?!!

_crazinessism: you probably missed them... they're on page 57 I think. Other than that I haven't updated comics since :]

mizzshawty: a cheek sucking dracula!! You're actually not a zombie anymore.

SMILE_0N: *tickles* laughing yet? :]

Sherrane: everyone except me!! Hermione all the way!!

ahaahha I'm not going to fall for that again!!

much love, stay awesome :]

A.C.: wow I'm going to be so pissed if angry people come to my house to beat me up.

nenie_hula: ahahaa you're not old. I'm older :]

if you doubt it, it's not going to happen. You gotta want it! WANT IT!

Your first love? and is it still going on? if yes tell him! Don't be like me!

Hm.... a new question... What's the sweetest thing you've done for someone?

schokolade: ahha it could be!! But you're not a zombie anymore!! :]

yunakue: PMed! You are now a cookie :]

`rin_x: you should totally go on soompi more often! and come visit me :]

ahaha woot for VOs!! ALL the VOs are hot by the way ;]

So I'm guessing you are too!!

songie_ryugirl: ahaha I want to hear you squeal!!

um... I usually come up with my comics during class.. when I'm supposed to be paying attention hahaha

formal training? practice? ahaha nope. But I have been doing it for like a year.

YES!! please advertise! :]

you are now a cookie!


`theQUEEN: hm... names... ahaha arg... I guess I can call them sexy boy and sexy girl :]

noodlenoodle: well I hope you keep on smiling :]


HJP: it actually moves pretty slow... you just take forever to come back and check!!

PuRpL3l0v336: of course you can be on the pm list!! You've joined the legion of the COOKIES!

Hy0mi: seriously!! I SHOULD!! ....but I don't.... ugh... uncool!

of course you can be added. welcome cookie!

iloveRAiNBOWS: omg don't try to make it sound like I'm the one who's disgusting!!

so that you can use the free parking lot!! at your local supermarket :]

byby: woot for the advertisers!! :]

died? hopefully that's only temporary :]

pssh... NEJI would totally do it. He's a closet pervert.

You are now listed. Welcome cookie!

kiirya: you are now a cookie!! fresh baked!

tenshi: other times not so much? OMG!! I bet you are the girl in those cases!!

such a jerk!! so mean!

pm listed as a cookie, fresh off the oven :]

jollyrancher: ahaha actually I have made like 2 shirts with my comics. But it's only for me to wear :]

and I have designed a t-shirt for a friend. Maybe I'll design a tote bag one day.

I_jaejoong_I: ahahah well... I'm saying something now... it's only 1.5 weeks.

something interesting? like cows secretly like it when you milk them? :]

my_love_shy: PM listed!! Welcome to the cookie army!

tifachan: wait no more!

CinnamonBuns: they are true and messed up at the same time...

robottran: OMG is your last name tran? :]

ehehe short term memory!! gold fish! :]

JooLee: ahaha well then I should be seeing 2 411s!!!

ahaha well when you get bored that just means it's time to make a new one!! ;]

estrella: hm... facebook group... I should have one!! :]

you are now a cookie!

h0ney: yep!! I'm back!! kid of! h0ney!! I remember stalking your 411 a long time ago! eheheh.


mayonnaiise: ahhaha your username cracks me up :]

yep you are now a cookie.

pink.petals;: ahhaha making fun of your appearance before seeing you? ahhaha come on!! I'm not that mean.

ahaha I'm back... sort of, well in american time :] By the way, you're no longer a zombie.

ikay: okay ikay, cookie. :]

CuteVietMiho: ahaha you should spend another hour reading it again :]

I'm back... but I might be late. heehe

viet miho? what's miho?

vajladee: ahaha you're on the internet in school? they let you?

xbananas: you are now part of the cookie army!!

aznbluegurl916: when?... um... now :]

poopiness: wow you stupid lazy monkey! You started at 12:30 and you didn't finish until 8:30.

