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Kang Dong-Won 강동원 [Upcoming movies: “The Plot”, “Dr. Cheon and Lost Talisman”, “ War and Revolt”]


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Guest syille

Wow....oceanluv..you're rockgirl....

yup..yup..top ten again...

and his three movies on the top twenty? hmm..what a great job he made...

we proud of you kdw...


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Guest Airine Pratama




source: http://www.cinemart.co.jp/theater/roppongi...one/result.html

credit: lebanon74



The Poll from Japanese Site

Most Favourite Korean Movie:

3rd Temptation of wolves

13th Too beautiful to lie

14th Duelist

Most Favourite Korean Actor:

4th Kang Dong Won


WOW ... Nice ... He's popular in Japan ... Almost all of his movie is on the list minus OHT coz i think Japanese viewer isn't able to watch yet.

Oceanluv, i like kdw in that show very much.....

do you have that clip?

if you do, pls posted it...



oceanluv, the article above it might be too small, but it can possible be read, if you have the rest of the article, pls posting it...

well....thanks se7ensg1rl 4 the translation, we happy to have you here...

btw i don't understand about undergrad school , what the meaning of that word?

Syille ... i think in Indonesian undergraduate school is "Program S1". And now Dongwon is taking his "S2".

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Guest syille

WOW ... Nice ... He's popular in Japan ... Almost all of his movie is on the list minus OHT coz i think Japanese viewer isn't able to watch yet.

Syille ... i think in Indonesian undergraduate school is "Program S1". And now Dongwon is taking his "S2".

thank 4 the explanation Airine... (sorry girls this is 4 airine, cos it's too hard 4 me to explain in english)

but..gw kepikirannya gini, kemungkinan si kdw ini ambil program DIII , jd not yet S1, so now dia ambil jurusan yg S1,

that's why there is no news about his graduation (according what we know by now), barangkali lho ya, soalnya dia kan katanya lulus with honour gt, tp ko ndak ada beritane, jadi bisa jadi dia itu lulus DIII, mungkin dia juga ngga kepikiran nanti2 nya mau jadi apa gt, so dulu itu dia ambil engineering, mungkin karena doi mm suka engineering, tp krn udah mentok di actor, maka dia kepikiran in the future mau jadi director or something like that lah, so we must very happy lah 'cos maybe in the future we will be able to see him in korean entertaining news....always....and will making a (more) huge break with his charm ability...


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Guest dada_princess

Dongwonie's watching over taehee "My love, Taehee"...wait and see..She loves bright men, bright gift... Kang Dong Won won Tae Hee's heart with LG Cyon Idea at the second time they met ( he promised his self so) " this one,... this is is my heart"... Hixx hixx... shy and cute oppa Donwonie

thanks for the pics oceanluv

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강동원 김혜수 매혹적인 향이 나는 남녀 1위 선정


[뉴스엔 이정아 기자]

강동원과 김혜수가 매혹적인 향이 날 것 같은 이미지로 이와 관련한 설문조사에서 각각 1위를 차지했다.

‘영화 '향수'의 매혹적인 여인의 향기를 소유하고 싶은 천재 향수제조사 그르누이 역할로 가장 잘 어울리는 국내 남자배우는?’이라는 폴 이벤트가 지난 6일부터 12일까지 영화 예매사이트 맥스무비에서 진행됐다. 강동원 김혜수가 네티즌들의 전폭적인 지지를 받았다.

강동원은 네티즌들에게 매혹적인 여인의 향기를 소유하고 싶은 욕망을 지닌 한국형 그르누이로 선정됐다. 그는 조승우와 조인성을 제치고 1,506명(38%)의 압도적인 지지를 얻으며 1위에 오른 것이다.

조승우(1,091-28.1%), 조인성(972명-25.1%), 비 정지훈(308명-7.8%)이 각각 2, 3, 4위로 뒤를 이었다.

위험한 욕망을 지닌 그르누이 역에 어울릴 것 같은 배우로 강동원이 1위를 차지했다면 그르누이의 강렬한 집착으로부터 벗어나야만 하는 아름답고 매혹적인 향기를 지닌 레이첼에 가장 잘 어울리는 배우로는 김혜수가 1위(50%-261명)에 올랐다. (8일부터 14일까지 포털 사이트 엠파스에서 진행)

김혜수에 이어 네티즌들은 손예진(115명-22%), 임수정(83명-15%), 김아중(60명-11%)을 치명적인 향기를 가진 레이첼로 선정했다.

