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Guest ilovemesomekorean

hi everybody... i just bought a min pin... and shes about 8 weeks old. and we're still in the potty training process... and i would just like to hear a few pointers...

because right now we either take her outside to play and she'll poop and pee there. but we also have the pee pads.. that we would like her to go on... so that way if nobody is home then she can go there.. cause she's a small dog. and also... at night we dont want to take her at the back yard cause she's tiny and theres cats and raccoons and stuff.

we also keep her in the kennel and she doesnt like it... but we only make her sleep there at night because she's not potty trained yet.. but when she is.. she'll sleep with me.

she also wont sleep if im around. for instance she'll be sleeping then when i come home.. she'll wake up and bark and whine until i pick her up and hold her.. then i wait for her to sleep on me.. then i put her back in the kennel to sleep. but she'll just wake up maybe a half an hour to an hour later and do the same thing...

any pointers for that? should i stop taking her out and let her whine.. or am i doing hte right thing?

thanks to anyone who reads this and is kind enough to reply... im honestly new to this.. because i've only had a pit and he was already trained and everything,. but we had to give him away... so my little baby pika is very new to me.


~love pika & ilovemesomekorean

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Guest one.two.three

why do dogs eat their own poop?

because they eat whatever their mouth reaches, and whatever their nose allows them to :wacko:

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Guest hodduk

hi everybody... i just bought a min pin... and shes about 8 weeks old. and we're still in the potty training process... and i would just like to hear a few pointers...

because right now we either take her outside to play and she'll poop and pee there. but we also have the pee pads.. that we would like her to go on... so that way if nobody is home then she can go there.. cause she's a small dog. and also... at night we dont want to take her at the back yard cause she's tiny and theres cats and raccoons and stuff.

we also keep her in the kennel and she doesnt like it... but we only make her sleep there at night because she's not potty trained yet.. but when she is.. she'll sleep with me.

she also wont sleep if im around. for instance she'll be sleeping then when i come home.. she'll wake up and bark and whine until i pick her up and hold her.. then i wait for her to sleep on me.. then i put her back in the kennel to sleep. but she'll just wake up maybe a half an hour to an hour later and do the same thing...

any pointers for that? should i stop taking her out and let her whine.. or am i doing hte right thing?

thanks to anyone who reads this and is kind enough to reply... im honestly new to this.. because i've only had a pit and he was already trained and everything,. but we had to give him away... so my little baby pika is very new to me.


~love pika & ilovemesomekorean

You should not keep taking her out when she whines, because then she will never learn to sleep on her own. When I first got my puppy we kept it in a cage at night and it would whine and bark all night, but you just have to ignore it as hard as it is. Sooner or later they will learn to stop whining at night and go to sleep on their own. Also, you have to keep it a strict thing because if you let them sleep with you once, they will keep on wanting to.

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Guest ilovemesomekorean

^ thanks so much for replying! so for now on in the night i will keep her in the cage... but what about when she takes naps in the day? do i put her in the cage or let her sleep on the couch?

also, how did you do the potty training your puppy?

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Guest aznscrewball

hi everybody... i just bought a min pin... and shes about 8 weeks old. and we're still in the potty training process... and i would just like to hear a few pointers...

because right now we either take her outside to play and she'll poop and pee there. but we also have the pee pads.. that we would like her to go on... so that way if nobody is home then she can go there.. cause she's a small dog. and also... at night we dont want to take her at the back yard cause she's tiny and theres cats and raccoons and stuff.

we also keep her in the kennel and she doesnt like it... but we only make her sleep there at night because she's not potty trained yet.. but when she is.. she'll sleep with me.

she also wont sleep if im around. for instance she'll be sleeping then when i come home.. she'll wake up and bark and whine until i pick her up and hold her.. then i wait for her to sleep on me.. then i put her back in the kennel to sleep. but she'll just wake up maybe a half an hour to an hour later and do the same thing...

any pointers for that? should i stop taking her out and let her whine.. or am i doing hte right thing?

thanks to anyone who reads this and is kind enough to reply... im honestly new to this.. because i've only had a pit and he was already trained and everything,. but we had to give him away... so my little baby pika is very new to me.


~love pika & ilovemesomekorean

Yea, I agree with the cage at night comment. Also, I would suggest crate training her when you leave the house so that there is absolutely no chance of an accident. About the sleeping thing, you can either put her in the kennel and leave the door open, so that she doesnt think shes being locked in, or get her a puppy bed to sleep on. I used to just tote my puppy around wherever I went. She slept my computer table while I was on the computer and almost from the first day, she slept on my bed.

To prevent the nighttime accidents if you plan to let her sleep on your bed, take away her water away at 9pm. Make sure you go to outside once before you go to bed. Keep her on the leash if you are afraid of the cats and raccoons. LOL I used to be so paranoid and bring a humongous flashlight outside.

To prevent daytime accidents, take her out approximately every 2-3 hours (I would suggest every 2 hrs for 2 months, 3 hrs for 3 months, 4 hrs for 4 mths...etc). I'm not too fond of the pee pads, but to each their own. Lots of praise and a tiny piece of treat every time she goes pee/poo (literally like the size of a quarter of a penny).

I hope I didnt forget anything. Feel free to ask if you have any more questions.