Giftzer: is it his tights? you love his tights don't you.

xxnina: AHAHAHAHAHAH you just called your friend pretty ugly... NICE!!

okay so which sig do you want to use? :]

xlence_: it's up! :]


Okay... so I'm kinda late on the replies, but I finally finished yay!! :]


I mean I like to write a nice reply back to you, but if you write me something like that, I've got nothing to work with!!

COME ON HELP ME OUT HERE YO!! Write something more! Make fun of me if you have to, but anything!

If you can't think of anything, just ask me out on a date!



- OMG JESUS!! You need anger management classes!!


- OMG what is wrong with you? You are so disgusting. My ideas came from ebay. Just kidding. They usually come to me when I'm in class not paying






AND Thanks for advertising!! You guys are the best!!


Advertise my thread for me homies! So we can cure cancer! Don't ask me how, just do it.


BONUS: I've made some MORE sigs for you guys who wants to advertise my comics [YOU KNOW YOU DO! Come on!!]

Sig one:


Sig two: untitled2te8.gif
Sig three: untitled1ne9.gif
EDIT: added more sigs :D Sig Four: powza4.gif
Sig Five: I think someone had one similar to this already :], but oh wells. batmanbannerqq8.gif
Sig Six: CREDITS TO fartsy [aka PUMK1N] who made it. comics1rc9.jpg
EDIT 2: third sets of sigs. Sig Seven: upsetbannerxz4.gif
Sig Eight: ninjavspiratebannernb0.gif
EDIT 3: fourth sets of sigs. Sig Nine: cookiesbannertn2.gif
Sig Ten: cookiesbanner2rm9.gif

By the way, all the sigs satisfies the sig rule of soompi, so don't worry. But if you need a smaller version of the sig just tell me.

Oh and you guys are welcome to make siggies for me. I will post them up for people to use :]

INCENTIVE: if you advertise with my siggies, I'll photoshop something for you ;D

- Just give me as many pictures that you want to be photoshopped as you can. Then I'll pick one picture and photoshop it for you :D.

- It's a surprise photoshop so you can't know the outcome until I give it to you eheheh ;]

- Oh and no webcam pictures please, I'm not pro enough to photoshop webcam pictures. Quality is too low.



COMIC 1: Cookie



WOW she's such a jerk. How can she reject him AND take his cookie?! SO UNCOOL.

But you are going to want to full view it, because it's quite big.

COMIC 2: Banana


^ Super OLD one. Hahaha.... you might not understand it if you've never heard the saying:

"is that a banana in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"

^ and if you don't know what they are talking about.... the question basically asks if that's a banana in his pocket

or does he have an erection? GROSS... I know. BUT THAT'S HOW I ROLL!!

-EDIT: oh and if you don't get the strip. Basically he did have a banana in his pocket, but he also had an erection hahahah.

-EDIT #2: HAHAHA omg this comic is so old that I forgot I had two version. I changed it. This version is the right one I think because it makes it a lot less confusing.


I can't stop these tears that are running down my face

I can't help but retain memories of your warm embrace

Pondering, wondering, questioning and examining why

Asking how can this be it? How can this be good bye?

Yes, you told me to forget you, but you never told me how

And so my heart still lingers here, unable to break its vow

Rereading your letter, now sprinkled with drops of tears

Closing my eyes tight, silently wishing you would appear

But wishful thinking only intensify the bitterness to come

Sending me even deeper into this hell that I've succumbed

Because sadly the fact is my broken heart you still hold

So I beg of you, loathe me, ignore me, and treat me cold

For I am merely human, and your spell I am unable to break

Please grant me the strength, so from your spell I can wake

Help me forget you, and help me erase you from my mind

Free me from my desolation and release me from your bind

um... it's kinda unfinished, but I'm really too lazy to finish it.


OKAY so I updated the PM list. Check to see if it's correct :D



1. xblush

2. random azn

3. bORicha.

4. katamari

5. mermaid

6. jen

7. lo0say

8. -JAYee_o4

9. anniieeboo

10. juhjenn

11. ichikawaii

12. conscience

13. lov3.y0u

14. viet13aby90

15. alena_thao

16. rasppery

17. hyukiemylove

18. babii3xquiisit3

19. dragonjade

20. lilmelon213

21. sueyun x3 minwoo

22. Mae!

23. lilchan

24. j1youngxj3

25. bbasya

26. ladee_bug

27. E X O T S I A x

28. indefinable

29. wOrtHwHiL

30. eunhyung

31. pinkmarker

32. HANAo1

33. c a t h e r s

34. eternal.happiness

35. fartsy

36. phear.

