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I - J U S T - W A N T - T O - M A K E - Y O U - S M I L E

Guest poopiness

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Guest _crazinessism


aww your comics are so darn cute!

i love it.

Look at the boy's pants. His buttons and the seam of his pants make a smiley face. In other words, groping her makes him happy in the pants ;D

and that made me laugh soo hard hahaha

and u remind me of Guang liang some chinese dude that sang fairytale. thats the only song i know from him too...LOL.

but anywayss can i be added to the pm list as well? =]

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Guest nenie_hula

I am totally in love with these little comics!

I havent seen them all.....[im not done yet..but I wanted to comment now!]

But yeah....I totally love you for doing these!

Their soooooooooooooooooo adorably funny!!

& I love your pic of yourself...mysterious! I love it! Hahahha!! ^__^

Hehehehe!!! ^__^

Now Im off to go looking at the rest of your wonderful little comics! ^__^

Ok...My favs are the Batman one & the one with the ulgy girl & he puts first a paper bag, then in the other one he puts a plasitc bag..& basically kills her!


Hahahahah!!! ^__^

Can I please be on your PM list?

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ahah it's only huge because I had the replies and the sigs in there.

that took up like half a page already.

ahaha give me a picture and I'll draw it on for you biggrin.gif

AHAHA COME ON! you are so mean! how are you not going to call me by my name?

no..it's huge..believe me xD the replies and sigs belongs to the thread XD

so lalalala =p myeah~~

a picture and you will draw on it for me? myeah..sure..eeh...pick one yourself on my 411? =p

eeh I WANT THAT BATMAN SUIT T_________________________________T

givee me T_T or make a picture with you in it =p

you're meaner than me T_T make me the batman suit >o<

wait wait..i know what...


goodlooking goodlooking goodlooking goodlooking goodlooking goodlooking goodlooking goodlooking goodlooking

please make me a batman suit T_T

i said your name like a lot of times =o so so so now you will make me one right ^^ hehehehe

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY >o< you made my day =p

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Guest P I N K I E..W I N K I E

wahh i didn't get pmed!!!


it's okie it's okie.. hhehe..but i love your new strips!! eps that batman one..sooo cute!! ^O^

hehe ^o~

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Guest child2child


MMORPG!! I remember those days.... UGH!! I was so addicted... eating instant noodle at my computer... leveling...

ahaha it almost worked! Until you told me you were being a kissass! and I was like AHA!! I see what she's doing!

DARN!! i foiled my own plans. mark my words! i'll find a way to take over you brain! waittt. just pretend i never said that. i mean...you're so coool! unmysteryify yourself!

.......please? lol

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Guest teensRpsychotic

good job in making these comics..

they're really cute..

what a cute way in viewing reality.. especially the rejection part.. keke ^^,

i just started going through the comics yesterday. and i just finished them today..

it seems to work though.. coz i keep smiling like an idiot since yesterday.. ^_^

anyway, update soon!

and yeah, if u notice, i advertised ur comics.. hehe >.<

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Guest mellybean

so i read all your comics today in one sitting (because i'm sad like that) and i have to say that you made me laugh/smile more than once...like many times. thanks, man. i wasn't having a bad day at all...actually, far from it. but it's always nice to smile. :) your comics are pretty hilarious, too. i dunno, but whenever you write "ugh" that just makes me laugh.

i've actually tried to draw/write a comic before, and it actually takes a lot of work...from the storyboarding to actual pictures. and sometimes it comes out funnier in your head than on paper/computer. plus...photoshop is kind of a killer. i have an old school version, and one time i drew a picture on it (sort of like your sohee picture, but, er, i assume you did that with pencil)...and that took me 12387973 years to finish.

what are you majoring in in college? maybe you can do this as a job instead. :) i mean, you kind of have a fan base already...or at least do some cute merchandising. i think angry little girls is sort of the same vein as yours, except you focus on the love aspect, and despite the guy's rude/crude ways, you sort of have a soft spot for him (he needs to get a "how to find love for dummies" book or something). you could do the same thing! although, since you're asian (and i hate to stereotype but here i go anyway), generally asian parents don't go for that kind of thing. maybe when you're a doctor/engineer/insertsuccessfulcareerhere, you can do this as a side job and when you're successful, quit that other one.

anyway, thanks again, and take care.

