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Guest poopiness

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Guest roguechinadoll

you're such a dork, it's no wonder you got smacked in the head with a rock BWUAHAHAHAHA


ok maybe that was a bit harsh...but anyway,

thanks for the comics <3

you're cute and you have nice skin! :D

*working on being nice* :unsure:

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Guest SinFan

SinFan: Actually, I have a better parrot. So I still rock.

Anything interesting? I woke up today, that was pretty interesting.

How about you?

so you are saying you rock more than i do?........>.>

pftttttt that's just mean..

i rock as much as you do..[or even more =o]

how i can prove it? well...im reading your comics...says enough right? =D

hahaha =p

ow yeah and....


how did you celebrate the last day of 2007? mine was working and family sucks >O<

THE SECRET PIC IS SO HWAT =p omfg=p gangstaaa...but what does your hair looks like? =p

curious :ph34r:

anyway the comics are amazing as always...but the boy....who is trying to be assertive..

is really a whimp..laughing my richard simmons off xD really xD i would react the same :mellow:

and don't underestimate the strength of girls..they can throw gigantic rocks =D

and and and..owyeah..

why am i now on the pm list T_____________T [though you sent me a pm...?]

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Guest poopiness

so you are saying you rock more than i do?........>.>

pftttttt that's just mean..

i rock as much as you do..[or even more =o]

how i can prove it? well...im reading your comics...says enough right? =D

hahaha =p

ow yeah and....


how did you celebrate the last day of 2007? mine was working and family sucks >O<

THE SECRET PIC IS SO HWAT =p omfg=p gangstaaa...but what does your hair looks like? =p

curious :ph34r:

anyway the comics are amazing as always...but the boy....who is trying to be assertive..

is really a whimp..laughing my richard simmons off xD really xD i would react the same :mellow:

and don't underestimate the strength of girls..they can throw gigantic rocks =D

and and and..owyeah..

why am i now on the pm list T_____________T [though you sent me a pm...?]

Yes, that is exactly what I am saying.

The last day of 2007, I also worked. Like 9 hours. Damn I was so tired. Then I spent new years eve making that comic.

Wanted to finish it by new years eve, but couldn't.... bleh.

My hair? well it looks like..... HAHAHA YOU'LL NEVER KNOW!!

Girls are just plain ridiculous.

AHAHHA I think I might've given away your spot to someone else, because I used an old PM list to pm for part of it.

Well you are on it now. Dead last hahahaa.

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Guest milk tea!

yaay update ( :

lol cute, why is it always the guy getting owned? are these comics some of your own exaggerated anecdotes? XD

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Guest poopiness

you're such a dork, it's no wonder you got smacked in the head with a rock BWUAHAHAHAHA

That's no reason to throw a rock at someone. IT REALLY HURTS YOU KNOW!!

Im the VIP?

haha. gosh ur updates, the comics are really nice!

especially the first one. haha that babo guy!

awwww the poem really goood. u wrote it urself huh?

u absolutely good in this!

ur style is just like bigbang boys

and i love gangsters [:

and i truly love it the comics

do update with more funniest comics ever!

cant wait to see more update

* stalk this thread more & more

That guy is not babo!! He's me. So that automatically makes him cool.

I actually don't dress very gangster or hip-hop, but I mix it in once in a while to keep things interesting ;]

Haha, your updates always crack me up. biggrin.gif

Your poem is so sad. ~ It's a new year, and the first thing I read was a sad poem.

But it is very good, it RHYMES! too!

AHAHA that means the rest of the year you are going to be sad.... SUCKS!!!

^ i ran in here T_T;

what a buttface

i was supposed to own

well since you're stalking the thread right now i might as well edit :x

ROFLLLLLL i forgot about the picture >DDD proves to you how much work i have to do T_T

i'm not free as a bird like you *punches*

err the first comic... >_>;;;


His reaction is actually pretty close to how I would react in his place.


rofl rape kiss XD

LOL, you're such a cool gangster. *kicks*

ZOMYGOSH YOU LIKE MIN? T_T she's adorable lmao<3

but really... jaychou... -____- you're totally not serious

nyak nyak~ all this boa XDDD you're so lame mister.

if i don't come back with the picture... then.... your head is gonna explode.


the epitome of sexiness really

you should've ran faster.