37. Ll 7l

38. smiless

39. ( BEAUTIFUL; life )

40. itz_n_obsession

41. Elee

42. baby_gal86

43. peanuts

44. BabyK

45. aznbluegurl916

46. Molar

47. litoaznbbumbl

48. miss ambrosia x3

49. jeahh

50. la pomme

51. Purple.Orchird

52. samsters1489

53. Poop-Shoop-A-Loop

54. kimma

55. viviians

56. greeny

57. sugarrrxxx

58. fly away.

59. cherii2007

60. sparkerly


61. `theQUEEN

62. -MonokuroBoo-

63. _dork

64. bayb3steph

65. xxsweety

66. chunsu_

67. Swiss Cheese

68. orangebubbles

69. love<3changmin

70. c_gunawan541

71. Ivory Pearls

72. edible.x

73. predator

74. ShInHwAcHaNgJoTM

75. xsilentangel

76. twist&fall-

77. exthreex3

78. green.lollipops!

79. heavenly-anjo

80. SinFan

81. roguechinadoll

82. GongZhenPei

83. allysayxrawr

84. i am alice

85. lupe

86. bakajen

87. ti_na

88. heartmilktea

89. violacrazy

90. Moni

91. SKim J.

92. x_JaeHee

93. phileunee

94. itz_jOw3

95. xxtine_21

96. jiw0nee

97. whitedloud

98. shabashindy

99. NuEy_*

100. xvampireknight

101. SMILE_0N

102. child2child

103. Sp0iL3d_Br8t

104. xNG

105. Ayuu~

106. mct2dj

107. korean_dillema

108. miz_keke

109. de_lusion

110. dysphoria

111. xyoojchick

112. engot02

113. delusionalfairie

114. x_connie

115. Sherrane


117. Yubineeekim

118. _crazinessism

119. nenie_hula

120. P I N K I E..W I N K I E


121. chr1stych3n

122. that.one.cellist94


124. annabeelee

125. mod_wu

126. China_Doll

127. ICE Coffe

128. F00LiiSH x3

129. Babygurl272

130. V A L XD

131. ahhna

132. __mill

133. Ladytron

134. whangybang

135. CandiLuvur


137. x LDY GiGGLEx YO

138. FDTxtianshix

139. sleepykrngrl

140. marioeoeoeh

141. tre

142. tanyalasagna x3

143. piratepandii

144. xx1nonlix

145. lil_lollypop36

146. Kaori25

147. hanako

148. tokix7

149. JooLee

150. pink.petals;

151. Heroine

152. lindie

153. [=kaffi3z=]

154. schokolade

155. xiao_yun87

156. janethatpain

157. mizzshawty

159. sweet_honey

160. sarang O_o

161. rawrjensherex3

162. lauratnguyen

163. Lisa Thai

164. hpfan7

165. Azume

166. changmin_i_luv_u

167. STEPHOO--

168. bbylissa<3

169. addickshun

170. yunakue

171. songie_ryugirl

172. PuRpL3l0v336

173. byby

174. kiirya

175. tenshi

176. mayonnaiise

177. ikay

178. CuteVietMiho

179. xbananas

180. Cupcakee

PM list updated as of page 70 10-6-07

If you want to be on the PM list, just tell me :D

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aww the cookie one is so cute. x)

i never heard the banana thing before today. loll but wooow. =P haha

andd, i have a question. when you make these, do you draw them out first and then draw it again on the computer? o.o

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Guest Cupcakee

Omgsh! I loooooveee your comics. They're so adorable. Let's hook up some time ;]

You should update more often!

Btw; Can I be on the PM list? Pretty please?

