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Miyavi Thread

Guest Jeshika

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Guest ricepaper


One word. Simply AMAZING!

I still don't know if I'm dreaming or not and everything's a blur.

One thing I'm really disappointed though is that I didn't bring in a camera in with me. I thought the security was going to check everything and all (I heard it was sort of tight at the House of Blues?), but they were pretty lax this time (figures, it's Hollywood and not Disney u_u). Also, make sure you're up front to the stage. Miyavi jumped in like 6 times and people were grabbing him all over. Poor guy ><

AH Spoilers Warning for those going to his other concert dates!

And whoever said Miyavi couldn't dance? He was popping, breaking, doing the robot and the wave along to his beat boxer for the intros. to Tokyo Blues. And it was cute how Miyavi had little mini competition between himself and his teammates like the Tap Dancer dude. The beat boxer's AMAZING. He made the exact sound that you can hear on Memories of Bushido (Instrumental). The DJ was awesome! He mixed in some classics like Pop is Dead, 2 be Wiz U, Freedom Fighters, Senor Senora, Senorita, etc. with what's it called... synthesizer? It was like walking down the memory lane.. 6 years of Miyavi fandom.

And yes, Miyavi touched himself during JPN Pride. /nosebleed

And his stage persona is awesome! He was cracking jokes and really tried to connect with the audience. One moment was:

Miyavi: I can't hear you!


Miyavi: Too loud ><

Everyone: LoL

The guy can start his own religion. It was like God just walked in and I was having hard time focusing on everything all at once XD

One another advice: MAKE SURE YOU GET CASH READY IF YOU WANT TO BUY SOMETHING! I had to shove all 108 lbs. of poor me up to the front to grab his Tour Shirt and a poster. (my dormmate in college will probably freak out when I bust out my Miyavi poster XD) You look for your change in your pocket and someone cuts you off -_-;;

Soooo I would upload pictures or videos, but since I didn't take a camera T_T I think I'll take pictures of the merchandise that was sold at the concert and upload them later.. I gotta catch some Z's.

Next up, San Francisco, Chile, and Brazil (that's what the back of his tour shirt says)!

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Guest ~*yubkigirl*~

omgahhh! i finally found this thread!!

i JUST got back from his live in LA also!! it was so AWESOME! he's algkjaslgkajslgjas no words can describe him! and i got to touch him too XDDDD



wellllllll the concert itself was breathtaking Miyavi was joking around dancing and the beat boxer/rapper and TEDDY (omg he's so hot) were so fantastic and the tap dancer was too! the whole thing was soooo creative and something i've never seen before!!! omgahhhh i can't wait to see him again!! XDDD

his english was to die for too!! hahahaha

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Guest ricepaper

omgahhh! i finally found this thread!!

i JUST got back from his live in LA also!! it was so AWESOME! he's algkjaslgkajslgjas no words can describe him! and i got to touch him too XDDDD



wellllllll the concert itself was breathtaking Miyavi was joking around dancing and the beat boxer/rapper and TEDDY (omg he's so hot) were so fantastic and the tap dancer was too! the whole thing was soooo creative and something i've never seen before!!! omgahhhh i can't wait to see him again!! XDDD

his english was to die for too!! hahahaha

OMG Yoshiki was there?! O_O My friend and I both thought we didn't want to kill ourselves in the suicide heat so we went to ArcLight and stayed till 6:30. ARGH! I should have just stood and waited in line early.

Is Teddy the DJ? Cause if he is, I agree, he was hot (at least from the distance. I was standing on the stairwell upstairs, directly in the center facing the stage) AND had awesome sense of fashion.

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Omg I just got home from his concert, aww I am so happy it was just so amazing I love how he got close to the fans, unfortunately my friends and I didn't get to touch him :(

But his performances were fantastic!!!

Though I have to say it felt like the crowd was kinda dead for a concert like this~cuz I mean the most hyped up people were in the front on the dance floor and people further back of the dance floor were just standing there (literaly just standing there) with their arms crossed the whole time, and on the upper level some were hyped but it also looked like they were not as into it as those in the front of the dance floor

And I'm actually surprise that I felt, that the crowd didn't feel as energetic as it could've been, especially cuz a lot people came dress up, well fixed up I guess in a visual kei style? So you'd think that they be so into it but they really weren't. And not to mention it felt so awkard jumping and doing everything else when the people behind, next to you or near you weren't moving at all.

Anyhow the concert was great but I'm just mad that I didn't bring a camera to record or take pictures, because security was pretty laid back and a lot peopl that were on the dance floor were taking pictures and I didn't really see security taking the cameras away, although I only saw security go in through the crowd once and they were only giving warnings and not taking them away.

But overall the concert was great!!!!

Miyavi was so cute, hot and sexy when he said "I love you" :)

After Miyavi is done with his world tour, I hope he decides to have another concert here in LA!!!

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Guest BendyStraw

the concert was amazing except for some of the fans... god, i was on the 2nd floor with my friend when a family asked us to scoot down so they could fit and we chose that particular spot since it had the perfect view and we were nice enough to move down. when the concert started we stood up and they stayed sitting down but since they were a bunch of fat arses, they kept skooting down and one decided to sit right behind me and became upset that i was in there way when actually i was just standing in front of my seat. so the idiots father pokes my freaking richard simmons with the poster box (i felt so violated and annoyed cause i didnt have to move for them in the 1st place) and i blew up! i got so pissed... i dont understand why people find it necessary to take their entire family when they werent even enjoying the show. 2nd off, why did they freaking have to sit where people could have enjoyed the show if they werent even watching... omg. the show was soooooo amazing and one little thing ruined it! ACK! makes me soooo mad. however, miyavi and all the kavki boys were great though... Saro, Tyko, the DJ... was that DJ Hanger or was it somebody else? Oh yeah, Miyavi was especially amazing! :D lol

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^^ oh yeah I agree a lot people, well young kids came with their whole family!!