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Guest hodduk


I just let my puppy sleep wherever during the day, but that's up to you. As for the potty training, it is not a quick and easy thing. It takes time, some longer than others. But what I did with my puppy is I took him out every hour or so and let him do his business outside. If he didn't go outside then I would bring him back in and put him in the cage..then take him back out later. If he pooped or peed in the house, and I caught him doing it then I would scold him and take him outside immediately. If I didn't see him poo or pee in the house, I just cleaned it up. I don't know if that is necessarily the correct way, but it worked for my puppy and now he just whines at the door when he needs to go. The key thing is to be persistent in whatever you do.

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Guest honeylove

I've had my guinea pig for about 2 weeks now& it still isn't use to me. It scratches when I try to pick him up. & Like, I put a shoebox in there for him to hide in because I kno how guinea pigs like to hide. And he never comes out, and sometimes I lift it up and he runs around for awhile then when I close it, he runs back in. And if he does come out, if someone walks by, he'll run back in. And he's VERY spazzy for some reason. ]= I don't kno what to do to get it to warm up to me. Any advice?

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My dog, yorkshire terrier, which is almost 2yrs, pees outside, but poops in the house. HOW CAN I PREVENT THAT FROM HAPPENING? I tried making him smell his own poop while saying "bad boy bad boy!" or "No Lucky, NO!"

No can do!

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Guest tachichan

so, i read the rules, and i didn't see anything aboout asking where to buy one was against the rules....if it is..my bad ill delete/edit it!!

so i live in san francisco, and i really want a small-medium sized dog, but I dont know where to look! or how much is reasonable to buy a dog? would you really pay 800+ for a dog?? thats so much....

I'm debating between....a papillon, welsh corgi, yorkie, maltese....long hair chihuahua.....yea around those kinds.....

did you guys buy them online and had them shipped? or locally?? suggestions please! thanks!

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I love this topic...The posts are so cute and make me smile. XD

I'd like to get a fish but I don't know anything about them.

I just want one fish in one of those classic glass bowls. Maybe even something like this:


The thing is, I don't know anything about fish. :(

I would really like a low-maintenance one... What kind should I get and how would I take care of it?

Thank youuu!

(I hope it's okay for me to post this picture since it's an example of something and not really my pet...)

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Guest kuwon

I have a brown, female jindo dog, and shes almost a year now.

My parents named her Soonhee (which mean girl for an animal in korean)

When I was little, we used to have a boy dog

And my parents named it Doree (which means boy for an animal in korean)

Next time we get a pet...I think im gonna name it

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Guest aznscrewball

so, i read the rules, and i didn't see anything aboout asking where to buy one was against the rules....if it is..my bad ill delete/edit it!!

so i live in san francisco, and i really want a small-medium sized dog, but I dont know where to look! or how much is reasonable to buy a dog? would you really pay 800+ for a dog?? thats so much....

I'm debating between....a papillon, welsh corgi, yorkie, maltese....long hair chihuahua.....yea around those kinds.....

did you guys buy them online and had them shipped? or locally?? suggestions please! thanks!

Why not adopt a dog? There are a lot of dogs without homes. Some of them are adults and potty trained, so you dont even have to go through the trouble :)

My cat has an abscess, anyone know how much it costs to get it treated? :s

There is no harm in giving your vet a call. They don't charge anything for calls and you can get a rough estimate of how much you would be spending.

I love this topic...The posts are so cute and make me smile. XD

I'd like to get a fish but I don't know anything about them.

I just want one fish in one of those classic glass bowls. Maybe even something like this:


The thing is, I don't know anything about fish. :(

I would really like a low-maintenance one... What kind should I get and how would I take care of it?

Thank youuu!

(I hope it's okay for me to post this picture since it's an example of something and not really my pet...)

Woah, thats one sweet fishbowl! I would say goldfish and betta fish are the easiest to take care of. If you want it to be pretty too, get the betta. I have one and I hardly ever remember to feed it and it just wont die!

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Guest aznscrewball

Haha, Ive seen people stuffing their cat into whatever they can. Ive seen a picnic basket, backpack, purse, anything really. Some people actually start trying to get their cats into the cage very early in the morning for an afternoon appointment. Good luck next time :)

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Recently, my friend bought a female rabbit and we tried bonding his rabbit with my male rabbit. Within like.. 5 seconds, my rabbit starts humping her. Sometimes it's not even in the back TT-TT'

It's in her face, her side, just any place he can get on top of.

Today, my rabbit humped her again and took a bite on her fur.. is that okay? Is it normal?

Cause I'm scared the female rabbit might be harmed =\

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Guest loveof

my uncle wants to give away his dog because he can't take care of it during the day..

i have dog sitted my aunt's dog before so i know a few things about taking care of a dog.

the puppy is a year old and is a male. i was wondering how i can convert his diet to human food.

he eats manufactured dog food but this isn't as healthy as whole foods.

my aunt's dog eats apples, chicken, turkey, carrots, and rice. from what i know... and he use to eat a bunch of manufactured dog food.

how do i convert the puppy from eating dog food to eating whole foods?

since i don't believe in the pet store bagged or canned food.

i know dogs cannot eat pork, chocolate, or onions. but what are the foods a dog CAN eat? and cannot? thanks! :)

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