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Guest poopiness

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Guest holkinns

first of all...poopiness...i like your ign lol :D

second...the comics are ha-larious!!! :lol::D

gosh, you're freakin' awesome!!! and gi-normously funnie!!! :]

btw, lol....what's your name? :)

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Guest chi_tsukiko


in case u didn't hear me


haha ur comic's cute. d'you draw them on ur comp or do you draw with hand?

yea i'm stoopid. bleh bleh bleh. tell me. i wanna draw too!

teach me!

ahaha. PM please X]


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I haven't updated in a while.


At first, it was Beautiful Rescue - This Providence.

I need to listen to better bands.

I'll post your poem later :D

You certainly have a weird sense of humor... ._.

then again, so do I!

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Guest xloll3popciclesx

Lol you perverted dude!!

UGH!you nasty!!~

but your commics are HOT!

YOU ROCK! my sox. XP

I showed these to my friends

and they said that you were 'him' who was naked LMAO XD!!!

but that wasnt your girlfriend XD!!lol..yup

oh joy ^^

well i wanna see more ><

Update soon poopiness~

edit-- nothing's more powerfuler than god you STUPID noob. XPP!



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i just laughed and peed in my pants.


your comics are hilarious, i love all of them. :D

i'd be so cool if there was more ninja ones. :D

but all your comics makes up for it, hehehe.

and i absolutely love your humour. my kinda humour. heh.

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pssh you're a pervie too since you saw it.

Hopefully next spring, fall is a long time away

pssh if im a pervie, you're king of all pervies!

ey! update will you? or i'll curse you not to get any chick in the long richard simmons time ha ha.

Merry Christmas <3

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you are quite a handful aren't you?

your comics are really pretty clever and i love them! :3

and i would join your list but i don't want to be... apple pie, is it? ><;

it sucks that you're a pervert, though! nobody likes a pervert =(

except maybe another pervert, eh?

oh no i need some sleep

goodnight poopi

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Guest poopiness



BabyK: Yea I know, I ROCK!

Erueidevil: I actually did have a deviantart, but I kind of abandoned it.

kerpao: I'd say you should finish reading. It's a surprise ending!

greymoose: honeymoon again? wow you have the stamina of a horse!!

Since when did the girls do all the work? since........ now! It's official.

I wrote a poem, but it's not finished again, and I don't know if I'm going to post it.

I'm such a tease... :]

anecia: AHAHAH I ROCK AGAIN!! High five!!

_dork: who has that much time? you do!! make time for it, whatever it was we were talking about.

here's another clue, my name begins with a letter. Okay, good luck. AHAHAH I ROCK!!

Mantou♥: I hope you're the hot kind of stalker and not the creepy kind of stalker.

lolipop: AHAHAH yea all my supporters are the most awesome people on earth.

You want to be one? Space is limited! but I'll make an exception for you.

AHAH serious!! He's like so pitiful, you should totally make out with him.

azngurl6461: yelled at? for what? were you smoking?!

or did you poop and not flush the toilet?

xfoolishdreamerx: your friend told you? who's your friend?

imuhhater: just got out of a relationship ey??

Does that mean you're single and ready to mingle?!?

MsDiary: Please!! I rock just as much as my comic strips. I ROCK HARD!!


sugarrrxxx: disgusting my butt!! you were probably drooling!!

moochi2000: It is pretty difficult. Because sometimes it does tricks, but only when no one is looking.

Sure you can post it and credit. Oooh tell me where too, I want to check it out.

tarochan: does it have any bricks? wow your eyes are messed up yo!!

You should probably get it checked out.

AHAHA accurate? so I'm guessing you would know how it should look like!! :]

dolcevitaa: AHAHAHA yes, I admit it, I'm a $lut.

But that's how I get more viewers, by harassing them.

In that one picture only? Please, I dress SEXXY ALL THE TIME!!

Did girls reject me all of my life? Nope, not all. Not when I was a baby, I was irresistible then.

I couldn't get the girls off of me!! They all wanted to hold me and play with my cheeks.

Wow that is pretty desperate. You could've just asked nicely, I totally would've agreed.

