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Guest poopiness

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Guest whit3light

OMg i lUV LUV ur comics they're SOO CUTE ^0^ AHAHAH soo tempted to steal them XD but i won't ahaha

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bORicha.: sweeett!! Now give me your number!! :D

P.S. give up ey? the answer to the trivia is at the bottom ;D

hahaha i dont think so buddy.

i can assure you that im too young. -__-

--april fools? hahahahahha niiice.

maan i missed some updates eh?

cute cute. =)

i bet itd be awesome to hang out with you. hahaha

you're so silly. :P

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Guest Cin De

hahahaha i like the magic trick! lol

you're picture reminds me of peter from spiderman! hahah :P maybe the hair =p

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Guest hiswendy

I smirked. I smiled. I giggled. I chuckled. I laughed. I rolled on the floor. I died.

You've succeeded beyond measure. LOL =D

I REALLY, REALLY LOVED THESE!!!! <33 ZOMG >3< They were all SO awesome! HAHAHAHAHAHHA OMG THEY WERE SOOOOOO CUTE AND WITTY!!!! LOLOL I can't tell which are my favorites. I liked all of them.

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Guest poopiness

Alright I guess it's about time I updated.

Ephemeral: hahah thank god! I was putting all my hopes in that one ;D, had to pull out the big guns. P.S. Your wish is my command, the "groping" strip is the longest strip I've made yet. ;D

hyukiemylove: well I love that you love my comic strips!! here's a cookie!!*

*note: cookie is not included, must purchase by yourself.

raini: woot you took time to write a long reply so I'll do the same!!

Yea guys can be cute too!! and also hot!! and cool!! and awesome!! you know, like me ;D. Seriously, girls are jerks. You shouldn't run away so much, it's tiring for you and for us. I mean I don't do a lot of cardio, chasing after you is out of the question.

And yea, I'm considering doing a PM list too, but I'll have to see if people want it.

bbasya: the bigger the heart, the easier it is to break. :(

itz_n_obsession: thanks for smiling! you're cooler already!

ichikawaii: I know seriously, better safe than sorry. I don't want to be banned from soompi for crashing the server, that's no good. Plus I'd get so many lawsuits from parents of girls that faint at their desk. No good no good.

random azn: and you always seem to make me feel great about making you laugh :D

schizo: SCORE!!!

plumblossoms: I did!! Just for you!! and a few other people, and basically anyone else. ;D

anniieeboo: OMG!! I went through your comment like 5000 times. Because it's just so awesome!! My self-esteem just leveled up.

MRS.CHANGMIN(:: You are too cool, and if you were still a miss, i'd totally use a cheap pick up line on you!!

dragonjade: OMG you always leave the best replies!! Makes me so tingly! I'm really really looking forward to your update!! I want to see them comics you made :D!!

whit3light: well you can always borrow them and credit ;D

simply_dZ: haha yea, you were right, but wrong ;D, well mainly wrong because I cheat to the max! HAHAH i rock.

bORicha.: You can never be too young!! Unless the law says so, in that case, don't report me!! We're homies!!

Yea it's pretty awesome to hang out with me, and I've been telling everyone that, yet they're not interested! So friggin baloney!!

Cin De: Yea it's because of the rocking emo hair!! Go peter!! Rock that emo hair!!

-JAYee_o4: AHAHA I also smirked, smiled, giggled, chuckled, laughed, rolled on the floor and died when I read your comment. You funny!! I like!!




^ his life was in danger, and she didn't even flinch... tsk tsk tsk


^ My newest strip. Ephemeral, it's also my longest ;D.

TRIVIA: Can anyone guess the little hidden easter egg( as in a hidden bonus, not an actual egg) in the last comic? It's easy kinda, just look at the detail :D

ANNOUNCEMENT: What do you guys think of a PM list, so that when I update I'll pm you a notice? If enough people wants it, I think I'll start one.

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Guest Pongie

hahaha i got it..he's grabbing her a**...lol

nice i love them...

random azn: and you always seem to make me feel great about making you laugh

AWWW.... YAY..my job is done! ^____^

u should do a Pm list..and i need to be the first one!!!!!!!!!

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Wow these are really cute! I really enjoyed reading them because well they all are just too darn cute! Hahaha.

You're title is so true. I smiled through each and every one of them ^^ Made my sad day much better then

it already is. I think it's a great idea for a pm list but then again it gets tiring, hehehe. Great comics though!

I'm bookmarking this thread ^^

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i love love love your comics!! they are great. may i be added to the pm list? thanks =)

i hope to see lots more =) you're a cutie too. LOL please continue.

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ooooo i would love a pm......lol

i just can't get enough of ur comics

they are sooooo cute

and i was wondering, how old are u?

and do u live like in a dorm or something? coz from ur pics, i see bunkbeds

post more soon

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Guest hiswendy

RAH! YES PM LIST! PM LIST ME!!!!!!!! tahaha <33 I'd be REALLY thankful if you do!!

And Lol, xD thanks ahha

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Guest bhebie9

awwww.. the last one just made me feel all giddy inside! ehehe.. I fixed it.. aww! these are sooo adorable! can't wait for more!

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Guest - - -Rain

your trivia's are kinda hard...lmao...=] but PUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

they get funnier and funnier...you have a great sense of humor...

that little boy is so perverted..lmao. in the last comic strip...

and lol, she didn't save the dying boy and now she's a jerk.

lol, thanks for sharing. your thread rocks. and yea...FIGHTING!

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Guest ANG.7BD

anniieeboo: OMG!! I went through your comment like 5000 times. Because it's just so awesome!! My self-esteem just leveled up.

aww..ahahh..how sweet!

yes new comic strips..haha..

wahh..the first had me laughing like crazy...haha...

she didnt save the boy who was "choking" lol..haha.

shes so nice..lol.^^

pm list?


thats not a bad idea..lol..

u can add me onto it if your planning on doing one..

hm...ur trivia...hmm..an egg...but not really an egg....ugh is it on the lil' boy overalls..lol..iono....

more more more more comic strip....these kept my mind off of my spranged ankle!!

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lol, your comic strips are cuuute :D haha . can almost match up Angry Little Girls by Lela Lee. [:

If you know what those are... hehe! anyway, i didn`t know you were a guy until i saw the fifth update o.o

I was like O______O forreals? haha didn`t know that a guy would do comics like that [: hehe.

anyway, update more soon!

&& if you are doing a PM list... please add me ;D

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Guest viet13aby90

lol the mysterious pic, you have nice eyes....lol

^^Agreed, haha. :blush:

Ahhh! I love love love these ^_^

They're so awesome/witty/cute.

Keep updating :rolleyes:

I'd like to be on your PM list if you do have one :)


I also want to ask if it's alright with you if I save these to my computer to print and/or put them in my myspace?? I'll be sure to credit. :)

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i wanna be on the list!

i haven't been here for 12 pages worth!

oh gosh.. just look at how lagging i am. but anyway, your comic strips and poems are oh-so great!

man, you're such a genius.. and hey, i didn't know it takes courage for guys to do catcalls.

i've always thought they were kinda nuts oops.

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Guest ichikawaii

ichikawaii: I know seriously, better safe than sorry. I don't want to be banned from soompi for crashing the server, that's no good. Plus I'd get so many lawsuits from parents of girls that faint at their desk. No good no good.




and your going to get a lawsuit from my parents!!

i fainted seeing your pictures~ haha XD just kidding haha XD

haha perverted little boy tsk tsk ahha XD

awww the hugs one is so cute >< haha


T.T i looked at it and i saw no easter egg! =.=


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