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Guest poopiness

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SinFan: AHAHAH yea I ROCK!!

that parrot is a veteran pirate, he's actually the captain.

ahaha heart broken? not anymore. That was long ago :]

AAAH sorry for late reply..

myeah lazy =.=; uuh



bwhha nobody can beat me now >=]

bwhah 'Well does it do any tricks?' GENIOUS =p

Poem is really nice...god you uses words I don't know O_O [looks them up]

BTW, when I say that the trees cried, I don't mean like they're leaking sap or anything gross like that. It's the trees shedding its leaves for the winter.

BWHAHAHAHAHAH xD sorry =p too cute...

Anyway..how's your life?

Done anything interesting =D

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Guest Cupcakee

Cupcakee: ahaha yes mam!

This time it's actually only been like a week and a half or two weeks!

I think that's a record :]

ahaha yep from experience, it happened yesterday!!

Nope it's cheap 1 ply, toilet paper that's made from recycled asphalt,

and it feels like sand paper.

You can keep your stinky socks. So disgusting.

You're so cheap! Can't afford the niice toliet paper. How sad.

I can't wait till December for you to update! I want you to update nowwww!! :tears:

OUOUOU! I know the answers to the riddles!

Riddle 1:


Riddle 2:

A Watefall

Riddle 3:

An equal

Riddle 4:


Woot! I feel smart!! I aint no noob. & No! I did not search them up on google, I looked at the other people's posts xD

I got all of them except #3 xPP It was hardd! But I'm still not a noob!

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Guest satisfaction!

I don't know if I'm too late to answer but... I think I know the answer to this riddle:

- What is broken every time it's spoken?

My answer: a promise.

Hahaha this proves how cynical-minded I am XD

Anyways, your newly updated comics really gave me a laugh =) (all of your comics always do!)

Just the 'tricks' one really made me go 'O__O whoaaaa' LOLL it was so unexpected!

& wow, you write really beautiful, meaningful poems.

Really made me wanna find out the meaning behind each sentence :]


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Guest lidomochi

wow this is awesome.I cant believe I've never seen this before until now.Your comics are so cute!How did u make them?It looks like it takes forever.

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Guest gottalovegirl

lol....omg your comics made my day.....i was soodepressed earlier cause of some idiot >.<

but after look at the comics i can't help but smile.....tnx ^^

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Guest rufflezz

LOLOL! I love all of your comic stripszz :)

You should update update update update update!

PS, I think you look coool (and cute :lol:)

PSS, All of your comics really made my day! :w00t: (I've finally caught up to your comics..)

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Guest ckim914

Hey there~!

I'm just dropping by to say your art is really really cute

like you! (from what I can tell)

haha jk

anyway, keep up the good work!!

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Guest _crazinessism

_crazinessism: is that your way of confessing your love for me?

It's pretty obvious, you should've been more subtle. :]

It's allowed as long as everyone who goes here are over the age of 6 years old.

One republic has been one of my favorite band for like a couple years now.

They're amazing, check out the other songs I recommended from them ;]

well duh! of course that my way to confess! subtle? pshh thats only for loserrs!

*goes back to see what i wrote*

ur riddles are hard. well the second and third one...*googles* LOL

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GAH DAMMIT. So I like clicked my sig picture that had your thread link

& Like i see on the first page UPDATE 11-25

& I was like woot~ but NOo0o0o SOME JERK DIDN"T UPDATE.

points* YES I"M TALKING TO YOU. I hope you cry more. Girly man.

& i'm not a cupcake rapist. that's like impossible.

& my thread's actaully dead. no one's like talking to me in it anymore so why bother updating?

hahha. and i actually have TONS of pictures. like literally TONS. on the computer.

& you better update for reals the next time i see u post!

& i WILL continue to bug you about it if you dont post.

&&&&&&&&&& POST WOMEN. <---- ahahhhah :D

&& did your self esteem drop? i hope sooo <3

&&&&& P.S. your riddles are like lame.

so lame i'm not even gunna attempt to answer them.

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I don't get the fat one

but it's still funny

it's weird how you can think that something is funny but you have no idea what is going on

I'm officially mental

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Omg i love your comics

it took me awhile to finish them

I tried to get on the link but it doesnt work sometimes

and ur comics are really CUTE and funny :D

i dont really get the FAQ thingy tho o-o

PM me if ur still going on with the comics :D

love them :3

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Guest pour dieu

eww you lame piece of poop

i wouldn't wanna look thru other peoples' clothes even if i wanted too

.__. he probably loves it though, checking out the same sex

i am not guilty of PRON thank you very much

>D i won't advertise till you do something for me.

so there. :]

IJWTMYS bunny = i just want to make you smile bunny

dang long name -___-;;;

so like it'd be a bunny who wore like....

a sexy red bikini or something (:


for you, courtesy of me

be prepared to lust after bunnies now XD

ehhh drawing without a tablet is like...

not cool. -__- especially on a laptop

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I can't believe I seriously sat here looking through all 87 pages! Hahah.

Your comics are amazing!!! I am seriously in love ;) Can't wait to see more!

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Guest xcinnamoroll


Ack too late. :sweatingbullets: To be fair I won't answer then XP

Anyway, I really like your comics, and they never fail to make me smile. ^^

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