이정아 happy@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.com)

copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지

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Guest syille

Dongwonie's watching over taehee "My love, Taehee"...wait and see..She loves bright men, bright gift... Kang Dong Won won Tae Hee's heart with LG Cyon Idea at the second time they met ( he promised his self so) " this one,... this is is my heart"... Hixx hixx... shy and cute oppa Donwonie

thanks for the pics oceanluv


is that what happened in second LG Cyon's CF? (the red wall version?)


pls translate all those pics that oceanluv posted above...

hiks...those caps look funny....too bad i don't understand a bit...

Oceanluv..that news that you post last....what is that?

is that mean that his next project (movie or cf or anything) will be with her?


thanks 4 MVIO clip.... hiks...so handsome...as always....

and where is kamin? long time no see.....is she still busy with her "new project"? i miss her...


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Oceanluv..that news that you post last....what is that?

is that mean that his next project (movie or cf or anything) will be with her?


thanks 4 MVIO clip.... hiks...so handsome...as always....

and where is kamin? long time no see.....is she still busy with her "new project"? i miss her...


No, the news is not his new project...

it is about the poll of something (need the translation :P ) that Dongwon and Hyesoo ranked no.1

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Guest se7ensg1rl



강동원 김혜수 매혹적인 향이 나는 남녀 1위 선정


[뉴스엔 이정아 기자]

강동원과 김혜수가 매혹적인 향이 날 것 같은 이미지로 이와 관련한 설문조사에서 각각 1위를 차지했다.

‘영화 '향수'의 매혹적인 여인의 향기를 소유하고 싶은 천재 향수제조사 그르누이 역할로 가장 잘 어울리는 국내 남자배우는?’이라는 폴 이벤트가 지난 6일부터 12일까지 영화 예매사이트 맥스무비에서 진행됐다. 강동원 김혜수가 네티즌들의 전폭적인 지지를 받았다.

강동원은 네티즌들에게 매혹적인 여인의 향기를 소유하고 싶은 욕망을 지닌 한국형 그르누이로 선정됐다. 그는 조승우와 조인성을 제치고 1,506명(38%)의 압도적인 지지를 얻으며 1위에 오른 것이다.

조승우(1,091-28.1%), 조인성(972명-25.1%), 비 정지훈(308명-7.8%)이 각각 2, 3, 4위로 뒤를 이었다.

위험한 욕망을 지닌 그르누이 역에 어울릴 것 같은 배우로 강동원이 1위를 차지했다면 그르누이의 강렬한 집착으로부터 벗어나야만 하는 아름답고 매혹적인 향기를 지닌 레이첼에 가장 잘 어울리는 배우로는 김혜수가 1위(50%-261명)에 올랐다. (8일부터 14일까지 포털 사이트 엠파스에서 진행)

김혜수에 이어 네티즌들은 손예진(115명-22%), 임수정(83명-15%), 김아중(60명-11%)을 치명적인 향기를 가진 레이첼로 선정했다.

이정아 happy@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.com)

copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지

I translated in the best possible way I could. I not quite sure if its all correct.

Kang Dong Won, Kim Hee Soo ranked no.1 in a survey on captivating scent

Kang Dong Won and Kim Hee Soo ranked no. 1 on a survey on "Who you think would have the most captivating scent?"

The survey was hosted by MaxMovie and the question was:

‘영화 '향수'의 매혹적인 여인의 향기를 소유하고 싶은 천재 향수제조사 그르누이 역할로 가장 잘 어울리는 국내 남자배우는?'

'In the movie 'Fragrance' in which the couples had an alluring scent that you want to possess/keep(?) which actor do you think fits the role?'

(can someone help translate this part? I don't know if this is correct. I don't understand the bolded words.)

This survey went on from the 6th to the 12th of this month.

Kang Dong Won beat Jo SuengWoo and Jo InSung with 1,506 votes(38%)

JO SuengWoo(1,091votes-28.1%) , Jo InSung (972votes-25.1%), Bi (308votes-7.8%)

Kim Hee Soo no. 1 with (50% - 261votes)

Song YeJin (115votes-22%), Im SooJung(83votes-15%), Kim AhJoong(60votes-11%)

I don't quite get this survey. I guess they assume he smells nice? Quite an unusual poll...

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Guest syille

Wow...thanks se7vensg1rl....and oceanluv.....

smells nice? hehe...i think i should watch that "fragrance" movie....