JOKING?? WHAT?? OH NO YOU DON'T. We're going on that date and that's final!

fragily: Wow your email is like hardxcore lame.

You should change it, to..... ILOVEPOOPINESS

I'm not a bad influence. I'm making you cooler by the minute.

The more you stare at the naked boy, the cooler you get. It's true.

dorkyy: wow you actually saw it on someone's myspace?! THAT IS SO COOL!!

was it someone from soompi?

I totally said that to myself too while I was making it. I was like "GOD!! I AM A GENIUS!!"

icefrostedd: Wow that's pretty hardxcore, I don't think I've ever read through all my comics in one sitting.

Kudos!! Here's an imaginary cookie.

weird&short: ziggy? who's ziggy?

mojomunkeez: you totally googled them!! CHEATER!

V A L XD: Yea I don't know what we were talking about either.

But don't worry, soompi loves me. We used to date. She approves of naked kids.

F2TSwithSHINHWA: Yea I don't like super confusing poems either, so mine are pretty straight forward.

I want to see you make the 4th face. With the spinning eyeballs.

99% of the time aint bad, that means 1% of the time it ROCKS richard simmons!!

friends with benefits? what benefits am I getting? I want money. LOTS OF IT. I accept paypal.

ilovejiro: I actually did print one on a t-shirt and wore it.

But the shirt got stained somehow in the back, I'm printing a new one soon.

Life sucks, but I still rock :]

So which one of the reward items did you want?

FiEnDmAkEr: wow that is hardcore belated.

well I'll say happy belated christmas then.

h0ney: AHHAAH you caught me!! That's how I roll.

I am such a tease!!

ichikawaii: You should still write them, 10 years from now you'll smile reading it again.

Save me my butt. You never came, I almost died. Thanks a lot jerk face.


Sherrane: dumbledore is not gay. He's metrosexual.

I have never forgotten to reply to you. NEVER!! Except for that other time.

AHAHAH YOU NOOB CHEATER!! YOu should be ashamed of yourself!!

no award for cheaters.

PRinCesS BaBo: I see it, and I like it. HIGH FIVE!! Awww... too bad you're too short. Oh well.

nanc4413: pm list? yes you can!! SPREAD THE LOVE YO!

gal-bi: I can't marry you until you turn of age. The police are watching me.

SinFan: Actually, I have a better parrot. So I still rock.

Anything interesting? I woke up today, that was pretty interesting.

How about you?

Cupcakee: I can afford the nice toilet paper, I just don't want to waste it on you haha.

AHAHA at this rate, I might just update in january.

You googled number 3 didn't you?!

roguechinadoll: dam right I am!! and that is the best kind of pie by the way!!

satisfaction!: EHH!!! Wrong answer. Sorry, the correct answer was silence. THanks for playing.

AHAHA if you keep reading the poem over, you will find the meaning! :]

lidomochi: it does take forever!! Like hours!! It's ridiculous.

gottalovegirl: who's the idiot?

rufflezz: Yea I know, I ROCK!! :]

kortni: Silent stalkers suck. Loud stalkers are awesome.

_crazinessism: NO GOOGLING!!

A.C.: It's my jedi mind power.

Bulgarii: ahah hopefully it works now, I grouped the first 15 updates together.

ahaha the FAQs are frequently asked questions.

aznbluegurl916: can I update? yes I can!!


Mooshi*: wow you are such a liar!! You would totally look through my clothes if you could!! PERV!!

Here, I drew one for you.


AHAHAH you got me... I lurk this thread too! HIGH FIVE!

AdorkableMe: there's so many sigs because my advertisers are awesome!

ljane: ahaha you could use the links you know?


xGREENpolka_dot: High five for you too!

xtehdeb: use the siggie!! You know you want to!

loser: another high five for you!

dorkyy: Yea my posts always have hidden secrets. You gotta look closely, to unlock the bonus level.

There was totally a comment for you, it was probably an unspoken comment. THe best kind!

