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Kang Dong-Won 강동원 [Upcoming movies: “The Plot”, “Dr. Cheon and Lost Talisman”, “ War and Revolt”]


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The biggest surprise was Cho In-sung. Not even included on the list last year, his performance in “A Dirty Carnival” brought him recognition as an actor and the fifth spot on the list. Nos. 3 to 5 on the list Cho Seung-woo, Kang Dong-won and Cho In-sung look like the glue that will hold Chungmuro together. Hyun Bin (16th) and Lee Jun-ki (19th) also garnered plaudits for their parts this year. There were no new female stars on the list, but Song Hye-kyo (14th), Choi Kang-hee (19th) and Goh Hyun-jeong (20) were all either in their first film or part of hits that brought them new recognition as actors.

KDW is about to really kill it with M, he definitely is not to be taken lightly as he will bring his A++ game to the show. I see Kwon Sang Woo is in trouble but we will see later on this year how Destiny does,right now though KDW is the leader of the pack go get em KDW. It's been a second since we've seen him kick up major dust but he will this year. :D

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Guest bratzjoyce

He excels in an eerie role

By Chang May Choon

October 02, 2007

IT is the chilling voice of a cold-blooded murderer.

Yet, it comes from Korea's hottest heart-throb - boyish actor Kang Dong Won.

In the movie Voice Of Murderer, opening here on Thursday, he plays a cunning man who abducts a boy and torments his parents with threatening phone calls.

You won't get to see his handsome face, except for the occasional silhouette of him in a black shirt with matching baseball cap.

But his low-pitched, detached and deliberately mocking voice is unforgettable.

Even a police officer who watched the film analysed Dong Won's voice as 'highly intelligent', 'calm', 'cold-hearted' and 'ruthless'.

Dong Won, 26, sure nailed his faceless villain role, despite initial surprise at his unconventional choice.

Both fans and movie critics alike were wowed by his performance - also evident in the amazing 3.1million admissions in Korea in February.

As the movie is based on a true kidnapping case in 1991 that remains unsolved, Dong Won analysed voice recordings provided by the police and did his best to imitate the abductor's tone.

My Daily reported that director Park Jin Pyo was 'very satisfied' with Dong Won's voice, which 'becomes more and more scary'.

Sol Kyung Gu, who plays the news-anchor father who loses his cool after his son is kidnapped, was also moved by Dong Won's devotion to hiswork.


Dong Won's voice is only heard over the phone in the movie, but he insisted being on the set and spoke directly to Kyung Gu in numerous car scenes where the murderer calls the father on his car phone.

Kyung Gu, 39, said: 'There's no role that an actor cannot do. Instead of saying he's making a transformation, why not say that Kang Dong Won is only showing the audience one part of him that he already has?'


Arguably the Johnny Depp of Korea, Dong Won actually started out as a teen idol in romantic films like Temptation Of Wolves.

But he has since shed his pretty boy image by taking on dark, offbeat roles - just like Depp did.

Dong Won first won praise in 2005 for playing an assassin named Sad Eyes in the swordfighting flick Duelist.

Last year, he attracted more than three million admissions to his gloomy, melodramatic film Maundy Thursday.

He played a death row inmate who meets a female prisoner (Lee Na Young) and falls in love.

Coming up next is the mystery-romance M, in which he plays a troubled novelist who is caught between reality and fantasy.

Obviously, Dong Won is setting out to earn recognition as a credible actor and not just a pretty face.

He told The Chosun Ilbo: 'It'd be good if I can be seen as a monster-like actor with a thousand faces, who can immerse fully in his characters and move people with his performance.

'But, of course I still have a long way to go.'

But no matter what unusual role he plays, it seems his fans still view him as the quintessential heart-throb.

Two rather unflattering pictures of him surfaced online early this year - one of him looking like a mess the morning after a drinking session, and another of him clad in a dowdy red jacket matched with a thick gold chain.

But, according to Korean news website Joins.com, his fans still raved about how 'suave' he looked despite his hangover, and how no one else but he can pull off the red jacket.

Also, his name often comes up when female stars are asked who their ideal type is.

K-popster BoA is an unabashed fan, while Japan's Miki Nakatani said she turned down an invitation to lunch with him because 'I was afraid I can't control myself (in his presence)'.