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Guest slpyazn528


haha, lol... smells nice.. :P But 'hyang gi' is a double play on words in this situation. :sweatingbullets:

By fragrance they mean like the person's distinct 'feel,' 'mood,' or 'aurora.' It's kind of hard to translate the exact definition into english, but like the most mysteriously seductive or captivating image of their mood... does that make sense? :unsure:

haha, yeah it's weird.. :P But yes, I bet he does smell nice too, lol.. :D:wub:

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movie ' fragrance' or 'Perfume: The Story of a Murderer'



Jean-Baptiste Grenouille has a unique talent for discerning the scents and smells that swirl around him, which he uses to create the world's finest perfumes. But his talent masks his burden. An orphan from birth, Grenouille has always felt alone in the world and different from any other person. Determined to connect with others, Grenouille tries to capture the irresistible but elusive aroma of young womanhood, traveling far and delving deeper into the intricate science of perfume-making. As he becomes increasingly - and recklessly - passionate about his art, his obsession to create the world's most powerful fragrance takes a deadly turn.

se7ensg1rl, thanks again for translation.

i think i have to prove his fragrance by myself....hehe :rolleyes:

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강동원 정려원 도시적 세련미 연예인 1위


[뉴스엔 김국화 기자]

강동원과 정려원이 가장 도회적이고 시크한 이미지의 연예인으로 뽑혔다.

커피&도넛 브랜드인 던킨도너츠는 국내 최대 홍보대행사인 피알원 직원 102명을 대상으로 한 설문조사에서 강동원과 정려원이 뉴요커의 세련된 이미지를 대표하는 남녀 연예인 각각 1위로 뽑혔다고 밝혔다.

이 설문조사는 던킨도너츠가 최근 기획한 베이글 홍보 캠페인과 관련해 베이글이 뉴요커의 이미지를 잘 표현하는 것에 착안해 진행됐다.

설문조사 참가자들은 ‘뉴요커’의 도시적이고 시크한 이미지와 잘 어울리는 연예인으로 강동원과 정려원을 가장 많이 꼽았다.

특히 려원은 전체 응답자 102명 가운데 58.82%라는 압도적인 지지율을 보이며 2위인 김아중(16.66%)과 3위인 김태희(15.68%)를 큰 표차로 따돌렸다. 드라마에서 보여준 스타일리시한 패션감각과 세련된 이미지로 ‘려원 스타일’을 만들어내기도 했던 점이 직장인들 사이에서 큰 점수를 얻은 것으로 보인다.

남자 부문에서는 평범한 옷도 스타일리시하게 만들줄 아는 ‘완소남’ 강동원이 39.2%로 가장 많은 표를 얻었으며 도시적인 이미지의 에릭도 24.6%로 뒤를 이었다. 또 ‘궁’의 황태자에서 새롭게 돌아온 모델 출신의 주지훈이 15.7%로 3위를 차지하는 등 세련된 스타일에서는 모델 출신들이 많은 지지를 얻은 것으로 나타났다.

김국화 ultrakkh@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.com)

copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지

source: http://news.media.daum.net/entertain/broad.../v16138323.html

i think it's about the poll agian and kdw again ranked no.1 place.

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Guest syille

movie ' fragrance' or 'Perfume: The Story of a Murderer'


Jean-Baptiste Grenouille has a unique talent for discerning the scents and smells that swirl around him, which he uses to create the world's finest perfumes. But his talent masks his burden. An orphan from birth, Grenouille has always felt alone in the world and different from any other person. Determined to connect with others, Grenouille tries to capture the irresistible but elusive aroma of young womanhood, traveling far and delving deeper into the intricate science of perfume-making. As he becomes increasingly - and recklessly - passionate about his art, his obsession to create the world's most powerful fragrance takes a deadly turn.

se7ensg1rl, thanks again for translation.

i think i have to prove his fragrance by myself....hehe :rolleyes:

OMG oceanluv...this is a horor movie...i just watched the thriller...hehe...i don't think i can stand of watching it....


WOW.... finally you find it....the b'day party....hiks..yess..it's too blur....but yeah...it's worth..... :)

you're really awesome.....

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Guest yoorina

kang dong won is really cute, love his eyes!

first time I saw him at the movie too beautiful to lie, but that time I don't like him that much, I start to like him at 1% of anything, love him as stubborn and hot-tempered guy.

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