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Your Vietnamese Full Name?

Guest love_pixie

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Guest jennyfer<3






























mine viet name is Le Nguyen Bao Uyen.


























my eng one is Jenny Le.


























i like it :)



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Guest youraDouche.










my full viet name is lina yen le.






english name is still lina haha.



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Guest tea-light
















































































































































I`m not a vietnamese and i don`t have any vietnamese names















































































































































































































































































bu indeed, viet names are so interesting!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































I`ve been wondering, why does most of vietnamese have "Nguyen"































































































































































































































































































in their names ? :) I saw the word "Nguyen" in most of the vietnamese































































































































































































































































































names i see. Just wondering why.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway, i loved reading & knowing you guys' viet names ;] So cool!































































































































































































































































































Nguyen is probably one of the most common Viet last names, that's why. :) I saw on Wikipedia it said that 40% of the Viet population is a Nguyen. Anyways, I'm not part of that 40%. Here's my full name:
















































































































































Kieu Thi My Huynh

















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Guest makirollx3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My Vietnamese name is Mai Nghe. It's part of my legal name (middle and last).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I actually wish mine was longer. ):

































































































































































































































































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Guest aznxmushu
































































































































































































































































Do Thi Lan Anh





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i was suppose to have Nguyen as my last name like my siblings but then my parent's divorced and so Do is my mom's surname. =T































































































































































































































































unfortunately through out my life i went through a bunch of nicknames from my relatives.































































































































































































































































like then i was little till like 5 the elders called me be' thi... be translate into baby and thi is my middle name.































































































































































































































































then when i get into trouble my mom would yell my full first LAN ANH and and my Little cousins who can't pronounce my name would call me lanh chanh... i think that translate into gullible >_> but now everyone just calls me lan... wow story of my life...

































































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Guest BaoQuyen







Do Phung Bao Quyen ^_^









But just the simple Bao Quyen is what most Vietnamese people will call me.









No English name, just Quyen. KWI-YEN. I don't like it when people say it as QUINN.









THAT would be my sister's name, Quynh, hahaha. ;)


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Guest plumplum








Do Phung Bao Quyen ^_^













But just the simple Bao Quyen is what most Vietnamese people will call me.















No English name, just Quyen. KWI-YEN. I don't like it when people say it as QUINN.















THAT would be my sister's name, Quynh, hahaha. ;)















I LOVE Bảo Quyên and Bảo Quỳnh, I think they sound so nice. I know they're usually for girls, but could they also be boys' names? I know boys can have Bảo but not sure about the others.



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Guest BaoQuyen


I LOVE Bảo Quyên and Bảo Quỳnh, I think they sound so nice. I know they're usually for girls, but could they also be boys' names? I know boys can have Bảo but not sure about the others.





Haha thanks! :lol: Actually my sister's would be Giang Quynh. Yeahh I know for sure Bao can be part of a guy's name, but not Quyen. Quynh can be a guys name, but I don't think it's that common.


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English: Kimberly Noelle Ngo































































































































































































































































Vietnamese: Ngo Thi Ty
































































































































































































































































































































































































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your names are so pretty-sounding to the ears! and they roll off your tongue so nicely. :) well, except this...

phuc dat bich















poor, poor boy.

i was just wondering what's the format when you write your names? is it last name + first name + middle name? cos i see a lot putting their last names in the end and some put them in the beginning. and what's the difference between full names and legal names? sorry for too many questions but this really interests me! :)



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Guest deflate
























































































































































My Viet name is Trinh. It means... innocence, haha. It's also my legal middle name. P:









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Quan My Tran Tran





it's not official





my name is actually just Emily





but my grandpa gave me a vietnamese name for the sake of having one





noone actually uses it





except my greek friend


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-censored- Nguyen
































































































































Haha :D

































































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Guest ladiexloan
Nguyen Thi Thanh Van

Nguyen Thi Thanh Lien. Stupid typical Vietnamese name >[

my buddhist name is Quang Dam Thanh

My birth certificate says Lien Thanh Thi Nguyen,

but my social security card and school ID say Thanh-Lien Thi Nguyen.

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Guest XangelXtranX
Vietnamese name: Huong Phan

Call me that and die.

ahah!! you made me laugh just ur style of speaking its cute ;]

Hieu Nguyen

Haha :D

MUAHAHA!! finally i noe ur last name naoo ;]

Ahem..My name is Tran Thi Thuy Vin O______O


No english name but PLEASE CALL ME Vii !

My family call me Vinh like wth .. u named me SAY IT RIGHT!

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Guest captainSOOSHI








huyen tran tran.






named after princess huyen tran.






siiigh, i feel so speshal *0*






and YOSH, i am aware that i have two tran's in my name.






my mom likes to take advantage of that & call me tran-tran.






she says it sounds "chinese". keep believing, mother.


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