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Guest pinkmarker

What the eff..

You were reading this topic and didn't even leave comments to people..

I saw yooo!!

*kicks you in the face like that POW! signature banner thingy you have*

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Guest lucky*13

Oh my! Your comics are outta the world!

It's so funny. :lol:

Topic should be changed to I J U S T W A N T T O M A K E Y O U L A U G H. XD

I like everyone of you comic strips.

If you didn't post your pics, I wouldn't thought you were a girl.

You draw so well! So so so so much better than me.

May I be on your PM list even though you have 113 people already?

I think you should have a directory to their PM page. It makes everything easier.

--Christy. (:

Update soon! (:

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Guest that.one.cellist94

hello....new looker here. ehi was just randomly clicking n i came upon this here....uh....forum. [[ i was lucky to! :] ]] i looked throuh the whole thing from like 1 to 3 a.m. lolaww i just love the little comics thyre sooo funny!! i advertised, er...am advertising for u :D so yea....update soon becuase i think imy mind is coming back to the real world......ugh.... [[oh and pretty please add me to the PM list thanks youssss!! ]]

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Guest mangofloat


you are SO hard to please..




LAUGHING MY A** OFF that one... XDDDD why are all the girls harsh? LOLL

its SO true.. XDD

^^V guys

oooo long PM list.. UBER LONNNNGGG PM list.. XDD

thanks for the PM

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oh my god. oh my god. your comic strips

are soo cute! [; they make me feel warm

inside. oh my god! i absolutely love the

batman one. lmaos! at first i thought it was

a girl drawing these awesome comic strips

but it turns out to be a cute. a good looking

guy too. [; wow, i'm in love~ haha with the

comic strips of course. i can't stop laughing

at the batman one. XD but i will. eventually.

[; lala, can i be added to the PM list too? [;

i just LOVEE this thread that i'm going to

advertise it. and guess which advertisement

am I gonna use? the BATMAN one! [; hahaha

okays okays. update soon! [;

-- Nessa

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Guest annabeelee

lol these are so funny!! can i post these on my facebook?? and please pm me?? :]

although im not very good with long comments so mine will always be short...but it doesnt mean i like them any less!! haha if you didnt say you were a guy i wouldve thought you were a girl haha

this pg has been owned by ANNA!!

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Guest skadoosh!

ive seen an ad for this everrrywhere, and i FINALLY got time to read these.

boy am i GLAD i did. :]

these are VERY sweet & completely hilarous.

they simple, but yet they get a lot of meaning through. :]

sorry for being super deep and whatever, but i just had to say that.

anddd, your poems are wonderful also. :]

theres only ONE guy i know who can write decent amazingg poems.

now theres two!

lol, i wish i had a guy who wrote poems & adorable comics where i live... ^^;

lol and is MYSTERIOUS. xD

i hope you update more soon!

ps. do you draw these on the computer? im guessing you do...do you use paint or something?

obviously, though, you can draw... -____- make me feel lame much..

pps. lol, i have your wallpaper...wow, im so werid. oh and can i use them for my facebook etc etc also?

ppps. haha, im wondering what you do for a living... draw comics? that would be awesome. xD

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ahaha I asked myself the same thing afterward!! I was like "COME ON!! YOU DUMB BUTT!" *slaps*

omg i haven`t been here in forever! anyway, i`m back haha.

pssssh that`s so lame.. forgetting sd.. -0-

you haven`t updated in so long! are finals over yet? ):

i thought you didn`t pm me or something i was so sad HAHA

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