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Guest poopiness

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Guest PandaKiss

You're gonna make me watch you eat the cookie?

You're so mean and lame! ):

HAHA, your FAQ always makes me laugh.

I love the Batman one, too adorable. (:


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Guest Purple.Orchird


*covers cheeks*



i have to take the sig 5!!!



i laughed soo hardd!!!!!!!!!!!!

and that GIF is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that was what i pictured in my head too@!!

LMAOOO funnyy FAQs

but really, they are just pointless.... jks!!! they're hilariouss!!! cant waitt

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loveeee the lessons!

they are hilarious :P

but the interpretations of girls' speaking is my faveeee

and those drawings are soo cute!

i wish the little boy was real so i could pinch his cheeks!

you should add more to that series!

i wanna see morreeee :)

and the batman gif one is how i imagined it in my head too!


again, your comics made me smile like a maniac. thanks for taking the time to make them!

and i'd leave a picture, but i'm a ninja and i cant reveal my face :ph34r:

thanks for the PM and update soon!

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You made my day again~~Just before i'm going to prepare to go to my early birthday party.

I got your pm.You make me laugh and not smile~~Especially the batman part~Hahaha~

Greeny Zzzang!!!

I agree that girls are troublesome.Especially when what they say is not really the truth.

Compare to girls,boys are more straightforward.

Hehe~Although i'm a girl but i wish i'm a boy.

Because they have so many advantages~~Such as *Cough*

I hate photoshop pen tool,because it's so hard to use.

I just started using that pen tool.........still a noob in that stuff.

It gives me pain too~lol



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HAHAAHAHA!!! omg! tha lito girl is always so mad x33 Sweetie needs some anger management :3

I loooove ur lito people so much x3 they're all plump n` chubby! HAHAHAHA!!!

And finally a comic wit a girl talking! (sorta talking x3) But I like it when tha boy gets his feelings hurt more :3

Ahhh! Starting to run out of ideas ne? XD

I'll make that T-shirt n` tote bag... when I'm not lazy XD

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Guest fly away.

gahh! so cute :]

dang, homie!

so hard. out of the two, it's the most common one right?

(i'll just wait till you reply to guess :])

i'll send you a picture to photoshop. i'm curious of how i'll turn out. lol

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Guest GongZhenPei

LOL hey!

thanks for adding me on your pm list :]

i think you're awesome! thanx for taking the time to reply to everybody ^^

your comics are soo cute...even your FAQ's are cute too!

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Gee, I finally have time FOR THE FIRST TIME! After getting your PM, I actually went to the thread instead of delaying it for several days, lol :] & you're going to regret.. cuz I feel like typing!

juhjenn: ahaha hopefully the comics will keep getting more and more polished.

are you kidding me? the real batman had nothing on him! NOTHING! He's so HOT look at his cape! and overalls!

ahaha seriously I love to tease! I wanted you to want it! ;D

Just kidding, I was adding people to pm list but instead of editing I did add reply. UGH...

Don't worry, it will become polished. Look how talented you are O_O. Anyone who has HALF of what you got will be happy.. right? lol. And don't be conceited and say, "Yeah I know." haha :D JK, T-RANGER! rawwrs*! let me rephrase that for you... ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! your FAKE batman has NOTHING against the REAL one! lol. Well it is cute [: haha I'm only talking about the PJS >.> lmao. I know you liike to tease. I can so tell by your comments and perhaps a few others. lmfao. Your thread is getting more replies everyday! :[ Poor you! & did someone complain about not getting a reply?! O_O lol. Do you PM everyone yourself? Sucks. T_T I'll help you if you need any help though.


I mean I like to write a nice reply back to you, but if you write me something like that, I've got nothing to work with!!

COME ON HELP ME OUT HERE YO!! Write something more! Make fun of me if you have to, but anything!

If you can't think of anything, just ask me out on a date!