Well get ready to smile yo!!

saranghaexo: thank you? okay you're welcome!!

ggangpae_sarang: AUAHUAHAUH I ROCK!

off the wall? is that like chinese for "poopiness you're so hot?" if yes then thank you.

charmainee: ahhaa that's how I roll!! comics are in limited supplies

one time? who knows, you seem to love naked people so it might come back.

richard simmons: shame on you for thinking I was a girl!! SHAME!!

mnguyen725: pm list? yes you can!!!!!

blueskyagi: hopefully you'll be a frequent viewer!

t i n g *: ahah well advertise for me and I'll think about it ;]

alwayzujustme: shame on you! you should be here everyday!!

AHAHA oh yea, FB, I deactivated my account a while ago because it's distracting. My bad.


sarangg.x3: Never heard of Wu Zuns, but I bet he's hot!!!

AHAHA lame my butt!! I'm awesome!!

Yes I am psychic, and right now you're thinking, "OMG POOPINESS WHY ARE YOU SO COOL?!? MARRY ME!!"

ninjas are pretty awesome, I'll give you that.

greymoose: you should really like save your reply before you submit it. Like copy it.

So that there will be a long reply instead of an EXCUSE of why it's not a long reply!! JERK FACE!!

Xyeun: A name beside poopiness? Yes.

My other name is Bond, James Bond!!

ahaha just kidding, it's Bourne, Jason Bourne.

Did you change your username? from NuEy_*?

cerisher: I have yet to name them, and I'm not sure if I ever will.

holkinns: Yea, I'm pretty awesome, I won't argue with you on that. :]

My name? poopiness, I thought it was obvious.

chi_tsukiko: sketch them on paper and then redraw them on the computer.

teach you? the course is pretty expensive. 5 billion dollars an hour.

`rin_x: Serious, you do. Take a look at onerepublic, they finally have an album out.

and acceptance, and more but I can't think of any.

I see the poem, dedicated to me? Are you coming on to me?!

It's cool, it's understandable, I can't resist myself either ;]

Polaris_Jin: you're welcome!

dua: your name is hella short!

xloll3popciclesx: perverted? as if.

You friends want to see me naked? wow are all your friends perverts or something!?!


You're almost there with the riddle.

samm: your name is samantha!!

Antz: you peed your pants!! NICE!! HIGH FIVE!!

don't wash it, keep it for memories!!

Ninjas are rare, it's hard to get them to appear in a comic.

Cake@June: wow that is a horrible thing to curse, what is wrong with you?!

I'm going to kick your butt!


qrace: handful? hopefully!

Well you actually won't be apple pie, it changes after every update. EXCITING HUH?!

Don't even lie, you love perverts!!

fihe: yep! it's true! I roCK!!

bebixnelly: well you should come back and say something more!! :]


Actually I don't eat my kimchi noodles very often anymore. Adding real kimchi to it wasn't as good as I thoguht it would be.

It was hella sour!! Dam kimchis!

AHHAA yea, that update was pretty sneaky wasn't it? It actually said, "STATUS" update!! HAHA SUCKS!!

My name? AUAHAUHAUH!!! you will never know my name!!

why are you always trying to take away my mysteriousness? JERK FACE!!

Don't listen to chifuni!! SHe's a jerk!! My name is not RUTH!! UGH!!

and stop calling me a woman! People are going to believe you!!!

and you still owe me the gazillion of pictures you said you had.


Woot finally updating!!

AHAHA thanksgiving... I really thought I was going to update, but it went by faster than I thought.

But I did think about updating!! so half way there!!

I sadly don't have any stuffed animals for you to kill, so SUCKS!!! I WIN!!

And look what you did!! Now rawRr is calling me RUTH!! UGH!! I HATE YOU!

OMG!! I DO NOT WEAR PANTIES!! UGH!! I'm totally going to kick your richard simmons!! COME HERE!!

AND DON'T YOU THINK I HAVEN'T NOTICED THAT YOU HAVE IGNORED YOUR 411, I'm going to harass you until you bring it back.

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Guest pour dieu



what kind of cheap present it that?!

*throws chickens at you*


you freaky woman you

i'm comin back to draw something else

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