Korea's sexiest singer Lee Hyo Lee also named Dong Won as her ideal type during a TV show late last year.

'He looks so gentlemanly no matter what he wears. Even in a prisoner's clothing, he still seems suave to me.'

Well, the good news is that Dong Won is now single, after breaking up with his model ex-girlfriend months ago, reported My Daily.

He said there is 'no particular reason' for the split, and they are now 'good friends who support each other'.

Girls, it's time to pounce on this hottie!


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Guest dada_princess

But he has since shed his pretty boy image by taking on dark, offbeat roles - just like Depp did.

Dong Won first won praise in 2005 for playing an assassin named Sad Eyes in the swordfighting flick Duelist.

Last year, he attracted more than three million admissions to his gloomy, melodramatic film Maundy Thursday.

He played a death row inmate who meets a female prisoner (Lee Na Young) and falls in love.


Generally, this article brings out high compliments on Dw's performance...But...it's a pity that the writer wrote it not basing on her direct watching Dongwon's movies.

You see, not to mention previously other films, 'Temptation of the wolves' must be the movie for which DW won first praise right from 2004 in the country and abroad as well. Also this year, Dong Won together with Moon Geun Young were named as stars of the year/ top stars. Right after that he starred in Duelist as Sad eyes which was highly praised at the 10th Piff. Perhaps this is an internatonal festival and this writer thinks that Duelist is his first sucess???

Also, it's really ridiculous to say that Lee Na Young...she's an prisoner in 'Maundy thursday'... OMG... This writer shouldnot have watched the movie indeed.

And i dont like the way she/he compared our Dong Won with JOHNNY DEPP. So does Dong Won oppa, i think. they have nothing in common and are quite different in terms of acting, outlook, virtues and so on...

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‘앳된 강동원-이연희 눈길’ 삼각 미스터리 ‘M’ 사랑의 실체 공개


[뉴스엔 김미영 기자]

강동원 공효진 이연희 주연의 영화 ‘M’(감독 이명세/제작 프로덕션M)이 본 예고편을 공개했다.

이번 예고편에서는 현재의 사랑 공효진과 첫사랑 돌아온 첫사랑 이연희 사이에서 흔들리는 강동원, 세 사람이 펼치는 사랑의 실체를 본격적으로 담아냈다.

본 예고편에서는 그동안 좀처럼 드러나지 않았던 ‘M’ 세 남녀의 러브스토리가 본격적으로 펼쳐진다. 민우(강동원 분)의 곁을 맴도는 미미(이연희 분)의 나지막한 목소리로 시작되는 ‘M’의 예고편은 11년 전 두 사람의 첫사랑 모습이 최초로 등장한다.

풋풋하고 사랑스러운 강동원-이연희의 첫사랑 모습은 순수하고 아름답게 그려진다. 특히 고등학생으로 분한 강동원과 이연희의 앳된 모습은 관객의 호기심을 자극시키고 있다.

그러나 11년 전 첫사랑의 순간을 지나 현재 베스트셀러 소설가가 된 민우의 모습이 등장하면서 ‘M’의 예고편은 미스터리로 급반전된다. 어느 날부터인가 자신을 쫓는 듯한 시선을 느끼는 민우와 그를 지켜보며 주변을 맴도는 미미의 추격전은 신비하고 매혹적인 비주얼과 함께 미스터리의 정점을 보여준다.

민우를 바라보는 약혼녀 은혜(공효진 분)의 불안한 시선과 미미의 슬픈 눈빛이 교차되는 예고편은 화려한 영상 뿐 아니라 애틋한 감성으로 관객들의 마음을 움직이고 있다. 특히 예고편의 말미에는 기타연주와 함께 주제곡 ‘안개’를 부르는 강동원의 모습이 담겨 있어 눈길을 끈다.

슬프도록 무섭고 아름다운 사랑이야기 ‘M’은 25일 개봉한다.

김미영 grandmy@newsen.com

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강동원, 부산에서 가장 만나고 싶은 배우 1위


[이데일리 SPN 김용운기자] 영화 'M'의 강동원이 올해 부산국제영화제에서 가장 만나고 싶은 배우 1위에 꼽혔다.

