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Kang Dong-Won 강동원 [Upcoming movies: “The Plot”, “Dr. Cheon and Lost Talisman”, “ War and Revolt”]


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too damm cute...

omo...he's the man i love.... :sweatingbullets: :blush:

choi hee chul ssi and lee cai ren ssi...it's appearing again...but much cooler and awesome....stylish and funnier....


i also like this looks...fresh & avant-garde...

that made me smile when i see his cheeky face... :D

okey..i wanna add some pics i love, when i got it from yahoo...these few days...

and looks this body....ssssrhhhttt is this perfect or what? the way he's walking....what would you say huh??!!


yeah!! esp his perfect legs...



i got this pic from oceanluv in this forum...and i put it on my desktop....

i love the sensation i got when i looking it, it's seem that he's looking at you back....what should i say??? i love it....!!

so i hope you will enjoy it as much as i have...tell me you opinion when you put this pic on you desktop....



it seems he's gazzing on me...hehe

his eyes expression is so meaningfull... :wub:


^luv his funny expression :lol:

PS: hopely, he can attend this ceremony today.... :rolleyes:


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Guest dada_princess

Clips from YTN, oh, he's cute even when sleeping



PS: hopely, he can attend this ceremony today.... :rolleyes:


M won 3 awards and Best sound effects for His Voice :)


Best Picture - 'Secret Sunshine'

Best Director - Lee Chang Dong 'Secret Sunshine'

Best Actor - Song Kang Ho 'Secret Sunshine'

Best Actress - Jeon Do Yeon 'Secret Sunshine'

Best Supporting Actor - Sung Ji Roo 'Paradise Murdered'

Best Supporting Actress - Gong Hyo Jin 'Happiness'

Best New Director - Kim Mi Jung 'Shadows in the Palace'

Best New Actor - Daniel Henney 'My Father'

Best New Actress - Song Hye Gyo 'Hwang Jin Yi'

Best Original Screenplay - Choi Dong Hun 'Tazza'

Best Art Direction - Yoo Joo Ho & Yoon Sang Yoon 'M'

Best Cinematography - Hong Kyung Pyo 'M'

Best Editing - Shin Min Kyung 'Tazza'

Best Lighting - Choi Chul Soo 'M'

Best Sound Effects - Kim Suk Won, Kim Chang Sup, Lee Tae Gyu 'Voice of A Murderer'

Best Music - Bang Jun Suk 'Radio Star'

Best Visual Effects - 'D-War'



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2007년 영화, 최고의 악역 강동원

[마이데일리] 2007년 12월 03일(월) 오전 08:42


[마이데일리 = 이경호 기자] [연말 특집]

한국영화가 부진에 빠진 2007년 하지만 올해도 많은 영화에서 주인공 이상 영화를 빛낸 악역들의 눈부신 활약이 있었다.

특히 올해는 잘생긴 스타들이 지금까지 이미지를 깨고 악역연기에 도전해 많은 볼거리를 만들었다.

그 중 ‘그 놈 목소리’ 강동원은 영화에 얼굴이 단 한 장면도 등장하지 않지만 오직 목소리만으로 유괴범 역할을 완벽하게 그리며 상반기 최고 기록인 320만 관객을 이끌었다.

320만 관객 기록은 ‘디워’, ‘화려한 휴가’에 이은 올해 세 번째 관객동원 기록이다. 강동원은 주인공 설경구, 김남주 이상 많은 비중을 차지하며 홀로 한 축을 맡아 악역을 연기했다.

특히 목소리만으로 자신의 모든 감정을 표현해야 하는 어려움을 극복하고, 협박 전화를 거는 장면을 선배 연기자 설경구와 얼굴을 마주하고 연기하며 감정에 몰입하기도 했다. 강동원은 경찰에 녹음이 남아있는 실제 사건 범인의 목소리를 분석하고 지적이고 절대 당황하지 않는 특성을 지닌 차가운 목소리로 표현했다.

‘그 놈 목소리’의 제작사 영화사 집은 당초 강동원을 유괴범 역할에 캐스팅한 뒤 개봉직전까지 비밀로 할 계획이었다. 영화가 공개된 후 관객들이 ‘혹시 강동원 아니야?’라는 의문이 들도록 할 생각이었지만 캐스팅 사실이 소문이 나며 촬영 중간에 공개하기도 했다.

