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Guest poopiness

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Guest joojooxlie

Can I be added to the PM List? O__O

Your comics are so cute! You actually MADE them? O__O I see them like everywhere! XDD

Are you going to say the answers to the riddles? O: I think I might know the second one!

I think I'll start advertising for this one soon~ I wanna see more siggies maybe~ XD

Hope you update with more comics soon!

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Guest Sherrane

Sherrane: dumbledore is not gay. He's metrosexual.

I have never forgotten to reply to you. NEVER!! Except for that other time.

AHAHAH YOU NOOB CHEATER!! YOu should be ashamed of yourself!!

no award for cheaters.

DUMBLEDORE IS GAY. They said when he said his 'greatest tragedy' it really was his unrequited love for his childhood friend. THAT WAS A MAN! MANMANMANMANMNAMANNMAN.

Except for that other time? -checks back!- just kidding, I have no time for your endless lies!

I'm not ashamed of myself! You're a noob cheater! BECAUSE I SAID SO. fool.

Hurry up and make comics. You are totally not making me smile. OFF WITH YOU.

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those are so cute!

i actually read through all of them.

took me a long time but i guess it was worth it(:

hehe, maybe i'll help advertise?

its too good to not to advertise.

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What the *bleep*. What kind of update is this, Ruth!? ; _ ;

I'm gone for 3-4 days snowboarding, and this is what you give me?!

and you didn't even send me a notification PM! HUH, RUTH!? HUH!?

Michelle is adorable ^o^ You should dedicate comics to us, YES?! YES.


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Guest ichikawaii

ichikawaii: You should still write them, 10 years from now you'll smile reading it again.

Save me my butt. You never came, I almost died. Thanks a lot jerk face.


i write weird things XD

and i read them like a year later

and i laugh my head off at how stupid i sound HAHAHA XD



and then

i was looking for you

but i couldnt find you..

and i was looking all night

couldnt find you D=

i searchheddd soo muchh


T___T sorry XD


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where is the REAL update woman woman woman woman

WOMAN. People BETTER believe me.

Fine, dont tell me your name and i'll give you a new one.

Since Ruth is given by chi hmmmm.


Yes yess. Rapunzel will go SUPER well with your long hair you'll grow.

& AHAHHAHA. first you cry which made you a woman,


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Guest JWonNie


omg! you've turned me into your fan!

yay :]

you're so organized, too...

I'm almost the most unorganized person in the world...

well, not really :]

but I love love love your comicsssss

put me on your PM list now!

Haha, please?????????


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Guest predator

Ahah such a cute update ;D

That's a really nice poem you wrote...

only it can't help me much cause i'm not going through a break up D8

hahaha but i still like it, it has a nice flow to it =))

btw, thanks for the music recommendations

i was looking for new music hahah

i like big bang too! =D

oh and hot pic ;]


yes! page 90! =)

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Guest pour dieu

^ i ran in here T_T;

what a buttface

i was supposed to own

well since you're stalking the thread right now i might as well edit :x

ROFLLLLLL i forgot about the picture >DDD proves to you how much work i have to do T_T

i'm not free as a bird like you *punches*

err the first comic... >_>;;;

His reaction is actually pretty close to how I would react in his place.

rofl rape kiss XD

LOL, you're such a cool gangster. *kicks*

ZOMYGOSH YOU LIKE MIN? T_T she's adorable lmao<3

but really... jaychou... -____- you're totally not serious

nyak nyak~ all this boa XDDD you're so lame mister.

if i don't come back with the picture... then.... your head is gonna explode.


the epitome of sexiness really

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Guest lucky*13

Haha, your updates always crack me up. :D

Your poem is so sad. ~ It's a new year, and the first thing I read was a sad poem.

But it is very good, it RHYMES! too!

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Guest lucky*13

Haha, your updates always crack me up. :D

Your poem is so sad. ~ It's a new year, and the first thing I read was a sad poem.

But it is very good, it RHYMES! too!

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Guest haradays

Im the VIP?

haha. gosh ur updates, the comics are really nice!

especially the first one. haha that babo guy!

awwww the poem really goood. u wrote it urself huh?

u absolutely good in this!

ur style is just like bigbang boys

and i love gangsters [:

and i truly love the comics

do update with more funniest comics ever!

cant wait to see more update

* stalk this thread more & more

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