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Guest poopiness

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Guest poopiness








your name is NOT dumb! It's overly_obsessed. To think, I thought you of all people would know your own name ;D

P.S. Sorry I have to! To protect my sexy mysteriousness, I must make sacrifices T.T

I Think I know!!!

The initials t.v. are there...

The boy is always on the left and the girl is always on the right...

& there's always a shadow under them... ^____^

WEIRD but it works right??

JESUS you are thinking of stuff I didn't even think of hahaha Now I might have to like changed that 3 common things to 10 common things haha. But they're not the ones I'm thinking of :D 1 easy, 1 medium, and 1 high difficulty ;D

first: omg you are such a genius... so funny =]

umm i think

the guy is either green or blue./bald =]

the girl always has a ponytail / brown hair..


i always notice the weird stuff. sorry ;p

first: you are awesome!!

But that wasn't what I was thinking of ahaha. But yea brown hair, that's because I like girls with brown hair, so brunettes ;D. But I'm not bald :D

O__O My guess is that it has a girl+boy & it has to do with LOVE! :D

OOOHH & the guy is always doing the first move..

the comics r so cute ^^ <33 UPDATE MORE!!

WOW! You hit 2 out of the 3 things I thought of! :D

excellent! these are just too cute.

reminds me of cyanide and happiness.

what is funnier than that? xD

I seriously don't even know. :blink:

they are on my myspace now.............lol

and i realli like the new ones

I SEE THEM!! so cool!!

your comic is hilarious and cute !! Keep it up !! I LOVE THEM!~~ <33 ^___________^

I did make one last night, you'll be happy to know ;D

those are adorable :) I like the cupid one xD

thank you kindly!!

Your comics are so cute! I love the blue guy. He's so pathetic sometimes. HAHA.

AHAH I know! It's like my biography! My life suxors to the maximum.

-_- yeah tell us the answer!

if it hurts then don't do it in the first place. the fact that guys ask for girls number just proves how much they go around asking for girls number period. obviously the girl (whoever they are) won't want to one of the number of girls on their girl's numbers' list. get it? haha. anyways with ur pick up lines thought, you're sure to score any girl's number you want.

Ahaha I'm just joking around. But I do sometimes ask random girls out for fun with the funniest lines I could think of. I mean really for pure fun, I'd be scared if they said yes. But I can't tell you the answer ;D look below for the 2 already answered hehe.


"AWW...girls are jerks arent we....?XD

anyways im a little slow todai..i dont know. whats the answer?"

Like totally! Ahaha I won't give you the answer just yet, but here's two out of three.

1)Every strip's theme is more or less puppy love

2)There's a boy and a girl in every strip

3)_____________________________________ fill in blank ;D

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Guest Ewwitsher

omg. these are so cute!

im addicted. i can't wait for more comics.

i like how he calls the girl jerk instead of way mean names haha.

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Guest poopiness


vietgal: ahaha they're all true but it's not what I'm thinking about. Remember the third one is the one with high difficulty ;D

P.S. ahaha I laughed aloud at your 3rd suggestion :D

Ewwitsher: He tells it like it is! RAW AND UNCUT!! can't stand the heat? turn down the heater!!

firey_raye: OMG!! you're hella awesomo powaar ^^

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Guest joolee.

Aww, your comics are so cute. Some made me laugh so badly~ I didn't know you were a guy, I always thought you were a girl for some reason.

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Guest swtamy83

Like totally! Ahaha I won't give you the answer just yet, but here's two out of three.

1)Every strip's theme is more or less puppy love

2)There's a boy and a girl in every strip

3)_____________________________________ fill in blank ;D

I know the answer! All the characters have shadows below them! :blink:

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Guest simply_dZ

omg, thats SOOO CUTE <333


3 things in common...

broken hearts?

rejected guys...

ummm....girls aren't so easy to pick up?

haha ^o^;;;

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Guest ichikawaii

1/3 = 1 out of 3 of the answer :D. Oh and I'm actually in the process of thinking about making one ;D

ohhhhhhh!! YAY im so smart! ahahha XD (im saying that even though i only got one! hahah XD

*runs aroudn laughing like a maniac*

oh cool! haah XD

err.. i still dotn knwo the other ones.. haha XD

and YAY!!

ill be waiting for more comics! :ph34r:

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Guest Cin De

hahaha your comics are so cute

the third answer... um....... everyone of them made girls smile? :P

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I was stalking this thread and was too lazy to leave a reply but now I can: OMFG YOUR COMICS MAKE ME SO HAPPY. Girls can be jerks, too, no lie about that because we can be...and boys do tend to be the ones hurt, too. Poor behbeh *pats*

The last one where he called her "JERK" was so cute yet true. It was rude and uncalled for but hey, girls are girls and boys are boys. We're creatures of habit. Okay, I'm not making any sense now :x

Oh oh oh I want to guess. Umm...in majority of the comic strips, the main guy & girl are always in blue and purple...the main pairing perhaps?

Now I leave.

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bORicha.: Yea I use my eyes to lure in female viewers, *seduces you with my eyes* is it working?

hahahha oh yes. *swoons* ;)

very cute.

i love coming to this thread. ^^;

you're so silly. *pinches cheeks*

and all of your comics are so loveable. =)

hm.. i'm not sure about the third one--

i was never really too good at those kinds of fill in the blanks things.

... uh... ...

okay i've looked through a bunch of the comics again and i have no idea.

i give up. T__T

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Guest - - -Rain

lol, these are hilarious and pretty realistic too. hahaha, it's funny how the guy always calls the girl a jerk. =]

thanks for sharing, the drawings are so cute. lol, hope you post more soon. they rock.

hahaha, the sadness of love. xD the poems were really good too.

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Guest mermaid

awww those poems on #8 are prettyyy!

i havent been here forever xDDD so many new cartoonies!! whahaha xDD

keep up the good work XDDD;; they are too cute!!

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