강동원과 함께 올해 악역연기가 빛난 배우로 ‘사랑’ 김민준. 약에 취한 듯 몽롱한 눈빛과 낮고 굵은 목소리로 “사랑해라 아주 영원히”라고 읊조리며 주인공 주진모에게 칼을 던지는 장면은 많은 관객들에게 깊은 인상을 남겼다.

특히 영화를 보고 난 관객이 악역 치곤 역할이 김민준이라는 사실을 못 알아보는 경우가 자주 있을 정도로 지금까지 보여줬던 이미지와 전혀 다른 캐릭터를 연기했다.

고향이 부산인 김민준은 ‘사랑’ 제작소식을 듣고 곽경택 감독을 직접 찾아가 단역, 카메오, 조연을 가리지 않고 함께 하고 싶다고 부탁했고 당초 비중이 작았던 치곤 역을 김민준이 맡아 촬영하며 조연 이상으로 커졌다.

이 밖에 올해 영화 속에서 주인공을 끈질기게 괴롭힌 인상적인 악역이 많았다. 보험금을 위해 팔을 자르는 ‘검은집’ 강신일과 유선, ‘우아한 세계’의 비열한 조폭 윤제문, ‘리턴’의 살인마 김태우, ‘식객’의 귀여운 악역 임원희 등이 영화를 빛냈다.

[사진=영화 `그 놈 목소리`에서 유괴범 역할을 목소리만으로 연기한 강동원]

(이경호 기자 rush@mydaily.co.kr)

기사 제보 및 보도자료

모바일 마이데일리 3693 + NATE/magicⓝ/ez-i

- NO1.뉴미디어 실시간 뉴스 마이데일리() 저작권자 ⓒ 마이데일리. 무단전재&재배포 금지 -

이경호 rush@mydaily.co.kr(기자)

^dadani, could you pls trans this news?

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Guest dada_princess


The 6th Korea film awards

Introduction of nominated movies <M> (by Lee Yeon Hee starring as Mimi)


Best Cinematography (choal young sang) -M


Best lighting (Jo myung sang) -M


Best Sound Effects (uhm hyang sang) -His voice (aka Voice of murderer)


Dongwonnie..he looks fairly tired in this photo :mellow: hixhix


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Guest dada_princess

Oceanluv, those captured pics are very impressive, right?...colour effects are well done though purple are favoured as the main stream of M. Congratulation to M and His voice :)

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Oceanluv, those captured pics are very impressive, right?...colour effects are well done though purple are favoured as the main stream of M. Congratulation to M and His voice :)

Dada Princess on the previous page where are all of the screen captures coming from like what website. I see dcdongwon gallery? Also I agree with you KDW does look pretty tired but he said that promoting his films are the least favorite as they are exhausting. I don't see how he does plus doesnt he have graduate school as well? :ph34r:

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Guest AlecRuby

Yes, Kang Dong Won Oppa is such a superb actor for movies. I can't believe he wasn't nominated for the best actor category. He would sure have a chance to go againest th Secret Sunshine winning actor. Anyway, I am very proud of Dong Won Oppa's effort. He definitely showed the Korean industy what his skills are and how he can capture many people's hearts with his good acting. He told the people that having a childlike face doesn't affect one's determination and passion for acting. Dong Won Oppa FIGHTIN'

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totaly love it.... :) so pure and bright....... :wub:

and yess...he looked a little pale...

maybe he just not in a good condition.....he's cover his body from toes to top..... :sweatingbullets:

hopely he's not under stress or anything.... :mellow:

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Guest subduing mara

Congrats to M and VOM, no doubts they deserved those awards!!

Oceanluv, his expressions in the captured scenes were somewhat strange but nice :D .

I wanna see it soon.

talking a bit about DW interview translation by dadani on several pages behind - he mentioned about snoking stuff. I am glad that he quit it and hope he will do more exercises like playing football or so.

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Guest dada_princess


It's old but fairly interesting so i translated...