What work do you have to do? go ahead tell me!

rape kiss? you know that is illegal right?!

what he did was a friendship kiss, not a rape kiss.

You best not kick me, I'll call my boys. Don't believe me? I'll call them right now.

*chut chut chut* ..... you're lucky they're not home!

Yep, Min is cool, I want to see her debut!

I can't believe you don't like jay chou, he's the bomb diggity, well just his rap, and his song Fa Ru Xue

AHHAA BoA is a classic. BoA is how I got into kpop.

That picture is truly disgusting. I don't think that is even legal.

Ahah such a cute update ;D

That's a really nice poem you wrote...

only it can't help me much cause i'm not going through a break up D8

hahaha but i still like it, it has a nice flow to it =))

btw, thanks for the music recommendations

i was looking for new music hahah

i like big bang too! =D

oh and hot pic ;]


yes! page 90! =)

Well save it for when you break up!! ahaha or you can just get with someone just so you can break up with them, and then you can read it.

yea, big bang is pretty bomb diggity, I won't lie.


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Guest roguechinadoll

Why are you yelling at me??

It's not like I'm the one who threw the rock...at you anyway. >.>;

*offers cookie* o.o

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Guest poopiness


ok maybe that was a bit harsh...but anyway,

thanks for the comics <3

you're cute and you have nice skin! biggrin.gif

*working on being nice* unsure.gif

Why are you yelling at me??

It's not like I'm the one who threw the rock...at you anyway. >.>;

*offers cookie* o.o

harsh? that was beyond harsh!!

HAHA nice skin runs in the family yo! Seriously, our family really doesn't have acne problems. AMAZING!

*slaps cookie out of your hand* *throws rock at your head*


yaay update ( :

lol cute, why is it always the guy getting owned? are these comics some of your own exaggerated anecdotes? XD

well tell girls to stop owning me and the guy won't get owned anymore.

That was nice of u ^^;;

The little comics r really cute and funny :DDD

that was nice of me? what did I do?

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Guest roguechinadoll


I just wanted to be friends, you bubble gum! *sniffles*

*smears cookie crumbs on poopiness's face* HA now you'll get acne BWUAHAHAHAHAHA :ph34r:

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Guest eunhyung

yay and update!! happy (late) new years! haha

lmao I just love all the girls in your comics...they remind me of....well, me XD

and there weren't seats at the concert...I just pushed my way to the front >.< lmao

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are you a girl?

this whole time i thought you were a guy.

but i looked up and people were saying "WOMAN!" and calling you ruth.

aww the new sigs are so cuteee <3

esp that rock throwing one :P



that guy is like...the total best.

i want to date him.

adn the police one is funny too.

but...i dont really get it.

is he getting harrassed because of sexual assault by a police?

and again with the ice cream and hot brownie

your comics and poems just go so well with each other.

wait! you are a boy!

handsome fool.

and i love you even more.

you're a fan of bgibang and you're a guy.

that's like, 100 points. good job.

and LOL i'm an adult diaper.

thanks for the PM and your next update better be SOON!

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Guest GongZhenPei


don't worry about the acceptance thing. It's easier than you think it is. At first I was so scared too, I thought I had to go to community college, but I got into my first choice. So you'll be fine. If not, community college is way cheaper!!! No Loans required!

what if I bring a lot of cookies, does that mean... I get to go to home base? :]

You don't have time to worry about past love, you gotta focus on me. I'm an attention rainbow.

hey! you stood me up =[ "52 days" without a call? like wth!? you better give me a big cookie now and a nice glass of milk. i dont care if you're a gangster ><

lol, anyhoots, your comics are cute as always. it didnt fail to make me laugh again :]

poor little boy, he's just so confused with girls, lol.

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oh wow, 225, my birthday :] haha. wow! I haven't been in this thread for a LLLOOOONNNGGG[emphasized] time. hahaa.