이명세 감독의 미스터리 멜로영화 ‘M’으로 지난 2005년 이후 2년 만에 부산국제영화제를 찾게 된 강동원은 지난 9월 27일부터 포털 사이트 네이버에서 진행 중인 'PIFF특집, 부산을 찾는 스타들 중 가장 만나고 싶은 스타는?'이라는 설문조사에서 전도연, 기무라 다쿠야를 제치고 1위를 달리고 있다.

전체 참여 네티즌 중 29%의 지지를 얻어 1위에 오른 강동원의 뒤를 이어 송혜교, 기무라 다쿠야, 전도연, 사와지리 에리카, 이연희, 유지태가 순위에 올랐다.

강동원이 모든 것을 가진 소설가 한민우로 변신한 영화 'M'은 ‘형사 Duelist’ 이후 이명세 감독의 차기작으로 기대를 모았으며 올해 부산국제영화제 상영 티켓 판매 오픈 45초 만에 매진돼 팬들의 관심을 증명하기도 했다.

▶ 관련기사 ◀

<저작권자ⓒ 함께 만들고 함께 즐기는 엔터테인먼트 포털, ‘이데일리 SPN’>

- 당사의 기사를 사전 동의 없이 링크, 전재하거나 배포하실 수 없습니다 -

최은영(기자) euno@


[Dongwon places no.1, the actor whom people want to see most at PIFF]





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Generally, this article brings out high compliments on Dw's performance...But...it's a pity that the writer wrote it not basing on her direct watching Dongwon's movies.

You see, not to mention previously other films, 'Temptation of the wolves' must be the movie for which DW won first praise right from 2004 in the country and abroad as well. Also this year, Dong Won together with Moon Geun Young were named as stars of the year/ top stars. Right after that he starred in Duelist as Sad eyes which was highly praised at the 10th Piff. Perhaps this is an internatonal festival and this writer thinks that Duelist is his first sucess???

Also, it's really ridiculous to say that Lee Na Young...she's an prisoner in 'Maundy thursday'... OMG... This writer shouldnot have watched the movie indeed.

And i dont like the way she/he compared our Dong Won with JOHNNY DEPP. So does Dong Won oppa, i think. they have nothing in common and are quite different in terms of acting, outlook, virtues and so on...

Well DADA I can agree with some of your assessment but to be compared to Johnny Depp is a good thing, It means KDW is finally coming out of that boyish role that some girls can not seem to let go of. He can't play the cutie pie all of the time. As an actor one has to dig deep within themselves to find a way to move the audience. The best actors like Johnny Depp can do that and that is what an actor wants. ONe wants to be versatile for that is what seperates the Russell Crowes, Denzel Washingtons, Johnny Depps, Tom Hanks, from the average ones you see just in tv dramas or on a local stage. I believe KDW can be a superstar. The spotlight cant shine on Kwon Sang Woo forever. Its KDW's time now to show the world what he is made of.

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Guest 'nuffsaid

He told The Chosun Ilbo: 'It'd be good if I can be seen as a monster-like actor with a thousand faces, who can immerse fully in his characters and move people with his performance.

Wow. I really like what he said here.

Kang Dong Won is not just a pretty-face indeed!!

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Guest ripgal

Yes, I concur with all of you, that KDW is not just an actor with an appealing appearance, but one with immense acting abilities. A diamond within all the gems indeed..

I was going to repost the article on him..but somebody has done so already.

I was really happy after reading that article, altho it does not really reflect how the writer actually sees him from watching his movies. But yeah, it's good that he's in the same league as Johnny Depp of Hollywood, who happens to be one of my fav Hol celebs as well. Both of them do not rely highly on their alluring and charming appearances, but always try to prove themselves worthy of an actor other than one of a flower vase. And Kang Dong Won, I bet a lot of you will agree with me, be it his fans or not, will agree 100% that he is definitely one of the best young talents out there.. no doubt about it.. (it's scary that I can't even compare him with actor of his age... he seems to be further off in the league of more veteran actors like Lee Jung Jae, Jang Dong Gun and others..)

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Guest dada_princess

Johnny Depp is one of my fav actors and i like him too ;) Yeah, i totally agree with all of you that DW's standing the same league as this actor to some extent... Yet i believe that every comparison is quite unfair for these two talented good looking actors. They have their own way to go ahead... One thing that remains between them is the haven of their will toward acting must be the shoreless support from fans around the world :)

M dominates amazingly in this small poll, i voted and so do you ^^ following are 'Happiness' <행복>and 'Imperial maid'<궁녀>

10월 개봉 예정 한국영화 중 가장 기대되는 영화는?

which movie will become blockbuster amongst movies whose premieres are in this October?



