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Planet Earth


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Discovery's New 11 - Part Mini Series
planet earth

More than five years in the making, Planet Earth redefines blue-chip natural history filmmaking

and continues the Discovery Channel mission to provide the highest quality programming in the world.

Award-winning actress and conservationist Sigourney Weaver narrates this 11-part series. You'll

be amazed by never-before-seen animal behaviors, startling views of locations captured by cameras

for the first time and unprecedented high-definition production techniques.

Pole to Pole

Follow the sun as it touches the lives of creatures across the planet, bringing a fresh understanding

of how the world is interconnected. From African herds migrating hundreds of miles in search of water

to desperate animal hunts, Pole to Pole examines how the seasons produce the greatest spectacles on Earth.


Tour the planet's mightiest mountain ranges and meet the rare animals that inhabit them. From a

never-before-seen hunt by snow leopards on the treacherous slopes of the Himalayas to a family of

pumas struggling to survive the unstable weather of the Andes, Mountains reveals life on the planet's

highest peaks.

Deep Ocean

Explore the depths of the planet's oceans and discover some of this mysterious world's most spectacular

species. From light shows performed by squids to the blue whale, the largest animal to ever exist, Deep

Ocean investigates the waters that cover two-thirds of the Earth's surface yet remain largely unknown.


Voyage to the world's harshest environments and learn how life manages to keep a precarious hold in

every desert. From the llama-like guanacos of Chile's Atacama Desert that survive by licking dew from

cactus spines to lions that scour arid Namibia for antelopes, Deserts unravels the secrets behind survival

in unimaginable conditions.

Ice Worlds

Venture to the poles of our planet and find the harshest wild lands, where seasonal change is extreme.

From emperor penguins which defy the coldest conditions on Earth to the polar bear that emerges from

hibernation with her new cubs, Ice Worlds explores an ecosystem in which few could survive.

Shallow Sea

Dive into the planet's shallow waters where sunlight reaches the seabed and find an explosion of life. From

the rarely seen cooperation between snakes and fish hunting for food to the journey of a humpback whale

and her newborn calf traveling thousands of miles in search of food, Shallow Seas explores the rarely seen

sights of the world's mighty oceans.

Great Plains

Trek to the Earth's largest land habitats, where vast open spaces play host to the biggest groups of animals

in the world. From the 2,000 mile migration undertaken by three million caribou in the Arctic tundra to a pride

of 30 starving lions hunting elephants, Great Plains reveals the most impressive migrations and boldest hunts

on the planet.


Delve deep into this ecosystem, beyond the flourishing plant life, and find an environment that tests each

animal's survival skills. From the elaborate mating rituals of New Guinea's birds of paradise to the territorial

battles of chimpanzees, Jungles examines an environment that occupies only three percent of the planet and

yet is home to more than half the world's species.

Fresh Water

Follow rivers as they course from mountain to the sea, nourishing unique and dramatic wildlife. From the world's

deepest lake inhabited by the only species of freshwater seal to a stunning look at the world's highest waterfall,

Fresh Water offers a unique perspective on the secret lives teeming in our purest waters.

Seasonal Forests

Investigate these temperate regions and find some of the most elusive creatures and well-adapted plant life on

Earth. From the giant sequoia tree ten times the size of a blue whale to the trackless Siberian forests where just

40 Amur leopards remain, Forests brings to life a seemingly familiar world that remains largely unexplored.


Descend into the only habitat not directly driven by sunlight to discover some of the most peculiar creatures

on Earth. From Borneo's Deer Cave where five million bats roost to cave swiftlets that build nests from saliva,

Caves digs deep into an underground world few people have ever explored.

-- excerpt taken from Discovery Channel Store.

The pictures are amazing!

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Guest manlytoe

oh oh oh.. when is it on?

i wanna watch it, but I forgot the time.. ah~

i saw the preview and man was it awesome!!!!

woo~ thanks baoi!

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Guest res0nate

Apparently the US airings removed the end interviews w/the cameramen and such. The eps are originally an hour long rather than the chopped up 45 min. edits.

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Guest pumaxgirl<3

I watched all three episodes that were on last night...instead of doing my homework. Clearly I have my priorities right. :]

Last night was "Pole to Pole," "Mountains," and "Deep Ocean." They were wooooonderful. I can't wait for "Deserts" and "Jungles"!!! :)

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Guest kiss*kiss

I watched all three episodes that were on last night...instead of doing my homework. Clearly I have my priorities right. :]

Last night was "Pole to Pole," "Mountains," and "Deep Ocean." They were wooooonderful. I can't wait for "Deserts" and "Jungles"!!! :)

I saw those eps last night too, except I missed out on "Deep Ocean" which bummed me out because that looked great. Discovery has had some great shows lately. Dirty Jobs and Deadliest Catch are two of my favorites. :)

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Guest Iridescence

yeah. I recorded these! I didnt have time to watch it since I was studying last night. But I'm looking forward to watching these later!

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Guest ichigo_no_powder

Lol, here I was hoping that they'd play it in Canada.

And they already did.


While the US gets Weaver, everyone else got Sir Attenborough to narrate. Awesome.

Noooooo >< I hope they'll play it again soon.

They showed it on Oprah yesterday and I was so amazed at how beautiful everything is. I hated watching the animals hunt though. As one of the producers of Planet Earth had said, you really don't know which side to root for.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest iyeiluj

100 dollars days that it comes out on DVD's later

but anywho....if you just are the least bit interested in nature...this is the show for you

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Guest hyeminnie

i missed an episode last week and i was so angry, but i was able to catch the "Deep Oceans" episode yesterday. i kept switching between the Discovery channel and the History channel cuz they had this whole series about the bible and Jesus and i couldn't stray away.

good thing they're showing the episodes again.

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Guest csnrain

the commercials looked amazing and I've been meaning to watch it....but I keep forgetting.

hopefully they'll rerun it, or I could just buy it on dvd

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i wanna watch this! i missed this on TV does anyone know where to watch? or dl?


Check mininova for a torrent...I'm downloading a couple of episodes right now...The files are HUGE, but hopefully that means the quality will be the same as it is on tv =)

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