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Prayer Requests

Guest mistahbang

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Guest jwuonog

This is a good topic. I think a lot of times, us Christians underestimate the importance and power of prayer.

I have a few requests:

-My mother, who has been suffering chronic kidney failure for about 10 years now

-My family (financial problems)

-God's will and plan for me

-My unsaved friends, coworkers, classmates

And also, I think it's time for all of us young people to pray for a revival. Just look at our generation (the young Asian-Americans) as a whole. I think it's safe to say we aren't doing very well. Did you guys know that 100 years ago, in Korea, there was a huge revival? it was the result of lots of prayer for the Holy Spirit.

that's all I can think of for now. I'm glad you made this topic. haha but why did you put it in love & relationships?

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Guest miss sweetie

To all the people above me that posted, I'll pray you all. :]

AH, I <3 this topic.

I have some prayer requests too. :] Hopefully, you'll pray for me too.

-GOD <3

-all my unsaved family, my friends, their families. etc.

-my friend who has sort of an addiction to something that i don't want to mention here.

-that I need to make my life more God-centered and not self-centered.[ something that I learned from a teen conference]

-focus more on school


I'm happy that you made this topic. thanks <3 :]

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Guest binwooXD

(: LOVE this topic. lol

i`ll pray for you guys !

since I'm having a tough time right now


my requests are...

-i pray for my relationships with friends

-i pray that my brother will get a job.

-i pray for myself.

-i pray that i can stay strong with everything that is going on right now.

-i pray that i can grow closer to god and be more religious.

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This is a really nice topic, it doesn't hurt anyone by praying for them :)

I'll be sure to pray for you all.


family's financial problems

my moms health

Thank you, God Bless.

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Guest mistahbang

why pray when there is no god?

i have several examples to this phrase

One example is from the smartest man who ever lived, Albert Einstein.

As many of you know, Albert Einstein was Jewish, and he believed in God. History's smartest man believed in God.

Unheard of these days if you consider yourself a rational intellect. Anyways, during class one day, his teacher was denouncing God, ranting on about how God cannot exist because we cannot see him. Albert Einstein immediately jumped upon that statement arguing like this: (not exact quote sorry -_-) "According to your theory, that means your brain must not exist for you cannot see it at all. If we base our lives upon what we can see, there are so many things we cannot believe."

People say this is a stupid example because they say "well it's impossible to live without a brain," or "we can now see our brain through x-rays."

Guess what? I think it's impossible for me to live without God. And x-rays were not invented during Einstein's childhood time.

There are so many things we cannot see yet we believe it. Why? Because we have faith it is there. We have faith our parents are at home or at work, even though we cannot see them. We have faith that we will live to see tomorrow even though we cannot see the future. We have faith that the chocolate at the bottom of a Drumstick is there, even though we cannot see it. Well guess what, we have faith God is watching over us every single second of our lives. The reason we believe God is because we have experienced His love and it is real to us more than anything.

Why are athiests so focused on demeaning various faiths? Because they have faith they have found ways to disprove religion. But you want to know something? Athiests still follow the law of ethics, a standard of good and evil set up by God. Did you know the law of ethics contradicts science? Ethics are irrational, because no one can be the judge of your actions except God. So in a sense, athiests believe in what they cannot see. They believe they must still justify their actions, and still feel guilt after they have commited a sin of a great extent.

I hope that clears some things up. Have a good day. And I'll pray that God opens up your heart. :)

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Guest overlyexpressed


Some prayers and intentions I have..


♥Family issues.

♥Maintaining friendships.

♥Wanting him to forgive me.

♥Battling depression.

♥Stress that is overpowering my will for a healthy life.

♥Friends.. hoping they will all understand..


And the issue of no 'God'.

Okay. So we kind of know God as a perfect figure.

And we're all imperfect.

But we know that there is a perfect - I mean, we have this image or idea in the back of our heads.


We're imperfect. How can we EVER think of something SO perfect?

So there must be a perfect thing/person that leads or influence us in believing.

So there must be some sort of God.

So why not think that there is a God now?

A God that answers prayers?


Philosophy is fun.

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Guest F4BUL0USz*

my prayer requests:

-my mom's eyes & health

-my dad's unusable hand & health

-my brother to stay healthy & good during his stay in the marines & always :)


i really like this thread :)

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why pray when there is no god?

*@#(*&@#(*@&#( >=(

waahh i'll pary for all of you =(

-money problem =( bad bad bad

-friend problems, i feel lonely



-make mommy healthy !!

-family gets along (hopefully)

-take better care of myself


edit. yeah i just finished praying for all of you that replyed before me. also the person under me =)

lets hope you did too !!

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Guest schizo

even though im not christian

but buddhist,

i have some prayer requests that maybe you guys can help with?