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Guest kdramafanusa

(source: http://www.arirang.co.kr/)

Film Directors and Their Favorite Actors

Film directors often forge a strong bond or an alliance with their favorite actors. This is particularly true with some renowned film directors who have repeatedly cast same actors in their films.

For instance, American film director Martin Scorsese is well known for teaming up with Robert De Niro. Today's EXTRA PLUS will take a close look at some of the greatest director-actor duos of Korean cinema.

Lee Joon-ik and Jung Jin-young

First, let's take a look at the partnership between director Lee Joon-ik and Jung Jin-young who have recently collaborated on yet another film.

Director Lee has teamed up with Jung not only in his hit films like "Hwang San Bul" and "King And The Clown" but also in his latest film "A Joyful Life" which has hit theaters in the Chuseok holiday season.

Jung Jin-young who stars as a guitarist in "A Joyful Life," which portrays a group of middle-aged men's last-ditch effort to escape from their humdrum life by forming a rock band, has already been cast in Director Lee Joon-ik's upcoming film "You Are Far Away," which is scheduled to hit theaters in the summer of 2008.

In the new film, which revolves around a woman who joins an army troupe in a desperate attempt to meet her husband dispatched to Vietnam in 1971 during the Vietnam War, Jung Jin-young will play a business-minded saxophone player who organizes the troupe in pursuit of money.

Jang Jin and Jung Jae-young

Director Jang Jin and Jung Jae-young is also known as one of the greatest director-actor team in the Korean film industry. They worked together on most of their films, including "Guns & Talks," "Someone Special," "Welcome To Dongmakgol," and "Righteous Ties."

Ever since the two first met in college and became friends, they have teamed up for numerous plays, as well as short and feature films.

Lee Myung-se and Kang Dong-won

Director Lee Myung-se and Kang Dong-won are also another golden duo of Korea Cinema. The pair, who teamed up in the 2005 film "Duelist," a martial arts detective story set during Korea's Joseon Dynasty, have joined hands once more in the new film "M."

Kang Dong-won plays a successful writer who happens to meet his first love Mimi for the first time in 11 years while working on a manuscript under a pressing deadline. Director Lee Myung-Se depicts Kang's memory and oblivion, and the chase of reality and fiction with the highly stylistic use of mise-en-sc?e, just as he had perfected in "Duelist."

When it was premiered at the 32nd Toronto International Film Festival, where it was invited to the festival's "Visions Section," "M" received rave reviews from critics and audiences alike. People, who watched the film, not only gave a standing ovation, but was also eager to learn every aspect of it during the Q&A session held after its screening. When director Lee appeared at the photo session, the camera flashes went off from everywhere, reflecting the heightened interest in his latest work.

As we have learned today, a considerable number of notable Korean film directors have forged strong partnerships with actors. Perhaps, one of the main driving forces behind their success would be their trust and friendship with actors. This wraps up today's EXTRA PLUS which has examined some of the golden director-actor duos of Korean cinema. We wish them all the best and hope they will continue to maintain their strong bond.

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Guest syille


thanks oceanluv....woohooo...mvio man....

my desktop will change with these fresh looks....


the one with flowers...hehe...remind me of him when he still with patech&curitel's ...

with the same expression also....more mature but still cute at the same time....

and "M"....again...with wallies..... a large gomapta........ :)

gaaahhhhfff......really hard to keep being patient in this waiting time......till i be able to watch it.....

thanks kdramafanusa 4 the news...

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Guest subduing mara

Good day everyone :D ..

There's only one day to go for the big event.. Wondering if he would feel exciting like we do. :w00t:

Thx for those mvio posters, oceanluv.. interesting! DW is absolutely cool esp with an innocent character he did in M.. I have no doubt why he is the celebs that people wanted to see the most in PIFF. tomorrow ^__^

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PIFF news of today.