When I was in line I was like "omg don't tell me the parents are gonna go in too!" Cuz I mean they probably wouldn't be fans and they would've just been there, killing the atmosphere, which I guess in a way did happen

Gosh I wished these young kids would've brought only 1 parent or older sibling and not the whole family!

Oh and yeah there were a lot people trying to shove their way to the front, a lot fat arses too, got me mad too!

But Yes Miyavi and Kavki Boys were awsome!!!!

I want another Miyavi concert in LA! :)

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Guest Wammie<3

Hey everyone going to the SF shows!

Can someone help me get 2 merchandise?!

I want the hat (any color) and a shirt M (not lion)!

I will pay $70 for the two items in concealed cash!


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Guest ~*yubkigirl*~

OMG Yoshiki was there?! O_O My friend and I both thought we didn't want to kill ourselves in the suicide heat so we went to ArcLight and stayed till 6:30. ARGH! I should have just stood and waited in line early.

Is Teddy the DJ? Cause if he is, I agree, he was hot (at least from the distance. I was standing on the stairwell upstairs, directly in the center facing the stage) AND had awesome sense of fashion.

yeah i saw him after the concert as he was pulling out of the parking lot XDDD Teddy is the DJ omgosh he was definately hot hot hot! even though Miyavi was the sexiest thing ever! godddd i'm suffering from concert withdrawal already T___T

but yea i totally agree with saphire and Bendystraw there were so many parents there and girls that looked like really young ><

ahhhh Miyavi is so amazing!!! i'm really sore but i wish i were at the san fran one today :PPP lol

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^^ lol my body is sore all over too!

My sister and 2 friends are also in the same boat, lol

But my sis and one of my friends almost lost their voices because of all that screaming from the excitement, but a concert from Miyavi is definitely worth it :)

Oh I wish I was at the San Franscisco concert!

I hope Miyavi decides to have lots of more concerts in LA in the future :)

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LOL i guess we're all in the same situation our body is sore haha i thought it was really fun! but i was suffocating and the people wouldn't stop pushing! that's the thing that gets me mad

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Guest pandadeath

Yaay, I also went to the Anaheim and L.A. shows. x]

L.A. was soo much more fun than Anaheim. But I heard the SF lives were just incomparable. And I totally regret not driving up there right after the Korean Music Festival. D;

Oooh and I shook Yoshiki's hand. I STILL CAN'T GET OVER THAT.

Although I wished and hoped that night that I would shake Miyavi's, I was happy that I at least touched someone. lol.

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Guest stayfreemymisery__`

i envy you guys, i wish meevs would've come to texas...err, at least somewhere closer than cali <_<



NO WAAAAAAY.... yoooossshiiikkiiii...


life is so unfair...


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Guest hypekstatic

who is Yoshiki??? man i feel dumb but anyway

i went to the House of Blues one in Anaheim and i met his family!

well not like his mom or dad, it was his sister, his uncle? and i think cousins im not sure about the other people.

the rapper, Tyko's parents were there too and maybe the DJ's family not sure... but his sister for sure!

my friend met miyavi a while back in Northridge, Ca like totally randomly at a chinese restaurant and ever since

her goal in life is to stalk miyavi lol she wanted us to talk to the family but i thought it was a bit of a harassment.

well basically we were sitting next to them. we got VIP seats cuz my friend has

an apparent "charm" that the workers could not resist. good looking goes a long way i guess

anyway love the girl for it lol

the DJ teddy loid? was really good! the anaheim crowd wasnt as crazy as i thought they should be

but at least there werent a bunch of lolitas walking around.

btw i think to clear things up, Miyavi IS in fact half korean.

his father is 2nd generation Zainichi Korean, so technically he is half korean in blood

but he didn't know that until he was older.

He can't speak korean though because he was brought up with his mother and mainly only spoke Japanese.

I think Wikipedia said his korean name is Lee Gwi-Ya? Lee being his last name obviously but it's wiki. whether you

believe it or not is up to you.

I also found a source saying that his last name is ISHIHARA. don't remember the source

you may have to google it.

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Guest ladyyehse

lmao, Yoshiki is the famous guy from X-Japan. I don't know much about him though. Miyavi is in Yoshiki's SUPERBAND S.K.I.N.

aaaaaaah, im jealous of all of you.

if he came to NYC, miyavi wouldve rocked the show! we would've rocked the show! :lol:

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Guest precious4e

^ lol everytime i think of Yoshiki I laugh a little bit on the inside. I don't know why, he amuses me.

anyways, darn I wish miyavi came to NYC. Sounds like he put on a good show. One day he'll come....he better....

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Guest Despoina

^ lol everytime i think of Yoshiki I laugh a little bit on the inside. I don't know why, he amuses me.

anyways, darn I wish miyavi came to NYC. Sounds like he put on a good show. One day he'll come....he better....

lol I definitely hope he does! I heard he did though, or was I imagining it?

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