*COUGH* Wow, T-Ranger... aren't you BLUNT?! lmao. hahahahaha. You are so desperate, and for reals.. I'm just kidding about that. lol

Also, sorry for not commenting about your comics.. haha. Sometimes your comment are more interesting! LOL. Anyway, whee a new one! GIRLS RULE! haha. You can be a girl now if you want (: You make the cutest PJs ever! lol. >D even on mr. batman! Welps. I like the batman banner.. so I'm using that... adveristing you. Why not right? haha.

PHOTOSHOP A PERSONAL PHOTO?! Oh heck nos. I'm gonna blind your eyes T___T

Well, until next time, kays? TTYL! [ sorry for the really damn loong reply. lol]



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Guest poopiness



finally? come on! where have yo been? tsk tsk tsk shame shame!

ahaha glad to hear it, come again!


ahahaha OMG you're not supposed to laugh!! We're supposed to be making out!!



ahaha well that depends, did you like what you saw in the photoshop me thread?

and just pm me as many pictures as you can, then I'll pick one and photoshop :D

ahahah yea I've actually been meaning to do that strip for the longest time, but I've put it off because it's so much work :D


SO IT WAS YOU!! I looked through the pages but I couldn't find the sig anymore, so I couldn't figure out who made it to credit :D

ahaha no problems, if you took the time to write a reply the least I can do is take the time to write one back :D


yea! and I'll drink the milk infront of you too!! Not spoiled milk of course ;D

ahaha the FAQ is serious stuff! don't laugh!


ahaha I guess you have a batman fetish!!

AHAHA i bet he wasn't laughing though..... he's bleeding you jerk!

UGH!!?? how could you say it's pointless... T___T jk ;D


ahahah well study hard!

hahah yea I actually purposely made the boy cuter, so that the girl would seem mean and ruthless! ;D, which girls are!

ahaha you don't have to post your pictures here, you can just PM me the pictures :D



okay let's make out ;D ....ahaha seems more like it's my birthday ;]

ahhaha why would you want to be a boy? what advantage?

I'm also a noob at the pen tool!! UGH!! I want to learn flash!!


AAHAH seriously! girls are such angry beasts!!

ahhaha it's true everytime a girl talks, our feelings gets hurt...

ahaha not really run out of ideas, but run out of old comics to put out ahhaha


ahahah you jerk!! how could you leave me a one line response!?

how could you??!!

fly away.

ahaha yea it is hard! so start guessing!!

i'm waiting for the pictures :D


I'd be crazy not to add you to my PM list heheh

ahahah the FAQ is serious stuff! what are you talking about? ;]


why do you have to leave such an awesome reply huh?

why do you have to be so cool? huh? tell me! :D

WAH? you usually delay it for a few days!? You're such a tease!!

yea i kno....I mean yea I believe so ;D

real batman still sucks! :D and what is PJS??

ahahah they better not complain! because I replied to everyone.....

OMG yea I do the PM list myself, it takes me like a whole 10 misn to finish.

If you want to help that will be awesome!! :D

AHHA seriously, the things you do when you are desperate. I'm so needy!!!

ahaha yum... being a girl is great! you get to go into the girl's locker room without being arrested!! :D

STOP SAYING PJs, I don't know what that stands for!!

AHAH so you're not going to take me up on my offer?

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Guest predator

ahah that's cute.. batman <3

that one totally made my day haha

girls are hard to please though, imo ^^*

haha and i'm going to advertise for you~!

i don't have anything i can give to you to photoshop right now..

but if i do, i'll tell you (:

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Guest violacrazy

=D still lovin' that batman xD

would it be possible to make the "cheek biter" comic into a sig?? :D

haha the thing is... i started the whole cheek biting with my ex. he got annoyed so he bite me back =X

oh? special request.... WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO OUT ON A DATE WITH ME??? =D [you know how bad rejections feel =(]

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bat-boy here need ways to protect himself from karate-girl. she seems really vicious and mean... though sometimes justifiable since bat-boy is quite the creeper!