[조선일보] [Why] 작품 적고, CF 거의 없는데… 영화배우 강동원 그에게 쏟아지는 환호, 환호

[Chosun Ilbo] [why] few movies, hardly any CF... but movie actor Gang Dong Won still get great praise

[왜 그는] 영화배우 강동원

그에게 쏟아지는 환호, 환호

처음 데뷔했을 땐 착한 남자 증후군으로 스트레스 엄청 받아

연예계는 살얼음판 X파일 정말 무서웠다

[Why] movie actor Gang Dong Won

Cheers are pouring down on him

During his debut, he got enormous stress by syndrome of virtuous guys

Entertainment world, a tricky situation's X file was really dreadful

최보윤 기자(글) spica@chosun.com

Reporter Choi Bo Yoon (writing)

이명원 기자(사진) mwlee@chosun.com

Reporter Lee Myung Won (photo)

영화배우 강동원. 작품 활동도 많지 않고, CF 출연도 거의 없는데도 그의 인기는 폭발적이다. 25일 개봉한 영화 ‘M’은 극과 극의 평가 속에도 ‘오로지 강동원 때문이라도 봐야 한다’는 의견이 다수를 이루고 있다.

Movie actor Gang Dong Won. Despite there are hardly any CF or movie (recently), his porpularity is tremendous. Among appraisal for the movie 'M' publicly premiered on the 25th, a majority opinion is realizable that 'have to watch the movie only because of Gang Dong Won".

―사람들이 왜 당신을 좋아한다고 생각하나.

Why do people like you so much.

“특이한 면이 있어서 그런 거 아닌가. 기존 관습에 얽매이지 않는다는 점을 높게 사는 것도 같다. 요즘 다들 좋게 봐주시는 거 같아서 무섭기도 하다.”

I have a peculiar face, but it is not the point. Perhaps i live loftily for unbound fortune in my preexistence practice. Recently, it frightens me when people seems enjoy watching for me only.

―본인에 대해 한마디로 평가한다면?

If you could appraise in a word?

“자신감이 많은 청년이다.”

Youth is full of self-confidence

―’자신감’과 ‘평가가 무섭다’는 말은 모순되는 거 같은데?

Does it sound contradictory between 'self-confidence' and 'appraisal is fearful'?

“분위기를 업(up)시켜주다가도 너무 업되면 누그러뜨리는 거 같다. 내년쯤 언론에서 ‘지금까지 운이 좋았을 뿐’ ‘그게 전부였다’ ‘거기까지가 한계’ 이렇게 나오면 어떡하나 싶다. 당연히 걱정된다.”

Allow me to soften my voice if the atmosphere becomes very up. Around the coming years, what shall i want to do if the press come out that 'until now it's due to luck' 'is that all' 'that's the limit'. Naturally, i become anxious.

―왜 연기를 하나? 공부도 잘했고 다른 일도 있을 텐데.

Why do you want to act? You studied very well and you can also do other work.

“우연히 모델이 되고, 연기 수업을 받았는데 적성에 잘 맞았다. 어느 정도는 스트레스가 있을 거라고 생각했지만, 이 정도일 줄은 몰랐다.”

“Becoming a model taught me acting lessions, but it was definitely an anxiety. To some extent, i thought of stress but i didn't know this extent.”

―어떤 종류의 스트레스를 말하는 건가?

Tell me about your sorts of stress?

“어 떤 모습을 보여줘야 할지, 앞으로 어떤 방향으로 나아갈지 고민이 많다. 하기 싫은데 어쩔 수 없이 해야 하는 일도 있다. 데뷔 초엔 ‘착한 남자(Good Person)’ 증후군 때문에 힘들었다. 무조건 좋은 사람인 척 해야 한다는 강박관념이 컸다. 하지만 2~3년 전부터 극복했다.”

“What shall i have to say, i have lot of agony as i move on to find future direction. AS follows, I hate that there are still things I have to do but I can do nothing. At the beginning of my debut I was very tired from the syndrome of ‘Good person’. I suffered from an obsession that I had to pretend to be an unconditional and good person. However i’ve restored myself since 2~3 years ago.”

―여기저기 나오면 돈도 많이 벌었을 텐데.

If you go out from place to place you can also make much more money.

“영화 ‘M’의 이명세 감독도 말씀하셨듯이, 돈이 사람을 행복하게 해주지는 않는 거 아닌가.”

“Director Lee Myung Se of movie ‘M’ also said the same thing as you, but money can’t make people happy.”

―연예인이란 직업이 안정과는 거리가 먼데.

Career as an actor and the stability, these ways are far away.