- dad's smoking problem

- our financial problem

- family problem (lacking some understanding)

- my grades/self confidence

- mom's health

- everyone's stress load

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Guest MsChen

i'll pray for you guys.

these are some of my prayer requests, i hope you can pray for me too.

my prayer requests

- i hope my daddy stops smoking because he knows it's bad for his health, but he's just so addicted to it.

- i hope you guys can help me pray that my family's relationships get better. i don't wanna get into another argument with my parents.

- i hope that my sister & i have a closer relationship, she's been so distant lately. sometimes it feels like i don't know her anymore.

- i hope that i can maintain good relationships with my friends.

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Guest ladyxchristina

this is such a nice topic.. :)

prayer requests;



-closer to god

-my grades

thanks. i will pray for you guys too.

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i think this is a beautiful, touching topic :)


- choosing the right college

- grades

- that i would have a hunger to know God more

- to grow closer to my Dad. we're not very close and i just want to get to grow closer to him and build a special daughter-father bond before i go off to college.

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Guest PunchNine

A dear aunt of mine has about half a year of her life left because of cancer.

I'm not christian but I'm going to pray for her.

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Guest k4nch1

why pray when there is no god?

u shouldnt be to offensive. Well if u dont believe that God is exist then u shouldnt care bout this.

I do believe in God.

Anyway, for the thread starter.. Wish u all the best and i'm sure everything will goes well.

Oh remember this, " if u have faith in Him, u will see the Glory of God."

I've had some miracles that people might not believe it. :)


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Guest sweet.dreams

This is an AWESOME topic. Thanks mistahbang for starting this topic. ^^

I, myself, too is a Christian. And yes, I have come to realize that God does answer my prayers. For instance, a few years ago, my grandma had a kidney failure. So, my family and I prayed to God that he finds a right donor to help my grandma, and indeed God did. A few months later, my grandma got a kidney transplant and she no longer goes to the hospital for a check up. *God is Good* Then, last month, I have asked God to help me pass my PPST (exams for students who are going to become elementary teachers) because I have taken them so many times and did not pass. However, I prayed and indeed, he answered my prayer and I had passed! -- I still have one more to pass -- I was so happy that I thank him right after. Then a couple of weeks ago, I prayed and asked him to help my fiance find a closer job to home...and just yesterday...a company that my fiance applied for called him for an interview. ^^ *God is Good* We were both so happy. Even though my fiance isn't a Christian...he believes that there is "someone" out there in the world who makes all of these miracles come true. So, he and I pray every night. ^^

Okay, enough of my story. ^^

Here is my prayer request:

- help me pass my PPST - READING SECTION (the last section i need to pass, which is the hardest part for me !!)

- help pray that my fiance will get that job that called him for an interview

- build up my faith in God (since I have moved in with my fiance, I haven't gone to church for a long time...but I still believe in him)

- have motivation in school so that I can do well

- stop the war in Iraq

Thank You. I will pray for others as well. ^__^

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Guest BBShine

OMG I'm crying right now because this topic is so sweet.

This has got to, for SURE be the awesome-est thread ever.

Wow. Thank God for people like you.

Prayer Requests:

-My relationship with God to keep growing.

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Guest michellieezz

I'm not sure if I consider myself Christian or not because it feels like my relationship with Him is dying which makes me feel that I'm not good enough to be one. I still believe in Him though except I don't pray to him as much but recently, I learned that there are no rules or guidelines to fully become a Christian or to simply believe in Him.

...yeah hopefully that makes sense <_<

prayer requests

- to have a better and closer relationship with God

- my dad's health

- to stop my lying habits >_<

- grades

- to still have that motivation to go to the gym

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Guest alicimoo

This is such a nice idea.

I'll try to pray everyone!

My Prayer Requests:

-Closer relationship with God--I keep slipping.

-To act more like a Christian so I can show others the good that God has done for me.

-To be able to spread the news to non-believers. I have issues about talking about God to anyone who's not Christian. =/

-Staying true to my committments.

-Time management.

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Guest mistahbang

I'm not sure if I consider myself Christian or not because it feels like my relationship with Him is dying which makes me feel that I'm not good enough to be one. I still believe in Him though except I don't pray to him as much but recently, I learned that there are no rules or guidelines to fully become a Christian or to simply believe in Him.

...yeah hopefully that makes sense <_<

prayer requests

- to have a better and closer relationship with God

- my dad's health

- to stop my lying habits >_<

- grades

- to still have that motivation to go to the gym

? Yea, I know how you feel. Sometimes, my guilt pushes me away from God. I tell myself, I am not worthy to worship someone as perfect as you Lord. But guess what? God is waiting for you to come back to Him, even after the 100000th time you walked away from Him! His love has saved you. And guess what else? You do not decide how close you are to God, He does. He will shape your faith and bring you closer. I'm praying for you :)

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