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Guest piratepandii

*Cough cough choke*



i guess its kinda same...except for the ties xD

and its panties O.o *cough cough* -__-;;;

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omgggg dudeeee you're like brainwashing everyone I square. your comics are taking over soompi!! ahhh!! >____<~ every section of Soompi I go to, I keep seeing the banners . It's like a plague! and I keep getting tempted to click on 'em cause I keep hoping for updates o-o which is stupid of me cause you do PMs right when you update. haha. and now you have even MORE banners . eekk.

I lovee the gif greeny made. that's my fav comic :D<3 I actually saw her post it a while and I was just like awwwwwwww looks even cuter XD I love your 'what girls really mean' series. makes me laugh haha;p only 2 comics?! booo=P more updates!! jk jk

BTWW you don't have to reply to my comment. It's alllllll good, I just come in to see your comics to give me a good laugh :). just keep updating and I'll be happy haha.

your eyes must've been bleeding by the time you finished commenting to all your fans on this update :lol:

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Guest cherii2007

ooh new banner thingies. i'll stick with the one i've got right now though. =3

the batman gifs are pretty cute. ^^

no need to reply since there's really nothing to reply to.

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I couldn't help myself but to reply to your silly comment. lol!


why do you have to leave such an awesome reply huh?

why do you have to be so cool? huh? tell me!

WAH? you usually delay it for a few days!? You're such a tease!!

yea i kno....I mean yea I believe so ;D

real batman still sucks! and what is PJS??

ahahah they better not complain! because I replied to everyone.....

OMG yea I do the PM list myself, it takes me like a whole 10 misn to finish.

If you want to help that will be awesome!!

AHHA seriously, the things you do when you are desperate. I'm so needy!!!

ahaha yum... being a girl is great! you get to go into the girl's locker room without being arrested!!

STOP SAYING PJs, I don't know what that stands for!!

AHAH so you're not going to take me up on my offer?

LMFAO! I didn't even notice myself saying PJs T_____T [that mean Pajamas!] ANYWAYS! I knew they were overalls...

but somehow, PAJAMAS kept popping into my head! [they do look a little bit like pajamas] LMFAO! So I guessed I typed PJs T__T

Well, you learned a new abbreviation! *bravo* lol.

I left an awesome reply? You left one awesome one yourself [:

Why do I have to be so cool? Well, because you're cool [: We're rad! lol.

you're the tease, not me >.> lol Well, It's not that I want to delay. Just busy, you know! You have your busy days! *ahem*

:o So they complained before? Aww, that sucks! lol.

& I changed my advertisement. I got the girl kicking one, cuz girls are cool. And I see to many BATMANS T_T

Batman is getting known, except for the Karate Girl? Not fair! So I changed it. hahah >D

Yeah, I'll help you PM. Just give me the ones you want me to PM!

LMFAO! You want to go into a girls' locker room? OMG, you're so shady. haha JK JK!

Anyway, I don't know if I should take the offer. Okay.. what can you do to my picture?

Add a batman CAPE.. and call me batwoman ?! O.O lmfao. JK! haha. Okay okay.

I'll give you a picture............. later >:D [maybe!] lol.

Anyway, if you don't see this comment.. it's reasonable since I replied so early T_T

Well, toodles! T-RANGER-sama!




lmao. I'm almost reaching my thousandth post. whoo hoo! lol.

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first of all.. can you add me to the pm list? thanks :)

second.. i LOVE YOUR GiRL iNTERPRETATiON SERiES! they literally make me LOL because the girl is JUST like ME. HAHA. it`s like you`re reading my mind! :ph34r:

btw, how did you learn to do that stuff? self taught??

& what do you mean by "i`ll photoshop something for you"? does this mean that you`ll make me all pretty or draw weird things on my face? :P

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