“여 긴 살얼음판이다. 미래에 대한 불안이 크다. 작은 실수 하나 했다가도 이민 가야 될 수도 있지 않나. ‘X파일’ 터졌을 때 무서웠다. 나보고 ‘까탈스럽고 못 됐다’는 평가는 그렇게 생각할 수도 있다고 넘겼다. 그런데 ‘공유, 조한선이랑 삼각관계다’ ‘게이 커뮤니티다’라는 얘기엔 어처구니가 없었다. 얼마 뒤 셋이 만났는데, ‘우리 중 누가 여자야? 네가 여자야?’ 그러면서 서로 웃어넘겼다. 부모님까지 걸고 넘어질 땐 화가 많이 났다. 그 뒤부터는 공유가 ‘자기야 뭐해’ 하는 식으로 장난 문자를 보내더라. 공유랑 집안끼리 사돈지간이라 친하다.”

Here it is a touchy situation. There will be big uneasiness in the future. Despite I committed some small blunders, it’s impossible that I have to immigrate. I was afraid of breaking down my ‘X file’. It passed over my mind that you see me and thus can have a judgment like ‘ am complicated and unacceptable’. also, I was dumbfounded when talking about ‘my three- cornered affair with Gong Yoo and Jo Han Sun’ or ‘here is the community’ (Dada: He means it’s rumored three of them are homosexual). Although three of us haven’t met for long, we laughed off such questions as ‘Who have to be female among us? You must be female?’ This rumor was spread over our parents and they were extremely angry. Since then, Gong Yoo sent me messages joking that ‘Honey, what to do’. In-laws are very close in Gong Yoo’s family.”

-그의 이야기는 자연스럽게 집안 이야기로 넘어갔다.

His story crossed over the story inside home naturally.

“외할머니께서 대단한 분이셨다. 작년에 돌아가셨는데, 임종하시기 직전까지 신문 보시고 내게 중요한 뉴스나 한자를 가르쳐주셨다. 할머니가 그 당시 이화여대 나오신 분이다. 정말 존경한다. 저희 외증조 할아버지도 훌륭한 분이셨다. 대동기업 회장(이종만•1885~1977• 울산 출생으로 일제시대 대동광업주식회사를 만들어 광석 채굴뿐만 아니라 교육, 출판 사업도 했다.)이셨는데, 금광 사업을 하셨다. 금광이 북한에 있어서 그 쪽에서 일하신 걸로 알고 있다. 그런데 쫄딱 망해서…. 외할아버지는 울산 고래잡이 1호셨다. 돈을 잘 버셨는데, 갑자기 포경 금지가 되면서 역시 망하셨다.”

Maternal grandmother is a great person. Last year when she returned home, until her last moments of life, she read newspapers and taught me some important Chinese characters (Dada: most of Korean newspapers are written in Chinese characters not Korean). My maternal grandmother was a student of Ewha Womans University at that time (Dada: One of the most prestigious and renowned universities in Korea). I really respect her. Grandfather of our maternal great-grandfather was also an excellent person. He was the chairman of Dae Dong enterprise corporation (Lee Jong Man -1885~1977- created not only Daedong Mining Company in Ulsan but also Publishing House and Technical School.), he carried on business of gold mining. (Dada: grandpa’s grandparents was really amazing, i was surprised when i first read this article: http://co-creationmiracles.com/?q=node/15 ). Gold is available in the North Korea, hence I know he worked there. However totally went to ruin, so… Maternal grandma was no.1 whale-woman in Ulsan. She made money very well, so when whale fishing was forbidden all of a sudden, she also went out.

―본인 성격하고 가장 비슷한 영화 속 캐릭터는 무엇인가?

What do your personality and character in the movie have in the most common?

“성격은 ‘M’하고 가장 비슷하다. 히스테리컬한 편이다. 일종의 ‘대인공포증’이 있어서 사람들과 어울리는 데 익숙하지 못하다.”

“Most common characteristic between my personality and M (?) It’s historical (히스테리컬). I get ‘anthropophobia’ while working so people can’t be well acquainted with me. (Dada: anthropophobia likes the fear of people while communicating). “

―약간 마른 것 같다. 영화 찍으면 체력 소모가 클 텐데. 보양식을 먹나?

The weather seemed somewhat dry. Your stamina must be very big while you star in a movie. Did you have some nutritional food?