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Guest poopiness


AHAHA no way jose! You're stuck being a gym socks. Until you agree to make out :]

sueyun x3 minwoo

I usually draw it out when it pops into my head. I doodle them all over my notebooks. Then when I get the chance I'll draw them on photoshop :]


OMG we should totally hook up!! But you must first be of legal age.

I just updated like today, that's pretty often :]

Yep you can! Oh and you just took up the last cookie spot on the PM list ;]

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okay now let's make out.

:crazy: *whaps* NO!

OMGG i love the updates! :D

LOLL the last comic. HAHAHA

and ooh you got new header things! :]


and WHY am I a gym sock??? D<

make a new name make a new name. T-T

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Guest sugarrrxxx

I find it amusing that your comics are hilarious and very lame. hahahaha.

and then your poems are really depressing and deep.


but still, you have talent!

and my back hurts.

mrow. v___v

but anyway. yay. i get to go look for my old reply.

dandy. im so happy. yah.

sarcasm rocks :)

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OOH! A cookie :D Are they oreo cookies? *winkwink* Lalala, just a suggestion :] Hahahah! Soooooo? Pirate don't stab people that often... O______o and they're cool because they have those huge ships with the little bomb things sticking out from the side (: How cool is that? And Ninjas? Whats so special about them? Exactly :D LOLL! All they do is.. ehh, actually im not sure what they do.. Hahah!

COMIC 1: Cookie

OMG, you should've made the cookie an oreo cookie *sighs* Wahhh! She ripped him off! I would've chased after her and demanded my cookie back, adn then spitted in her face! Grrr TT______TT LOLL! I twas a cute comic though :D

COMIC 2: Banana

PWUAHAHAHAH! Funny stuff! *gets stomach cramp from laughing too much*

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that guy really knows how to win a girl's heart

with a cookie!

i ate one last night

and i took it from a poor helpless guy

jkjk :P

i got the banana!

but i read your little note to make sure that i really did understand it >.<


sometime's i'm slow.

it's such a contrast to see a beyond hilarious comic followed by a deep serious poem

it's like, a nice hot brownie that came out of the oven accompanied by some ice cream!

just perfect together!

thanks for the PM and update soon!

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Guest ` ilytoo;

ICE Coffe: because those boys will grow up to be panty-thieves!!

Yay for the pm!.!

the Cookie Stealing Girl is awesome, pfft she isn't a jerk . cookies are good you cant blame her.

LOL the Banana Comic!!! that was so funny. i wonder if that has every happen to you! i can picture something like that

panty thieves?? O_o you can be part of that

-edit. yay i got a page

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Guest marioeoeoeh

LoL these stripes are nice :D

I love the cookie one!

Pwaha yes I totally go for cookies as well...

no wait, I g for everything that's pink so gimme a cookie which is pink HAHA xD

but now how mean... aww...

and the banana thing is so cool xD love that ^^

And your poem is really nice even though you mean its kinda unfinished.

I like iiit~ especially the beginning is great because the words match + rhyme perfectly *_*


Bye~ ^^

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Guest skimchee

"hey good job! cute comics!"


hahah just kidding :P

AH, i want a cookie! chocolate chip is good, or a fat sugar cookie

but i only like them when they`re warm and soft

not those crunchy, hard ones. hahaaha

aww, the guy's facial expressions are so cuteeee!

LOL, i like how you have captions for "cookie gone!" hahha cutee;

lol, the banana one i understood

until the last part,

then i had to read your explanation :rolleyes:


your poem is so different from your comics

it`s nice, i like it :)

so, uhm

how do you go from gymsocks, to chocolate milk, to cookies :huh:-_-



for that amazing updatee<3 :D

& mucho gracias for your pm!

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Guest xvampireknight

wuahahaha, i love the cookie one x)

that's what I do. I take cookies from people.

guy: want to be my gf?

me: do you have a cookie?

guy: *takes cookie out*

me: thanks *walks away*

guy: o_o ....

wuahahah, that'd be great.

keep up the great work (x

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Guest CandiLuvur


i'm in the cookie section!




steal his cookie..



<< *cough cough*

he have a banana AND an erection?


we couldn't see it


i like all of your poems

they're nice


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