PIFF 개막! 관전 포인트로 즐겨라~

2007년 10월 4일(목) 12:16 [YTN STAR]


세 번째 관전 포인트는 스타를 즐겨라 인데요. 영화제에선 보다 적극적으로 관객을 만나려는 스타들과의 만남의 시간이 많이 준비 돼 있습니다. 영화 〈밀양〉, 〈황진이〉, 〈M〉 등의 주연배우 전도연, 송혜교, 강동원 등의 배우들이 부산을 직접 찾아 영화 상영 뒤 관객과 만남의 시간을 가집니다.

DL clip here >> URL mms://newsvod.nate.com/news/asf/2007/10/04/200710041216292047_s.wmv

source >> http://cyplaza.cyworld.com/media/news/View...100412162958187

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Guest ripgal

I saw the M preview.. and I LOVED IT!

Altho I didn't really understand what was said thru out..I really liked the combination of mystery and suspense highlighted inside.

KDW's eyes really speak volumes..and when he spoke, I was like :wub:.. man how can anybody resist this guy?

I really can't wait to watch the movie already! :w00t:

Oh just a question about his appearance in the PIFF event, why was he scheduled to attend a later event and not with the other casts and director?

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I saw the M preview.. and I LOVED IT!

Altho I didn't really understand what was said thru out..I really liked the combination of mystery and suspense highlighted inside.

KDW's eyes really speak volumes..and when he spoke, I was like :wub:.. man how can anybody resist this guy?

I really can't wait to watch the movie already! :w00t:

Oh just a question about his appearance in the PIFF event, why was he scheduled to attend a later event and not with the other casts and director?

Good question he might be busy,isnt he in graduate school? Then again we will see if he shows up on the red carpet.

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Guest dada_princess

Good question he might be busy,isnt he in graduate school? Then again we will see if he shows up on the red carpet.

[M] will be screened 4 times at the 12th PIFF. On Oct 6, Gang Dong Won will attend 'Guest Visit' in theatre Megabox 5 at 18:30. Just wait a little bit more ^^

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Guest dada_princess

In addition, he wont be present at the open air stage. I guess this is due to the Olhae incident the last 2 years.

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dada, trans this news please....


영화보다 재밌는 영화제 뒷이야기

[오마이뉴스] 2007년 10월 05일(금) 오전 11:19


▲ 마지막 희망은 현장판매 300장. 이마저도 사지 못한 시민들은 먼발치에서나마 영화제를 즐길 수 밖에 없었다.

ⓒ 정민규

'영화의 바다'로 가는 가장 빠른 길. 제12회 부산국제영화제가 4일 저녁 부산 수영만요트경기장에서 화려한 막을 올렸다. 개막식장은 이른 아침부터 개막식을 지켜보기 위해 몰려든 팬들로 인산인해를 이뤘다. 간간이 비가 뿌리는 굳은 날씨에도 팬들은 영화제의 매력에 흠뻑 빠져들었다. 영화의 바다 부산국제영화제, 그 개막식 이모저모를 정리해본다.

현장판매분 300장을 구해라

이번 부산국제영화제는 예매분을 제외한 당일 현장판매분을 따로 두고 있다. 17분 만에 매진돼버린 개막식 표를 구하지 못한 영화팬들은 300여 장밖에 준비되지 않은 현장판매분을 구하기 위해 긴 줄을 서야 했다. 경기도 시흥에서 새벽 6시 20분에 도착했다는 한 영화팬은 이제 곧 개막식이 시작된다는 생각에 설렘을 감추지 못했다.

대한해협을 건넌 열혈 일본팬들

유명 영화배우를 한자리에서 만날 수 있는 개막식을 찾은 일본인 관람객들이 유난히 눈에 띄었다.

개막 하루 전날 입국해 아침 11시부터 줄을 서 겨우 현장판매분 티켓을 손에 쥐었다는 와카코 에크리(37)씨는 "강동원씨를 만나고 싶어요"라며 활짝 웃어보였다(안타깝게도 이날 강동원은 참석하지 않았다). 수많은 일본팬들은 배우들이 입장할 때마다 입을 모아 "스고이(굉장해)"를 연발하며 저마다 축제를 즐겼다.


▲ 강동원이 보고싶어 홀로 입국했다는 한 일본팬은 직접 만든 티셔츠를 입고 나타나 눈길을 끌었다.

ⓒ 정민규


source: http://kr.news.yahoo.com/service/news/shel...;newssetid=1352

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