“보 양식은 싫다. 밥만 잘 먹는다. 과자도 싫다. 한식만 먹고, 가끔 기분 나면 피자를 시켜 먹기도 한다. 돼지 국밥을 진짜 좋아한다. 그런데 서울에 없어서, 대신 순대 국밥이랑 설렁탕을 일주일에 4~5번 먹는다. 순대국밥은 영동대교 근처에 잘하는 집이 있고, 설렁탕은 잠원동 쪽에 자주 간다.”

“I hate nutritional food. I hate sweets too. I just eat Korean food and, sometimes if I am in good mood I will order a pizza. I really love dwaeji-gukbap (Dada: ~ $ 4/set, a representative regional hearty pork-parts soup of coastal Gyeongsang-do, Dongwon oppa’s hometown). However, it isn’t available in Seoul so I eat Seolleongtang (a kind of beef soup with rice) or Sundae-gukbab (rice-pork soup mixed with sliced beef and beancurd) 4~5 times instead on Sunday. There is a good sundae-gukbab restaurant nearby Yeongdong Bridge, and I also often go to Jam Won Dong for Seolleongtang.”(Dada: actually these food stuffs are very nutritional as for me and he also mentioned his farourite dishes in another interview: http://my.opera.com/dadani/blog/leedongjin-interview-2 )

―패션 아이콘으로 유명하다.

You are famous as an fashion icon.

“패션에 관심이 많다. 라프 시몬스(Raf Simons)와 언더커버, 넘버나인, 베르나드 윌헬름(Bernhard willhelm)을 좋아하다. (그가 말한 디자이너 브랜드들은 아방가르드하고 독특한 일본 풍이 짙게 밴 명품 브랜드로 2~3년 전부터 파리 컬렉션 등에서도 주목 받고 있다) 사진도 많이 보고, 사이트도 많이 돌아다니면서 정보를 얻는다.”

“I have much interest in fashion. I like designer Raf Simons with UC (undercover), Number nine and Bernhard willhelm. (Those are designer’s brands which are avant-garde and his unique Japanese style via his brand that added value to for people’s appearance (밴 명품) appealed to much attention 2~3 years ago at Paris Collection etc) I see many photos and also visit website to obtain information.”

―지금 연기자 생활에 만족하나?

Are you pleased with your life as an actor now?

“물론이다. 하지만 죽은 뒤 다시 한국에서 태어난다면 연예인을 하고 싶지는 않다. 운동선수로 태어나고 싶다. 사생활이 포기되는 건 고통이다. 감수해야 하는 일이지만, 힘들 때도 많다.”

Of course I am. However after I die even if i was born in Korea, I don’t want to be an entertainer. I wanna be born a sport player. It’s painful to abandon my private life. Although I have to decrease my workload, I still feel very tired.

Translation is available on Dec 5


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Guest dada_princess

Oh my God, soompi's server was down for a while... and i can't access here

Oppa's fanclub on Soompi (i was supposed to make it in advance but someone else did already ^_^


Dada Princess on the previous page where are all of the screen captures coming from like what website. I see dcdongwon gallery? Also I agree with you KDW does look pretty tired but he said that promoting his films are the least favorite as they are exhausting. I don't see how he does plus doesnt he have graduate school as well? :ph34r:

It's good that oceanluv often goes to DCinside and pick up photos for our thread (thank you so much ;) ) I spend time on Daum and Naver instead. Various source of info would be better, i think :). I got what you mean. he's so cool and perfect to handle many difficult tasks simultaneously. Bravo oppa!

that pic he look really tired but i like this one :)


So cool in this pic, i love it too :lol: But where he's gone these days after those promotions, i hardly heard of anything new hixhix


totaly love it.... :) so pure and bright....... :wub:

and yess...he looked a little pale...

maybe he just not in a good condition.....he's cover his body from toes to top..... :sweatingbullets:

hopely he's not under stress or anything.... :mellow:

i hope X'mas could help him relieve stress soon... i'm not sure :huh:

He mentioned about snoking stuff. I am glad that he quit it and hope he will do more exercises like playing football or so.

He did quit smoking already :D

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Guest subduing mara

I've joined KDW fan club.. thanks for inviting me in , dadani :D

From his interview, seems he still has lot of stresses and too serious on perfectionism ideology. To some extents, I do understand him, but rather need him to be a bit more optimistic and be more relax. At his age, he should enjoy with his life as life is short, so he could live it for himself not for others.

He mentioned quite often lately as seen on the interview about soccer stuff, I wish he could have time to get back on the grass field.. he will be more happy, I believe :wub:

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