O.O & i was wondering why it was always on the first page on the artwork forum, lmao. anywayyy how ya doing?! jeezz.

one of your post = 2 pages of comments. haha jaykayy. comment on Comic 1: Boys are Yucky. that dude was TOTALLY

not being assertive at all. assertive people do not go "that was so not cool" or something like that. next time you

make something assertive, be ASSERTIVE! lol :D Anyway, I think you may be better when you're serious [when you

were talking about the poem] rather than you being hysterical. Cuz it just makes so much more sense. haha ANOTHER JOKE ;D

limited time picture? jeez, you're teasing people. T____T" that's not half of what shinhwa can bring to us :] lmaoo ok.

toodless boy.

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Guest Purple.Orchird


cookies and cream!!!!


ok now i declare you cool!!

*takes a sword and puts it on your shoulder*



lol 52 days???? have u been counting?? are u that bored?? :P

So I decided to make him more assertive, more like me.

then i\m guessing u also got hit by a huge rock :)

And how the hell could she lift and throw that gigantic rock??! This is so ridiculous.

LMAO!!! hey! us ladies have been working out!!

cool songs!! i love big bang!!

update more!!!

and more quicker!! or else u would lose your title as 'cool'



YAYYY i own this pageee!!! :P

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Guest xvampireknight

Anyways, I noticed the boy in my comics is always such a timid wussy.

^ hahahah, just like you? ^o^ just kiddding.

You might be wondering why I'm only recommending girly music.

And you would be wondering about it forever because I'm never going to tell you.

....refer to above quote.

hahahahahah jk jk.

aw, the poem was so sweet. =_= whoever it's for personally is so lucky.

*looks around* throws rock at you*... you... you... NEVER REVEALED YOUR NAME.

I'll just call you... poopieman. =D

^^ and nice picture~

happy new year, poopieman~

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Guest pour dieu

you should've ran faster.

What work do you have to do? go ahead tell me!

rape kiss? you know that is illegal right?!

what he did was a friendship kiss, not a rape kiss.

You best not kick me, I'll call my boys. Don't believe me? I'll call them right now.

*chut chut chut* ..... you're lucky they're not home!

Yep, Min is cool, I want to see her debut!

I can't believe you don't like jay chou, he's the bomb diggity, well just his rap, and his song Fa Ru Xue

AHHAA BoA is a classic. BoA is how I got into kpop.

That picture is truly disgusting. I don't think that is even legal.

pwahhahaah predator is awesome >D

D: what work do i have to do?

rofl i work here in the artwork section >DDD

as if i were really at all that old enough to be thinking about 'future plans'


do YOU work?

>_>;; rape kissing is illegal?

i'm afraid i'm gonna have to report you, mr. poopiness.

..............*kicks you*

jaychou is cool? -_____-;;

nyahhaahaha i know you like my bunnies >D

shall i draw another? ._.

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Dang, that girl is BUFF.

Crazy buff o_____O

You sure it's a girl?

I found your DeviantArt!! ^^

Yupyup! Saw all your comics =x

Gangsters wear beanies with lion symbols? o____o ??

REALLY?! How geester are you! U_____U;;

I'm watching Fever on YouTube right now

just 'cause I love Tablo xD

It's good O_______O

I had no idea that Lee Jung could sing .

'cause I only saw him acting as that dorky, perverted guy on Nonstop 5 :0

Yupyup, Paris was the song that got me into Epik High too ^^

High five! ... NOT!

-pulls hand away-


Okayokay. That was mean

and since you're a fellow Big Bang lover,

I'll give you a real high five =)

hehe. NOT! D:

Has Park Bom even debuted yet?

I only heard her sing We Ride, We Belong Together, and Forever with You

But her voice is niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice.

and she's pretty too ! :0

and I haven't heard Min yet.

Only watched some of her dance rehearsals and interview stuff =x


Okay, this is a really long post.

I better get a good reply for this T____T


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Guest ` ilytoo;

Shessh. you are a pretty gangster!!


who do you think is the prettiest dude from big bang ! O_O

Wow i m curious how old are you O_O.

you look around 17 - 18!! right right ?!

cute comics too =D

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