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[--mizushima Hiro--]

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Guest ibooyou

I can hardly tell the 3D class apart in Gokusen 2. They all look the same to me... except the group of 5 consisting of Kame, Jin, etc.

Class 3D

* Kawamura Yousuke as Akiyama Yousuke

* Mizutani Momosuke as Oomori Momosuke

* Sato Yuki as Kojima Yuki

* Sato Yusuke as Sakaguchi Yuusuke

* Satou Takeshi (佐藤タケシ) as Sasaki Takeshi

* Tanaka Rinnosuke (田中鈴之助) as Takayama Rinnosuke

* Nakauchi Hiroyuki (中内啓行) as Nagata Hiroyuki

* Watanabe Ryuuhei (渡辺竜平) as Hashimoto Ryuuhei

* Takahashi ?? (高橋疾士) as Fujinami 藤波疾士

* Ishizaka Shinnosuke (石坂慎之介) as Hoshino Shinnosuke

* Mizushima Hiro as Misawa Hiro

* Shibata Masashi as Ookuma Masashi

* Nakamura Yuichi as Kawata Yuuichi

* Ojima Naoya (尾嶋直哉) as Kohashi Naoya

* Tomikawa Kazuto (富川一人) as Sakuraba Kazuto

* 奥林源水 as 高田源水

* Kuranuki Masahiro as Tamura Masahiro

* Okamoto Masaru (岡本勝) as Nakamura Masaru

* Sugiura Takumi (杉浦匠) as Hamaguchi Takumi

* Kora Kengo as Funaki Kengo

* Kaneda Yoshiaki (金田慶哲) as Maeda Yoshiaki

* Miura Ryosuke as Mutou Ryousuke

Misawa Hiro...? I don't remember that name at all. -___-

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Guest biteme_lestat

^ Wow! kewl drawing!!!

I don't recognize him from Gokusen too as well....

but he's maaad cute in these pictures!!!

on some pics...i dunno if its the hair...but he kinda looks like MatsuJun sometimes....

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^thanks :blush:

he does look like him at times.

hmmmm I can't believe I didnt see him in Gokusen 2

he prolly just one of those peeps in the background somewhere.

I'm ordering his series next week.

I dun like downloading stuff that much cuz I wanna lay in my bed and watch tv

I just ordered gokusen 2

so I'ma look for him again.

I found so many caps last night

I'll post later.

But u have to visit his official site

I snapped the images but I translated an article and it was saying something about people stealing the pictures and ish so I dun wanna post them


I think I have ......... a biiiggggggggg crush now

I was watching the Kamen rider show on youtube, cheesy but eye candy

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Okie here are the pics I found

Do not hotlink please






Can I ride that motorcycle with u?? :wub::wub::wub:









I really wish I could post the pix from his site

but the translation in BabelFish says that they dun want them taken off:(

anyone wanna translate again?

here u go


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Guest miyaviyo

has anyone read the manga B.O.D.Y? because DAMN HE LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE THE MAIN GUY CHARACTER O_O

Yep he does! :D

Wow, what episode was he on in Gokusen 2? O_____O

Darn he's hotttt! Loving the eyes and the jawline. :D

Guys with sleepy eyes are the sexiest! XD

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f81/tric...essprevails.jpg <-- he looks sooo 3D in this one. Anyone has larger version of this pic? *__*

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Yep he does! :D

Wow, what episode was he on in Gokusen 2? O_____O

Darn he's hotttt! Loving the eyes and the jawline. :D

Guys with sleepy eyes are the sexiest! XD

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f81/tric...essprevails.jpg <-- he looks sooo 3D in this one. Anyone has larger version of this pic? *__*

Yeh he does :blush:

lol no one has seen him in Gokusen 2

it's a mystery :ph34r:

He's soooo handsome---------> :wub:

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Muwahahaha I spotted him in Gokusen 2

but u can't tell it's him cuz he has brown hair!

Watch the part in episode one after Hayato storms out the classroom cuz Odagiri's name is brought up

he's the guy who starts talking to Yamkumi first, he has a long earring.

He wears a green shirt

he looks really cute in gokusen 2

he's in almost every episode

sadly he doesnt talk much

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  • 3 weeks later...

I haven't visit this thread for a long time, since I have no access to Internet for two weeks -___-;;

Hiro celebrated his 24th birthday on April 13th, too bad I missed it T___T And it was on Friday this year =P

From what I read, he's currently working on his new drama that is airing starting April this year. No idea about the title since I can't read Japanese. There's not many pics of him around the Internet though. I have yet to scan any of my magazines *cough* Sorry!








You have to watch this one. It's Kamen Rider Kabuto Hyper Battle Video, and it show how Kagami [sato Yuki] wants to be like Tendou [Hiro], more like spoof of the series. Hiro looks funny here, especially when he did the Saturday Night Fever dance thingy =D

Part 1 [subbed]

Part 2[subbed]

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I haven't visit this thread for a long time, since I have no access to Internet for two weeks -___-;;

Hiro celebrated his 24th birthday on April 13th, too bad I missed it T___T And it was on Friday this year =P

From what I read, he's currently working on his new drama that is airing starting April this year. No idea about the title since I can't read Japanese. There's not many pics of him around the Internet though. I have yet to scan any of my magazines *cough* Sorry!








You have to watch this one. It's Kamen Rider Kabuto Hyper Battle Video, and it show how Kagami [sato Yuki] wants to be like Tendou [Hiro], more like spoof of the series. Hiro looks funny here, especially when he did the Saturday Night Fever dance thingy =D

Part 1 [subbed]

Part 2[subbed]

Thanx for sharing those :blush:

yeh there's a thread for his new drama on soompi somewhere

Happy belated birthday....he's 24? I thought he was born in 1984 @______o?

he was in gokusen 2?

who did he play?

Lol he looks so different and he's just one of the kids in the class so u wouldnt notice :)

he wears a green shirt and his hair is actually brown.

Watch episode 1 after Hayato (Jin) leaves the classroom after Odagiri's name is mentioned

I just saw him on the dvd and I was like "OMG thats Hiro" lol even though I saw that episode so many times kekekeke :)

I wanna hear him speak english..any clips?

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Guest Key

Thanx for sharing those :blush:

yeh there's a thread for his new drama on soompi somewhere

Happy belated birthday....he's 24? I thought he was born in 1984 @______o?

*headdesks* Sorry, it's 23! :ph34r:

I wish I can hear him speak English too *sigh*

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Guest OrangeLover

wow..he's 24!! so young!

he so hot. i saw his drama Kanojo to no Tadashii Asobikata.

he's so freaken cute in the drama...like a little boy! hahhaha

i didn't even know he speak english so well either...

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Guest ibooyou

Oh gosh, I didn't know he turned 23!!!! Only five years older than me. Wewt, I got a chance. He's just so :wub:.

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Guest Key

Ah, I wanna watch his new drama too! He's like a boy, eh? Well, good to hear that since he's been emotionless almost most of the times in Kamen Rider Kabuto =P

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Ah, I wanna watch his new drama too! He's like a boy, eh? Well, good to hear that since he's been emotionless almost most of the times in Kamen Rider Kabuto =P


Kekekeke did anyone see the youtube clip when he's eating that sushis with the bug in it lol?

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